Achinger Piotr Hodge symmetry for rigid varieties via log hard Lefschetz
Mathematical Research Letters 30 (2023), 1-31
Achinger Piotr (J. Suh) Some refinements of the Deligne-Illusie theorem
Algebra and Number Theory 17 (2023), 465-496
Achinger Piotr (M. Lara, A. Youcis) Geometric arcs and fundamental groups of rigid spaces
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Adamowicz Tomasz (K. Fässler) Hardy spaces and quasiconformal maps in the Heisenberg group
Journal of Functional Analysis 284 (2023), 109832
Baldelli Laura (V. Brizi, R. Filippucci) Existence and nonexistence of positive radial solutions of a quasilinear Dirichlet problem with diffusion
Journal of Differential Equations 359 (2023), 107-151
Bieganowski Bartosz, Cieślak Tomasz i Siemianowski Jakub Magnetostatic levitation and two related linear PDEs in unbounded domains
Reports on Mathematical Physics 92 (2023), 135-144
Buczyński Jarosław (G. Brown, A. Kasprzyk Toric Sarkisov Links of Toric Fano Varieties
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Capolli Marco (A. Pinamonti, G. Speight) A C^k-Lusin Approximation Theorem for Real-Valued Functions on Carnot Groups
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Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana (2023)
Cavallo Alberto (I. Matkoviè) Nearly fibered links with genus one
Acta Mathematica Hungarica 170 (2023), 721-731
Cieślak Tomasz (B. Muha, S. Trifunoviæ) Global weak solutions in nonlinear 3D thermoelasticity
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Cieślak Tomasz (P. Bies) Global-in-time regular unique solutions with positive temperature to one-dimensional thermoelasticity
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 55 (2023), 7024-7038
Cieślak Tomasz i O¿añski Wojciech S. (P. Kokocki) Existence of nonsymmetric logarithmic spiral vortex sheet solutions to the 2D Euler equations
Annali di Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, classe Scienze (2023), pp. 31
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Coughlan Stephen (R. Pignatelli) Simple Fibrations in (1,2)-surfaces
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International Mathematics Research Notices online (2023)
Dołęga Maciej Reflection length with two parameters in the asymptotic representation theory of type B/C and applications
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Dołęga Maciej (G. Chapuy, V. Bonzom) b-Monotone Hurwitz Numbers: Virasoro Constraints, BKP Hierarchy, and O(N)-BGW Integral
International Mathematics Research Notices 14 (2023), 12172-12230
Dołęga Maciej (H. B. Dali) Jack characters as generating series of bipartite maps and proof of Lassalle's conjecture
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Dudko Artem (I. Gorbovickis, W. Tucker) Lower bounds on the Hausdorff dimension of some Julia sets
Nonlinearity 6 (2023), 2867-2893
Dudko Artem (R. Grigorchuk) On spectral properties of the Schreier graphs of the Thompson group ??
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Dłotko Paweł (C. Loughrey, A. Jurek-Loughrey) A mapper-based classifier for patient subgroup prediction
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Dłotko Paweł (D. Gurnari) Euler characteristic curves and profiles: a stable shape invariant for big data problems
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Dłotko Paweł (J. Harvey, B. Chan, T. Srivastava, A. E. Zarebski, P. B³aszczyk, R. H. Parkinson, L. J. White, R. Aguas, A. Mahdi) Epidemiological waves-types, drivers and modulators in the COVID-19 pandemic
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Dłotko Paweł (N. Hellmer) Bottleneck Profiles and Discrete Prokhorov Metrics for Persistence Diagrams
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Dłotko Paweł (P. Fitzpatrick, A. Jurek-Loughrey, J. M. Del Rincón) Ensemble Learning for Mapper Parameter Optimization
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Dłotko Paweł (S. Rudkin, L. Barros,W. Qiu) An economic topology of the Brexit vote
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Dłotko Paweł (S. Rudkin, W. Qiu) Uncertainty, volatility and the persistence norms of financial time series
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Dłotko Paweł (S. Rudkin, W. Rudkin) On the topology of cryptocurrency markets
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Dłotko Paweł, Stettner Łukasz i Topolnicki Rafał (N. Hellmer) Topology-driven goodness-of-fit tests in arbitrary dimensions
Statistics and Computing 34 (2023), 1-23
Eyral Christophe (M. Oka) On the Milnor fibration of certain Newton degenerate functions
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Galuppi Francesco (R. Mulas, L. Venturello Spectral theory of weighted hypergraphs via tensors
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Grabowski Janusz (K. Grabowska) Reductions: precontact versus presymplectic
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International Mathematics Research Notices online (2023)
Gutman Jonatan (Z. Lian) Maximal pronilfactors and a topological Wiener-Wintner theorem
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Gutman Jonatan (Z. Lian) Strictly ergodic distal models and a new approach to the Host-Kra factors
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Gutman Jonatan i Liang Bingbing On the structure theory of cubespace fibrations
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 35 (2023), 163-197
Gwiazda Piotr (Ch. Düll, A. Marciniak-Czochra, J. Skrzeczkowski) Measure differential equation with a nonlinear growth/decay term
Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 73 (2023), 103917
Gwiazda Piotr (E. Feireisl, A. Świerczewska-Gwiazda) Time periodic motion of temperature driven compressible fluids
Mathematische Annalen 387 (2023), 1603-1627
Gwiazda Piotr (E. Feireisl, Y.-S. Kwon, A. Świerczewska-Gwiazda) Mathematical Theory of Compressible Magnetohydrodynamics Driven by Non-conservative Boundary Conditions
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 25 (2023), 1-27
Gwiazda Piotr (M. Bulíèek, J. Skrzeczkowski, J. Woźnicki) Non-Newtonian fluids with discontinuous-in-time stress tensor
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Gwiazda Piotr (N. Chaudhuri, E. Zatorska) Analysis of the generalized Aw-Rascle model
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Gwiazda Piotr i Zuzanna Szymańska (B. Miasojedow, J. Skrzeczkowski) Convergence of the EBT method for a non-local model of cell proliferation with discontinuous interaction kernel
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Henney-Turner Christopher (P. Holy, P. Schlicht, P. Welch) Asymmetric Cut and Choose Games
The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic Online (2023), 31 pp.
Jelito Damian i Stettner Łukasz Asymptotics of Impulse Control Problem with Multiplicative Reward
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Jelonek Zbigniew (A. Fernandes) Bi-Lipschitz Characterization of Space Curves
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Kamont Anna (G. A. Karagulyan) On wavelet polynomials and Weyl multipliers
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Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis-Armenian Academy of Sciences 58 (2023), 81-92
Kamont Anna (M. Passenbrunner) An algebraic characterization of B-splines
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Kapustka Michał (G. Bini, G. Kapustka) Symmetric locally free resolutions and rationality problems
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 25 (2023), 2250033
Klimsiak Tomasz Asymptotics for logistic-type equations with Dirichlet fractional Laplace operator
Advances in Differential Equations 28 (2023), 169-216
Klimsiak Tomasz Uniqueness for an Obstacle Problem Arising from Logistic-Type Equations with Fractional Laplacian
Potential Analysis 59 59 (2023), 897-916
Klimsiak Tomasz (M. Rzymowski) Nonlinear BSDEs on a general filtration with drivers depending on the martingale part of the solution
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 161 (2023), 424-450
Klimsiak Tomasz (M. Rzymowski) Nonlinear BSDEs with Two Optional Doobs Class Barriers Satisfying Weak Mokobodzkis Condition and Extended Dynkin Games
Applied Mathematics and Optimization 88 (2023), 33 pp.
Klimsiak Tomasz i Komorowski Tomasz Hopf type lemmas for subsolutions of integro-differential equations
BERNOULLI 29 (2023), 1435-1463
Komorowski Tomasz (A. Dunlap, Y. Gu) Fluctuation exponents of the KPZ equation on a large torus
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Komorowski Tomasz (G. Yu) Another look at the Balázs-Quastel-Seppäläinen theorem
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Komorowski Tomasz (J. L. Lebowitz, S. Olla) Heat Flow in a Periodically Forced, Thermostatted Chain
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Komorowski Tomasz (J. L. Lebowitz, S. Olla) Heat Flow in a Periodically Forced, Thermostatted Chain II
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Komorowski Tomasz (S. Olla, M. Simon, J. Lebowitz) On the conversion of work into heat: microscopic models and macroscopic equations
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Komorowski Tomasz (Y. Gu) Fluctuations of the Winding Number of a Directed Polymer on a Cylinder
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 55 (2023), 3262-3286
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Królak Andrzej (M. Bejger, P. Ciecieląg, O. Dorosh, P. Jaranowski, A. Pisarski) Search for postmerger gravitational waves from binary neutron star mergers using a matchedfiltering statistic
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Kryński Wojciech Deformations of dispersionless Lax systems
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Kuciński Łukasz i Miłoś Piotr (M. Zawalski, M. Tyrolski, K. Czechowski, D. Stachura, P. Piękos, T. Odrzygóźdź, Y. Wu) Trust Your ?: Gradient-based Intervention Targeting for Causal Discovery
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Kuciński Łukasz i Miłoś Piotr (M. Zawalski, M. Tyrolski, K. Czechowski, D. Stachura, P. Piękos, T. Odrzygóźdź, Y. Wu) Fast and Precise: Adjusting Planning Horizon with Adaptive Subgoal Search
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Kumar Manish, Skalski Adam i Wasilewski Mateusz Full Solution of the Factoriality Question for q-Araki-Woods von Neumann Algebras Via Conjugate Variables
Communications in Mathematical Physics 402 (2023), 157-167
Lasoń Michał (M. Michałek) Gorenstein Matroids
International Mathematics Research Notices 18 (2023), 15687-15728
Lasoń Michał (M. Sulkowska) Modularity of minor?free graphs
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Lipiński Michał (D. Woukeng, D. Sadowski, J. Leśkiewicz, T. Kapela) Rigorous computation in dynamics based on topological methods for multivector fields
Journal of Applied and Computational Topology (2023), 34 pp.
Lipiński Michał (T. Dey, M. Mrozek, R. Slechta) Computing Connection Matrices via Persistence-Like Reductions
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 23 (2024), 81-97
Mederski Jarosław (A. Pomponio) Born-Infeld problem with general nonlinearity
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Mederski Jarosław (J. Siemianowski) Biharmonic nonlinear scalar field equations
International Mathematics Research Notices 23 (2023), 9963-19995
Mederski Jarosław (M. Gaczkowski, J. Schino) Multiple solutions to cylindrically symmetric curl-curl problems and related Schrödinger equations with singular potentials
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 55 (2023), 4425-4444
Mederski Jarosław (W. Reichel) Travelling waves for Maxwell's equations in nonlinear and nonsymmetric media
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA 30 (2023), 38 pp.
Mizerka Piotr Exclusions of smooth actions on spheres of the non-split extension of C2 by SL(2,5)
Osaka Journal of Mathematics 60 (2023), 1-14
Miłoś Piotr Piotr (Sz. Tworkowski, K. Staniszewski, M. Pacek, Y. Wu, H. Michalewski) Focused Transformer: Contrastive Training for Context Scaling
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Miłoś Piotr Piotr (W. Masarczyk, M. Ostaszewski, E. Imani, R. Pascanu, T. Trzciñski) The Tunnel Effect: Building Data Representations in Deep Neural Networks
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Naskręcki Bartosz Czym jest szyfrowanie
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Journal of Topology and Analysis 15 (2023), 845-864
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Nonlinearity 36 (2023), 6224-6238
Plewa Paweł Sharp Hardy’s Inequality for Orthogonal Expansions in H^p Spaces
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Plewa Paweł (K. Stempak) Hardy and BMO spaces on Weyl chambers
Forum Mathematicum
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Roy Bidisha i Vlasenko Mariia Frobenius constants for families of elliptic curves
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Rozendaal Jan Operator-valued (Lp,Lq) Fourier multipliers and stability theory for evolution equations
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Rozendaal Jan Rough pseudodifferential operators on Hardy spaces for Fourier integral operators
Rozendaal Jan (A. Hassell) Lp and HFIOp regularity for wave equationswith rough coefficients
Pure and Applied Analysis 5 (2023), 541-599
Rozendaal Jan (R. Schippa) Nonlinear wave equations with slowly decaying initial data
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Rozendaal Jan (Z. Fan, N. Liu, L. Song) Characterizations of the Hardy space ?FIO^1(R^n) for Fourier integral operators
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Rudnicki Ryszard Ergodic properties of a semilinear partial differential equation
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Rudnicki Ryszard (K. Pichór) Asymptotic Properties of a General Model of Immune Status
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Rychlik Tomasz (M. Szymkowiak) Conditional Evaluations of Sums of Sample Maxima and Records
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Sargsyan Grigor Negative results on precipitous ideals on omega_1
The Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (2023), 490-509
Schötz Matthias GelfandNaimark theorems for ordered -algebras
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 75 (2023), 1272-1292
Schötz Matthias Universal continuous calculus for Su*?algebras
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Schötz Matthias (P. Schmitt) Symmetry Reduction of States I
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Signerska-Rynkowska Justyna (F. L. Trujillo) Periodic and chaotic dynamics in a map?based neuron model
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Signerska-Rynkowska Justyna (G. Graff, P. Pilarczyk) Topological-numerical analysis of a two-dimensional discrete neuron model
Chaos 33 (2023), 043110
Signerska-Rynkowska Justyna (P. Bartłomiejczyk, F. L. Trujillo) Spike Patterns and Chaos in a Map-Based Neuron Model
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 33 (2023), 395-408
Skalski Adam (B. Das, U. Franz, A. Kula) Second cohomology groups of the Hopf?-algebras associated to universal unitary quantum groups
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Skalski Adam (R. Vernioux, Ch. Voigt) Hecke algebras and the Schlichting completion for discrete quantum groups
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Skalski Adam (S. Raum) Factorial multiparameter Hecke von Neumann algebras and representations of groups acting on right-angled buildings
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 172 (2023), 265-298
Skalski Adam (U. Franz, A. Freslon) Connectedness and Gaussian parts for compact quantum groups
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Skalski Adam i Wasilewski Mateusz (M. Caspers, G. Vos, M. Klisse) Relative Haagerup property for arbitrary von Neumann algebras
Advances in Mathematics 421 (2023), 109017
Śniady Piotr i Maślanka Łukasz (M. Marciniak) Poisson limit theorems for the RobinsonSchensted correspondence and for the multi-line Hammersley process
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Śpiewak Adam (K. Barański) On the dimension of stationary measures for random piecewise affine interval homeomorphisms
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems online (2023), 1-16
Stettner Łukasz Certainty equivalent control of discrete time Markov processes with the average reward functional
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Topolnicki Rafał (R. Beckmann, D. Marx) Deciphering the Impact of Helium Tagging on Flexible Molecules: Probing Microsolvation Effects of Protonated Acetylene by Quantum Configurational Entropy
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Topolnicki Rafał (R. Idczak, B. Rusin, M. Babij, A. Pikul, T. Ossowski) Enhanced Superconducting Critical Parameters in a New High-Entropy Alloy Nb0.34Ti0.33Zr0.14Ta0.11Hf0.08
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Trojan Bartosz (M. Rzeszut) A biparameter decomposition of Davis–Garsia type
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Vlasenko Mariia (F. Beukers) Dwork Crystals III: From Excellent Frobenius Lifts Towards Supercongruences
International Mathematics Research Notices 23 (2023), 20433-20483
Vlasenko Mariia (F. Beukers) On p-integrality of instanton numbers
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Wojtaszczyk Przemysław (G. Petrova) On the entropy numbers and the Kolmogorov widths
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Zajączkowski Wojciech (B. Nowakowski) Global regular axially-symmetric solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations with small swirl
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Łasica Michał (P. Rybka, Y. Giga) The heat equation with the dynamic boundary condition as a singular limit of problems degenerating at the boundary
Asymptotic Analysis 135 (2023), 463-508
Achinger Piotr, Lara Marcin, Youcis Alex Specialization for the pro-etale fundamental group
Compositio Mathematica 158 (2022), 1713-1745
Adamowicz Tomasz (A. Kijowski, T. Soultanis) Asymptotically mean value harmonic functions in doubling metric measure spaces
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Adamowicz Tomasz (K. Faessler) Hardy spaces and quasiconformal maps in the Heisenberg group
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Advances in Operator Theory (2022), 1-6
Ayoush Rami i Wojciechowski Michał On dimension and regularity of vector-valued measures under Fourier analytic constraints
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Baldelli Laura (S. Ciani, I.I. Skrypnik, V. Vespri) A note on the point-wise behaviour of bounded solutions for a non-standard elliptic operator
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S (2022), 15 pp.
Bieganowski Bartosz On-line interval graphs coloring - modification of the First-Fit algorithm and its performance ratio
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Bieganowski Bartosz (F. Bernini) Generalized linking-type theorem with applications to strongly indefinite problems with sign-changing nonlinearities
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 61 (2022), 1-23
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Buczyński Jarosław (J. A. Wiśniewski) Algebraic torus actions on contact manifolds with an appendix by Andrzej Weber)
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Cieślak Tomasz (B. Muha, M. Galić) A model in one-dimensional thermoelasticity
Nonlinear Analysis 216 (2022), 112703-
Cieślak Tomasz i Ożański Wojciech A partial uniqueness result and an asymptotically sharp nonuniqueness result for the Zhikov problem on the torus.
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 61 (2022), no.97, pp.15
Deev Rodion (F. A. Bogomolov, M. Verbitsky) Sections of Lagrangian fibrations on holomorphically symplectic manifolds and degenerate twistorial deformations
Advances in Mathematics 405 (2022), 108479
Dołęga Maciej (G. Chapuy) Non-orientable branched coverings, b-Hurwitz numbers, and positivity for multiparametric Jack expansions
Advances in Mathematics 409 (2022), 1-72
Dołęga Maciej (J. Novak) Procesi's Conjecture on the Formanek-Weingarten Function is False
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 360 (2022), 1169-1172
Dołęga Maciej (M. Leputre) Blossoming bijection for bipartite pointed maps and parametric rationality of general maps on any surface
Advances in Applied Mathematics 141 (2022)
Dołęga Maciej (V. Bonzom, G. Chapuy) b-monotone Hurwitz numbers: Virasoro constraints, BKP hierarchy, and O(N)-BGW integral
International Mathematics Research Notices 77 (2022)
Dołęga Maciej (V. Bonzom, G. Chapuy) Enumeration of non-oriented maps via integrability
Algebraic Combinatorics 5 (2022), 1363-1390
Dołęga Maciej i Kowalski Maciej LLT cumulants and colorings of graphs
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 29(4) Paper 4.5 (2022)
Dłotko Paweł (J. F. Senge, A. H. Astaraee, S. Bagherifard, W. A. Bosbach) Extending Conventional Surface Roughness ISO Parameters using Topological Data Analysis for shot peened surfaces
Scientific Reports 12 (2022)
Dłotko Paweł (R. Khalil, S. Kallel, A. Farhat) Topological Sholl descriptors for neuronal clustering and classification
PLoS Computational Biology, June (2022), 1-23
Dłotko Paweł (R.U. Gobithaasan, Z. A. Hasan, K. D. Selvarajh, K.-S. Wong, S. Mamat, M. Z. M. Ali, K. T. Miura) Clustering Selected Terengganu’s Rainfall Stations Based on Persistent Homology
Thai Journal of Mathematics, Special Issue: The 17thIMT-GT ICMSA 2021 (2022), 197–211
Eyral Christophe Homotopy theory on singular complex algebraic varieties
IMPAN Lecture Notes ISBN 978-83-86806-54-6: 5 (2022), 216 pages
Eyral Christophe (M. Oka) Nondegenerate locally tame complete intersection varieties and geometry of nonisolated hypersurface singularities
Journal of Algebraic Geometry 31 (2022), 561-591
Galuppi Francesco (A. Oneto) Secant non-defectivity via collisions of fat points
Advances in Mathematics 409 (2022), 108657
Galuppi Francesco (R. Mulas, L. Venturello) Spectral theory of weighted hypergraphs via tensors
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Galuppi Francesco (V. Beorchia) Generic identifiability of pairs of ternary forms
Grabowski Janusz (K. Grabowska) A geometric approach to contact Hamiltonians and contact Hamilton–Jacobi theory
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55 (2022), 435204 (34pp)
Grabowski Janusz (K. Grabowska, M. Kuś, G. Marmo) Lifting statistical structures
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 33 (2022), 2250042 (51 pp)
Grabowski Janusz i Ravanpak Zohreh Nassociative analogs of Lie groupoids
Differential Geometry and its Application 82 (2022), 101887 (32 pp)
Grabowski Janusz i Ravanpak Zohreh (K. Grabowska) VB-structures and generalizations
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 62 (2022), 235-284
Gutman Jonatan (K. Barański, A. Śpiewak) On the Shroer-Sauer-Ott-Yorke predictability conjecture for time-delay embeddings
Communications in Mathematical Physics 391(2) (2022), 609-641
Gutman Jonatan (Z. Lian) Strictly ergodic distal models and a new approach to the Host-Kra factors
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Gwiazda Piotr (B. Miasojedow, J. Skrzeczkowski, Z. Szymańska) Convergence of EBT method for a non-local model of cell proliferation with discontinuous interaction kernel
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Gwiazda Piotr (E. Feireisl, A. Świerczewska-Gwiazda) Time periodic motion of temperature driven compressible fluids
Mathematische Annalen (2022)
Gwiazda Piotr (Miroslav Bulíček, Jakub Skrzeczkowski) On a range of exponents for absence of Lavrentiev phenomenon for double phase functionals
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 246 (2022), 209-240
Gwiazda Piotr (Z. Szymańska, J. Skrzeczkowski, B. Miasojedow) Bayesian inference of a non-local proliferation model
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Hajac Piotr M. (F. Arici, F. D’Andrea, M. Tobolski) An equivariant pullback structure of trimmable graph C*-algebras
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Hajduk Karol (Ch. L. Fefferman, J. C. Robinson) Simultaneous approximation in Lebesgue and Sobolev norms via eigenspaces
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 125 (2022), 759-777
Jelonek Zbigniew ( S. T. Dinh, T. S. Pham) Stability of closedness of semi-algebraic sets under continuous semi-algebraic mappings
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 150 (2022), 3663-3673
Jelonek Zbigniew (A. Fernandes, J. E. Sampaio) On the Fukui-Kurdyka-Paunescu Conjecture
Compositio Mathematica 158 (2022), 1298-313
Jelonek Zbigniew (M.Farnik) On Generic Topological Type of Complex Plane Polynomial Mappings
International Mathematics Research Notices 22, (2022), 17976-17998
Kaczorowski Jerzy (A. Perelli) Classification of $L$-functions of degree 2 and conductor 1.
