Kristian Ranestad Title: Projective geometry of Wachspress coordinates Abstract: There is a unique curve of minimal degree through the points of intersection of nonadjacent edges of a polygon in the plane. Wachspress used this fact in a generalisation of barycentric coordinates with reference to a convex polygon. Let P be a polytope in n-space, let H_P be the hyperplane arrangement defined by the facets of P. I shall report on ongoing work with Kathlen Kohn, where we show that if H_P is simple, there is a unique hypersurface of minimal degree that contains all linear spaces that are intersections of hyperplanes in H_P and do not contain any face of P. We apply the result to give constructions of hypersurfaces with singularities along singular parts of H_P, whose minimal desingularization have a unique canonical divisor.