
[see also: moment, simultaneously]

an impulse acting at time $t=0$

This path stays in $B$ for all time.

This can be performed in $O(n)$ time.

The problem is to move all the discs to the third peg by moving only one at a time.

At times [= Occasionally] it will be useful to consider ......

We prove both lemmas at the same time.

At the time of writing [5], I was not aware of this reference.

It has been known for some time that ......

But this time boundedness on $U$ is enough; we do not need continuity on $V$.

Then $A$ has three times as many elements as $B$ has.

The integral of $F$ is $r$ times the sum of ......

Thus $X$ has $r$ times the length of $Y$.

The diameter of $A$ is three times that of $B$.

Clearly, $F$ is $r$ times as long as $G$.

Applying this argument $k$ more times, we obtain ......

......where $z^k=z... z$ ($k$ times)

Let $K$ be the number of times that $z$ returns to $B$.

Repeating this procedure enough times gives the desired triangulation.

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