Advances in Mathematics 408 (2022), 46-pp
Kaczorowski Jerzy (A. Perelli) Structural invariants of $L$-functions and applications: a survey
Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma (N.S.) 13 (2022), 137-159
Kamont Anna (M. Bownik, K. Dziedziul) Marcinkiewicz averages of smooth orthogonal projections on sphere
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 28, no. 5 (2022), paper no. 75, 31 pp.
Kapustka Michał (E. Fatighenti, G. Mongardi, M. Rampazzo) The generalized roof F(1,2,n): Hodge structures and derived categories
Algebras and Representation Theory 26 (2023), 2313–2342, published online: (2022)
Kapustka Michał (G. Bini, G. Kapustka) Symmetric locally free resolutions and rationality problems
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 25 (2023), 2250033, online: (2022)
Kapustka Michał (M. Rampazzo) Mukai duality via roofs of projective bundles
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 54 (2) (2022), 694-717
Klimsiak Tomasz Schrodinger equations with smooth measure potential and general measure data
Nonlinear Analysis 218 (2022)
Klimsiak Tomasz (A. Rozkosz) Long-time asymptotic behaviour of the value function in nonlinear stopping problems
ALEA-Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 19 (2022), 1133-1160
Komorowski Tomasz (A. Bobrowski) Diffusion approximation for a simple kinetic model with asymmetric interface
Journal of Evolution Equations 22 (2022), 42-
Komorowski Tomasz (A. Talarczyk-Noble) Non-Gaussian limit of a tracer motion in an incompressible flow.
Studia Mathematica 264 (2022), 27-69
Komorowski Tomasz (S. Olla) Asymptotic Scattering by Poissonian Thermostats
Annales Henri Poincare 23 (2022), 3753-3790
Komorowski Tomasz (Y. Gu) Gaussian fluctuations of replica overlap in directed polymers
Electronic Communications in Probability 27 (2022), 1-12
Komorowski Tomasz (Y. Gu) High temperature behaviors of the directed polymer on a cylinder
Journal of Statistical Physics 186 (2022), 48-
Komorowski Tomasz (Z. Brzeźniak, S. Peszat) Ergodicity for stochastic equation of Navier–Stokes type
Electronic Communications in Probability 27 (4) (2022), 1-10
Koszmider Piotr (D. Głodkowski) On coverings of Banach spaces and their subsets by hyperplanes
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 150 (2022), 817-831
Koszmider Piotr (H. M. Wark) Large Banach spaces with no infinite equilateral sets.
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 54 (2022), 2066-2077
Kotowski Michał (B. Virág) Large deviations for the interchange process on the interval and incompressible flows
Geometric and Functional Analysis 32 (2022), 1357–1427
Kraft Andreas (Ch. Esposito, J. Schnitzer) The Strong Homotopy Structure of Poisson Reduction
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 16 (2022), 927-966
Krajczok Jacek Modular properties of type I locally compact quantum group
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Krajczok Jacek (M. Wasilewski) On the von Neumann algebra of class functions on a compact quantum group
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Królak Andrzej Principles of Gravitational-Wave Data Analysis
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Królak Andrzej (R. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration)) All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars using Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo O3 data
Physical Review D 106 (2022), 102008-
Królak Andrzej (R. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration)) Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars at Two Harmonics in the Second and Third LIGO-Virgo Observing Runs
The Astrophysical Journal 935 (2022), 1-29
Kryński Wojciech The Schwarzian derivative and Euler-Lagrange equations
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Kuciński Łukasz i Miłoś Piotr (M. Wołczyk, M. Zając, R Pascanu) Disentangling Transfer in Continual Reinforcement Learning
NeurIPS 2022
Lasoń Michał (M. Michałek) A note on seminormality of cut polytopes
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 36 (2022), 114-117
Li Kang i Skalski Adam (B. Kwaśniewski) The Haagerup property for twisted groupoid dynamical systems
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Malicki Maciej (A. Hallback, T. Tsankov) Continuous logic and Borel equivalence relations
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Malicki Maciej i Boritchev Maria (M. V. Guzmán, J. Szymanik) Compositionality in a simple corpus
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Marino Lorenzo (S. Menozzi, E. Priola) Poisson process and sharp constants in Lp and Schauder estimates for a class of degenerate Kolmogorov operators
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Mederski Jarosław (B. Bieganowski) Bound states for the Schrödinger equation with mixed-type nonlinearites
Indiana University Mathematics Journal 71 No.1 (2022), 65-92
Mederski Jarosław i Schino Jacopo Least energy solutions to a cooperative system of Schrödinger equations with prescribed L^2-bounds: at least L^2-critical growth
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 61:10 (2022)
Mederski Jarosław i Schino Jacopo Nonlinear curl-curl problems in R^3,
Minimax Theory and its Applications 7 No.2 (2022), 339-364
Mederski Jarosław i Siemianowski Jakub Biharmonic nonlinear scalar field equations
International Mathematics Research Notices (2022), 33 pp
Mohammadpour Reza, Przytycki Feliks i Rams Michał Hausdorff and packing dimensions and measures for nonlinear transversally non-conformal thin solenoids
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 42 (2022), 3458-3489
Mukhopadhyay Sugato (S. Bhattacharjee, S. Joardar) Levi-Civita connections from toral actions
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Skalski Adam (S. Raum) Classifying right-angled Hecke C*-algebras via K-theoretic invariants
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Stettner Łukasz (H. Gacki) On measure solutions to a generalized Boltzmann equation
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Szarek Tomasz Jakub (S. Brofferio, D. Buraczewski) On uniqueness of invariant measures for random walks on HOMEO+(ℝ)
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Szpond Justyna (R. Di Gennaro, G. Ilardi, R. M. Miro-Roig, T. Szemberg) Companion varieties for root systems and Fermat arrangements
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Topolnicki Rafał (P. Sobota, R. Topolnicki, T. Ossowski, T. Pikula, A. Pikul, R. Idczak) Superconductivity in the high entropy alloy (NbTa)0.67(MoHfW)0.33
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Castillejos Jorge (S. Evington, A. Tikuisis, S. White) Classifying*-homomorphisms into uniform tracial sequence algebras
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Grabowski Janusz i Ravanpak Zohreh Discrete mechanics on unitary octonions
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Grabowski Janusz i Ravanpak Zohreh (K. Grabowska) Transitive nilpotent Lie algebras of vector fields and their Tanaka prolongations
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Gutman Jonatan (A. Śpiewak) Around the variational principle for metric mean dimension
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Jelonek Zbigniew (S. T. Ðinh) Thom Isotopy Theorem for Nonproper Maps and Computation of Sets of Stratified Generalized Critical Values
Kaczorowski Jerzy (A. Perelli) Analytic properties of the standard twist of L-functions
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Kaczorowski Jerzy (A. Perelli) The standard twist of L-functions revisited
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Kamont Anna (M. Bownik, K. Dziedziul) Parseval Wavelet frames on Riemannian manifolds
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Kamont Anna (M. Bownik, K. Dziedziul) Smooth orthogonal projections on Riemannian manifolds
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Klimsiak Tomasz i Komorowski Tomasz On the maximum principles and the quantitative version of the Hopf lemma for uniformly elliptic integro-differential operators
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Komorowski Tomasz (S. Olla, M. Simon) Hydrodynamic limit for a chain with thermal and mechanical boundary forces
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Komorowski Tomasz (Y. Gu) Gaussian fluctuations from random Schrödinger equation"
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Koszmider Piotr A non-diagonalizable pure state
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Koszmider Piotr On the existence of overcomplete sets in some classical nonseparable Banach spaces
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Fundamenta Mathematicae 254, (1) (2021), 15-47
Kotowski Michał (Radosław Adamczak, Piotr Miłoś) Phase transition for the interchange and quantum Heisenberg models on the Hamming graph
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Królak Andrzej (R. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration)) All-sky search in early O3 LIGO data for continuous gravitational-wave signals from unknown neutron stars in binary systems
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Królak Andrzej (R. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration)) Diving below the spin-down limit: Constraints on gravitational waves from the energetic young pulsar PSR J0537-6910
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Kryński Wojciech (O. Makhmali) The Cayley cubic and differential equations
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2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) materiał konferencyjny IJCNN 2021
Kuciński Łukasz i Miłoś Piotr (K. Czechowski, T. Odrzygóźdź, M. Izworski, M. Zbysiński) Trust, but Verify: Alleviating Pessimistic Errors in Model-Based Exploration
2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) materiał konferencyjny IJCNN 2021
Kuciński Łukasz i Miłoś Piotr (K. Czechowski, T. Odrzygóźdź, M. Zbysiński, M. Zawalski, K. Olejnik, Y. Wu) Subgoal Search For Complex Reasoning Tasks
NeurIPS 2021 materiał konferencyjny “35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems” 2021
Kuciński Łukasz i Miłoś Piotr (Konrad Czechowski, Tomasz Odrzygóźdź, Michał Izworski, Marek Zbysiński) Trust, but verify: model-based exploration in sparse reward environments
NeurIPS 2020 materiał konferencyjny Workshop LMCA 2020
Kuciński Łukasz i Miłoś Piotr (T. Korbak, P. Kołodziej) Catalytic Role Of Noise And Necessity Of Inductive Biases In The Emergence Of Compositional Communication
NeurIPS 2021 materiał konferencyjny “35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems” 2021, 48 pp.
Lara Marcin Homotopy Exact Sequence for the Pro-Étale Fundamental Group
International Mathematics Research Notices (2021), pp. 1–35
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Lasoń Michał Optimal stopping for many connected components in a graph
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Lasoń Michał (T. Hibi, K. Matsuda, Mateusz Michałek, M. Vodička) Gorenstein graphic matroids
Israel Journal of Mathematics 243 (2021), 1-26
Levin Michael Resolving compacta by free p-adic actions
Fundamenta Mathematicae 255 (2021), 181-207
Malicki Maciej A formal analysis of the concept of behavioral individuation of mental states in the functionalist framework
Logic and Logical Philosophy 1 (2022), 161–173
Malicki Maciej Remarks on weak amalgamation and large conjugacy classes in non-archimedean groups
Archive for Mathematical Logic -2021
Maślanka Łukasz i Śniady Piotr (M. Marciniak) Poisson limit of bumping routes in the Robinson-Schensted correspondence
Probability Theory and Related Fields 331 (2021), 1-51
Mederski Jarosław General class of optimal Sobolev inequalities and nonlinear scalar field equations
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Mederski Jarosław (A. Szulkin) A Sobolev-Type Inequality for the Curl Operator and Ground States for the Curl–Curl Equation with Critical Sobolev Exponent
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Mederski Jarosław (B. Bieganowski) Normalized ground states of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with at least mass critical growth
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Mederski Jarosław (P. d'Avenia, A. Pomponio) Nonlinear scalar field equation with competing nonlocal terms
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Mederski Jarosław i Schino Jacopo Least energy solutions to a cooperative system of Schrödinger equations with prescribed $L^2$-bounds: at least $L^2$-critical growth
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 61 (2022)
Mohammadpour Reza i Przytycki Feliks, Rams Michał Hausdorff and packing dimensions and measures for nonlinear transversally non-conformal thin solenoids
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems online (2021), 1-32
Nowak Adam (B. Langowski) Mapping properties of fundamental harmonic analysis operators in the exotic Bessel framework
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 499 (2021), 1-36
Nowak Adam (P. Sjögren, T. Z. Szarek) Genuinely sharp heat kernel estimates on compact rank-one symmetric spaces, for Jacobi expansions, on a ball and on a simplex
Mathematische Annalen 381 (2021), 1455-1476
Nowak Piotr (K. Li, J. Špakula, J. Zhang) Quasi-local Algebras and Asymptotic Expanders
Groups Geometry and Dynamics 15 (2021), 655-682
Nowak Piotr (M. Kaluba, D. Kielak) On property (T) for Aut(F_n) and SL_n(Z)
Annals of Mathematics 193 (2021), 539-562
Osajda Damian Normal subgroups of SimpHAtic groups
Journal of Topology and Analysis (2021), (20 str.)
Osajda Damian (A. Martin) A combination theorem for combinatorially non-positively curved complexes of hyperbolic groups
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 170 (2021), 445-477
Osajda Damian (J. Huang) Helly meets Garside and Artin
Inventiones Mathematicae 225 (2021), 395-426
Osajda Damian (P. Przytycki) Tits Alternative for groups acting properly on 2-dimensional recurrent complexes
Advances in Mathematics 391 (2021)
Osajda Damian (Z. Munro, P. Przytycki) 2-dimensional Coxeter groups are biautomatic
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics (2021), 20 pp.
Ożański Wojciech Quantitative transfer of regularity of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations from ℝ3 to the case of a bounded domain
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 23 (2021)
Palka Karol (M. Koras) Complex planar curves homeomorphic to a line have at most four singular points
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 158 (2022), 144-182
Pardo Simon Leticia Combinatorics of criniferous entire maps with escaping critical values
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 25 (2021), 51-78
Pardo Simon Leticia Orbifold expansion and entire functions with bounded Fatou components
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems online (2021), 1-40
Pardo Simon Leticia (D. J. Sixsmith) The maximum modulus set of a polynomial
Computational Methods and Function Theory online (2021), 1-8
Pardo Simon Leticia (V. Evdoridou, D. J. Sixsmith) On a result of Hayman concerning the maximum modulus set
Computational Methods and Function Theory 21 (2021), 779-795
Przytycki Feliks (A. Zdunik) On Hausdorff dimension of polynomial not totally disconnected Julia sets
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (2021)
Przytycki Feliks (T. Das, G. Tiozzo, M. Urbański, A. Zdunik) Thermodynamic Formalism for Coarse Expanding Dynamical Systems
Communications in Mathematical Physics 384 (2021), 165-199
Rams Michał (B. Barany, Th. Jordan, A. Kaenmaki) Birkhoff and Lyapunov spectra on planar self-affine sets
International Mathematics Research Notices 10 (2021), 7966-8005
Rams Michał (H. Koivusalo) Mass transference principle: from balls to arbitrary shapes
International Mathematics Research Notices 8 (2021), 6315-6330
Rams Michał (L. Liao) Normal sequences with given limits of multiple ergodic averages
Publicacions Matematiques 65 (2021), 271-290
Rams Michał (M. Grajek, N. Courtois) On Weak Rotors, Latin Squares, Linear Algebraic Representations, Invariant Differentials and Cryptanalysis of Enigma
Rad Hrvatske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti, Matematicke Znanosti 25(546) (2021), 51-77
Rams Michał (Y. Bugeaud, D. H. Kim, S. Lim) Hausdorff dimension in inhomogeneous Diophantine approximation
International Mathematics Research Notices 3 (2021), 2108-2133
Roy Bidisha (P. K. Dey) Torsion groups of Mordell curves over cubic and sextic fields
Publicationes MathematicaeDebrecen 99 (2021)
Rudnicki Ryszard (K.Argasiński) Replicator dynamics for the game theoretic selection models based on state
Journal of Theoretical Biology 526 (2021), 110540-(24 str)
Rychlik Tomasz Variation of the expectation and quantiles of the mixture of ordered distributions under imprecise choice of prior
Statistics 55 (2021), 682-710
Rychlik Tomasz (F. Spizzichino) Load-sharing reliability models with different component sensibilities on other components' working states
Advances in Applied Probability 53 (2021), 107-132
Rychlik Tomasz (J. Navarro, F. Spizzichino) Conditions on marginals and copula of component lifetimes for signature representation of system lifetime
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 415 (2021), 99-117
Rychlik Tomasz (M. Szymkowiak) Properties of system lifetime in the classical model with i.i.d. exponential component lifetimes
Advances in Statistics - Theory and Applications Honoring the Contributions of Barry C. Arnold in Statistical Science (I. Ghosh, N. Balakrishnan, H.K.T. Ng, red.), Springer, Cham, Switzerland, str. 43-66
Rychlik Tomasz (M. Szymkowiak) Bounds on the lifetime expectations of series systems with IFR component lifetimes
Entropy 23, no. 385 (2021), 1-14
Shi Ruxi A counter-example for polynomial version of Sarnak's conjecture
Advances in Mathematics 384 (2021)
Skalski Adam (A. Viselter) Generating functionals for locally compact quantum groups
International Mathematics Research Notices 14 (2021), 10981-11009
Skalski Adam (Y. Arano) On the Baum–Connes conjecture for discrete quantum groups with torsion and the quantum Rosenberg conjecture
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 149 (2021), 5237-5254
Skalski Adam (Y. Jiang) Maximal subgroups and von Neumann subalgebras with the Haagerup property
Groups Geometry and Dynamics 15 (2021), 849-892
Stettner Łukasz IFIP Technical Committee 7, System Modeling and Optimization, A historical note
Advancing Research in Information and Communication Technology (2021), 321-329
Stettner Łukasz (D. Jelito, M. Pitera) Risk sensitive optimal stopping
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 136 (2021), 125-144
Stettner Łukasz (M. Pitera) Long-run risk sensitive dyadic impulse control
Applied Mathematics and Optimization 84 (2021), 19-47
Stettner Łukasz (T. Duncan, B. Pasik-Duncan) Bellman equations for scalar linear convex stochastic control problems
Banach Center Publications 122 (2020), 77-92
Stettner Łukasz (T. Rogala) Optimal strategies for utility from terminal wealth with general bid and ask prices
Applied Mathematics and Optimization 83 (2021), 403-436
Szarek Tomasz Jakub (A. Zdunik) The central limit theorem for iterated function systems on the circle
Vlasenko Mariia Hodge structures and differential operators
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Proceedings of the conference "Transcendence in Algebra, Combinatorics, Geometry and Number Theory TRANS19", Editors A. Bostan, K. Raschel: 373 (2021), 127-139
Vlasenko Mariia (F. Beukers) Dwork crystals I
International Mathematics Research Notices 12 (2021), 8807-8844
Vlasenko Mariia (F. Beukers) Dwork crystals II
International Mathematics Research Notices 6 (2021), 4427-4444
Vlasenko Mariia (S. Bloch) Gamma functions, monodromy and Frobenius constants
Communications in Number Theory and Physics 15 (2021), 91-147
Wcisło Bartosz (A. Enayat, J. D. Hamkins) Topological models of arithmetic
Fundamenta Mathematicae 256 (2022), 171-193
Wcisło Bartosz (M. Łełyk) Local collection and end-extensions of models of compositional truth
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (2021), 102941
Wcisło Bartosz (R. Kossak) Disjunctions with stopping conditions
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (3) (2021), 23 pp.
Wojciechowski Michał (M. Rzeszut) Hoeffding decomposition in H1 spaces
Mathematische Zeitschrift 298 (2021), 1113–1141
Wojtaszczyk Przemysław (A. Cohen, R. DeVore, G. Petrova) Optimal Stable Nonlinear Approximation
Foundations of Computational Mathematics (2021), 1-41
Wojtaszczyk Przemysław (F. Albiac, H. L. Ansorena) On certain subspaces of lp for 0 < p < = 1 and their applications to conditional quasi - greedy bases in p-Banach spaces
Mathematische Annalen 379 (2021), 465-502
Wojtaszczyk Przemysław (F. Albiac, J. L. Ansorena) Quasi-greedy bases in ℓp (0 < p < 1) are democratic
Journal of Functional Analysis 280 (7) (2021), 108871, 21 pp.
