GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS RESEARCH TRAINING NETWORK APPLICATION FORM ---------------- Title (MSc, ...): Current family name: First name: Birth family name: Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy): Gender (F/M): First nationality: Second nationality: Place of permanent residence: From when: Address: E-mail: Fax: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date of award of pre-doctoral university diploma (dd/mm/yyyy): Title and subject area of pre-doctoral university diploma: Institution where candidate acquired last diploma/qualification - Organisation Legal Name: Town/City: Country: Ph.D. student in (place): Ph.D. studies started in year Expected date of award of doctorate: Ph.D. advisor: Areas of research (subject area of doctorate): Scientific experience: a) publications: b) conferences attended: c) fellowships, research visits: d) number of years of fulltime research (post-graduate level): Describe scientific interests (research program) - not more than 1 page: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Institution where candidate has most recently been doing research under a paying contract - Organisation Legal Name: Town/City: Country: Place(s) of normal activity during the previous three years - Region: Country: From (dd/mm/yyyy): To (dd/mm/yyyy): Previous fellowships - Has the candidate held a Community Fellowship before? If yes, please give below details of the contract - Programme name: Type of fellowship: Contract period from (dd/mm/yyyy): to (dd/mm/yyyy): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expected length and period of visit in GA RTN: Additional information which the candidate considers as important: