Jaroslaw Buczynski Title: Webs of Legendrian projective spaces Abstract: We show that there are no nontrivial webs of Legendrian projective spaces on projective contact manifolds. This answers positively a question of S. Kebekus and J.-M. Hwang. As a consequence, if the variety of minimal rational tangents (VMRT) of a contact manifold is linear (i.e. it is a union of linear subspaces), then the contact manifold must be either a projective space or a projectivisation of a tangent bundle. As another consequence, there is no degree 1 embedding of an n-dimensional projective space into a 2n+1 dimensional contact Fano manifold with second Betti number 1. An analogous result for webs of Lagrangian tori in hyperkähler manifolds was conjectured by A. Beauville and shown by J.-M. Hwang, R. Weiss, D. Greb, Ch. Lehn, S. Rollenske, D. Matsushita.