
[see also: selection]

Thus $F$ is independent of the choice of the family $S$.

Indeed, it is routine to verify that the index so constructed is independent of the choices made.

We do not know how $V$ depends on the various choices made.

The choice of $A$ is clearly irrelevant, so assume $A=0$.

Our choice of $V$ shows that ......

With this choice of $b$, ......

For this choice of $\alpha,\beta$ and with $u=z=s$, the expression (5.3) simplifies greatly.

Corresponding to each choice of $V$ there is a function $f$ such that ......

The problem is that, whatever the choice of $F$, there is always another function $f$ such that ......

This just amounts to a choice of units.

By choice of $V$, ......

Having established (1), one might be tempted to try to extend this result to general $p$ through the choice of a suitable ideal $B$.

There are $O(1)$ possible choices for $x$.

Where there is a choice of several acceptable forms, that form is selected which ......

It is the freedom of choice of $D$ in this construction that enables us to ......

On the other hand, there is enormous ambiguity about the choice of $M$.

In order to carry out the construction, we must make a judicious choice of $P$.

By revising our choice of $A$ if necessary, we may assume that ......

Go to the list of words starting with: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z