I will discuss dynamical properties of large abelian groups. A topological group is called extremely amenable if every its continuous action on a compact space has a fixed point. It turns out that many non-locally compact groups, e.g. Aut([0,1],μ) or the unitary group of ℓ2, share this property. I will discuss extreme amenability of abelian groups, which is connected with the study of characters of these groups. Given a submeasure μ on an algebra of subsets of a set X, the group L0(μ) is the set of all real-valued measurable functions on X with the pointwise addition. L0(μ) is endowed with the topology of convergence in submeasure μ.

Answering a question of Farah, Solecki and Pestov, and generalizing earlier results of Herer-Christensen, Glasner, Furstenberg-Weiss, Pestov, and Farah-Solecki, I will show that the group L_0(μ) is extremely amenable if and only if μ is a diffused submeasure. This implies that a group of the form L0(μ) is extremely amenable if and only if it has no nontrivial characters. The proof will be based on estimates of chromatic numbers of certain graphs on Zn and a construction of a certain family of simplicial complexes.