

We write $z=(x,y)$ for the common point of $A$ and $B$.

We first consider the M/G/1 queue, where M (for “Markov”) means that ......

For $D$ a smooth domain, the following are equivalent.

For $m$ not an integer, the norm can be defined by interpolation.

For (ii), consider ...... [= To prove (ii), consider]

Now (3) is clear. As for (4), it is an immediate consequence of Lemma 6. [= Concerning (4)]

Thus $F$ is integrable for the product measure.

Then for such a map to exist, we must have $H(M)=0$.

The problem with this approach is that $V$ has to be $C^1$ for (3) to be well defined.

Computing $f(y)$ can be done by enumerating $A(y)$ and testing each element for membership in $C$.

Therefore, the system (5) has a solution of the sought-for type.


[see also: because]

We must have $Lf=0$, for otherwise we can replace $f$ by $f-Lf$. [= because otherwise]

It turns out that it suffices to show that $A=1$, for if this is proved, the preceding remark shows that ......

[This use of for sometimes leads to confusion; e.g., never write: “for $x\in X$” if you mean: since $x\in X$. Also, avoid starting a sentence with a  For in this sense.]

[Do not use for followed by an ing-form to indicate the purpose of one's actions: instead of: “For showing that $f$ is bounded, we observe”, write: To show that $f$ is bounded, we observe. However, you can use for to indicate the `purpose' of a thing: This provides a method for recognizing pure injective modules.]

Go to the list of words starting with: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z