Hypercomplex Seminar 2017: (Hyper)Complex and Harmonic Dynamical Modelling, Topology in Physics of Dynamical Systems and Molecular Nanoengines

22.07.2017 - 29.07.2017 | Będlewo


 • commemorating 30 years of the direct cooperation agreement Łódź (Univ. and Łódź Soc. of Sciences and Arts) – Kyiv  (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine),
 • topological-analytical methods in (hyper)complex analysis, para-quaternions,  equilibrium measures and potentials,
 • surface singularities, surface spin-wave modes, and artificial crystals,
 • dynamical modelling aspects of topology in physics of condensed matter,
 • dynamical modelling aspects of molecular nanoengines.

Among invited lectures we expect those by Viktor Abramov (Tartu), Serhii Gryshchuk (Kyiv), Jerzy Grzybowski (Poznań), Richard Kerner (Paris), Bogdan Klishchuk (Kyiv), Adam Lecko (Olsztyn),  Dariusz Partyka (Lublin), Andrii Pokrovskyi (Kyiv), Hariton Polatoglou (Thessaloniki),  Henryk Puszkarski (Poznań), Michel Rausch de Traubenberg (Strasbourg), Tetyana Stepanyuk (Lutsk), Anatoly Serdyuk (Kyiv), Massimo Vaccaro (Salerno) and Osamu Suzuki (Tokyo).


The organizers can fully support few participants (full board and accommodation), travel excluded. The others have to pay 940 PLN (ca. 225 EUR or 240 USD). This payment include full board and accommodation from 22 July lunch till 29 July breakfast (840 PLN) and other costs.
The Mathematical Research and Conference Center is situated 35 km South of Poznań and 7 km West of the nearest railway station in Mosina (rail line Poznań – Leszno – Wrocław) in a picturesque noble palace surrounded by 9- hectare park. It is a perfect starting point for hikes to lakes and forests of the Wielkopolski National Park which is right next to the palace.

The seminar is organized jointly with the University of Łódź.

   For more information please contact:

Julian Ławrynowicz, Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics, University of Łódź, Pomorska 149/153, 90-236 Łódź, Poland.

E-mail: jlawryno@uni.lodz.pl  

If you want to register, please fill in the registration form and send it to Julian Ławrynowicz.

The numbers of the bank accounts of the Mathematical Research and Conference Center in Będlewo can be found at https://www.impan.pl/en/insitute/bank-accounts.

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