How to get from Poznań to Będlewo on your own?

See a map of the neighbourhood of Będlewo and Poznań map or anothter Poznań map.

If you have any problems please call the reception in Będlewo

(+ 48 outside of Poland) (0 from Poland) 61 813 51 87

For possible train connections, you can look at the official web pages of Polish Railways or German Railways, then choose a suitable language.

For your convenience below you will find the schedule of the trains Warszawa- Poznań, Berlin- Poznań, and Poznań - Mosina.

From Warszawa Centralna to Poznań Glowny
(Departure - Arrival - Train number)
5:25 - 8:38 - TLK 17101
7:55 - 10:51 - EIC 1601
8:06 - 11:33 - IR 18520
9:55 - 12:36 - EIC 44
10:55 - 14:15 - TLK 28510
12:20 - 15:53 - IR 56128
13:55 - 17:23 - TLK 18101
14:55 - 17:28 - EIC 42
15:00 - 18:07 - RE 18122
16:55 - 19:32 - EIC 1803
17:20 - 20:36 - RE 27100
17:51 - 21:01 - TLK 17105
17:55 - 20:26 - EIC 40
19:35 - 22:55 - TLK 17103

From Berlin Hbf to Poznań
4:28 - 7:55 - EN 437
9:37 - 12:25 - EC 43
13:37 - 16:25 - EC 45
15:37 - 18:25 - EC 55
17:37 - 20:25 - EC 47

From Poznań to Mosina suburban train
(Departure - Arrival)
6:31 - 7:01
7:58 - 8:25
8:42 - 9:09
9:43 - 10:10
11:28 - 11:56
12:52 - 13:19
14:45 - 15:12
17:29 - 17:59
19:24 - 19:51
20:45 - 21:13
23:00 - 23:27