Vasudevan Srinivas Title: On stratified vector bundles in characteristic p Abstract: This is a report on some work with Helene Esnault, motivated by a conjecture of Gieseker, which was proved earlier by Esnault and Mehta. For a smooth quasi-projective variety $X$ over $\bar{\F}_p$, with trivial etale $\pi_1$, such that $X$ has a projective normal compactification with codimension 2 boundary, we show that all stratified vector bundles on $X$ are trivial. Another result of ours is the following: if a morphism of smooth projective varieties in char. p induces the trivial map on étale fundamental groups, then the pullback of any stratified vector bundle is trivial, as a stratified bundle. The talk will discuss these results, along with some background and examples.