Classical wreath products are special cases of semidirect products of groups. They are related to an action of a group G by permutations on several copies of another group H. A quantum version of this construction was introduced by Julien Bichon, with G and H replaced respectively by a quantum permutation group and an arbitrary compact matrix quantum group. The quantum version was later studied by Banica, Bichon, Collins, Lemeux and Tarrago. It is important to note that, even if G is a classical group, the construction of Bichon leads to a genuinely quantum group. In this talk, I will present a new categorical approach which allows us to construct so-called partition wreath products for when G is an arbitrary easy quantum group and H is a finite group. Thus we simultaneously generalise both the classical wreath products and quantum wreath products of Bichon. Joint work with Amaury Freslon (Paris Sud XI).