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Morita embeddings for dual operator algebras and dual operator spaces

Tom 243 / 2018

G. K. Eleftherakis Studia Mathematica 243 (2018), 303-328 MSC: Primary 47L05; Secondary 47L25, 47L35, 47L45, 46L10, 16D90. DOI: 10.4064/sm170427-15-8 Opublikowany online: 19 March 2018


We define a relation $\subset _\varDelta $ for dual operator algebras: $B\subset _\varDelta A$ if there exists a projection $p\in A$ such that $B$ and $pAp$ are Morita equivalent in the sense of Eleftherakis (2008). We show that $\subset _\varDelta $ is transitive, and we investigate the following question: If $A\subset _\varDelta B$ and $B\subset _\varDelta A$, are $A$ and $B$ stably isomorphic? We propose an analogous relation $\subset _\varDelta $ for dual operator spaces, and we present some properties of $\subset _\varDelta $ in this case.


  • G. K. EleftherakisUniversity of Patras
    Faculty of Sciences
    Department of Mathematics
    265 00 Patras, Greece

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