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On computer-aided fractal analysis of growth processes at tumor-stroma border

Tom 109 / 2016

Mihai Tanase Banach Center Publications 109 (2016), 167-182 MSC: Primary 68-XX; Secondary 68T45. DOI: 10.4064/bc109-0-11


In the characterization of carcinomas, an important criterion is the shape of the tumor-stroma frontier and, in particular, its fractal dimension. The definition and identification of this frontier is not trivial. For the same image, the known segmentation algorithms often produce frontiers with very different fractal dimensions making this type of analysis irrelevant. We introduce a new approach to frontier analysis by redefining the tumor-stroma frontier in order to overcome this problem.


  • Mihai TanasePolitehnica University of Bucharest
    Splaiul Independentei 313
    Bucuresti, Romania

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