Simone Diverio (SAPIENZA Università di Roma) Title: Pointwise universal Gysin formulae and positivity of some characteristic forms Abstract: In the last few years there has been a renewed interest around an old conjecture by Griffiths characterizing which should be the positive characteristic forms for any given Griffiths positive holomorphic Hermitian vector bundle. According to this conjecture, they should be precisely the characteristic forms belonging to the positive cone spanned by the Schur forms. After recalling the various notions of positivity for holomorphic Hermitian vector bundles, and how they are (or should be) related, we shall explain a recent result obtained in collaboration with my PhD student F. Fagioli, which gives a partial confirmation of the above conjecture. Such a result is obtained as a consequence of a pointwise, differential-geometric Gysin formula for the push-forward of the curvature of the tautological line bundles over flag bundles.