16NOV 2023

Award Ceremony for the 2023 Barbara and Jaroslaw Zemánek Prize

We cordially invite everybody to the award ceremony for the Barbara and Jaroslav Zemánek Prize in the field of functional analysis, which will be held at the Institute of Mathematics of the PAS on 22 November 2023 at 3.15 pm in room 321 (3rd floor) at Śniadeckich 8 in Warsaw.  

Programme of the ceremony:

14:15-15:15    Introductory lecture by Eric Ricard (CNRS/Caen)
15:15-15:45    Award of the Prize and a coffee break
15:45–16:45    Lecture of the laureate Léonard Cadilhac (Sorbonne Université)


Eric Ricard
Title: Weak type inequalities in non-commutative analysis

Abstract: We will introduce the field of non commutative analysis, where one replaces function spaces by operators algebras and related objects.
There have been quite a lot of developments in the last 20 years thanks to operator spaces theory and especially works by Pisier and Junge.
As in harmonic analysis, most of the results  are obtained from end point estimates but people considered BMO spaces  as much easier than weak L^1 until Leonard Cadilhac came up with new ideas in his thesis. 

Léonard Cadilhac
Title: Non-commutative maximal functions and ergodic theory

Abstract: In non-commutative analysis, maximal inequalities were first formulated in the 70's but their systematic study only began 30 years later in works of Pisier, Junge and Xu. Since a family of positive operators does not necessarily admit a supremum, maximal functions offer many challenges when trying to generalize their theory from standard measure spaces to non-commutative ones. This is seen in their very definition, in their interpolation properties, and in the techniques employed to prove them. In this talk, I will illustrate this facts, mainly focusing on a maximal function coming from the ergodic theory of group actions. 

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