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Group actions on Polish spaces

Tom 125 / 2023

Robert Rałowski, Szymon Żeberski Banach Center Publications 125 (2023), 119-127 MSC: Primary 03E35; Secondary 03E75. DOI: 10.4064/bc125-10


In this paper we investigate the action of Polish groups (not necessary abelian) on uncountable Polish spaces. We consider two main situations. First, when the orbits given by group action are small and the second when the family of orbits are at most countable. We have found some subgroups which are not measurable with respect to a given $\sigma $-ideal on the group and the action on some subsets gives a completely nonmeasurable sets with respect to some $\sigma $-ideals with a Borel base on the Polish space. In most cases the general results are consistent with ZFC theory and are strictly connected with cardinal coefficients. We give some suitable examples, namely the subgroup of isometries of the Cantor space where the orbits are sufficiently small. In the opposite case we give an example of the group of homeomorphisms of a Polish space in which there is a large orbit and we have found the subgroup without Baire property and a subset of the space such that the action of this subgroup on this set is completely nonmeasurable with respect to the $\sigma $-ideal of subsets of first category.


  • Robert RałowskiFaculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics
    Wrocław University of Science and Technology
    Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
  • Szymon ŻeberskiFaculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics
    Wrocław University of Science and Technology
    Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland

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