
[see also: comprise, compose, make up, contain, lie]

This group consists of the elements of $GL(n)$ of determinant 1. [= is made up of]

Let $B(\Omega)$ be the quotient of $B^{b}(\Omega)$ by the closed linear subspace consisting of the functions which are zero outside a meagre subspace of $\Omega$.

The subspaces of $M(\Omega)$ consisting of the discrete and continuous measures are $M_d(\Omega)$ and $M_c(\Omega)$, respectively.

We define the set $T$ to consist of those $f$ for which ......

Let $R$ consist of all $z=x+iy$ such that $|x|<1$.

But $M$ does not consist of 0 alone.

The inverse image of $A$ consists of just the basepoint of $X$.

The proof consists in the construction of ...... [= The main feature of the proof is]

The difficulty consists in generalizing (b).

Go to the list of words starting with: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z