
[pl. hypotheses; see also: assumption, conjecture]

We show that one can drop an important hypothesis of the saddle point theorem without affecting the result.

The hypothesis $f(0)\neq 0$ causes no harm in applications, for if ......

Assume, in addition to the hypotheses of Exercise 4, that ......

We now bound $v$ on $\langle$under$\rangle$ the hypothesis $H_m$.

In fact, we shall prove our result under the weaker hypothesis that $W$ is weakly bounded, rather than just bounded, on an infinite subset of $G$.

However, a slight strengthening of the hypotheses does give us a regular measure.

We establish our results both unconditionally and on the assumption of the Riemann Hypothesis.

In geometric language, the hypothesis is that $F$ is ......; part of the conclusion is that $F$ satisfies ......

the hypothesis of positivity [= the positivity hypothesis]

the hypothesis of $F$ being projective

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