A classification of two-peak sincere posets of finite prinjective type and their sincere prinjective representations
Tom 87 / 2001
Colloquium Mathematicum 87 (2001), 7-77
MSC: 6G20, 16G50, 15A21, 15A63.
DOI: 10.4064/cm87-1-3
Assume that $K$ is an arbitrary field. Let $(I, \preceq )$ be a two-peak poset of finite prinjective type and let $KI$ be the incidence algebra of $I$. We study sincere posets $I$ and sincere prinjective modules over $KI$. The complete set of all sincere two-peak posets of finite prinjective type is given in Theorem 3.1. Moreover, for each such poset $I$, a complete set of representatives of isomorphism classes of sincere indecomposable prinjective modules over $KI$ is presented in Tables 8.1.