Wojtaszczyk Przemysław (F. Albiac, J. L. Ansorena, P. M. Berná) On a `philosophical' question about Banach envelopes
Revista Matematica Complutense 34 (3) (2021), 747-759
Wojtaszczyk Przemysław (F. Albiac, J.L. Ansorena, P.M. Berná) Greedy approximation for biorthogonal systems in quasi-Banach spaces
Dissertationes Mathematicae 560 (2021), 1-88
Wróblewska-Kamińska Aneta (D. Del Santo, F. Fanelli, G. Sbaiz) A Multiscale Problem for Viscous Heat-Conducting Fluids in Fast Rotation
Journal of Nonlinear Science 31, 21 (2021), 1-63
Wróblewska-Kamińska Aneta (O. Kreml, V. Mácha, Š. Nečasová) Low stratification of a heat-conducting fluid in time-dependent domain
Journal of Evolution Equations 21 (2021), 3421-3447
Zabczyk Jerzy Controllable systems with vanishing energy
Zabczyk Jerzy (M. Barski) A note on generalized CIR equations
Communications in Information and Systems 21 (2) (2021), 209-218
Zabczyk Jerzy (S. Peszat, K. Twardowska) Ergodicity of Burgers' system
Journal of Stochastic Analysis 2 (3) (2021) Article 10, 16pp
Zajączkowski Wojciech (E. Zadrzyńska) Existence of global weak solutions to 3d incompressible heat-conducting motions with large flux
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 44 (2021), 6259-6281
Zajączkowski Wojciech (I. Pawłow) Global regular solvability of a nonuniformly nonlinear sixth order Cahn-Hilliard system
Applications of Mathematics 48 (2021), 1-35
Zajączkowski Wojciech (Y. Shibata) On local solutions to a free boundary problem for incompressible viscous magnetohydrodynamics in the Lp-approach
Dissertationes Mathematicae 566 (2021), 1-102
Adamowicz Tomasz (A. Koski, J. Jääskeläinen) The Radó-Kneser-Choquet theorem for p-harmonic mappings between Riemannian surfaces
Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 36(6) (2020), 1779-1834
Adamowicz Tomasz (B. Warhurst) Mean value property and harmonicity on Carnot-Carathéodory groups
Potential Analysis. 52 (2020), 497-525
Adamowicz Tomasz (B. Warhurst, K. Faessler) A Koebe distortion theorem for quasiconformal mappings in the Heisenberg group
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 199 (2020), 147-186
Adamowicz Tomasz i Kijowski Antoni (A. Pinamonti, B. Warhurst) Asymptotic behaviour of p-harmonic-type functions on Heisenberg groups
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications 198 (Sept) (2020), 1-22
Adamus Janusz (A. Patel) Equisingular algebraic approximation of real and complex analytic germs
Journal of Singularities 20 (2020), 289-310
Ayoush Rami i Wojciechowski Michał (D. Stolyarov) Sobolev Martingales
Revista Matematica Iberoamericana online (2020)
Borówka Aleksandra Quaternion-Kähler manifolds near maximal fixed point sets of S1-symmetries
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 199 (2020), 1243-1262
Buczyński Jarosław (E. Postinghel, F. Rupniewski) On Strassen's rank additivity for small three-way tensors
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 41(1) (2020), 106-133
Buczyński Jarosław (N. Ilten, E. Ventura) Singular Curves of Low Degree and Multifiltrations from Osculating Spaces
International Mathematics Research Notices 21 (2020), 8139-8182
Castillejos Jorge, Evington Samuel (A. Tikuisis, S. White, W. Winter) Nuclear dimension of simple C∗-algebras
Inventiones mathematicae on-line (2020)
Cieślak Tomasz (H. Wakui) Existence of solutions to a one-dimensional Hamilton–Jacobi equation with a degenerate Hamiltonian
Applicationes Mathematicae 47 (2020), 155–163
Cieślak Tomasz (K. Fujie) Global existence in the 1d quasilinear parabolic-elliptic chemotaxis system with critical nonlinearity
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S 13 (2020), 165-176
Cieślak Tomasz i Siemianowski Jakub (A. Święch) Viscosity solutions to an initial value problem for a Hamilton–Jacobi equation with a degenerate Hamiltonian occurring in the dynamics of peakons
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications 204 (2021), 112204
Czudek Klaudiusz Alseda-Misiurewicz systems with place-dependent probabilities
Nonlinearity 33 (2020), 6221-6243
Czudek Klaudiusz i Szarek Tomasz Ergodicity and central limit theorem for random interval homeomorphisms
Israel Journal of Mathematics 239 (2020), 75-98
Dołęga Maciej (Th. Gerber, J. Torres) A positive combinatorial formula for symplectic Kostka-Foulkes polynomials I: Rows
Journal of Algebra 560 (2020), 1253-1296
Dołęga Maciej (Th. Gerber, J. Torres) A positive combinatorial formula for symplectic Kostka-Foulkes polynomials I: Rows (extended abstract)
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Formal Power, Series and Algebraic Combinatorics 84B (2020), 1-12
Dudko Artem (M. Yampolsky) On computational complexity of Cremer Julia sets
Fundamenta Mathematicae Online first (2020)
Dudko Artem (R. Grigorchuk) On the question Can one hear the shape of a group? and Hulanicki type theorem for graphs
Israel Journal of Mathematics 237, no. 1 (2020), 53-74
Dudko Artem (S. Sutherland) On the Lebesgue measure of the Feigenbaum Julia set
Inventiones Mathematicae 221 (2020), 167-202
Evington Samuel (Jorge Castillejos) Nuclear dimension of simple stably projectionless C∗-algebras
Analysis & PDE 13 (2020), 2205–2240
Grabowski Janusz (A. J. Bruce) Odd connections on supermanifolds: Existence and relation with affine connections
Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 56 (2020), 455203 (24pp)
Grabowski Janusz (A. J. Bruce) Riemannian structures on ${\Bbb Z}^n_2$-manifolds
Mathematics 8 (2020), 1469-
Grabowski Janusz (K. Grabowska) Solvable Lie algebras of vector fields and a Lie's conjecture
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry - Methods and Applications 16 (2020), 066, 15 pages
Gutman Jonatan (A. Śpiewak) Metric mean dimension and analog compression
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 66 (11) (2020), 6977-6998
Gutman Jonatan (F. Manners, P. Varjú) The structure theory of Nilspaces III: Inverse limit representations and topological dynamics
Advances in Mathematics 365 (2020), 107059
Gutman Jonatan (F. Manners, P. Varjú) The structure theory of Nilspaces I
Gutman Jonatan (K. Barański, A. Śpiewak) A probabilistic Takens theorem
Nonlinearity 33 (2020), 4940-4966
Gutman Jonatan (L. Jin) Mean dimension and an embedding theorem for real flows
Fundamenta Mathematicae 251 (2020), 161-181
Gutman Jonatan (M. Tsukamoto) Embedding minimal dynamical systems into Hilbert cubes
Inventiones Mathematicae 221 (2020), 113-166
Gwiazda Piotr (M. Bulíček, M. Kalousek, A. Świerczewska-Gwiazda) Existence and homogenization of nonlinear elliptic systems in nonreflexive spaces
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications 194 (2020), 111487
Gwiazda Piotr (O. Kreml, A. Świerczewska-Gwiazda) Dissipative measure-valued solutions for general conservation laws.
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare. Annales: Analyse Non Lineaire/Nonlinear Analysis 37 (2020), 683-707
Hajac Piotr M. (A. Chirvasitu, M. Tobolski) Non-surjective pullbacks of graph C*-algebras from non-injective pushouts of graphs
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 00 (2020), 1-15
Hajac Piotr M. (A. Kaygun, M. Tobolski) A graded pullback structure of Leavitt path algebras of trimmable graphs
Banach Center Publications 120 (2020), 47-52
Hajac Piotr M. (F. Arici, M. Tobolski ) Associated noncommutative vector bundles over the Vaksman–Soibelman quantum complex projective spaces
Banach Center Publications 120 (2020), 161-168
Hajac Piotr M. (S. Reznikoff, M. Tobolski) Pullbacks of graph C*-algebras from admissible pushouts of graphs
Banach Center Publications 120 (2020), 169-178
Hajac Piotr M. (T. Maszczyk) Cyclic-Homology Chern–Weil Theory for Families of Principal Coactions
Communications in Mathematical Physics online (2020)
Jakubczyk Bronisław Exterior multiplication with singularities: a Saito's theorem in vector bundles
Annales Polonici Mathematici 125 (2020), 117-138
Janeczko Stanisław (P.J. Giblin, M.A.S. Ruas) Reflection Maps and Geometry of Surfaces in R4
Journal of Singularities 21 (2020), 104-116
Janeczko Stanisław (T. Fukuda) Poisson-Lie Algebras and Singular Symplectic Forms Associated To Corank One Type Singularities
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 311 (2020), 1-25
Janeczko Stanisław (T. Nishimura) Anti-orthotomics of frontals and their applications
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 487 (2020), 124019-124031
Jelonek Zbigniew (A. Galligo) Elimination ideals and Bézout relations
Journal of Algebra 562 (2020), 621-626
Jelonek Zbigniew (M. Farnik, M.A.S. Ruas) Whitney theorem for complex polynomial mappings
Mathematische Zeitschrift 295 (2020), 1039-1065
Jelonek Zbigniew i Lasoń Michał Quantitative properties of the non-properness set of a polynomial map, a positive characteristic case
Journal of Algebra and its Applications 19 (2020), 2050192-
Kaczorowski Jerzy (A. Perelli) On the standard twist of the -functions of half-integral weight cusp forms
Nagoya Mathematical Journal 240 (2020), 150-180
Kamont Anna (M. Bownik, K. Dziedziul) Smooth orthogonal projections on Riemannian manifolds
Potential Analysis online 2020, 54 (2021), 41–94
Kapustka Michał (G. Kapustka, R. Moschetti) Equivalence of K3 surfaces from Verra threefolds
Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 60 no. 4 (2020), 1209-1226
Kijowski Antoni Characterization of mean value harmonic functions on norm induced metric measure spaces with weighted Lebesgue measure
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 8 (2020), 1-26
Kijowski Antoni (T. Adamowicz, A. Pinamonti, B. Warhurst) Variational approach to the asymptotic mean-value property for the p-Laplacian on Carnot groups
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications 198 (2020), 111893
Komorowski Tomasz (A. Bobrowski) A quantitative Hopf-type maximum principle for subsolutions of elliptic PDEs
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S 13 (2020), 3495-3502
Komorowski Tomasz (S. Olla) Kinetic limit for a chain of harmonic oscillators with a point Langevin thermostat.
Journal of Functional Analysis 279 (2020), 108764,-
Komorowski Tomasz (S. Olla, L. Ryzhik) Fractional diffusion limit for a kinetic equation with an interface.
Annals of Probability 48 (2020), 2290-2322
Komorowski Tomasz (S. Olla, L. Ryzhik, H. Spohn) High frequency limit for a chain of harmonic oscillators with a point Langevin thermostat
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 237 (2020), 497-543
Komorowski Tomasz (S. Olla, M. Simon, ) An open microscopic model of heat conduction: evolution and non-equilibrium stationary states.
Communications in Mathematical Sciences 18 (2020), 751-780
Komorowski Tomasz (T. Chojecki) A probabilistic proof of apriori $L^p$ estimates for a class of divergence form elliptic operators.
Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques 160 (2020), 102851-
Koszmider Piotr (C. S. Hida) Large irredundant sets in operator algebras
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 72 (4) (2020), 988-1023
Koszmider Piotr (S. Ghasemi) A non-stable C∗-algebra with an elementary essential composition series
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 148 no. 5 (2020), 2201-2215
Koszmider Piotr, Martinez Celis Rodriguez Arturo Antonio Rosenthal families, pavings and generic cardinal invariants
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society online (2020)
Królak Andrzej (R. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration)) GW190521: A Binary Black Hole Merger with a Total Mass of 150 M
Physical Review Letters 125 (2020), 101102-
Królak Andrzej (R. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration)) Gravitational-wave Constraints on the Equatorial Ellipticity of Millisecond Pulsars
Astrophysical Journal Letters 902 (2020)
Kryński Wojciech (O. Makhmali) The Cayley cubic and differential equations
Journal of Geometric Analysis (2020), 1-55
Ledwina Teresa (B. Ćmiel) Validation of association
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 91 (2020), 55-67
Ledwina Teresa (B. Ćmiel, T. Inglot) Intermediate efficiency of some weighted goodness-of-fit statistics
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 32 (2020), 667-703
Li Kang (P. Ara, Ch. Bönicke, J. Bosa) Strict comparison for C*-algebras arising from almost finite groupoids
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 14 (2020), 1692-1710
Marti-Pete David (V. Evdoridou, D. J. Sixsmith) Spiders' webs in the punctured plane
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica 45 (2020), 511-531
Marti-Pete David (V. Evdoridou, D. J. Sixsmith) On the connectivity of the escaping set in the punctured plane
Collectanea Mathematica online (2020)
Mederski Jarosław Nonradial solutions of nonlinear scalar field equations
Nonlinearity 33 (2020), 6349-6380
Mederski Jarosław (J. Schino, A. Szulkin) Multiple Solutions to a Nonlinear Curl–Curl Problem in R^3
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 236 (2020), 253-288
Miłoś Piotr (B. Osiński, A. Jakubowski, P. Zięcina, Ch. Galias, S. Homoceanu, H. Michalewski) Simulation-based reinforcement learning for real-world autonomous driving
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation [ICRA] 2020
Miłoś Piotr (Ł. Kaiser, M. Babaeizadeh, B. Osiński, R. H. Campbell, K. Czechowski, D. Erhan, Ch. Finn, P. Kozakowski, S. Levine, R. Sepassi, G. Tucker, H. Michalewski) Model Based Reinforcement Learning for Atari
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2020 (spotlight)
Mohammadpour Bejargafsheh Reza Zero temperature limits of equilibrium states for subadditive potentials and approxi-mation of the maximal Lyapunov exponent
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 55(2) (2020), 697-710
Nowak Adam (Ó. Ciaurri, L. Roncal) Maximal estimates for a generalized spherical mean Radon transform acting on radial functions
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 199 (2020), 1597-1619
Nowak Piotr (U. Bader) Group algebra criteria for vanishing of cohomology
Journal of Functional Analysis 279 (2020), 108730-
Nowak Piotr (Y. Jiang) Singular subgroups in \tilde{A}_2 groups and their von Neumann algebras
Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Springer Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Their Interactions with Geometry and Topology, Volume 278 (2020), 391-402
Osajda Damian (A. Martin) A combination theorem for combinatorially non-positively curved complexes of hyperbolic groups
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (2020), 33 pp.
Osajda Damian (J. Chalopin, V. Chepoi, H. Hirai) Weakly modular graphs and nonpositive curvature
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 268 (2020)
Osajda Damian (J. Huang) Large-type Artin groups are systolic
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 120 (2020), 95-123
Palka Karol (T. Pełka) Classification of planar rational cuspidal curves. II. log del Pezzo models
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society [Online 2019]: 120 (2020), 642-703
Pragacz Piotr (L. Darondeau) Flag bundles, Segre polynomials, and push-forwards
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics w "Schubert Calculus and its applications in combinatorics and representation theory": 332 (2020), 17-25
Pragacz Piotr (W. Domitrz, P. Mormul) Order of tangency between manifolds
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics w "Schubert Calculus and its applications in combinatorics and representation theory": 332 (2020), 27-42
Przytycki Feliks Thermodynamic formalism methods in the theory of iteration of mappings in dimension one, real and complex
Annales Mathematicae Silesianae online (2020)
Rams Michał (B. Barany, K. Simon) Dimension of the repeller for a piecewise expanding affine map
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica 45 (2020), 1135-1169
Rams Michał (Th. Jordan) Birkhoff spectrum for piecewise monotone interval maps
Fundamenta Mathematicae 252 (2021), 203-223
Rudnicki Ryszard (A. Bobrowski) On convergence and asymptotic behaviour of semigroups of operators
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 378 (2020), 20190613-(18 str.)
Rudnicki Ryszard (B. Lods, M. Mokhtar-Kharroubi) Existence of invariant density and time asymptotics for collosionless kinetic semigroups
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare. Annales: Analyse Non Lineaire/Nonlinear Analysis 37 (2020), 877-923
Rudnicki Ryszard (K. Argasiński) From nest site lottery to host lottery: continuous model of growth suppression driven by the availability of nest sites for newborns or hosts for parasites and its impact on the selection of life history strategies
Theory in Biosciences 139 (2020), 171-188
Rudnicki Ryszard (K. Pichór) Dynamics of antibody levels: Asymptotic properties
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 43 (2020), 10490-10499
Rudnicki Ryszard (K. Pichór) Asymptotic properties of stochastic semigroups with applications to piecewise deterministic Markov processes
"Semigroups of Operators – Theory and Applications", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 325 (2020), 329-347
Rychlik Tomasz (M. Bieniek, M. Burkschat) Comparisons of the expectations of system and component lifetimes in the failure dependent proportional hazard model
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 22 (2020), 173-189
Shi Ruxi Equi-distribution on planes and spectral set conjecture on $\mathbb{Z}_{p^2}\times \mathbb{Z}_{p}$
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 102 (2020), 1030-1046
Shi Ruxi Correction to: Construction of some Chowla sequences
Monatshefte für Mathematik -2020
Shulman Tatiana (K. Courtney) Free products amalgamated over central C*-subalgebras
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 148 (2020), 765-776
Shulman Tatiana (S. Eilers, A. Sorensen) C*-stability of discrete groups
Advances in Mathematics 373 (2020), 107324
Silva Cordeiro Welington (A. Artigue, B. Carvalho, José Vieitez) Beyond topological hyperbolicity: the L-shadowing property.
Journal of Differential Equations 268 (2020), 3057-3080
Silva Cordeiro Welington (B. Carvalho, J. Aponte) Suspensions of homeomorphisms with the two-sided limit shadowing property
Dynamical Systems 35 (2020), 315-335
Skalski Adam Quantum Dirichlet forms and their recent applications
Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser Quantum Dirichlet forms and their recent applications. Geometric Methods in Physics XXXVII, (2019), 246-254
Skalski Adam (M. Kalantar, P. Kasprzak, P. Sołtan) Induction for locally compact quantum groups revisited
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 150 (2020), 1071-1093
Smyrnelis Panayotis Connecting orbits in Hilbert spaces and applications to P.D.E.
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 19 (2020), 2797-2818
Śniady Piotr (S. Matsumoto) Random strict partitions and random shifted tableaux
Selecta Mathematica, New Series 26, 10 (2020)
Śniady Piotr (S. Matsumoto) Linear versus spin: representation theory of the symmetric groups
Algebraic Combinatorics 3 (2020), 249-280
Śniady Piotr (Ł. Maślanka) Limit shapes of evacuation and jeu de taquin paths in random square tableaux
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Formal Power, Series and Algebraic Combinatorics 84B.8 (2020), 12 pp.
Stettner Łukasz (A. Basu) Zero-Sum stopping games with impulse controls
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Stettner Łukasz (D. Jelito, M. Pitera) Long-Run risk sensitive impulse control
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 58 (2020), 2446-2468
Tomilov Yuriy (R.Chill, D. Seifert,) Semi-uniform stability of operator semigroups and energy decay of damped waves
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 378 (2020), 614-637
Trojan Bartosz Variational estimates for operators on some thin subsets of primes
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Trojan Bartosz Long time behaviour of random walks on the integer lattice
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Dudko Artem (K. Medynets) On invariant random subgroups of block-diagonal limits of symmetric groups
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Kaczorowski Jerzy (J. Bruedern, A. Perelli) Explicit formulae for averages of Goldbach representations
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Kapustka Michał (M. Rampazzo) Torelli problem for Calabi-Yau threefolds with GLSM description
Communications in Number Theory and Physics 13 (2019), 725-761
Karol Palka Cuspidal curves, minimal models and Zaidenberg’s finiteness conjecture
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Kałamajska Agnieszka (I. Chlebicka, P. Drábek) Caccioppoli-type estimates and Hardy-type inequalities derived from weighted p-harmonic problems
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Kałamajska Agnieszka (T. Choczewski) On one variant of strongly nonlinear Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality involving Laplace operator with application to nonlinear elliptic problems
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Królak Andrzej (B. P. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration)) Narrow-band search for gravitational waves from known pulsars using the second LIGO observing run
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Królak Andrzej (B. P. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration)) Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars at Two Harmonics in 2015–2017 LIGO Data
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Majewski Szymon (A. Liutkus, U. Simsekli, A. Durmus, F.-R. Stoter) Sliced-Wasserstein Flows: Nonparametric Generative Modeling via Optimal Transport and Diffusions
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Maślanka Łukasz On a typical compact set as the attractor of generalized iterated function systems of infinite order
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Michałek Mateusz (A. Higashitani, K. Jochemko) Arithmetic aspects of symmetric edge polytopes
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Michałek Mateusz (E. Ventura) Phylogenetic complexity of the Kimura 3-parameter model
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Nowak Piotr i Reckwerdt Eric On complements of Kazhdan projections in semisimple groups
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Palka Karol i Pełka Tomasz Classification of planar rational cuspidal curves. II. log del Pezzo models
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Pokora Piotr Seshadri constants and special point configurations in the projective plane
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Śniady Piotr Asymptotics of Jack characters
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Stettner Łukasz Long run control of Markov processes with degenerate observation
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Stettner Łukasz ( Z. Palmowski, A. Sulima,) Optimal portfolio Selection in an It\^{o} - Markov market
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Szymańska Zuzanna (M. Dębowski, J. Z. Kubiak, i M. Lachowicz) Mathematical model explaining the role of CDC6 in the diauxic growth of CDK1 activity during the M-phase of the cell cycle
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Tomilov Yuriy (V. Muller) Joint numerical ranges and compressions of powers of operators
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Trojan Bartosz Variational estimates for discrete operators modeled on multi-dimensional polynomial subsets of primes
Mathematische Annalen 374 (2019), 1597-1656
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Discrete Mathematics 342 (2019), 2549-2558
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Vlasenko Mariia Formal groups and congruences
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Wojtaszczyk Przemysław (S. Foucart, M. Hielsberg, G. Mullendore, G. Petrova) Optimal Algorithms for Computing Average Temperatures
Mathematics of Climate and Weather Forecasting 5 ( 2019), 34-44
Wróblewska-Kamińska Aneta (J. A. Carrillo, E. Zatorska) On long-time asymptotics for viscous hydrodynamic models of collective behavior with damping and nonlocal interactions
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Zajączkowski Wojciech Some stability problem for the Navier-Stokes equations in the periodic case
Applications of Mathematics 46 (2019), 155-173
Zajączkowski Wojciech Stability of axially-symmetric solutions to incompressible magnetohydrodynamics with no azimuthal velocity and with only azimuthal magnetic field
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 18 (2019), 1447-1482
Zhang Haonan Idempotent states on Sekine quantum groups
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Achinger Piotr The logarithmic de Rham–Witt complex
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Adamowicz Tomasz (B. Warhurst) Prime ends in the Heisenberg group H1 and the boundary behavior of quasiconformal mappings
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Bożejko Marek Anyonic Fock Spaces, q-CCR Relations for |q|=1 and Relations with Yang–Baxter Operators
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Bożejko Marek (Ś. Gal, W. Młotkowski) Positive Definite Functions on Coxeter Groups with Applications to Operator Spaces and Noncommutative Probability
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Burczak Jan (M Bulicek) Existence and smoothness for a class of nD models in elasticity theory of small deformations
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Chlebicka Iwona A pocket guide to nonlinear differential equations in Musielak-Orlicz spaces
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Chlebicka Iwona (A. Zatorska-Goldstein) Existence to nonlinear parabolic problems with unbounded weights
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Chojecki Przemysław Weak local-global compatibility and ordinary representations
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 139 (2018), 159-183
Cieślak Tomasz (K. Fujie) No critical nonlinear diffusion in 1D quasilinear fully parabolic chemotaxis system
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 146 (2018), 2529-2540
Ćmiel Bogdan Asymptotic confidence bands in the Spektor-Lord-Willis problem via kernel estimation of intensity derivative
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Dudko Artem On irreducibility of Koopman representations corresponding to measure contracting actions
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Dudko Artem (M. Yampolsky) Almost every real quadratic polynomial has a poly-time computable julia set
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Dudko Artem (R. Grigorchuk) On diagonal actions of branch groups and corresponding characters
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Eyral Christophe (M. Oka) Whitney regularity and Thom condition for families of non-isolated mixed singularities
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Ghasemi Saeed , Koszmider Piotr Noncommutative Cantor-Bendixson derivatives and scattered C∗-algebras
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Grabowski Janusz i Shulman Tatiana (M. Kuś, G. Marmo) Geometry of quantum dynamics in infinite dimensional Hilbert space
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Gutman Jonatan (E. Glasner, X. Ye) Higher order regionally proximal equivalence relations for general minimal group actions
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Gutman Jonatan (W. Huang, S. Shao ,X. Dong Ye ) Almost sure convergence of the multiple ergodic average for certain weakly mixing systems
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Gutman Jonatan (Y. Qiao, G. Szabó) The embedding problem in topological dynamics and Takens' theorem
Nonlinearity 31 (2018), 597-620
Gwiazda Piotr (M. Lukáčová-Medviďová, H. Mizerová, A.Świerczewska-Gwiazda) Existence of global weak solutions to the kinetic Peterlin model
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 44 (2018), 465-478
Gwiazda Piotr (M. Michálek, A.Świerczewska-Gwiazda) A note on weak solutions of conservation laws and energy/entropy conservation
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 229 (2018), 1223-1238
Gwiazda Piotr (T. Dębiec, A.Świerczewska-Gwiazda,A. Tzavaras) Conservation of energy for the Euler-Korteweg equations
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 57 (2018), 12 pp.
