Expenses and financial support

The average exchange rate between Polish currency (polish złoty, also denoted by PLN) and dollar and euro range
1$ ~ 2.8 - 3.4 PLN, 1 € ~ 3.8 - 4.4 PLN. An updated exchange rate can be found on the web page of Polish National Bank .

The conference fee is 300 Euro (about $400; 1200 PLN for Polish participants). The conference fee for the accompanying person is reduced to 240 Euro.

The conference fee will cover:

  • The registration fee;
  • One week of lodging;
  • All meals;
  • Transportation from/to Poznań (airport or railway station) to/from Będlewo (both directions);
  • Banquet;
  • Possible local excursion.

Payment for the local expenses can be made upon arrival to Będlewo by a major credit card or in cash in euro, dollars or Polish zloty.

Payment for the conference can be made by bank transfer, too. If you pay this way, please keep a receipt and be ready to present it when you come to the Będlewo Center!

Payment in euro or dollars:
Instytut Matematyczny PAN with the note FASDEIII
Name of the bank: BPH SA, III Oddz. Warszawa
Address: Aleje Jerozolimskie 27, 00-508 Warszawa, POLAND
Account number:
IBAN: PL 17 1060 0076 0000 3210 0014 1015 - payments in EURO,
IBAN: PL 54 1060 0076 0000 3210 0014 1028 - payments in USD.

Payment in Polish zlotych:
Instytut Matematyczny PAN with the note FASDEIII
Name of the bank: BPH SA O/W-wa
Account number: 90 1060 0076 0000 3210 0014 0962

The Organizing Committee already has secured some funds and we work very intensively to get more external support. If we are successful (it is not guaranteed yet), the local expenses for a number of young participants from European countries will be waved partially or completely.

© Webmaster: G. Lysik