
Recall from Theorem 3 that there is a sequence $(a_n)$ of elements of $U$ that is cofinal in $M$.

Altering finitely many terms of the sequence $(u_n)$ does not affect the validity of (9).

Let $(a_n)$ be the sequence of zeros of $f$ arranged so that $|a_1|\leq|a_2|\leq$ ......

Extend this sequence of numbers backwards, defining $N_{-1}$, $N_{-2}$ and $N_{-3}$ by ......

Then the sequence (8) breaks off in split exact sequences.

Thus the long exact sequence breaks up into short sequences.

The exact sequence ends on the right with $H(X)$.

The proof proper [= The actual proof] will consist of establishing the following statements in sequence.

the all-one sequence

Go to the list of words starting with: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z