Travel information

Arrival day
Departure day
How to come to Poznań?
How to get from Poznań to Będlewo?
Travel by car
Visa requirements
Currency information
Weather in Poland
Local excursions

We give some practical tips which could help you to decide to choose the most convenient way for you. In most cases, when you arrive to Poznań railway station or Poznań airport, we organize a shuttle which will bring you to the Będlewo Conference Center.

Arrival day: September 10 (Sunday); in exceptional cases it will be possible to arrive on September 9 (Saturday) for the additional fee of 30 Euro.

The participants are expected to arrive to Bedlewo on September 10 (Sunday). There will be a bus connection from Poznan train station "Poznan Glowny" to Bedlewo. Please wait in front of the main entrance to the station. The first bus will departure at 7:00 pm. (after arrival of the train from Warszawa at 6:17pm). The second bus will departure at 8:30 pm. (after arrival of the trains from Warszawa at 8:26pm and from Berlin at 7:35 pm).

There is also a small airport in Poznan - "Poznan Lawica". There will be a bus from the airport in Poznan. The departure of a mini-bus from the airport is planned at 13.10 (after arrival of the planes from Frankfurt at 12.45 and Munich at 12.15). The departure of the bus from the airport is planned at 18.30 (after arrival of the plane from Warsaw at 17:35 and Frankfurt at 17.55 ). If you plan to arrive by plane at another time please consult the organizers.

Getting to Bedlewo on your own is possible: you will have to take a train from Poznan to Mosina, and then 13 kilometers by taxi. The price for the taxi from Mosina to Bedlewo is about 40 Zl (10 Euro). See a map of the neighbourhood of Bedlewo.

See a city map of Poznan.

If you plan to arrive to Warsaw airport you can reach the train station "Warszawa Centralna" by bus No 175. You need to buy a bus ticket (2.40 zloty) in a kiosk at the airport and validate it immediately after entering the bus.

Departure day: September 16 (Saturday); in exceptional cases it will be possible to depart on September 17 (Sunday).

The departure from Bedlewo is planned on Saturday morning, September 16. The first bus will depart at 9.00 am and the second at 1pm. It is possible to stay one night longer in Bedlewo (30 Euro per night).

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How to come to Poznań?

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How to get from Poznań to Będlewo?

Travel by car

If you travel by car, you can plan your route using Map of Poland , where you can get more or less detailed maps of regions of Poland (choosing an option zbliz - oddal in the upper-right-hand corner). See also a map of the neighbourhood of Bedlewo.

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Visa requirements

Information whether you need visa to Poland or not can be found on the official web page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs . If you need a visa, then please find the closest Polish embassy or consulate in Polish Missions Abroad , where you can apply for visa either personally or by mail. Of course, citizens of European Union do not need visa to enter Poland, however should have "... a valid travel document or another document certifying his/her identity and citizenship." More precisely you can read on Advisory for citizens of the EU countries traveling to Poland.

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Currency information

In Poland you should pay either using Polish currency (zloty = PLN) or credit cards. You can exchange euros or dollars at the airport or train station, but the exchange rate at these places could be pretty bad, up to 10% lower than the current average (sell/buy) exchange rate. The closest exchange rate to the average can be obtained converting foreign currency in Polish banks or taking PLN at ATM machines from your account or credit cards. Also at places called kantor (but not located in train stations or airports) a not bad rate can be obtained.

The (average) exchange rate usually is: 1$ ~ 3.0 - 3.2 PLN; 1€ ~ 3.8 - 4.2 PLN. Current exchange rate can be found in Polish National Bank .

Będlewo is a very small village: no banks, exchange counters, or ATM machines. A local (small) grocery store does not accept credit cards, you should be prepared to pay in Polish currency. Also if you decide to visit Poznań on some day, you should be prepared to pay by cash in zloty for bus/train tickets or for taxi.

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Weather in Poland

In the first half of September, usually the weather in Poland is pleasant with high temperature during the day around 20-25 C (~70-80F) and low in the night around 10-15C (~50-60F). Occasionally can be showers and thunderstorms. The current weather in the Poznań area can be found on Yahoo weather web page

Local excursions

There are plenty of pleasant walking trails nearby the Będlewo Conference Center, especially in the Wielkopolski National Park (Polish or English version). Good walking shoes are advisable. You could also take a swiming suit (the temperature of water in a lake should be about 18 C).

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