Lipschitz Geometry of Singularities

06.08.2017 - 12.08.2017 | Będlewo

Lipschitz Geometry of Singularities

  The meeting will focus not only on the understanding of the Lipschitz geometry of singular spaces and maps but also on its interaction with other aspects of singularities: resolutions, abstract and embedded topology of hypersurfaces, equisingularity, deformations, smoothings, natural stratifications, arc and jet spaces, geodesics on singular spaces, curvature, etc.
 The topics covered by the meeting include:

 (1) Lipschitz Geometry of germs of Real and Complex Surfaces (this will contain some introductory lectures for students and post-docs).

 (2) Zariski Multiplicity Conjecture (this will include an elementary talk on regularity and invariance of tangent cones, and a review of recent results in this direction).

 (3) Blow-analytic and Lipschitz geometry of functions.

 (4) Geometry and Topology of Geodesics on Singular Surfaces.

 (5) Lipschitz geometry and arc spaces and jet schemes.

The program will consist of

 2 or 3 mini-courses, each of three hours, for students, post-docs and researchers starting in this area;

12 to 15 talks of one hour each.

The speakers and lectures will be chosen by the Scientific Committee of the conference.

Payment: for those who want to pay in advance, the cost of stay is 780 PLN plus 120 PLN for the local expenses (social dinner).  Below are the IMPAN bank account numbers:

IBAN: PL 80 1130 1017 0020 1467 1520 0008 (payment in EUR)

IBAN: PL 37 1130 1017 0020 1467 1520 0006 (payment in USD)

    IBAN: PL 48 1130 1017 0020 1467 1520 0002 (payment in PLN)


The official exchange rates can be found at http://www.nbp.pl/homen.aspx?f=/kursy/kursyen.htm

There is a possibility of partial support for graduate students and recent PhD graduates.

The registration starts on January 15th 2017

The conference is co-organized and co-financed by Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center and Warsaw Center of Mathematics and Computer Science together with CNPq, Capes, Funcap, NSF


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