VIII Hurwicz Workshop on Mechanism Design Theory

04.11.2022 - 05.11.2022 | Warsaw

The aim of the 2022 Hurwicz Workshop is to bring together scholars from Poland and abroad who specialize in mathematical approach to economic theory, including, but not necessarily confined to the mechanism design theory. The Workshop has an interdisciplinary focus. Topics ranging from issues in economic theory, game theory, mathematical economics, algorithmic game theory, computational social choice are welcome. Prospective authors are invited to submit extended abstracts or full papers (there is no page limit on the submission).

The 2022 Hurwicz Workshop on Mechanism Design Theory is a continuation of the initiative started in 2009 of holding an annual conference to honour the 2007 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, professor Leonid Hurwicz. Hurwicz is often credited with introducing a rigorous mathematical approach to economic analysis. He received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2007 for his fundamental contributions to the theory of the design of economic mechanisms. Hurwicz has made important contributions to mathematics as well as economics, in particular, to non-linear programming.

The 2022 Hurwicz Memorial Lecture will be presented by Professor Rabah Amir from University of Iowa, US

More data on the web page: https://sites.google.com/view/hurwicz2022

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