Multivariate and mixed linear models

19.03.2018 - 23.03.2018 | Będlewo


Tuesday (20.03.2018):

- Ivan Žežula: Testing in the Growth Curve Model with intraclass correlation structure

Wednesday (21.03.2018):

- Adam Mieldzioc: Approximation of nonnegative definite matrix by Toeplitz structure

- Aneta Sawikowska: Estimation of the covariance matrix for metabolomic data - part I

- Monika Mokrzycka: Estimation of the covariance matrix for metabolomic data - part II

Thursday (22.03.2018):

- Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz: On recursive formulas for mixed positive and negative spectral moments of Wishart matrices

- Toni Duras: The use of Common principal component (CPC) analysis in multidimensional regression and panel data models - concerns of estimation, parameterization and inference

- Thomas Holgersson:

    (i) Assigning distance measures to high dimensional spaces

    (ii) The distribution of a simple function of a Chi-square variate

    (iii) The distribution of Kronecker products of the Haar invariant measure

- Roman Zmyślony: Testing hypothesis in multivariate models with BCS covariance structure

- João T. Mexia: Addictive models and cumulant generating functions

- Dietrich von Rosen: Mixed linear models with latent variables


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