
[see also: look, occur, seem, turn out, turn up, look]

However, no extension in this direction has appeared in the literature.

The statement does appear in [3] but there is a simple gap in the sketch of proof supplied.

It will eventually appear that the results are much more satisfactory than one might expect.

The zeros appear at intervals of $2m$.

Every prime in the factorization appears to an even power.

No analogue of such a metric appears to be available for $Z$.

Conditions relating to bounds on the eigenvalues appear to be rare in the literature.

At first glance, this appears to be a strange definition. [= seems to be]

Neighbourhoods of points in these spaces appear at first glance to have a nice regular structure, but upon closer scrutiny, one sees that many neighbourhoods contain collections of arcs hopelessly folded up.

This may appear rather wasteful, especially when $n$ is close to $m$, but these terms only give a small contribution to our sum.

It does not appear feasible to adapt the methods of this paper to ......

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