
[see also: some, several, less]

There are few exceptions to this rule. [= not many]

There are few, if any, other significant classes of processes for which such precise information is available.

Few of various existing proofs are constructive.

He accounts for all the major achievements in topology over the last few years.

The generally accepted point of view in this domain of science seems to be changing every few years.

This set has no fewer elements than $K$ has. [Not: “no less elements”; less should not be followed by a plural countable noun. However, use less when it is followed by than or when it appears after a noun: $X$ has no less than twenty elements; $Y$ has ten elements or less.]

Any vector with three or fewer 1s in the last twelve places has at least eight 1s in all.

Theorem 3 is remarkable in that considerably fewer conditions than in the previous theorems ensure universality.

Therefore, $F$ has the fewest points when the index vanishes.

There are a few exceptions to this rule. [= some]

Apart from a few embellishments necessitated by some technical difficulties, the ideas differ very little from those used to prove Lemma 4.

Many interesting examples are known. We now describe a few of these.

Only a few of those results have been published before.

Quite a few of them are now widely used. [= A considerable number]

The condition $A<B$ excludes quite a few of the standard Young functions.

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