Rami Ayoush


During our meetings we are discussing martingale models of theorems in harmonic analysis.


Next seminar: 15.03.2018, 11:00

A. Pawlewicz, BMO from dyadic BMO, pt. 2


Previous talks


A. Pawlewicz, BMO from dyadic BMO, 22.02.2018


R. Ayoush, On Petermichl's representation formula, pt. 2, 14.12.2017


R. Ayoush, On Petermichl's representation formula, 30.11.2017

In this introductory lecture, we will see that the Hilbert Transform and Riesz's Projections can be approximated (in the strong operator topology) by

so-called dyadic shifts. Then, I will show early applications of the derived decomposition and sketch some further developments in the discussed




R. Ayoush

K. Kazaniecki

A. Pawlewicz

B. Trojan

M. Wojciechowski

B. Zawalski

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