Gwiazda Piotr (T. Dębiec, M. Doumic, E. Wiedemann) Relative Entropy Method for Measure Solutions of the Growth-Fragmentation Equation
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 50 (2018), 5811-5824
Gwiazda Piotr i Iwona Skrzypczak (A. Zatorska-Goldstein) Existence of renormalized solutions to elliptic equation in Musielak-Orlicz space
Journal of Differential Equations 264 (2018), 341-377
Hajac Piotr M. (R. Nest, D. Pask, A. Sims, B. Zieliński) The K-theory of twisted multipullback quantum odd spheres and complex projective spaces
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Jóźwikowski Michał (M. Rotkiewicz) Higher-order analogs of Lie algebroids via vector bundle comorphisms
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Jóźwikowski Michał (W. Respondek) Why are normal sub-Riemannian extremals locally minimizing?
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Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 53 (2017), 337-347
Kapustka Grzegorz (M. Donten-Bury, B. van Geemen, M. Kapustka, J. A. Wiśniewski) A very special EPW sextic and two IHS fourfolds
Geometry & Topology 21 (2017), 1179–1230
Karpel Olena (M. Adamska, S. Bezuglyi, J. Kwiatkowski) Subdiagrams and invariant measures on Bratteli diagrams
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 37 (2017), 2417-2452
Kałamajska Agnieszka (C. Capone, A. Fiorenza) Strongly nonlinear Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality in Orlicz spaces and Boyd indices
Kałamajska Agnieszka (P. Kozarzewski) On the condition of tetrahedral polyconvexity, arising from calculus of variations
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations no. 2, 23 (2017), 475–495
Klimsiak Tomasz Semilinear elliptic equations with Dirichlet operator and singular nonlinearities
Journal of Functional Analysis 272 (2017), 929-975
Klimsiak Tomasz Obstacle problem for evolution equations involving measure data and operator corresponding to semi-Dirichlet form
Journal of Evolution Equations on-line (2017)
Klimsiak Tomasz (A. Rozkosz) The valuation of American options in multidimensional exponential Levy model
Mathematical Finance on-line (2017)
Kochanek Tomasz (T. Kania) Steinhaus' lattice-point problem for Banach spaces
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 446 (2017), 1219-1229
Komorowski Tomasz (S. Olla) Diffusive propagation of energy in a non-acoustic chain
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 223 (2017), 95-139
Komorowski Tomasz (T. Chen, L. Ryzhik) The weak coupling limit for the Schroedinger equation: the average wave function.
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 227 (2018), 387–422
Koszmider Piotr On constructions with 2-cardinals. Arch. Math. Logic 56 (2017), no. 7-8, 849–876.
Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (2017), 849-876
Koszmider Piotr (T. Bice) A note on the Akemann-Doner and Farah-Wofsey constructions
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 145 (2017), 681-687
Królak Andrzej First observations of gravitational wave signals
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement No 2 10 (2017), 355-
Królak Andrzej (B. P. Abbott et al.. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration)) All-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in the O1 LIGO data
Physical Review D 96 (2017), 062002-
Królak Andrzej (B. P. Abbott et al.. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration)) GW170814: A Three-Detector Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Coalescence
Physical Review Letters 119 (2017), 141101-
Królak Andrzej (B. P. Abbott et al.. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration)) GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral
Physical Review Letters 119 (2017), 161101-
Królak Andrzej (B. P. Abbott et al.. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration)) First Search for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars with Advanced LIGO
Astrophysical Journal 839:12 (19pp), 2017 April 10
Królak Andrzej (Ch. Chakraborty, P. Kocherlakota, M. Patil, S. Bhattacharyya, P. S. Joshi) Distinguishing Kerr naked singularities and black holes using the spin precession of a test gyro in strong gravitational fields
Physical Review D 95 (2017), 084024-
Królak Andrzej (M. Patil) The First Detection of Gravitational Waves
Universe 3 (2017), 59-
Kryński Wojciech (M. Grochowski) On contact sub-pseudo-Riemannian isometries
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 23 (4) (2017), 1751-1765
Lasoń Michał The coloring game on matroids
Discrete Mathematics 340 (2017), 796-799
Lasoń Michał (W. Lubawski) On-line list coloring of matroids
Discrete Applied Mathematics 217 (2017), 353-355
Lasoń Michał i Mateusz Michałek Non-normal very ample polytopes - constructions and examples
Experimental Mathematics 26 (2017), 130-137
Ledwina Teresa (G. Wyłupek) On Charlier polynomials in testing Poissonity
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 46 (2017), 1918-1932
Mance William (D. Airey) Normality of different orders for Cantor series expansions
Nonlinearity (10) (2017) 3719-3742
Mederski Jarosław The Brezis-Nirenberg problem for the curl-curl operator
Journal of Functional Analysis on-line (2017)
Mederski Jarosław (B. Bieganowski) Nonlinear Schrödinger equations with sum of periodic and vanishig potentials and sign-changning nonlinearities
Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 17 (2018), 143-161
Mederski Jarosław (P. d'Avenia, A. Pomponio) Vortex ground states for Klein-Gordon-Maxwell-Proca type systems
Journal of Mathematical Physics 58 (2017), 041503-19 pp
Mederski Jarosław (Th. Bartsch) Nonlinear time-harmonic Maxwell equations in domains
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 19 (2017), 959-986
Miasojedow Błażej (W. Niemiro) Geometric ergodicity of Rao and Teh’s algorithm for Markov jump processes and CTBNs
Electronic Journal of Statistics 11(2) (2017), 4629-4648
Michalewski Henryk (M. Klimek, P. Miłoś) Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning with Parameters
1st Annual Conference on Robot Learning 1 (2017), 301-313
Michałek Mateusz Finite phylogenetic complexity of Zp and invariants for Z3
European Journal of Combinatorics 59 (2017), 169-186
Michałek Mateusz (Ch. Miller) Examples of k-regular maps and interpolation spaces
Linear Algebra and its Applications 530 (2017), 94-108
Michałek Mateusz (E. Ventura) Finite phylogenetic complexity and combinatorics of tables
Algebra & Number Theory 11 (2017), 235-252
Michałek Mateusz (H. Moon, B. Sturmfels, E. Ventura) Real Rank Geometry of Ternary Forms
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 169 (2017), 1025-
Michałek Mateusz (J. Landsberg) Abelian tensors
Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees 108 (2017), 333-371
Michałek Mateusz (J. Landsberg) On the geometry of border rank algorithms for matrix multiplication and other tensors with symmetry
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 1 (2017), 2-19
Michałek Mateusz (M. Casanellas, J. Fernandez-Sanchez) Local equations for equivariant evolutionary models
Advances in Mathematics 315 (2017), 285-323
Misiurewicz Michał, Roth Samuel Constant slope maps on the extended real line
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems on-line (2017)
Moreno Giovanni (A. J. Bruce, K. Grabowska) On a geometric framework for Lagrangian supermechanics
The Journal of Geometric Mechanics 9 (2017), 411-437
Moreno Giovanni (D. V. Alekseevsky, J. Gutt, G. Manno) Lowest degree invariant 2nd oder PDEs over rational homogeneous contact manifolds
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics on-line (2017)
Nowak Adam (K. Stempak) Potential operators and Laplace type multipliers associated with the twisted Laplacian
Acta Mathematica Scientia 37 (2017), 280-292
Nowak Adam (K. Stempak) Potential operators associated with Hankel and Hankel-Dunkl transforms
Nowak Adam (Ó. Ciaurri, L. Roncal) Two-weight mixed norm estimates for a generalized spherical mean Radon transform acting on radial functions
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 49 (2017), 4402-4439
Nowak Adam i Szarek Tomasz Zachary (P. Sjögren) Maximal operators of exotic and non-exotic Laguerre and other semigroups associated with classical orthogonal expansions
Advances in Mathematics 318 (2017), 307-354
Nowak Piotr Group 1-cohomology is complemented
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 49 (2017), 216-219
Nowak Piotr (C. Drutu) Kazhdan projections, random walks and ergodic theorems
Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's journal) on-line (2017)
Nowak Piotr (F. Diana) Eilenberg swindles and higher large scale homology of products of trees
Groups, Geometry & Dynamics 11 (2017), 371-392
Nowak Piotr W. i Sawicki Damian Warped cones and spectral gaps
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 145 (2017), 817-823
Ohrysko Przemysław i Wojciechowski Michał Spectrally reasonable measures
St Petersburg Mathematical Journal 28 (2017), 259-271
Orlef Damian Random groups are not left-orderable
Colloquium Mathematicum 150 (2017), 175-185
Palka Karol (M. Koras) The Coolidge-Nagata conjecture
Duke Mathematical Journal 166 no. 16 (2017), 3085-3145
Palka Karol i Tomasz Pełka Classification of planar rational cuspidal curves. I. C**-fibrations
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 115 (2017), 638-692
Pragacz Piotr i Darondeau Lionel Universal Gysin formulas for flag bundles
International Journal of Mathematics 27(9) (2017), 23 strony
Przytycki Feliks Geometric pressure in real and complex 1-dimensional dynamics via trees of pre-images and via spanning sets
Monatshefte fur Mathematik on-line (2017)
Przytycki Feliks Artur Avila -- laureat medalu Fieldsa w 2014 roku
Wiadomości Matematyczne 52.2 (2016), 219-249
Przytycki Piotr (A. Sisto) A note on acylindrical hyperbolicity of Mapping Class Groups
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 73, Hyperbolic Geometry and Geometric Group Theory (2017), 255-264
Przytycki Piotr (D. T. Wise) Mixed 3-manifolds are virtually special
Journal of the American Mathematical Society Article electronically published on October 19, 2017
Qiao Yixiao (Jian Li) Mean Li-Yorke chaos along some good sequences
Monatshefte für Mathematik on-line (2017)
Rams Michał (B. Barany) Dimension maximizing measures for self-affine systems
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 370 (2018), 553-576
Rams Michał (L. Diaz, K. Gelfert) Nonhyperbolic step skew-product: ergodic approximation
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare- Analyse non lineaire 34 (2017), 1561-1598
Rams Michał (L. Diaz, K. Gelfert) Topological and ergodic aspects of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms and nonhyperbolic step skew-products
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 297 (2017), 98-115
Rams Michał (Tomas Persson) On shrinking targets for piecewise expanding interval maps
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 37 (2017), 646-663
Regińska Teresa Discrepancy sets for combined LSQ projection and Tikhonov regularization
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 22 (2017), 202-212
Rencławowicz Joanna Large data incompressible nonstationary flows in cylindrical domains
RIMS Proceedings on Mathematical Analysis of Viscous Incompressible Fluid No 2009, 12 (2016), 65-83
Rencławowicz Joanna i Zajączkowski Wojciech (A. Mikhaylov) On global regular solutions to the mhd equations in smooth toroidal domain
Applicationes Mathematicae 44,2 (2017), 163-183
Rozendaal Jan (M. de Jeu) Disintegration of positive isometric group representations on L^{p}-spaces
Positivity 21 (2) (2017), 673-710
Rozendaal Jan (M. Veraar) Fourier multiplier theorems on Besov spaces under type and cotype conditions
Banach J. Math. Anal. 11 (4) (2017), 713-743
Rozendaal Jan (M. Veraar) Fourier multiplier theorems involving type and cotype
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications on-line (2017)
Rudnicki Ryszard Does a population with the highest turnover coefficient win competition?
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 23 (2017), 1529-1541
Rudnicki Ryszard (K. Argasiński) Nest site lottery revisited. Towards the mechanistic model of population growth suppressed by availability of nest sites
Journal of Theoretical Biology 420 (2017), 279-289
Rudnicki Ryszard (K. Pichór) Stability of stochastic semigroups and applications to Stein's neuronal model
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 23 (2018), 377-385
Rudnicki Ryszard (M. Mokhtar-Kharroubi) On asymptotic stability and sweeping of collisionless kinetic equations
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 147 (2017), 19-38
Rudnicki Ryszard (M. Tyran-Kamińska) Piecewise Deterministic Processes in Biological Models
SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, Mathematical Methods, Springer, Cham, Switzerland 2017 33-62
Rudnicki Ryszard (R. Wieczorek) Does assortative mating lead to a polymorphic population? A toy model justification
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 23 (2018), 459-472
Rychlik Tomasz Evaluations of quantiles of system lifetime distributions
European Journal of Operational Research 256 (2017), 935-944
Rychlik Tomasz i Kozyra Paweł Marcin Lower and upper bounds on the variances of spacings
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 69 (2017), 417-428
Rychlik Tomasz i Kozyra Paweł Marcin Sharp bounds on the expectations of L-statistics expressed in the Gini mean differences units
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 46 (2017), 2921-2941
Sabok Marcin (T. Tsankov) On the complexity of topological conjugacy of Toeplitz subshifts
Israel Journal of Mathematics 220 (2017), 583-603
Sawicki Damian On equivariant asymptotic dimension
Groups, Geometry & Dynamics 11 (2017), 977-1002
Sawicki Damian Warped cones over profinite completions
Journal of Topology and Analysis
Schinzel Andrzej Prace Jerzego Browkina z teorii liczb
Wiadomości Matematyczne 52 (2016), 289-297
Schinzel Andrzej On simple linear recurrences
Number Theory-Diophantine Problems, Uniform Distribution and Applications, Festschrift in Honour of Robert F. Tichy's 60th birthday (C. Elsholtz, P. Grabner, eds), 381-389, Springer International Publishing 2017
Schinzel Andrzej On factors of Stern polynomials II. Proof of a conjecture of M.Gawron
Schinzel Andrzej (M. Skałba) An improvement of a lemma from Gauss's first proof of quadratic reciprocity
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics 65 (2017), 29-33
Shulman Tatiana (K. Courtney) Elements of C*-algebras attaining their norm in a finite-dimensional representation
Canadian Journal of Mathematics on-line (2017)
Silvero Casanova Marithania (J. H. Przytycki) Homotopy type of circle graphs complexes motivated by extreme Khovanov homology
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics on-line (2017)
Silvero Casanova Marithania (S. Mukherjee, J. H. Przytycki, X. Wang, S. Y. Yang) Search for torsion in Khovanov homology
Experimental Mathematics on-line (2017)
Skalski Adam (G. Aubrun, R. Speicher) Quantum Symmetries
Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 2189 (Metabief, France 2014)
Skalski Adam (M. Daws, A. Viselter) Around Property (T) for quantum groups
Communications in Mathematical Physics 353 (2017), 69-118
Skalski Adam (P. Kasprzak, P. Sołtan) The canonical central exact sequence for locally compact quantum groups.
Mathematische Nachrichten 290 (2017), 1303-1316
Skalski Adam (P. Salmi) Actions of locally compact (quantum) groups on ternary rings of operators, their crossed products, and generalized Poisson boundaries
Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 57 (2017), 667-691
Skalski Adam (P. Salmi) Idempotent states on locally compact quantum groups II
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 68 (2017), 421-431
Skalski Adam (U. Franz, P. Sołtan) Introduction to compact and discrete quantum groups
Banach Center Publications 111 (2017), 9-31
Śniady Piotr (A. Czyżewska-Jankowska) Jack characters and enumeration of maps
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire Proceedings of the 29th Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (London) 78B (2017), Article #5-
Śniady Piotr (S. T. Belinschi, R. Speicher) Eigenvalues of non-Hermitian random matrices and Brown measure of non-normal operators: Hermitian reduction and linearization method.
Linear Algebra and its Applications 537 (2018), 48-83
Spież Stanisław Rigidity of embeddings of finite products of certain continua
Topology and its Applications 225 (2017), 67-74
Stettner Łukasz (A. Rygiel) Remarks on simple arbitrage on markets with bid and ask prices
Applicationes Mathematicae 44,1 (2017), 33-55
Stettner Łukasz (J. Palczewski) Impulse control maximising average cost per unit time: a non-uniformly ergodic case
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 55 (2017), 936-960
Strung Karen (R. J. Deeley) Nuclear dimension and classification of C*-algebras associated to Smale spaces
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society on-line (2017)
Tobolski Mariusz (F. J. Herranz, J. de Lucas) Lie-Hamilton systems on curved spaces: A geometrical approach
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Tomilov Yuriy (A. Carey, F. Gesztesy, D. Potapov and F. Sukochev) On the Witten index in terms of spectral shift functions
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Wasilewski Mateusz q-Araki-Woods algebras: extension of second quantisation and Haagerup approximation property
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 145 (2017), 5287-5298
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Wojciechowski Michał (M. Rzeszut) Independent sums of Hn1(T) and Hn1(?)
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Wojciechowski Michał i Andrzej Weber On the Pelczynski conjecture on Auerbach bases
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Wróblewska-Kamińska Aneta The Asymptotic Analysis of the Complete Fluid System on a Varying Domain: From the Compressible to the Incompressible Flow
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Wróblewska-Kamińska Aneta (O. Kreml, V. Mácha, Š. Nečasová) Weak solutions to the full Navier–Stokes–Fourier system with slip boundary conditions in time dependent domains
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Zajączkowski Wojciech (I. Pawłow) Global regular solutions to three-dimensional thermo-visco-elasticity with nonlinear temperature-dependent specific heat
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Żelazko Wiesław A non-commutative Banach algebra whose maximal commutative subalgebras are all mutually isomoirphic
Colloquium Mathematicum 146 (2017), 47-51
Żelazko Wiesław An algebra which is a maximal commutative subalgebra in very few algebras
Colloquium Mathematicum 147 (2017), 241-246
Adamowicz Tomasz (B. Warhurst) Three-spheres theorems for subelliptic quasilinear equations in Carnot groups of Heisenberg-type
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Adamowicz Tomasz (N. Lundström) The boundary Harnack inequality for variable exponent p-Laplacian, Carleson estimates, barrier functions and p(.)-harmonic measures
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Bruce Andrew Killing Sections and Sigma Models with Lie Algebroid Targets
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Bruce Andrew (A. G. Tortorella) Kirillov structures up to homotopy
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Bruce Andrew i Grabowski Janusz (M. Rotkiewicz) Polarisation of graded bundles
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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 48 (6) (2016), 4241-4267
Burczak Jan (P. Kaplicky) Evolutionary, symmetric p-Laplacian. Interior regularity of time derivatives and its consequences.
