
To get to Bedlewo, you should first reach Poznan (about 3 hours by train from Warsaw or 3 hours by train from Berlin, please consult the official Polish Railways timetable). You can also fly directly to Poznan Lawica International Airport from many European cities.

A coach for participants will
depart at 6.15 PM on July 6, 2008 from Poznan Railway Station (Poznan Glowny PKP) and take participants directly to the Conference Center (approx. half an hour ride). The starting point of the bus is about 50 meters from the main entrance to the station. The bus will be signed "Będlewo".
From the Poznan Airport, you can get to Poznan Railway Station by bus line L (approx. 20-30 minutes ride) or by taxi.

If you go from Poznan to Bedlewo on your own, you can take a train from Poznan Railway Station (Poznan Główny PKP) to Mosina or to Steszew (see the map above, the ride takes approx. 30 minutes) and then take a taxi to Bedlewo. Please consult the official Polish Railways timetable to check the connections. You can also take a taxi directly from Poznan to the Conference Center.  More information on travelling to Bedlewo is available on IMPAN web page.

n case of trouble with getting to Będlewo please call the Conference Center office, phone number (+48) 61 8135187. Then we shall try to help you (e.g. arrange non-expensive taxi to the center).

The currency used in Poland is Polish zloty (PLN). Current rates are 1 US dolar = 2.15 PLN, 1 euro = 3.4 PLN.
Please note that there is no possibility to exchange money in the Conference Center, so you should do it in Poznan.