
[see also: do, build, construct, perform, carry out, produce, convert, transform, turn into, force, compose, comprise, consist, constitute]

The tensor product makes $G$ a module over $R$.

In [2], this theorem is made the starting point of Gelfand theory.

This norm makes $X$ into a Banach space.

Theorem 2 makes it legitimate to apply integration by parts.

Now (8) makes it obvious that ......

This device makes it possible to replace multivalued functions by functions with ......

......where $C$ can be made arbitrarily small by taking ......

If this is not so, a linear fractional transformation will make it so.

We make $G$ act trivially on $Y$.

Now $F$ is defined to make $G$ and $H$ match up at the left end of $I$.

But ...... it being impossible to make $A$ and $B$ intersect. [= since it is impossible to make ......]

The definition of generator is designed to make the proof above work for $M=Z$.

The function of Lemma 2 can be made to satisfy ......

A similar reformulation can be made for ......

It is sufficient to make the computation for $T$.

After making a linear transformation, (9) becomes ......

Let us make the following observation $\langle$assumption/definition$\rangle$.

We make the convention that $f(Q)=i(Q)$.

Recently proofs have been constructed which make no appeal to integration.

It is worth making a link with Theorem 1.

Nevertheless, it might be possible to make sense of (2) even for non-injective $V$ by considering a multi-valued operator $Z$.

Indeed, it is routine to verify that the index so constructed is independent of the choices made.

The set $WF(u)$ is made up of bicharacteristic strips.

Each of the terms that make up $G(t)$ is well defined.

Women make up two-fifths of the labour force.

Go to the list of words starting with: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z