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Burczak Jan (R. Granero-Belinchón) Global solutions for a supercritical drift-diffusion equation
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Burczak Jan (R. Granero-Belinchón) On a generalized Keller-Segel system in one space dimension
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Burczak Jan (R. Granero-Belinchón) Keller-Segel meets Burgers on S^1: large-time smooth solutions
Nonlinearity 29 (2016), 3810-3836
Burczak Jan (R. Granero-Belinchón) Boundedness of large-time solutions to a chemotaxis model with nonlocal and semilinear flux
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Burczak Jan (R. Granero-Belinchón, G. K. Luli) On the generalized Buckley-Leverett equation
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Gutman Jonatan Takens embedding theorem with a continuous observable
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Jelonek Zbigniew (T. Lenarcik) On the set of fixed points of a polynomial automorphism
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Jelonek Zbigniew (W. Kucharz) On smooth hypersurfaces containing a given subvariety
Manuscripta Mathematica 150 (2016), 407-413
Jóźwikowski Michał (M. Rotkiewicz) A note on actions of some monoids
Differential Geometry And its Application 47 (2016), 212-245
Jóźwikowski Michał (W. Respondek) A contact covariant approach to optimal control, with applications to sub-Riemannian geometry
Mathematics of Control Signals and Systems 28 (2016), 1-47
Kaczorowski Jerzy (A. Perelli) Twists and resonance of L-functions, I
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 18 (2016), 1349-1389
Kaczorowski Jerzy (K. Wiertelak) Lower estimates related to the twisted Dedekind function
International Journal of Number Theory 12 (2016), 1801-1811
Kamont Anna Asymptotic behaviour of Besov norms via wavelet type basic expansions
Annales Polonici Mathematici116 (2016), 101-144
Kanigowski Adam (B. Fayad) Multiple mixing for a class of conservative surface flows
Kanigowski Adam i Kułaga-Przymus Joanna Ratner's property and mild mixing for smooth flows on surfaces
Ergodic Theory Dynamical Systems 36 (2016), 1743-1778
Karpel Olena (M. Adamska, S. Bezuglyi, J. Kwiatkowski) Subdiagrams and invariant measures on Bratteli diagrams
Ergodic Theory Dynamical Systems (2016), -
Kałamajska Agnieszka (R. N. Dhara On equivalent conditions for the validity of Poincaré inequality on weighted Sobolev space with applications to the solvability ofdegenerated PDEs involving p-Laplacian
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Klimsiak Tomasz Reduced measures for semilinear elliptic equations involving Dirichlet operators
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Klimsiak Tomasz (A. Rozkosz) Nonlinear parabolic SPDEs involving Dirichlet operators
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Kochanek Tomasz (Sz. Draga) Direct sums and summability of the Szlenk index
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Kochanek Tomasz (Sz. Draga) The Szlenk power type and tensor products of Banach spaces
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (), -
Kochanek Tomasz (T. Kania) Uncountable sets of unit vectors that are separated by more than 1
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Komorowski Tomasz (G. Basile, C. Bernardin, M. Jara, S. Olla) Thermal conductivity in harmonic lattices with random collisions.
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Komorowski Tomasz (S. Olla) Diffusive propagation of energy in a non-acoustic chain
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (2016), 223, Issue 1, 95–139
Komorowski Tomasz (S. Olla) Ballistic and superdiffusive scales in macroscopic evolution of a chain of oscillators
Nonlinearity 29 (2016), 962-999
Koszmider Piotr On the problem of compact totally disconnected reflection of nonmetrizability
Topology and its Applications 213 (2016), 154-166
Koszmider Piotr (C. Rodriguez-Porras) On linear operators acting on the Banach space ℓ∞c0
Fundamenta Mathematicae 235 (2016), 49-99
Koszmider Piotr (Ch. Brech) An isometrically universal Banach space induced by a non-universal Boolean algebra
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 144 (2016), 2029-2036
Koszmider Piotr (L. Candido) On complemented copies of c0(ω1) in C(Kn)-spaces
Studia Mathematica 233 (2016), 209-226
Królak Andrzej (All authors of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration) GW150914: First results from the search for binary black hole coalescence with Advanced LIGO
Physical Reviev D93 (2016), 122003-
Królak Andrzej (All authors of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration) Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger
Physical Reviev Letter 116 (2016), 061102-
Królak Andrzej (S. Walsh, M. Pitkin, M. Oliver, S. D’Antonio, V. Dergachev, P. Astone, M. Bejger, M. Di Giovanni, O. Dorosh, S. Frasca, P. Leaci, S. Mastrogiovanni, A. Miller, C. Palomba, M. A. Papa, O. J. Piccinni, K. Riles, O. Sauter, and A. M. Sintes) Comparison of methods for the detection of gravitational waves from unknown neutron stars
Physical Reviev D94 (2016), 124010-
Kryński Wojciech Paraconformal structures, ordinary differential equations and totally geodesic manifolds
Journal of Geometry and Physics 103 (2016), 1-19
Kryński Wojciech Webs and the Plebański equation
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 161 (3) (2016), 455-468
Kułaga-Przymus Joanna (M. Lemańczyk, B. Weiss) Hereditary subshifts whose simplex of invariant measures is Poulsen
Contemporary Mathematics, Proceedings of three conferences in Ergodic Theory and Symbolic Dynamics: the Oxtoby Centennial Conference 678 (2016), 245-253
Kułaga-Przymus Joanna (S. Ferenczi, M. Lemańczyk, Ch. Mauduit) Substitutions and M\"obius disjointness"
Contemporary Mathematics, Proceedings of three conferences in Ergodic Theory and Symbolic Dynamics: the Oxtoby Centennial Conference 678 (2016), 151-173
Langer Adrian The Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau inequality for logarithmic surfaces in positive characteristic
Duke Mathematical Journal 165 (2016), 2737-2769
Michałek Mateusz (B. Sturmfels, C. Uhler, P. Zwiernik) Exponential Varieties
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 112 (2016), 27-56
Michałek Mateusz (R.-M. Miro-Roig) Smooth monomial Togliatti systems of cubics
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A 143 (2016), 66-87
Michałek Mateusz (Th. Kahle) Plethysm and lattice point counting
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 16 (2016), 1241-1261
Michałek Mateusz (W. Bruns, J. Gubeladze) Quantum jumps of normal polytopes
Ohrysko Przemysław i Wojciechowski Michał (C. C. Graham) Non-separability of the Gelfand space of measure algebras
Arkiv for Mathematik 54, iss. 2 (2016), 525-535
Palka Karol Cuspidal curves, minimal models and Zaidenberg’s finiteness conjecture
Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (2016), 1-28
Palka Karol (M. Koras, P. Russell) The geometry of sporadic C*-embeddings into C2
Journal of Algebra 456 (2016), 207-249
Pernecka Ewa (P. Hájek) On uniformly differentiable mappings from ℓ∞(γ)
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 439 (2016), 125-134
Pernecka Ewa (P. Hájek, G. Lancien) Approximation and Schur properties for Lipschitz free spaces over compact metric spaces.
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon Stevin 23 (2016), 63-72
Peszat Szymon i Zabczyk Jerzy (B. Goldys) Gauss-Markov processes on Hilbert spaces
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 368 (2016), 89-108
Pierzchała Rafał Markov's inequality and polynomial mappings
Mathematische Annalen 366 (2016), 57-82
Pragacz Piotr Corrigenda to: “A Gysin Formula for Hall-Littlewood Polynomials”
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 144 (2016), pp. 3197
Pragacz Piotr Positivity of Thom polynomials and Schubert calculus
Adv. Stud. Pure Math.71 (2016), 419-451
Pragacz Piotr Friedrich Hirzebruch - garść reminiscencji
Wiadomości Matematyczne 52(1) (2016), 37-51
Przemysław Ohrysko i Wojciechowski Michał Spectrally reasonable measures
Algebra i Analiz 28 (2016), 187-203
Przytycki Feliks (G. Levin, W. Shen) The Lyapunov exponent of holomorphic maps.
Inventiones mathematicae 205 (2016), 363-382
Przytycki Feliks i Michał Rams (K. Gelfert) Lyapunov Spectrum for multimodal maps
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 36.5 (2016), 1441-1493
Przytycki Piotr (S. Hensel, R. C. H. Webb) 1-slim triangles and uniform hyperbolicity for arc graphs and curve graphs
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 17 no.4 (2015), 755-762
Rams Michał (B. Barany, K. Simon) On the dimension of self-affine sets and measures with overlaps
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society144 (2016), 4427-4440
Rams Michał (D. Kwietniak, P. Oprocha) On entropy of dynamical systems with the almost specification property
Israel Journal of Mathematics 213 (2016), 475-503
Rams Michał (L. Liao) Subexponentially increasing sum of partial quotients in continued fraction expansions
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 160 (2016), 401-412
Rozendaal Jan (F. Sukochev, A. Tomskova) Operator Lipschitz functions on Banach spaces
Studia Mathematica 232 (1) (2016), 57-92
Rudnicki Ryszard (K. Pichór) Asymptotic decomposition of substochastic operators and semigroups
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 436 (2016), 305-321
Rychlik Tomasz (A. Goroncy) Evaluations of expected order statistics and spacings based on the IFR distributions
Metrika 79 (2016), 635-657
Rychlik Tomasz (K. Jasiński) Inequalities for variances of order statistics coming from urn models
Journal of Applied Probability 53 (2016), 162-173
Sabok Marcin Completeness of the isomorphism problem for separable C*-algebras
Inventiones mathematicae 204 (2016), 833-868
Sanchez Jordi Canela (N. Fagella, A. Garijo) Tongues in degree 4 Blaschke products
Nonlinearity 29 (2016), 3464-3495
Schinzel Andrzej The leading coefficients of Stern polynomials
J. Sanders et al. (eds.). From Arithmetic to Zeta Functions, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
Schinzel Andrzej Jerzy Browkin(1934-2015)
Acta Arithmetica. 172 (2016), 199-206
Schinzel Andrzej On the congruence f(x) + g(y) +c =0(mod x y)
Banach Center PublicationsAlgebra, Logic and Number Theory: 108 (2016), 255-257
Sitarz Andrzej (L. Dabrowski) Twisted reality condition for spectral triple on two points
Proceedings of the Corfu Summer Institute 2015,CORFU2015, 1-27 September 2015, Corfu, Greece
Sitarz Andrzej (M. Eckstein, R. Wulkenhaar) The Moyal Sphere
Journal of Mathematical Physics 57 (2016), 112301-
Sitarz Andrzej (T. Brzeziński, N. Ciccoli, L. Dąbrowski) Twisted reality condition for Dirac operators
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 19 (2016), 16-
Skalski Adam (M. Caspers) The Haagerup property for arbitrary von Neumann algebras
International Mathematics Research Notices 19 (2015), 9857-9887
Skalski Adam (M. Daws, P. Fima, S. White) The Haagerup property for locally compact quantum groups
Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 711 (2016), 189-229
Skalski Adam (M. Kalantar, P. Kasprzak) Open quantum subgroups of locally compact quantum groups
Advances in Mathematics 303 (2016), 322-359
Skalski Adam (P. Sołtan) Quantum families of invertible maps and related problems
Canadian Journal Of Mathematics 68 (2016), 698-720
Skalski Adam (U. Franz, A. Kula) Lévy Processes on Quantum Permutation Groups
Noncommutative Analysis, Operator Theory and Applications Editors: D. Alpay, F. Cipriani, F. Colombo, D. Guido, I. Sabadini, J.-L. Sauvageot, Springer International Publishing pp.193-259
Skalski Adam (U. Franz, H. H. Lee) Integration over the quantum diagonal subgroup and associated Fourier-like algebras
International Journal of Mathematics 27 (2016), 1650073-
Śniady Piotr Stanley character polynomials.
"The Mathematical Legacy of Richard P. Stanley" Edited by Patricia Hersh, Thomas Lam, Pavlo Pylyavskyy, Victor Reiner 2016; 352 pp
Spież Stanisław (Th. F. M. Monis ) Lefschetz coincidence class for several maps
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 18 (2016), 61-76
Starostka Maciej Morse cohomology in a Hilbert space via the Conley Index
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 17 (2015), no. 2, 425-438
Starostka Maciej (N. Waterstraat) A remark on singular sets of vector
European Journal of Mathematics 1 (2015), no. 1, 154– 159
Stettner Łukasz (A. Basu) Finite and Infinite Horizon Shapley Games with Nonsymmetric Partial Observation,
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 53 (2015), 3584-3619
Stettner Łukasz (M. Pitera) Long run risk sensitive portfolio with general factors,
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 83 (2016), 265-293
Strung Karen (R. J. Deeley, I. F. Putnam) Constructing minimal homeomorphisms on point-like spaces and a dynamical presentation of the Jiang-Su algebra
Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (2016), 1-21
Strzałkowski Karol Piecewise Straightening and Lipschitz Simplicial Volume
Journal of Topology and Analysis 09, 167 (2017)
Szemberg Tomasz (S. Rams) When are Zariski chambers numerically determined
Forum Mathematicum 28 (2016), 1159-1166
Toivanen Olli (V. Latvala) Weak Harnack estimates for quasiminimizers with non-standard growth and general structure
Potential Analysispublished online (2016), 1-16
Tomilov Yuriy (C. Batty, A. Borichev) L^p-tauberian theorems and L^p-rates for energy decay
Journal of Functional Analysis 270 (2016), 1153-1201
Tomilov Yuriy (C. Batty, R. Chill) Fine scales of decay of operator semigroups
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 18 (2016), 853-929
Valette Guillaume (A. Valette) A generalized Sard theorem on real closed fields
Ambroży Zofia (I. Biborski) On continuity of Guo Wuwen function
Linear Algebra and its Applications 471 (2015), 585-692
Baum Paul F. i Hajac Piotr M. (L. Dabrowski) Noncommutative Borsuk-Ulam-type conjectures
Banach Center Publications 106 (2015), 9-18
Bruce Andrew i Grabowski Janusz (K. Grabowska) Higher order mechanics on graded bundles
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48 (2015), 205203 (32pp)
Bruce Andrew i Grabowski Janusz (K. Grabowska) Graded bundles in the category of Lie groupoids
Symmetry Integrability and Geometry-Methods and Applications Contribution to the Special Issue on Poisson Geometry in Mathematics and Physics: 11 (2015), 090, 25 pages
Buczyńska Weronika i Buczyński Jarosław On differences between the border rank and the smoothable rank of a polynomial
Buczyńska Weronika, Jarosław Buczyński i Mateusz Michałek The Hackbusch conjecture on tensor formats
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 104(4) (2015), 749-761
Byczkowski Tomasz (K. Bogus, J. Małecki) Sharp estimates of Green function of hyperbolic Brownian motion
Studia Mathematica 228 (2015), 197-22
Byczkowski Tomasz (T. Żak) Extremal properties of one-dimensional Cauchy-type measures
Probability and Mathematical Statistics 35 (2015), 500-520
Cieślak Tomasz (Ch. Stinner) New critical exponents in a fully parabolic quasilinear Keller-Segel system and applications to volume filling models
Journal of Differential Equations 258 (2015), 2080-2113
Das Biswarup i Skalski Adam (U. Franz, A. Kula) One-to-one correspondence between generating functionals and cocycles on quantum groups in presence of symmetry
Mathematische Zeitschrift 281 (2015), 949-965
Doucha Michal Non-abelian group structure on the Urysohn universal space
Fundamenta Mathematicae 228 (2015), 251-263
Doucha Michal Non-universality of automorphism groups of uncountable ultrahomogeneous structures
Topology and its Applications 180 (2015), 209-217
Dryło Robert On elliptic curve point compression
Materiały z II Konferencji Kryptologia a Biznes – Bezpieczeństwo Stosowane, 17-18 marca 2015 (2015), 161-176
Eyral Christophe (M. Oka) Classification of the fundamental groups of join-type curves of degree seven
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan67 (2015), 663-698
Grabowski Janusz (J. F. Carinena, F. Falceto, M. F. Ranada) Geometry of Lie integrability by quadratures
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical48 (2015), 215206 (18pp)
Grabowski Janusz (K. Grabowska, P. Urbański) Geometry of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms in the dynamics of strings
Journal of Geometric Mechanics 6 (2014), 503-526
Gutman Jonatan Mean dimension & Jaworski-type theorems.
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 111(4) (2015), 831-850
Gutman Jonatan (L. N. Van Thé) Relative extreme amenability and interpolation
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 28 (2015), 133-141
Hajac Piotr M. (L. Dabrowski, T. Hadfield) Equivariant join and fusion of noncommutative algebras
Symmetry Integrability and Geometry-Methods and Applications 11 (2015), 0-7
Jakubczyk Bronisław (M. Barbero-Linan) Second order conditions for optimality and local controllability of discrete-time systems
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 53 (2015), 352-377
Jamróz Grzegorz Nonnegative measures belonging to Hˆ{-1}(R2)
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 353 (2015), 529-534
Jamróz Grzegorz Measure-transmission metric and stability of structured population models
Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications 25 (2015), 9-30
Janas Jan (S. Naboko) On the point spectrum of periodic Jacobi matrices with matrix entries: elementary approach
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 21 (2015), 1103-1118
Janeczko Stanisław (T. Fukuda) Symplectic singularities and solvable Hamiltonian mappings
Demonstratio Mathematica XLVIII (2015), 118-146
Jelonek Zbigniew Simple examples of affine manifolds with infinitely many exotic models
Advances in Mathematics 284 (2015), 112-121
Jelonek Zbigniew Polynomial mappings with small degree
Demonstratio Mathematica 48 (2015), 242-249
Jelonek Zbigniew On the group of automorphisms of a quasi-affine variety
Mathematische Annalen 362 (2015), 569-578
Jelonek Zbigniew Affine varieties with exotic models
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 (2015), 1-4
Jelonek Zbigniew (M. Staromiejski) A note on locality of algebras.
