Welcome, stranger!
You have just en­tered a ma­the­ma­tician's per­so­nal web page. If you did not in­tend to do so, you can al­ways quit, clear the cache and forget. But if you are still rea­ding this, I am very glad that something could be in­te­resting for you. In a brief: I am a re­search a­sso­ciate in the In­sti­tute of Ma­the­ma­tics of the Po­lish A­ca­demy of Sciences in De­par­tament of Non-commu­ta­ti­ve Geo­me­try; in­terested in many to­pics, but re­cently in in­ter­play of fun­ctio­nal a­na­lysis and other bran­ches of ma­the­ma­tics, like geo­metry, group theory and pro­ba­bi­lity theory. My favourite leisure ac­ti­vi­ties are hiking, playing foot­ball, drums, guitar and piano; frome time to time I also ride a bike, take pictures, play bridge, cook and do some other deeds. De­tails may be found (or may not, the page is still under construction) in links on the left. Feel free to use the site and have a nice day!

PS: There are some difficulties in wri­ting my full name. In TeX you can type it like Pawe\l\ J\'{o}ziak, but I don't mind if you rather use latin al­phabet and write it like Pawel Joziak.