Adolfo Arroyo Rabasa (The University of Warwcik)
Rami Ayoush (IMPAN)
Giacomo Del Nin (Università di Pisa)
Amiran Gogatishvili (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences )
Wojciech Górny (University of Warsaw)
Jacek Gulgowski (University of Gdansk)
Christopher Irving (University of Oxford)
Krystian Kazaniecki (University of Warsaw)
Aleksei Kulikov (St. Petersburg State University)
Richard Lechner (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
Karol Leśnik (Poznań University of Technology)
Michał Łasica (University of Warsaw)
Katarzyna Mazowiecka (UCLouvain)
Przemysław Ohrysko (Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg)
Aleksander Pawlewicz (University of Warsaw)
Polina Perstneva (Chebyshev Laboratory, SPbGU)
Bohdan Petraszczuk (University of Warsaw)
Katharina Riegler (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)
Tomáš Roskovec (Faculty of Economics University of South Bohemia)
Maciej Rzeszut (IMPAN)
Anna Skorobogatova (University of Warwick)
Filip Soudský (University of South Bohemia)
Dmitriy Stolyarov (St. Petersburg State University)
Marta Szumańska (University of Warsaw)
Jakub Tomaszewski (Poznań University of Technology)
Bartosz Trojan (IMPAN)
Anton Tselishchev (St. Petersburg State University)
Michał Wojciechowski (IMPAN)
Michał Zakrzewski (UJK Kielce)
Ilya Zlotnikov (Chebyshev Laboratory, Saint-Petersburg)