Journal of Algebra 433 (2015), 231-242
Jelonek Zbigniew (M. Tibar) Bifurcation locus and branches at infinity of a polynomial f: ℂ2 → ℂ
Mathematische Annalen 361 (2015), 1049-1054
Józiak Paweł Conditionally strictly negative definite kernels
Linear & Multilinear Algebra 63 (2015), 2406-2418
Jóźwikowski Michał (M. Rotkiewicz) Models for higher algebroids
Journal of Geometric Mechanics 7 (2015), 317-359
Kalantar Mehrdad (M. Amini, M. S. M. Moakhar) Harmonic operators of ergodic quantum group actions
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 (2015), 4325-4333
Kamont Anna (G. Gevorkyan, K. Keryan, M. Passenbrunner) Unconditionality of the orthogonal spline systems in H1
Studia Mathematica 226 (2) (2015), 123-154
Kanigowski Adam (B. Fayad) Rigidity times for weakly mixing dynamical system which are not rigidity times for any irrational rotation
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 35 (2015), 2529-2534
Kałamajska Agnieszka (R. N. Dhara) On equivalent conditions for the validity of Poincar'e inequality on weighted Sobolev space with applications to the solvability of degenerated PDEs involving p-Laplacian
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 432 (2015), 463-483
Komorowski Tomasz A criterion for essential self-adjointness of a symmetric operator defined by some infinite hermitian matrix with unbounded entries
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 3 (2015), 231-242
Komorowski Tomasz (M. Jara, S. Olla) Superdiffusion of energy in a chain of harmonic oscillators with noise
Communications in Mathematical Physics 339 (2015), 407-453
Koszmider Piotr Universal objects and associations between classes of Banach spaces and classes of compact spaces
Sbornik Radova 17(25), 93-115; Selected Topics in Combinatorial Analysis, eds. M. Kurilic and S. Todorcevic; Matematicki Institut SANU, Beograd, 2015
Koszmider Piotr (T. Kania, N. J. Laustsen) Banach spaces whose algebra of bounded operators has the integers as their $K_0$-group
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 428 (2015), 282-294
Królak Andrzej (G. Poghosyanm S. Matta, A. Streit, M. Bejger) Architecture, implementation and parallelization of the software to search for periodic gravitational wave signals
Kułaga-Przymus Joanna On embeddability of automorphisms into measurable flows from the point of view of self-joining properties
Fundamenta Mathematicae 30 (2015), 15-76
Kułaga-Przymus Joanna (M. Lemańczyk) The Möbius function and continuous extensions of rotations
Monatshefte fur Mathematik 178 (2015), 553-583
Kułaga-Przymus Joanna (M. Lemańczyk, B. Weiss) On invariant measures for B -free systems
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 110 (2015), 1435-1474
Langer Adrian Generic positivity and foliations in positive characteristic
Advances in Mathematics 277 (2015), 1-23
Lasoń Michał List coloring of matroids and base exchange properties
European Journal of Combinatorics 49 (2015), 265-268
Lasoń Michał Obstacles for splitting multidimensional necklaces
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 (2015), 4655-4668
Ledwina Teresa Visualizing association structure in bivariate copulas using new dependence function
Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications, 2015, Springer, Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 122: (2015), 19-27
Ledwina Teresa (G. Wyłupek) Detection of non-Gaussianity
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 85 (2015), 3480-3497
Lertchoosakul Poj (A. Jassova, S. Kristensen, R. Nair) On recurrence in positive characteristic
Indagationes Mathematicae-new series 26 (2015), 346-354
Michałek Mateusz (L. Manivel) Secants of minuscule and cominuscule minimal orbits
Linear Algebra and its Applications 481 (2015), 288-312
Michałek Mateusz (M. Beck, J. Delgado, J. Gubeladze) Very ample and Koszul segmental fibrations
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 42 (2015), 165-182
Michałek Mateusz (M. Casanellas, J. Fernandez-Sanchez) Low degree equations for phylogenetic group-based models
Collectanea Mathematica 66 (2015), 203-225
Nowak Adam (L. Roncal) Potential operators associated with Jacobi and Fourier-Bessel expansions
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 422 (2015), 148-184
Nowak Adam i Tomasz Zachary Szarek (P. Sjögren) Analysis related to all admissible type parameters in the Jacobi setting
Constructive Approximation 41 (2015), 185-218
Nowak Piotr Group actions on Banach spaces
In: Handbook of Group Actions Edited by L. Ji, A. Papadopoulos, S.-T. Yau, Advanced Lectures in Mathematics (ALM) 32, International Press, Somerville; Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2015
Nowak Piotr Poincaré inequalities and rigidity for actions on Banach spaces
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 17 (2015), 689-709
Nowak Piotr (U. Bader) Cohomology of deformations
Journal of Topology and Analysis 7 (2015), 81-104
Ohrysko Przemysław An elementary proof of the decomposition of measures on the circle group
Przytycki Piotr (M. Hagen) Cocompactly cubulated graph manifolds
Israel Journal of Mathematics 207 (1) (2015), 377-394
Rams Michał Entropy of Lyapunov-optimizing measures of some matrix cocycles
Progress in Probability Fractal Geometry and Stochastics V: 70, 143-154
Rams Michał (A. Ferguson, Th. Jordan) Dimension of some self-affine sets with holes
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae-mathematica 40 (2015), 63-88
Rams Michał (Ai-Hua Fan, Th. Jordan, L. Liao) Multifractal analysis for expanding interval maps with infinitely many branches
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367 (2015), 1847-1870
Rams Michał (K. Simon) Projections of Fractal Percolations
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 35 (2015), 530-545
Rams Michał (Th. Jordan) Packing spectra for Bernoulli measures supported on Bedford-McMullen carpets
Fundamenta Mathematicae 229 (2015), 171-196
Regińska Teresa (K. Regiński) Regularization strategy for determining laser beam quality parameters
Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems23 (2015), 657–671
Rogala Tomasz i Łukasz Stettner Construction of Discrete Time Shadow Price
Applied Mathematics and Optimization 72 (2015), 391-433
Rudnicki Ryszard An ergodic theory approach to chaos
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A 35 (2015), 757 -770
Rudnicki Ryszard Stochastic operators and semigroups and their applications in physics and biology
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2126 (2015), 255-318
Rudnicki Ryszard (A. Tomski) On a stochastic gene expression with pre-mRNA, mRNA and protein contribution
Journal of Theoretical Biolology 387 (2015), 54-67
Rudnicki Ryszard (M. Tyran-Kamińska) Piecewise deterministic Markov processes in biological models
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statisticsw J. Banasiak et al. (eds.), Semigroup of Operators – Theory and Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 113 (2015), 235-255
Rudnicki Ryszard i Zwoleński Paweł Model of phenotypic evolution in hermaphroditic populations
Journal of Mathematical Biology 70 (2015), 1295-132
Rychlik Tomasz Maximal dispersion of order statistics in dependent samples
Statistics 49 (2015), 386-395
Rychlik Tomasz (A. Goroncy) Optimal bounds on expectations of order statistics and spacings from nonparametric families of distributions generated by convex transform order
Metrika 78 (2015), 175-204
Rychlik Tomasz (A. Goroncy) Bounds on the expected differences of consecutive order statistics based on the increasing failure rate samples
Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability Tokyo, Japan, on June 1-4, 2015, pp. 1-6
Rychlik Tomasz (P. Miziuła) Sharp bounds for lifetime variances of reliability systems with exchangeable components
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 63 (2014), 850-857
Rychlik Tomasz (P. Miziuła) Extreme dispersions of semicoherent and mixed system lifetimes
Journal of Applied Probability 52 (2015), 117-128
Sabok Marcin (A. Kwela) Topological representations
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 422 (2015), 1434-1446
Salazar Pedroza Hector Gabriel (R. Göbel, D. Herden) k-free Separable Groups with Prescribed Endomorphism Ring
Fundamenta Mathematicae 231 (2015), 39-55
Schinzel Andrzej On the congruence f(x)+g(y)+c=0(mod xy)(completion of Mordell's proof)
Acta Arithmetica 167 (2015), 347-374
Schinzel Andrzej On ternary linear recurrences
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics 63 (2015), 19-23
Schinzel Andrzej On the Diophantine equation x^2 +x +1 =yz. Appendix do pracy J. Florka
Colloquium Mathematicum 138 (2015), 41-42
Schinzel Andrzej On the Diophantine equation x^2 +x +1=yz
Colloquium Mathematicum141 (2015), 243-248
Schinzel Andrzej Recollections of Sierpinski's last years
Voronoi's impact on modern science 5/1 (2015), 41-42
Schinzel Andrzej (S. Jakubec, M. Pasteka) Class numbers of real Abelian fields
Journal of Number Theory 148 (2015), 365-371
Shulman Tatiana (M. E. Shirokov) On superactivation of zero-error capacities and reversibility of a quantum channel
Communications in Mathematical Physics 335 (2015), 1159-1179
Singh Sanjay (I. Biswas) Diagonal property of the symmetric product of a smooth curve
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 353 (2015), 445-448
Sitarz Andrzej Conformally rescaled noncommutative geometries
in: Geometric Methods in Physics, Trends in Mathematics, Springer 2015, pp. 83-100
Sitarz Andrzej (L. Dabrowski) Asymmetric noncommutative torus
Symmetry Integrability and Geometry-Methods and Applications 11 (2015), 075-086
Skalski Adam (J. Bhowmick, P. Sołtan) Quantum group of automorphisms of a finite quantum group
Journal of Algebra 423 (2015), 514-537
Skalski Adam (M. Caspers) The Haagerup property for von Neumann algebras via quantum Markov semigroups and Dirichlet forms
Communications in Mathematical Physics 336 (2015), 1637-1664
Skalski Adam (T. Banica) The quantum algebra of partial Hadamard matrices
Linear Algebra and its Applications 469 (2015), 364-380
Skalski Adam (U. Franz) Noncommutative Mathematics for Quantum Systems
Cambridge IISc Series 2015, 180 pages
Sobota Damian (G. Plebanek) Countable tightness in the spaces of regular probability measures
Fundamenta Mathematicae 229 (2015), 159-169
Spież Stanisław i Józef Krasinkiewicz (A. Koyama) Surfaces in products of two curves
Topology and its Applications 196 (2015), 618-640
Stettner Łukasz (Sz. Peszat) Research problems of Jerzy Zabczyk
Banach Center Publications 105 (2015), 9-32
Strung Karen (B. Jacelon, A. Toms) Unitary orbits of self-adjoint operators in simple Z-stable C*-algebras
Journal of Functional Analysis 269 (2015), 3304-3315
Tomilov Yuriy (A. Gomilko) On subordination of holomorphic semigroups
Advances in Mathematics 283 (2015), 155-194
Tomilov Yuriy (A. Gomilko) What does a rate in a mean ergodic theorem imply ?
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa-Classe di Scienze 14 (2015), 1305-1336
Tomilov Yuriy (A. Gomilko) Generation of subordinated holomorphic semigroups via Yosida's theorem
Operator Theory: Advances and Applications Operator semigroups meet complex analysis, harmonic analysis and mathematical physics, Birkhauser: 250 (2015), 253-271
Tomilov Yuriy (C. J. K. Batty, A. Gomilko) Product formulas in functional calculi for sectorial operators
Mathematische Zeitschrift 279 (2015), 479-5
Tomilov Yuriy (F. Gesztesy, Yu. Latushkin, F. Sukochev) Some operator bounds employing complex interpolation revisited
Operator Theory: Advances and Applications Operator semigroups meet complex analysis, harmonic analysis and mathematical physics, Birkhauser 2015, 250 (2015), 213-239
Trivedi Saurabh (Nh. Nguyen and D. Trotman) A geometric proof of the existence of definable Whitney stratifications
Illinois Journal of Mathematics 58, no. 2 (2014), 381-389
Valette Guillaume Stokes formula for stratified sets
Annales Polonici Mathematici 114 (2015), 197-206
Valette Guillaume (E. Bierstone, P. D. Milman) Arc-quasianalytic functions
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 (2015), 3915-3925
Wojciechowski Michał (D. Stolyarov) Dimension of gradient measures
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 352 (2014+), 791-795
Wolff Paweł (R. Adamczak) Concentration inequalities for non-Lipschitz functions with bounded derivatives of higher order
Probability Theory and Related Fields 162 (2015), 531-586
Wróblewska-Kamińska Aneta Non-Newtonian Fluids with Nonstandard Rheology - Existence of Solutions
Proceedings of Conference Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2015, Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, Prague (2015), 261-272
Wróblewska-Kamińska Aneta (P. Gwiazda, P. Wittbold, A. Zimmermann) Renormalized solutions of nonlinear parabolic problems in generalized Musielak-Orlicz spaces
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Zatorska Ewelina (Ch. Perrin) Free/Congested Two-Phase Model from Weak Solutions to Multi-Dimensional Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 40 (2015), 1558-1589
Zatorska Ewelina (D. Bresch, B. Desjardins) Two-velocity hydrodynamics in fluid mechanics: Part II Existence of global κ-entropy solutions to the compressible Navier–Stokes systems with degenerate viscosities
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 104 (2015), 801-836
Zatorska Ewelina (D. Bresch, V. Giovangigli) Two-velocity hydrodynamics in fluid mechanics: Part I Well posedness for zero Mach number systems
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 104 (2015), 762-800
Zatorska Ewelina (P. B. Mucha) Multicomponent mixture model: the issue of existence via time discretization
Communications in Mathematical Sciences 13 (2015), 1975-2003
Zatorska Ewelina (V. Giovangigli, M. Pokorny) On the steady flow of reactive gaseous mixture
Analysis. International mathematical journal of analysis and its applications 35 (2015), 319-341
Zemánek Jaroslav (L. Khadkhuu, D. Tsedenbayar) An analytic family of contractions generated by the Volterra operator
Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 250 (2015), 281-285
Zwoleński Paweł Trait evolution in two-sex populations
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 10 (2015), 163-181
Adamowicz Tomasz Phragmen-Lindelöf theorems for equations with nonstandard growth
Adamowicz Tomasz (A. Björn, J. Björn) Regularity of p(•) superharmonic functions, the Kellogg property and semiregular boundary points
Annales De L Institut Henri Poincare-Analyse Non Lineaire, 31(6) (2014), 1131-1153,
Adamowicz Zofia Co to jest prawda?
Psychoterapia (kwartalnik Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego), 170;3 (2014), 5-14
Adamus Janusz (L. Adamus, A. Yeo) On the Meyniel condition for hamiltonicity in bipartite digraphs
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 16:1 (2014), 293-302
Adamus Janusz (M. Bilski) On Nash approximation of complex analytic sets in Runge domains
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 423 (2015), 229-242,
Browkin Jerzy Multiple zeros of Dedekind zeta functions
Functiones et Approximatio, Commentarii Mathematici, 49.2 (2013), 383-390,
Browkin Jerzy (Hui-Qin CAO) Modifications of the Eratosthenes sieve
Colloquium Mathematicum, 135.1 (2014), 127-138,
Bruce Andrew On curves and jets of curves and on supermanifolds
Archivum mathematicum, 50 (2014), 115-130,
Bruce Andrew Odd Jacobi Manifolds and Loday-Poisson Brackets
Journal of Mathematics, 2014 (2014), 10 pages-,
Buczyńska Weronika i Buczyński Jarosław Secant varieties to high degree Veronese reembeddings, catalecticant matrices and smoothable Gorenstein schemes
Journal of Algebraic Geometry 23 (2014),
Burczak Jan Almost everywhere Hölder continuity of gradients to non-diagonal parabolic systems
Cieślak Tomasz (M. Szumańska) A theorem on measures in dimension 2 and applications to vortex sheets
Journal of Functional Analysis, 266 (2014), 6780-6795,
Doucha Michal Scott rank of Polish metric spaces
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 165 (2014), 1919-1929,
Dryło Robert Zastosowania w kryptografii iloczynów dwuliniowych na krzywych eliptycznych, Transakcje i monety internetowe
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Eyral Christophe (M. Oka) Fundamental groups of join-type curves --- achievements and perspectives
Proceedings of The Japan Academy Series A-Mathematical Sciences, 90 (2014), 43-47,
Eyral Christophe (M. Oka) On the fundamental groups of non-generic IR -join-type curves
Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 96 (2014), 137-157,
Eyral Christophe (M. Ruas) Deformations with constant Lê numbers and multiplicity of non-isolated hypersurface singularities
Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 216 (2014)
Frankiewicz Ryszard i Szczepaniak Sławomir On partitions of Ellentuck large sets
Topology and its Applications, 167 (2014), 80-86
Grabowski Janusz Modular structures revisited
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 11 (2014), 140042 (11 pages),
Grabowski Janusz (J. F. Carinena, J. de Lucas, C. Sardón) Dirac-Lie systems and Schwarzian equations
Journal of Differential Equations, 257 (2014), 2303-2340,
Grabowski Janusz (K. Grabowska) Tulczyjew triples: from statics to field theory
Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 5 (2013), 445-472,
Grochowski Marek Local Controllability Around Closed Orbits.
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics, 62, 1 (2014), 77-85
Grochowski Marek The structure of Reachable Sets and Geometric Optimality of Singular Trajectories for Certain Affine Control Systems in R³. The sub-Lorentzian Approach
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 20, no. 1 (2014), 59-89,
Grochowski Marek Normal forms for sub-Lorentzian Metrics Supported on Engel Type Distributions.
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 80 (2014), 1-14,
Hajac Piotr M. (B. Zieliński) Nontrivial deformation of a trivial bundle
Symmetry Integrability and Geometry-Methods and Applications, 10 (2014), 1-7,
Hajac Piotr M. (E. Wagner) The pullbacks of principal coactions
Documenta Mathematica, 19 (2014), 1025-1060
Hajac Piotr M. (P. F. Baum) Local proof of algebraic characterization of free actions
Symmetry Integrability and Geometry-Methods and Applications, 10 (2014), 1-7,
Janas Jan Criteria for the absence of eigenvalues of Jacobi matrices with matrix entries
Acta Sci. Math.(Szeged), 80 (2014), 261-273
Janeczko Stanisław i Jelonek Zbigniew (M. A. S. Ruas) Symmetry defect of algebraic varieties
Asian Journal of Mathematics, 18 (3) (2014), 525-544
Jelonek Zbigniew On smooth hypersurfaces containing a given subvariety, Analytic and algebraic Geometry
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Uniwersytet Łódzki 2013, 51-55
Jelonek Zbigniew (K. Kurdyka) Reaching generalized critical values of a polynomial
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 276 (2014), 557-570,
Jelonek Zbigniew (Tomasz Lenarcik) Automorphisms of affine smooth varieties
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 142 (2014), 1157-1163,
Jóźwikowski Michał (A. M. Pyziel, A. W. Demiaszkiewicz) Coccidia (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) of the lowland European bison Bison bonasus bonasus (L.)
Veterinary Parasitology, 202 (2014), 138-144,
Jóźwikowski Michał (J. Tafel) New solutions of initial conditions in general relativity
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 31 (2014), 115001-,
Jóźwikowski Michał i Rotkiewicz Mikołaj Bundle-theoretic methods for higher-order variational calculus
Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 6 (1) (2014), 99-120,
Kaczorowski Jerzy Omega theorems related to the general Euler totient function
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 412 (2014), 401-415,
Kaczorowski Jerzy (A. Perelli) Solving linear equations in L-functions.
International Journal of Number Theory, 10 (2014), 569 -584,
Kaczorowski Jerzy (A. Perelli) Internal twists of L-functions, ,
Number theory, analysis, and combinatorics, 145–154, De Gruyter Proc. Math., De Gruyter, Berlin, 2014
Kamont Anna (Paul F. X. Mueller) Combinatorics of Dyadic Intervals: Consistent Colourings
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics, 62 (2014), 101-115,
Kania Tomasz (D. P. Blecher) Finite generation in C*-algebras and Hilbert C*-modules
Studia Mathematica, 224 (2) (2014), 143-151,
Kania Tomasz i Koszmider Piotr (N. Laustsen) A weak*-topological dichotomy with applications in operator theory
Transactions London Mathematical Society, 1 (2014), 1-28,
Kochanek Tomasz (T. Kania) The ideal of weakly compactly generated operators acting on a Banach space
Journal of Operator Theory, 71 (2014), 455-477,
Komorowski Tomasz (A. Novikov, L. Ryzhik) Homogenization driven by a fractional Brownian motion: the shear layer case
Kowalski Piotr Maciej Solution existence for Dirichlet boundary value problem for the Duffing type differential inclusion
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-series B, 19 (2014), 2569-2580,
Kozyra Paweł Mathematical aspects of musical scales and series
Mathematica Applicanda, 42 No 1 (2014), 63-93,
Królak Andrzej (M. Bejger) Searching for gravitational waves from known pulsars at once and twice the spin frequency
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 31 (2014), 105011-,
Kryński Wojciech Webs and projective structures on a plane
Differential Geometry and its Applications, 37 (2014), 133-140,
Kryński Wojciech Remarks on the Jacobi endomorphisms and the Cartan invariants of ODEs
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 11 (2014),
Kryński Wojciech (M. Dunajski) Point invariants of third-order ODEs and hyper-CR Einstein-Weyl structures
Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 86 (2014), 296-302,
Kryński Wojciech (M. Dunajski) Einstein-Weyl geometry, dispersionless Hirota equation and Veronese webs
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 157 (2014), 139-150,
Krzywkowski Marcin An algorithm for listing all minimal double dominating sets of a tree
Fundamenta Informaticae, 130 (2014), 415-421,
Kwaśniewski Bartosz Crossed products for interactions and graph algebras
Integral Equations and Operator Theory , 80 (2014), 415-451,
Kwaśniewski Bartosz Crossed product of a C*-algebra by a semigroup of interactions
Demonstratio Mathematica, 47 (2014), 350-370
Kwela Adam i Sabok Marcin Topological representations
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 422 (2015), 1434-1446,
Lasoń Michał (A. Pawlik, J. Kozik, T. Krawczyk, P. Micek, W. T. Trotter, B. Walczak) Triangle-free intersection graphs of line segments with large chromatic number
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, 105 (2014), 6-10,
Lasoń Michał (P. Micek, A. Pawlik, B. Walczak) Coloring intersection graphs of arc-connected sets in the plane
Szarek Tomasz Zachary (A. J. Castro) On fundamental harmonic analysis operators in certain Dunkl and Bessel settings
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 412 (2014), 943-963,
Tomilov Yuriy (A. Carey, F. Gesztesy, D. Potapov i F. Sukochev) A Jost-Pais type reduction of Fredholm determinants for semi-separable operators in infinite dimensions and some applications
Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 79 (2014), 389-447,
Tomilov Yuriy (A. Gomilko) On convergence rates in approximation theory for operator semigroups
Journal of Functional Analysis, , 266 (2014), 3040-3082, doi:
Valette Guillaume A Lefschetz duality for intersection homology
Geometriae Dedicata, 169(1) (2014), 283-299,
Valette Guillaume (A. Valette) Geometry of polynomial mappings at infinity via intersection homology
Annales De L Institut Fourier, 64 (5) (2014), 2147-2163,
Wojtaszczyk Przemysław On left democracy function, Functiones et Approximatio
Commentarii Mathematici, 50.2 (2014), 207-214
Wojtaszczyk Przemysław (G. Garrigós) Conditional quasi-greedy bases in Hilbert and Banach spaces
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 63.4 (2014), 1017-1036,
Wojtaszczyk Przemysław (V.P. Fonf ) Characteristic properties of the Gurariy space
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 203 (2014), 109-140
Wojtaszczyk Przemysław (V.P. Fonf ) Extension of smooth subspaces in Lindenstrauss spaces
Studia Mathematica, 222 (2014), 157-163
Wolff Paweł (F. Barthe) Positivity improvement and Gaussian kernels
Wróblewska-Kamińska Aneta Existence results for unsteady flows of nonhomogeneous non-Newtonian incompressible fluids - monotonicity methods in generalized Orlicz spaces
Nonlinearity , 27 (2014), 685-716,
Zabczyk Jerzy (G. Da Prato) Stochastic Equations in Infinite Dimensions
Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 152 (2014), 1-493,
Zajączkowski Wojciech (E. Zadrzyńska) Nonstationary Stokes system in Besov spaces
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 37 (2014), 360-383,
Zajączkowski Wojciech (I. Pawłow) The global solvability of a sixth order Cahn-Hilliard type equations via the Backlund transformation
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 13 (1) (2014), 859-880,
Żelazko Wiesław A characterization of permanent radicals in commutative locally pseudoconvex algebras,
Adamowicz Zofia A few questions concerning consistency and conservativeness
New Studies in Weak Arithmetic, ed.: Patrick Cegielski, Charalampos Cornaros, Costas Dimitracopoulos, CSLI Lecture Notes Number 211
Adamowicz Zofia A generalization of the consistency predicate
Papers Logic and Rationality, Festschrift in Honour of Andrzej Grzegorczyk. Ed.: Kazimierz Trzęsicki, Stanislaw Krajewski, Jan Woleński, pp. 11-24, 2013
Ambroży Zofia A note on a theorem of Lion
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics, 61 (2013), 1-7
Bobrowski Adam (D. Mugnolo) On moments-preserving cosine families and semigroups in C[0, 1]
Journal of Evolution Equations, 13(4) (2013), 715-735
Bobrowski Adam (W. Chojnacki) Cosine families and semigroups really differ
Journal of Evolution Equations, 13(4) (2013), 897-916
Bobrowski Adam (W. Chojnacki) Isolated points of the set of bounded cosine families on a Banach space
Studia Mathematica, 217 (2013), 219-231
Bojarski Bogdan (L. Ihnatsyeva, J. Kinnunen) How to recognize polynomials in higher order Sobolev spaces
Mathematica Scandinavica, 112 (2013), 161-181
Bojarski Bogdan (V. Gultlyanskii, O. Martio, V. Ryazanov) Infinitesimal Geometry of Mappings in the Plane
EMS Tracts in Mathematics, 19, Zürich: European Mathematical Society, pp. 205, 2013
Browkin Jerzy (H. Gangl) Tame kernels and second regulators of number fields and their subfields
Journal of K-Theory, 12 (2013), 137-165
Buczyńska Weronika i Buczyński Jarosław Secant varieties to high degree Veronese reembeddings, catalecticant matrices and smoothable Gorenstein schemes
Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 23 (2014), 63-90
Buczyńska Weronika i Buczyński Jarosław (K. Kubjas, M. Michałek) On the graph labellings arising from phylogenetics
Central European Journal of Mathematics, 11(9) (2013), 1577-1592
Buczyński Jarosław (A. Ginensky, J. M. Landsberg) Determinantal equations for secant varieties and the Eisenbud-Koh-Stillman conjecture
Journal of the London Mathematical Society-second series, 88 (2013), 1-24
Buczyński Jarosław (G. Brown) Maps of toric varieties in Cox coordinates
Fundamenta Mathematicae, 222 (2013), 213-267
Cieślak Tomasz Trudinger-Moser type inequality for radially symmetric functions in a ring and applications to Keller-Segel in a ring
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 18 (2013), 2505-2512
Cieślak Tomasz (C. Morales-Rodrigo) Long-time behavior of an angiogenesis model with flux at the tumor boundary
Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 64 (2013), 1625-1641
Cynk Sławomir (S. Rams) Non-factorial nodal complete intersection threefold
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 15 (2013), 1250064_1-1250064_14
Frąckiewicz Piotr A comment on the generalization of the MarinattoWeber quantum game scheme
Acta Physica Polon. B, 44 (2013), 29-33
Grabowski Janusz Brackets
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 10 (2013), 1360001 (45 pages)-
Grabowski Janusz Graded contact manifolds and contact Courant algebroids
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 68 (2013), 27-58
Grabowski Janusz (A. Ibort, M. Ku, G. Marmo) Convex bodies of states and maps
Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretica, 46 (2013), 425301 (18pp)-
Grabowski Janusz (D. Khudaverdyan i N. Poncin) The supergeometry of Loday algebroids
Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 5 (2013), 185-213
Hajac Piotr M. (A. Rennie, B. Zieliński) The K-theory of Heegaard quantum lens spaces
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, 7 (2013), 1185-1216
Jakubczyk Bronisław Nonholonomic path following with fastly oscillating controls
Browse Conference Publications, Proceedings of 9th Workshop on Robot Motion and Control (RoMoCo), Accession Number: 13840765 : (2013), 99-103
Jakubczyk Bronisław (W. Kryński) Vector fields with distributions and invariants of ODEs
Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 5 (2013), 85-129
Janas Jan (A. Boutet de Monvel, L. Zieliński) Asymptotics of large eigenvalues for a class of band matrices
Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 25 (2013), 13500013-1-1350013-23
Janeczko Stanisław (W. Domitrz, M. Zhitomirskii) Generic singularities of symplectic and quasisymplectic immersions
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 155 (2013), 317-329
Jelonek Zbigniew On the Bertini theorem in arbitrary characteristic
Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 171 (2013), 351-355
Jówikowski Michał Jacobi vector field for Lagrangian systems on algebroids
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics , 10 (2013), 1350011
Kaczorowski Jerzy On a generalization of the Euler totient function
Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 170 (2013), 27-48
Kaczorowski Jerzy (A. Perelli) Some remarks on infinite products of L-functions
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 408 (2013), 293-298
Kamont Anna (P. F.X. Mueller) Rearrangements with supporting Trees, Isomorphisms and Shift Operators
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 274, 1-2 (2013), 57-83
Kochanek Tomasz i Koszmider Piotr (H.G. Dales, T. Kania, , Niels Jakob Laustsen) Maximal left ideals of the Banach algebra of bounded operators on a Banach space
Studia Mathematica, 218 (2013), 245-286
Komorowski Tomasz (S. Olla, L. Ryzhik) Asymptotics of the solutions of the stochastic lattice wave equation
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, : 209 (2013), 455-494
Komorowski Tomasz i Peszat Szymon (T. Szarek) Passive tracer in a flow corresponding to a two dimensional stochastic Navier Stokes equations
Nonlinearity, 26 (2013), 1999-2026
Kondracki Witold i Królak Andrzej (R. J Budzyński, ) On the geometry of the parameter space reduction with application to gravitational wave data analysis
Advanced Applied Statistics, 34 (2013), 49-63
Koszmider Piotr On large indecomposable Banach spaces
Journal of Functional Analysis, 264 (2013), 1779-1805
Koszmider Piotr (A. Aviles) A Banach space in which every injective operator is surjective
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 45 (2013), 1065-1074
Koszmider Piotr (A. Aviles) A continuous image of a Radon-Nikodym compact space which is not Radon-Nikodym
Duke Mathematical Journal, 162 (2013), 2285-2299
Koszmider Piotr (Ch. Brech) On universal spaces for the class of Banach spaces whose dual balls are uniform Eberlein compacts
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 141 (2013), 1267-1280
Koszmider Piotr (J. Ferrer, W. Kubi, ) Almost disjoint families of countable sets and separable complementation properties
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 401 (2013), 939-947
Koszmider Piotr (S. Shelah) Independent families in Boolean algebras with some separation properties
Algebra Universalis, 69 (2013), 305-312
Kowalski Piotr Maciej Dirichlet boundary value problem for Duffing's equation
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 37 (2013), 1-10
Królak Andrzej Searching for gravitational wave signals from rotating neutron stars
Proceedings of Xth International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology - Wietnam, Qui-Nhon, 17-22 December 2011, ed. R. Triay, J. Tran Thanh Van, L. M. Celniker, The Gioi publishers, 2013, pp. 97-100
Królak Andrzej (członkowie projektu LIGO i projektu Virgo (wielu autorow)) Einstein@Home all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in LIGO S5 data
Physical Review D, 87 (2013), 042001-1-042001-29
Kryński Wojciech (B. Jakubczyk) Vector fields with distributions and invariants of ODE's
Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 5 (2013), 85-130
Krzeszowiec Michał (M. Kałuszka) An iterativity condition for the mean-value principle under Cumulative Prospect Theory
Astin Bulletin, 43 (2013), 61-71
Krzeszowiec Michał (M. Kałuszka) On iterative premium calculation principles under Cumulative Prospect Theory
Lasoń Michał (A. Asinowski, J. Cardinal, N. Cohen, S. Collette, Th. Hackl, M.l Hoffmann, K. Knauer, S. Langerman, P. Micek, G. Rote, T. Ueckerd) Coloring hypergraphs induced by dynamic point sets and bottomless rectangles
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8037 (2013), 73-84
Lasoń Michał (A. Pawlik, J. Kozik, T. Krawczyk, P. Micek, W. T. Trotter, B. Walczak) Triangle-free geometric intersection graphs with large chromatic number
Rychlik Tomasz Prace Ryszarda Zielińskiego o nieparametrycznych estymatorach kwantyli i ich zastosowaniu w statystyce odpornej
Mathematica Applicanda, 40 (2012), 65-82
Rychlik Tomasz (A. Goroncy) Optimal bounds on expectations of order statistics based on increasing density and failure rate samples
Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability: Theory Methods and Applications, 1-4 July 2013 (N. Balakrishnan, M. Finkelstein, T. de Wet, red.), Stellenbosch, South Africa, 259-262
Rychlik Tomasz (K. Jasiński) Maximum variance of order statistics from symmetric populations revisited
Statistics, 47 (2013), 422-438
Rychlik Tomasz (P. Miziuła) Precise evaluations for lifetime variances of reliability systems with exchangeable components
Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability: Theory Methods and Applications, 1-4 July 2013 (N. Balakrishnan, M. Finkelstein, T. de Wet, red.), Stellenbosch, South Africa, 210-213
Sabok Marcin (D. Aspero, S. D. Friedman, M. A. Mota) Baumgartner's conjecture and bounded forcing axioms
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 164 (2013), 1178-1186
Sabok Marcin (V. Kanovei, J. Zapletal) Canonical Ramsey theory on Polish spaces
Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, 202, Cambridge University Press 2013
Schinzel Andrzej A positive definite binary quadratic form as a sum of five squares of linear forms (Completion of Mordell's proof)
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics, 61 (2013), 23-26
Schinzel Andrzej A property of Lehmer numbers
Fibonacci Quarterly, 51 (2013), 119-122
Schinzel Andrzej Appendix to the paper of M. Ulas
International Journal of Number Theory, 9 (2013), 597-598
Schinzel Andrzej Arithmetic of polynomials
The Mathematics of Paul Erdoes I, Second edition Springer: (2013), 263-267
Schinzel Andrzej Erdoes's work on the sum of divisors function and on Euler's function
Schinzel Andrzej Jerzy Urbanowicz's work on pure mathematics
Number Theory and its Applications, Arithmetic in Shangri-La. Proc. 6th China-Japan Seminar, World Scientific : 8 (2013), 237-243
Schinzel Andrzej On divisibility by (a^k-b^k)/(a-b)
Fibonacci Quarterly, 51 (2013), 72-77
Schinzel Andrzej (M. Skałba) On certain biquadratic equations
Archiv der Mathematik, 101 (2013), 213-218
Sitarz Andrzej On Hopf-Cyclic Cohomology and Cuntz Algebra
ISRN Algebra, 2013, Article ID 793637, (2013)
Sitarz Andrzej (A. Rennie, M. Yamashita) Twisted cyclic cohomology and modular Fredholm modules
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), 9 (2013), 051, 15 pages
Sitarz Andrzej (B. Durhuus) Star product realizations of kappa-Minkowski space
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, 7 (2013), 605-645
Sitarz Andrzej (L. Dabrowski) Noncommutative circle bundles and new Dirac operators
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 318 (2013), 111-130
Sitarz Andrzej (L. Dabrowski. A. Zucca) Dirac operator on noncommutative principal circle bundles
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 11 (01) (2014)
Skalski Adam (D. Goswami) On two possible constructions of the quantum semigroup of all quantum permutations of an infinite countable set
Banach Center Publications, 98 (2012), 199-214
Skalski Adam (M. Lindsay) Quantum random walk approximation on locally compact quantum groups
Letters in Mathematical Physics, 103 (2013), 765-775
Skalski Adam (P. Salmi) Inclusions of ternary rings of operators and conditional expectations
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 155 (2013), 475-482
Skalski Adam (T. Banica) Quantum symmetry groups of C*-algebras equipped with orthogonal filtrations
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 106 (2013), 980-1004
Skalski Adam (U. Franz, R. Tomatsu) Idempotent states on compact quantum groups and their classification on U_q(2), SU_q(2), and SO_q(3).
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, 7 (2013), 221-254
Śniady Piotr (A. Karska, G. J. Herczeg, E. F. van Dishoeck, S. F. Wampfler, L. E. Kristensen, J. R. Goicoechea, R. Visser, B. Nisini, I. San José-García, S. Bruderer, S. Doty, D. Fedele, U. A. Yildiz, A. O. Benz, E. Bergin, P. Caselli, F. Herpin, M. R. Ho Water in star forming regions with Herschel (WISH) III. Far-infrared cooling lines in low-mass young stellar objects.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 552 (2013), A141
Śniady Piotr (M. Fukuda) Partial transpose of random quantum states: exact formulas and meanders
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 54 (2013), 042202-
Śniady Piotr (R. Idzikowski, M. Mazij, P. Śniady) Research Article Vibrations of String due to a Uniform Partially Distributed Moving Load: Closed Solutions
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013 (2013), article ID 163970, 8 pp.
Spież Stanisław (J. Krasinkiewicz) Embedding of the dunce hat
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 141 (2013), 2537-2541
Spież Stanisław (J. Urbanowicz, A. Zabłocki) On constructing privileged coalitions in Shamir's type scheme
Finite Fields and Their Applications, 19 (2013), 73-85
Tomilov Yuriy (A. Gomilko) On rates in Euler's formula for C_0-semigroups
Spectral Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 38, AMS, RI, 2013, 133-153
Tomilov Yuriy (V. Muller) On ``large'' weak orbits of C_0-semigroups
Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged), 79 (2013), 475-505
Valette Guillaume (M. Bilski, W. Kucharz i A. Valette) Vector bundles and regulous maps
Valette Guillaume (Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy i A. Valette) On a singular variety associated to a polynomial mapping
Journal of Singularities, 7 (2013), 190-204
Wolff Paweł Gaussian concentration for non-Lipschitz functions
Progress in Probability, 66 (2013), 103110
Wolff Paweł (K. Ball, F. Barthe, W. Bednorz, K. Oleszkiewicz) L^1-smoothing for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup
Mathematika, 59 (2013), 160-168
Wróblewska-Kamińska Aneta Local pressure methods in Orlicz spaces for the motions of rigid bodies in an non-Newtonian fluid with general growth conditions
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Ser. S, 6 no. 5 (2013), 1417-1425
Wróblewska-Kamińska Aneta Unsteady flows of non-Newtonian fluids in generalized Orlicz spaces
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A, 33 no.6 (2013), 2565-2592
Wróblewska-Kamińska Aneta (E. Emmrich) Convergence of a full discretization of quasilinear parabolic equations in isotropic and anisotropic Orlicz spaces
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 51 no. 2 (2013), 1163-1184
Zabczyk Jerzy (L. Pandolfi, E. Priola) Linear operator inequality and null controllability with vanishing energy for boundary control systems
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 51 (2013), 629-659
Zabczyk Jerzy (S. Peszat) Time regularity of solutions to linear equations with Levy noise in infinite dimensions
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 123 (2013), 719-751
Zajączkowski Wojciech Long time existence of regular solutions to nonhomogeneous Navier-Stokes equations
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 6 (5), (2013), 1427 - 1455
Zajączkowski Wojciech Nonstationary Stokes system in Sobolev-Slobodetskii spaces
Mathematische Annalen, 356 (2013), 555-587
Zajączkowski Wojciech (I. Pawłow) Global regular solutions to a Kelvin-Voigt type thermoviscoelastic system
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 45 (2013), 1997-2045
Zajączkowski Wojciech (I. Pawłow) On a class of sixth order viscous Cahn-Hilliard type equations
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 6 (2) (2013), 517-546
Zajączkowski Wojciech (J. Gawinecki) On global existence of solutions of the Neumann problem for spherically symmetric nonlinear viscoelasticity in a ball
Newsletter London Mathematical Society, 423 (2013), 31
Żelazko Wiesław Concerning dernse subideals in commutative Banach algebras
Functiones et Approximatio, Commentarii Mathematici, 48 (2013), 113-115
Żelazko Wiesław (M. Abel) A characterization of non-remmovable ideals in commutative multiplicatively pseudoconvex algebras
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Zemánek Jaroslav (A. Gomilko) On the strong Kreiss resolvent condition
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 7 (2013), 421-435
Zemánek Jaroslav (L. Suciu) Growth conditions on Cesaro means of higher order
Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged), 79 (2013), 545-581
Zemánek Jaroslav (S. Reich, D. Shoikhet ) Ergodicity, numerical range, and fixed points of holomorphic mappings
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Zemánek Jaroslav (Yu. Kozitsky, D. Shoikhet) Power convergence of Abel averages
Archiv der Mathematik, 100 (2013), 539-549
Zwoleński Paweł On continuous time version of two-phase cell cycle model of Tyrcha
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Adamowicz Zofia (Leszek Kołodziejczyk, Jeffrey Paris) Truth definitions without exponentiation and the $\Sigma_1$ collection scheme
J. Symbolic Logic 77(2) (2012), 649-655
Bogdan Krzysztof (Rodrigo Banuelos, Adam Bielaszewski) Fouries multipliers for non-symmetric Levy processes
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Bogdan Krzysztof (Tomasz Jakubowski, Sebastian Sydor) Estimates of perturbation series for kernels
J. Evol. Equ. 12 (2012), 973-984
Bogdan Krzysztof (W. Hansen, and T. Jakubowski) Localization and Schrödinger perturbations of kernels
Potential. Anal. (online-first) (2012), -
Bojarski Bogdan Sobolev spaces and Lagrange interpolation
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Bojarski Bogdan (Vladimir Gultyanskii, Vladimir Ryazanov) Dirichlet problem for general Beltrami equation in Jordan domains
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Browkin Jerzy (J. Brzezinski, Kejian Xu) On exceptions in the Brauer-Kuroda relations
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Browkin Jerzy (Kejian Xu) On exceptional pq-groups
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Buczyński Jarosław (J. M. Landsberg) Ranks of tensors and a generalization of secant varieties
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Buczyński Jarosław (Thomas Peternell) Contact Moishezon threefolds with second Betti number one
Arch. Math. (Basel) 98(5) ( 2012), 427-431
Burczak Jan L∞ a priori bounds for gradients of solutions to quasilinear inhomogenous fast-growing parabolic system
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 393 (2012), 222-230
Burczak Jan i Cieślak Tomasz (Cristian Morales-Rodrigo) Global existence vs. blowup in a fully parabolic quasilinear 1D Keller-Segel system
Cieślak Tomasz (Christian Stinner) Finite-time blowup and global-in-time unbounded solutions to a parabolicparabolic quasilinear KellerSegel system in higher dimensions
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Cynk Sławomir (S. Rams) Invariants of hypersurfaces and logarithmic differential forms
EMS Monogr. Math. P. Pragacz, ed., Contributions to Algebraic Geometry. Impanga Lecture Notes, EMS Series of Congress Reports, edited by the European Mathematical Society Publishing House. : (2012), 193-212
De Lucas Javier (J. Carinena, J. Grabowski) Superposition rules for higher-order systems and their applications
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De Lucas Javier (J.F. Carinena and M.F. Ranada) Un enfoque geometrico de las ecuaciones diferenciales de Abel de primera y segunda clase
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De Lucas Javier (J.F. Carinena, C. Sardon) A new Lie systems approach to second-order Riccati equations
Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 9 (2012), 1260007-
De Lucas Javier i Grabowski Janusz Mixed superposition rules and the Riccati hierarchy
J. Differential Equations 254 (2013), 179-198
Domański Paweł Notes on Real Analytic Functions and Classical Operators
Contemporary Mathematics 561 (2012), 3-47
Domański Paweł (M. Goliński, M. Langenbruch) A note on composition operators on spaces of real analytic functions
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Domański Paweł (M. Langenbruch) On the abstract Cauchy problem for operators in locally convex spaces
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Domański Paweł (M. Langenbruch) Representation of multipliers on spaces of real analytic functions
Analysis 32 (2012), 137-162
Dryło Robert Constructing Pairing-Friendly Genus 2 Curves with Split Jacobian
Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (INDOCRYPT 2012) 7668 (2012), 437-458
Dryło Robert The generalized stable equivalence problem
Journal of Algebra 371 (2012), 554-558
Farnik Michał Kahler differentials
Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop for Young Mathematicians XIV (2012), 19-22
Frąckiewicz Piotr Quantum information approach to normal representation of extensive games
Int. J. Quantum Inform. 10 (2012), 1250048 (13 pp)
Frąckiewicz Piotr Quantum repeated games revisited
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45 (2012), 085307 (14pp)
Grabowski Janusz Modular classes of skew algebroid relations
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Grabowski Janusz (N. Poncin, A. Kotov) Lie superalgebras of differential operators
J. Lie Theory 23 (2013), 035-054
Gutkin Eugene Billiard dynamics: An updated survey with the emphasis on open problems
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 22 (2012), xxx-xxx
Gutkin Eugene Capillary floating and the billiard ball problem
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 14 (2012), 363-382
Gutkin Eugene (J.-P. Conze) On recurrence and ergodicity for geodesic flows on noncompact periodic polygonal surfaces
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 32 (2012), 491-515
Gutkin Eugene (V. Bangert) Insecurity for compact surfaces of positive genus: commentary
Geometriae Dedicata 159 (2012), 409-409
Hajac Piotr M. (Atabey Kaygun, Bartosz Zielinski) Quantum complex projective spaces from Toeplitz cubes
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 6 (2012), 603-621
Janas Jan (Serguei Naboko) Elementary models of unbounded Jacobi matrices with a few gaps in the essential spectrum
Operators and Matrices 6 (2012), 543-565
Janeczko Stanisław (P.J. Giblin) Geometry of curves and surfaces through the contact map
Topology and Its Applications 159 (2012), 466-476
Januszkiewicz Lech Tadeusz (M. Davis, J.-F. Lafont ) 4-dimensional locally CAT(0)-manifolds with no Riemannian smoothings
Duke Math. J. 161 (2012), 1-28
Jelonek Zbigniew A solution of the problem of Van den Essen and Shpilrain II
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Kaczorowski Jerzy (A. Perelli) A correspondence theorem for $L$-functions and partial differential operators
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Kaczorowski Jerzy (A. Perelli) Lower bounds for the conductor of L-functions
Acta Arithmetica 155.2 (2012), 185-199
Kaczorowski Jerzy (K. Wiertelak) On the sum of the twisted Euler function
Int. J. Number Theory 8 (2012), 1741-1761
Kamont Anna (Gegham G. Gevorkyan) Hilbert transform of a wavelet system: boundedness of orthogonal projections in the uniform norm
J. Contemp. Math. Anal. 47 (4) (2012), 161-167
Kamont Anna (Gegham G. Gevorkyan) Orthonormal spline systems with arbitrary knots and bases in disc algebra
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Kasprzak Paweł (M. Daws, A. Skalski, P. Sołtan) Closed quantum subgroups of locally compact quantum groups
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Komorowski Tomasz (A. Novikov, L. Ryzhik.) Evolution of particle separation in slowly decorrelating velocity fields
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Komorowski Tomasz (A. Walczuk) Central limit theorem for Markov processes with spectral gap in the Wasserstein metric
Stochastic Process. Appl. : 122 (2012), 2155-2184
Komorowski Tomasz (C. Landim, S. Olla,) Fluctuations in Markov Processes Time Symmetry and Martingale Approximation
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Komorowski Tomasz (L. Ryzhik) Fluctuations of solutions to Wigner equation with an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck potential
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Komorowski Tomasz (Ł. Stępień) Long time, large scale limit of the Wigner transform for a system of linear oscillators in one dimension
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Koszmider Piotr A C(K) Banach space which does not have the Schroeder-Bernstein property
Studia Math. 212 (2012), 95-117
Koszmider Piotr Some topological invariants and biorthogonal systems in Banach spaces
Extracta Math. 26(2) (2011), 271-294
Koszmider Piotr (Christina Brech) On universal Banach spaces of density continuum
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Krasinkiewicz Józef i Spież Stanisław Extension of the Borsuk theorem on non-embeddability of spheres
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Krasinkiewicz Józef i Spież Stanisław (Akira Koyama) Embedding into products and symmetric products - An algebraic approach
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Królak Andrzej (A. Błaut, S. Babak) Search for GWs from white dwarf binaries in Mock LISA Data Challenge data
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Krupski Mikołaj On the t-equivalence relation
Topology and Its Applications (2012), -
Krupski Mikołaj (Witold Marciszewski) Some remarks on universality properties of $\ell_\infty / c_0$
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Kryński Wojciech Geometry of isotypic Kronecker webs
Cent. Eur. J. Math. 10 (2012), 1872-1888
Kryński Wojciech Parabolic (3,5,6)-distributions and GL(2)-structures
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Krzeszowiec Michał (Marek Kałuszka) Mean-value principle under Cumulative Prospect Theory
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Krzeszowiec Michał (Marek Kałuszka) Pricing insurance contracts under Cumulative Prospect Theory
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Kubat Łukasz (Jan Okniński) Plactic algebra of rank $3$
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Kulczycki Tadeusz (K. Burdzy, R. Schilling) Stationary distributions for jump processes with memory
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Kwaśnicki Mateusz Eigenvalues of the fractional Laplace operator in the interval
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Kwaśnicki Mateusz Spectral theory for one-dimensional symmetric Lévy processes killed upon hitting the origin
Electron. J. Probab. 17, no. 83 (2012), 1-29
Kwaśnicki Mateusz (Tadeusz Kulczycki) On high spots of the fundamental sloshing eigenfunctions in axially symmetric domains
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Lasoń Michał Equivalent condition for approximately Cohen-Macaulay complexes
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Lasoń Michał On the relation between Betti numbers of an Arf semigroup and its blowup
Le Matematiche 67 (2012), 75-80
Latała Rafał Moments of unconditional logarithmically concave vectors
Lecture Notes in Math. Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis, Israel Seminar 2006-2010, 301-315, Lecture Notes in Math. 2050, Springer 2012. : 2050 (2012), 301-315
Latała Rafał Weak and strong moments of random vectors
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Latała Rafał (Radosław Adamczak) Tail and moment estimates for chaoses generated by symmetric random variables with logarithmically concave tails
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Latała Rafał (Radosław Adamczak, Alexander E. Litvak, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann) Chevet type inequality and norms of submatrices
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Ledwina Teresa Jerzy Neyman (1894 - 1981)
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Ledwina Teresa Jerzy Neyman (1894-1981)
Statistics in Transition-new series 13 (2012), 169-178
Ledwina Teresa i Wyłupek Grzegorz Nonparametric tests for stochastic ordering
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Ledwina Teresa i Wyłupek Grzegorz Two-sample test against one-sided alternatives
Scand. J. Stat. 39 (2012), 358-381
Lubawski Wojciech (Andrzej Czarnecki, Marcin Kulczycki) On The Connectedness Of Boundary And Complement For Domains
Ann. Polon. Math. 103 (2011), 189-191
Maksymiuk Jakub (Joanna Janczewska) The Existence and Multiplicity of Homoclinic Orbits for a Class of Singular Hamiltonian Systems in $R^3$
Cent. Eur. J. Math. 10(6) (2012), 1920-1927
Mańka Roman Locally connected curves admit small retractions onto graphs
Houston. J. Math. 38 no.2 (2012), 643-651
Mańka Roman Results and problems in fixed point theory for tree-like continua
Topology Proc. 39 (2012), 113-130
Mankiewicz Piotr Weak distances between random subproportional quotients of $\ell^m_1$
Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Math. 60 (2012), 285-294
Mastyło Mieczysław (Thomas Kühn) Eigenvalues of HilleTamarkin operators and geometry of Banach function spaces
Studia Math. : 207 (2011), 275-296
Maszczyk Tomasz Splitting polynomials in noncommutative algebras
Comm. Algebra 40 (2012), 4130-4146
Michalewski Henryk (A. Arnold, D. Niwiński) On the separation question for tree languages
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Michalewski Henryk (D. Niwiński) On topological completeness of regular tree languages
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. Special issue in honour of D. Kozen "Logic and Program Semantics".: 7230 (2012), 165-179
Michalik Sławomir On the Borel summable solutions of multidimensional heat equation
Ann. Polon. Math. 105 (2012), 167-177
Michałek Mateusz Birational maps between Calabi-Yau manifolds associated to webs of quadrics
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Nowak Adam (Jorge Betancor, Alejandro Castro) Calderón-Zygmund operators in the Bessel setting
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Nowak Adam (Krzysztof Stempak) Negative powers of Laguerre operators
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Nowak Adam (Peter Sjögren) Calderón-Zygmund operators related to Jacobi expansions
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Nowak Adam i SzarekTomasz Zachary Calderón-Zygmund operators related to Laguerre function expansions of convolution type
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Nowak Piotr (Jacek Brodzki, Graham A. Niblo, Nick J. Wright) A homological characterization of topological amenability
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Nowakowski Bernard Large time existence of strong solutions to micropolar equations in cylindrical domains
Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 14 (2013), 645-660
Obtułowicz Adam Generalized Gandy-Paun-Rozenberg Machines for Tile Systems and Cellular Automata
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7184 (2012), 314-332
Ochremiak Joanna Agregacja sądów a agregacja preferencji
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Oprocha Piotr (Dominik Kwietniak) A note on the average shadowing property for expansive maps
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Rencławowicz Joanna i Zajączkowski Wojciech Nonstationary flow for the Navier-Stokes equations in a cylindrical pipe
Math. Methods Appl. Sci 35 (2012), 1434-1455
Rolewicz Stefan On uniformly aproximate convex vector-valued functions.
