
[see also: extend, go on, proceed, pursue, remain, persist, stick, still]

Suppose that the process continues indefinitely.

Continuing in this fashion, we get a collection $\{V_r\}$ of open sets, one for every rational $r$, with ......

Continuing in this manner, we see that for $\sigma \ge 4$, the curve $C_{4k+3}$ is found in the half-strip $B$.

This recursion continues, producing a sequence of finite sets such that ......

By abuse of notation, we continue to write $f$ for $f_1$.

Since $Z$ is a finite set, we may continue subtracting suitable scalar multiples of the $x_i$ from $x$.

Let us continue with the proof of Theorem 2.

An obvious question to ask is whether the assertion of Theorem 1 continues to hold for ......

This paper, for the most part, continues this line of investigation.

This work continues research begun in [5].

Go to the list of words starting with: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z