
[see also: go, proceed, carry, transfer]

The problem is to move all the discs to the third peg by moving only one at a time.

The point $A$ can be reached from $B$ by moving along an edge of $G$.

Any point not in $B$ is moved by $f$ a distance equal to twice the distance to $M$.

Part of the conclusion is that $F$ moves each $z$ closer to the origin than it was.

In the present paper we move outside the random walk case and treat time-inhomogeneous convolutions.

As the point $z$ moves around the unit circle, the corresponding $J_z$'s are rotations of angle $t(z)$.

Schenzel's formula frequently allows us to move back and forth between the commutative algebras of $k[P]$ and the combinatorics of $P$.

We now move on to the question of local normal forms.

Go to the list of words starting with: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z