20 APR 2021On the 19th April of 2021 professor Andrzej Szczepan Białynicki-Birula has passed awayOutstanding mathematician, full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a long-term member of the Scientific Council and editorial staff of IM PAN journals. Link to the memories of the professor Andrzej Szczepan Birula-Białynicki on the MIM UW website.
12 APR 2021Kazimierz Kuratowski AwardThe laureates of the prize in 2021 were: Dr. Wojciech Górny from University of Warsaw and University of Vienna and Mr. Marcin Sroka from Jagiellonian University.
7 APR 2021Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences Prize for outstanding scientific achievements in mathematicsThe Laureate of the prize is prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Krupiński from the University of Wroclaw for a development of a deep theory and achieving breakthrough results, linking model theory with descriptive set theory and topological dynamics, in a cycle of papers published in the years 2010-2020.
1 FEB 2021On the 29th January of 2021 professor Tadeusz Bednarski has passed awayOn the 29th January of 2021 professor Tadeusz Bednarski has passed away