Janusz Przewocki

Phd Student at
Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Sniadeckich 8, 00-956 Warsaw, Poland

e-mail: j.przewocki[attt]gmail.com ([attt] = @)

My current research interests


  • Janusz Przewocki, Andreas Zastrow, On the coincidence of zeroth Milnor-Thurston homology with singular homology [PDF]


  • Janusz Przewocki, Milnor-Thurston homology groups for the Warsaw Circle, Topology Appl. 160(2013), 1732-1741 [PDF]

    My texts

    My Phd Dissertation

    My Phd Dissertation can be downloaded from here


  • Lecture Notes of the reading course: Simplicial Volume and Bounded Cohomology (IMPAN, winter term 2014): PDF