

[see also: finish, conclude]

We close this section with a discussion of ......

We close this article by addressing, in part, the case of what happens if we replace the map $T$ by convolution.

In closing this section we take up a result which will play a pivotal role in the characterization of ......

We close this off by characterizing ......


[see also: near]

We have to check that $F$ does not get too close to $p$.

for $t$ close to 0

Part of the conclusion is that $F$ moves each $z$ closer to the origin than it was.

Let $P$ be a point of $U$ closest to $Q$.

It is this point of view which is close to that used in $C^*$-algebras.

See [AB] for a proof that is close to the original one.

The above bound on $a_n$ is close to best possible $\langle$to the best possible$\rangle$.

The products $F_iG_i$ are very close to satisfying (1).

How close does Theorem 1 come to this conjecture?

These results therefore describe the very close connection between the method of encoding and the structures we are aiming to classify.

Go to the list of words starting with: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z