Control and Cybernetics 41 (2012), 443-462
Rudnicki Ryszard Chaoticity and invariant measures for a cell population model
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 393 (2012), 151-165
Rudnicki Ryszard (Jacek Banasiak, Katarzyna Pichór) Asynchronous exponential growth of a general structured population model
Acta Appl. Math. 119 (2012), 149-166
Rudnicki Ryszard (Katarzyna Pichór, Marta Tyran-Kamińska) Stochastic semigroups and their applications to biological models
Demonstratio Math. 45 (2012), 463-494
Rychlik Tomasz (Krzysztof Jasiński) Bounds on dispersion of order statistics based on dependent symmetrically distributed random variables
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Rychlik Tomasz (Marek Beśka, Krzysztof Jasiński, Marcin Spryszyński) Mixed systems with minimal and maximal lifetime variances
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Sabok Marcin Complexity of Ramsey null sets
Adv. Math 230 (2012), 1184-1195
Sabok Marcin Extreme amenability of abelian L_0 groups
J. Funct. Anal. 263 (2012), 2978-2992
Sabok Marcin Forcing, games and families of closed sets
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Sabok Marcin (Janusz Pawlikowski) Decomposing Borel functions and structure at finite levels of the Baire hierarchy
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Schinzel Andrzej A property of quasi-diagonal forms
Michigan Math. J 61 (2012), 107-122
Schinzel Andrzej Dorobek Wacława Sierpińskiego z teorii liczb
Dzieje Matematyki Polskiej Wrocław (2012), 227-236
Schinzel Andrzej Equal values of trinomials revisited
Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 276 (2012), 255-261
Schinzel Andrzej O niektórych otwartych problemach teorii liczb
XVI Seminarium Nauka-Religia-Dzieje,53-55,Kraków 2012
Schinzel Andrzej On fixed divisors of forms in many variables, II
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Schinzel Andrzej On reducible trinomials, IV
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Schinzel Andrzej Teoria liczb i algebra w pracach Salomona Lubelskiego
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Schinzel Andrzej Teoria liczb w pracach Franciszka Mertensa
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Signerska Justyna Firing map for periodically and almost-periodically driven integrate-and-fire models: a dynamical systems approach
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Skalski Adam (Alex Belton and J.Martin Lindsay) A vacuum-adapted approach to quantum Feynman-Kac formulae
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Skalski Adam (Matthew Daws, Paweł Kasprzak, Piotr.Sołtan) Closed quantum subgroups of locally compact quantum groups
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Skalski Adam (Teodor Banica) Quantum isometry groups of duals of free powers of cyclic groups
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Stettner Łukasz ( ) Asymptotics of utility from terminal wealth for partially observed portfolios
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Stettner Łukasz (A. Rygiel) Arbitrage for simple strategies without shortselling
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Szarek Tomasz Zachary Multipliers of Laplace transform type in certain Dunkl and Laguerre settings
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Szarek Tomasz Zachary On Lusin's area integrals and $g$-functions in certain Dunkl and Laguerre settings
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Annales Polonici Mathematici 97, 219-241, 2010
Przytycki Feliks (i Gelfert K.), Rams Michał On the Lyapunov spectrum for rational maps
Mathematische Annalen 348.4, 965-1004, 2010
Przytycki Feliks (i M. Urbański) Conformal Fractals - Ergodic Theory Methods
London Mathematical Society, Lecture Notes Series 371, x+354 str., Cambridge University Press, 2010
Przytycki Piotr Twist-rigid Coxeter groups, joint with Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace
Geometry & Topology 14, 2243-2275, 2010
Rams Michał On some non-conformal fractals
Nonlinearity 23, 2423-2428, 2010
Regińska Teresa (i U. Tautenhahn) Conditional stability estimates and regularization with applications to Cauchy problems for the Helmholtz equation
Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optimiz. 30(9-10):1065-1097, 2009
Rencławowicz Joanna, Zajączkowski Wojciech Existence of solutions to the Poisson equation in L^2-weighted spaces
Applicationes Mathematicae 37(3), 309-323, 2010
Rencławowicz Joanna, Zajączkowski Wojciech Existence of solutions to the Poisson equation in Lp-weighted spaces
Applicationes Mathematicae 37(1), 1-12, 2010
Rolewicz Stefan How to define "convex functions" on differentiable manifolds
Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization 29, 7-17, 2009
Rudnicki Ryszard Chaoticity of the blood cell production system
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 19, 043112, 1-6, 2009
Rudnicki Ryszard (i J. Banasiak, S. C. Oukouomi Noutchie) Global solvability of a fragmentation-coagulation equation with growth and restricted coagulation
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 16, 13-26, 2009
Rychlik Tomasz Copulae in reliability theory (order statistics, coherent systems)
Lecture Notes in Statistics Copula Theory and Its Applications - Proceedings of the Workshop Held in Warsaw 25-26 September 2009 (P. Jaworski, F. Durante, W. Hardle, T. Rychlik, red.) 198, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 187-208, 2010
Rychlik Tomasz Evaluations of generalized order statistics from bounded populations
Statistical Papers 51, 165-177, 2010
Rychlik Tomasz (i J. Navarro) Comparisons and bounds for expected lifetimes of reliability systems
European Journal of Operational Research 207, 309-317, 2010
Rychlik Tomasz (i P. Jaworski, F. Durante, W. Hardle) Copula Theory and Its Applications
Lecture Notes in Statistics 198, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, xviii + 327 str., 2010
Schinzel Andrzej Równania diofantyczne kwadratowe jednorodne
Delta 5/2010 12-14, 2010
Schinzel Andrzej The number of non-zero cofficients of a polynomial-solved and unsolved problems
Number Theory Dreaming in dreams, Proc. of the 5th China-Japan Seminar on number theory 217-221, World Scientific Publishing 2010
Schinzel Andrzej (i A. Białynicki-Birula) Extreme binary forms
Acta Arith. 142.3, no. 3, 219-249, 2010
Schinzel Andrzej, Spież Stanisław, Urbanowicz Jerzy Admissible Tracks in Shamir's Scheme
Finite Fields and Their Applications 16, 449-462, 2010
Schinzel Andrzej, Spież Stanisław, Urbanowicz Jerzy Elementary Symmetric Polynomials in Shamir's Scheme
Journal of Number Theory 130, 1572-1580, 2010
Smoktunowicz Agata Graded algebras associated to algebraic algebras need not be algebraic
Eur. Math. Soc. Zurich w European Congress of Mathematics, 441-449, 2010
Sołtan Piotr M. Examples of non-compact quantum group actions
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 372, 224-236, 2010
Sołtan Piotr M. Quantum SO(3) groups quantum group actions on M_2
J. Noncommut. Geom. vol. 4, 1-28, 2010
Sołtan Piotr M. Quantum spaces without group structure
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 138, 2079-2086, 2010
Sołtan Piotr M. When a quantum space is not a group?
Banach Center Publications Proceedings of "Banach Algebras 2009", 91, 353-364, 2010
Stettner Łukasz Stopping problems of Markov processes with discontinuous functionals
Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 2010 5-9 July, Budapest, Hungary, 2099-2103, 2010
Stettner Łukasz (i J. Matkowski) On Bellman equation for asymptotics of utility from terminal wealth
Applicationes Mathematicae 37, 89-97, 2010
Stettner Łukasz (i J. Palczewski) Finite Horizon Optimal Stopping of Time - Discontinuous Functionals with Applications to Impulse Control with Delay
SIAM J. CONTROL OPtim. 48, 4874-4909, 2010
Strobin Filip (i Szymon Głąb) Descriptive properties of density preserving autohomeomorphisms of the unit interval
Central European Journal of Mathematics 8(5), 928-936, 2010
Strobin Filip (i Szymon Głąb) Dichotomies for L^p spaces
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 368, no. 1, 382-390, 2010
Strobin Filip (i Szymon Głąb) Porosity and the L^p-conjecture
Archiv der Mathematik 95, 583-592, 2010
Tomilov Yuriy (i A. Borichev) Optimal polynomial decay of functions and operator semigroups
Mathematische Annalen 347, 455-478, 2010
Tomilov Yuriy (i C. J. K. Batty) Quasi-hyperbolic semigroups
Journal of Functional Analysis 258, 3855-3878, 2010
Tomilov Yuriy (i M. Haase) Domains of certain functions of power bounded operators
Studia Mathematica 196, 265-288, 2010
Tomilov Yuriy (i V. Muller) Weakly wandering vectors and interpolation theorems for power bounded operators
Indiana University Mathematics Journal 59, 1111-1134, 2010
Ulas Maciej A note on higher twists of elliptic curves
Glasgow Mathematical Journal 52, 371-381, 2010
Ulas Maciej On certain Diophantine systems with infinitely many parametric solutions and applications
Acta Arith. 145, 305-313, 2010
Ulas Maciej (i A. Togbe) On the Diophantine equation z^2=f(x)^2ą f(y)^2
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Ulas Maciej (i He Bo, A. Togbe) On the Diophantine equation z^2=f(x)^2ąf(y)^2, II.
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Ulas Maciej (i Jędrzejak) Characterization of the torsion of the Jacobian of y^2=x^5+Ax and some application
Acta Arith. 144, no. 2, 183-191, 2010
Valette Guillaume Multiplicity mod 2 as a metric inwariant
Discrete and Computational Geometry 43, issue 3 , 663-679, 2010
Valette Guillaume Vanishing homology
Selecta Math. New Series 16, 267-296, 2010
Valette Guillaume (i L. Sharster) De Rham theorem for L1 forms and homology on singular spaces
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Soc. R. Can. 32, no. 1, 2010
Wojtaszczyk Przemysław Stability and instance optimality for Gaussian measurements in compressed sensing
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 10, 1-13, 2010
Wyłupek Grzegorz Data-driven k-sample tests
Technometrics 52, 107-123, 2010
Zabczyk Jerzy (i M. Barski) Completeness of bond market driven by Lévy processes
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 13, 635-656, 2010
Zabczyk Jerzy (i Z. Brzeźniak) Regularity of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes driven by a Lévy white noise
Potential Analysis 32, 153-188, 2010
Zajączkowski Wojciech Existence of solutions to the (rot, div)- system in Lp-weighted spaces
Applicationes Mathematicae 37(2), 127-142, 2010
Zajączkowski Wojciech Solvability of the Poisson equation in weighted Sobolev spaces
Applicationes Mathematicae 37(3), 325-339, 2010
Zajączkowski Wojciech (i E.Zadrzyńska) Solvability of the stationary Stokes system in spaces H^2-\mu , \mu belongs to (0,1)
Applicationes Mathematicae 37(1), 13-38, 2010
Zajączkowski Wojciech (i I. Pawłow) Long time behaviour of a Cahn-Hilliard system coupled with viscoelasticity
Ann. Polon. Math. 98(1), 1-21, 2010
Zajączkowski Wojciech (i I. Pawłow) Quasilinear thermoviscoelastic systems. Large time regular solutions
Nonlinear evolution equations and mathematical modelling T. Aiki (Ed.), Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, RIMS Kokyuroku 1693, June 2010, Kyoto, Japan, 151-167, 2010
Zemanek Jaroslav Questions on Volterra operators
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Zemanek Jaroslav (i J. Bracic, R. Drnovsek, Yu. B. Farforovskaya, E. L. Rabkin) On positive commutators
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Zieliński Ryszard O średniej arytmetycznej i medianie
Matematyka Stosowana 11(52), 5-15, 2010
Alster Kazimierz A note on the class of paracompact spaces whose product with every paracompact space is paracompact
Topology and Its Applications 156, 1345-1347, 2009
Alster Kazimierz Some remarks on a Telgarsky's conjecture concerning products of paracompact spaces
Topology and Its Applications 156, 1545-1553
Bojarski Bogdan Differentiation of measurable functions and Whitney-Lusin's type structure theorems
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Bojarski Bogdan Generalized solutions of a system of differential equations of the first order and elliptic type with discontinuous coefficients
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Bojarski Bogdan (i V. Gutlyanski, V. Ryazanov) On the Beltrami equations with two characteristics
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Browkin Jerzy (i D. Davies) Refined Kodaira classes and conductors of twisted elliptic curves
Dissertationes Mathematicae 463, 45 pp., 2009
Ciesielski Zbigniew i Zieliński Ryszard Polynomial and spline estimators of the distribution function with prescribed accuracy
Applicationes Mathematicae 36, 1-12, 2009
Cynk Sławomir (i D. van Straten) Small resolutions and non-liftable Calabi-Yau threefolds
Manuscripta Mathematica 130.2, 233-249, 2009
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Deriaz Erwan (i V. Perrier) Orthogonal Helmholtz decomposition in arbitrary dimension using divergence-free and curl-free wavelets
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Domański Paweł (i M. Langenbruch) Vector valued hyperfunctions and boundary values of vector valued harmonic and holomorphic functions
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Dryło Robert A note on noncancellable varieties
Communications in Algebra 37:9; 3337-3341, 2009
Filipuk Galina A hypergeometric system of the Heun equation and middle convolution
Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 42, 175208 (11p), 2009
Filipuk Galina (i R. Halburd) Movable singularities of equations of Lienard type
Computational Methods and Function Theory 9 (2), 551-563, 2009
Filipuk Galina (i R. Halburd) Rational ODEs with movable algebraic singularities
Studies in Applied Mathematics 123, 17-36, 2009
Frąckiewicz Piotr The ultimate solution to the quantum Battle of the Sexes game
Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 42, 365305 (7pp), 2009
Frączek Krzysztof Density of mild mixing property for vertical flows of Abelian differentials
Proceedings of The American Mathematical Society 137, 4129-4142, 2009
Frączek Krzysztof (i M. Lemańczyk) On the self-similarity problem for ergodic flows
Proceedings of The London Mathematical Society 99 (3): 658-696, 2009
Grabowski Janusz (i G. Marmo and M. Kuś) Wigner's Theorem and geometry of extreme positive maps
Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 42, 345301, 20pp., 2009
Grabowski Janusz (i M. De León, D. Martin de Diego, J. C. Marrero) Nonholonomic constraints: a new viewpoint
Journal of Mathematical Physics 50, 013520, 17 pp, 2009
Grabowski Janusz (i M. Rotkiewicz) Higher vector bundles and multi-graded symplectic manifolds
Journal of Geometry and Physics 59, 1285-1305, 2009
Grochowski Marek Properties of reachable sets in the sub-Lorentzian geometry
Journal of Geometry and Physics 59, 885-900, 2009
Gutkin Eugene Topological entropy and blocking cost for geodesics in Riemannian manifolds
Geometriae Dedicata 138, 13-23, 2009
Jakubczyk Bronisław i Kryński Wojciech (i F. Pelletier) Characteristic vector fields of generic distributions of corank 2
Annales De L Institut Henri Poincare-analyse Non Lineaire 26, 23-38, 2009
Jakubczyk Bronisław i Pietrzkowski Gabriel Integral Representations of separable states
Reports on Mathematical Physics 63, 111-130, 2009
Janas Jan (i S. Naboko, A. Shernova) Asymptotic Behavior of Generalized Eigenvectors of Jacobi Matrices in the Critical (``Double Root'') Case
Journal for Analysis and its Applications 28, 411-430, 2009
Janczewska Joanna An approximative scheme of finding almost homoclinic solutions or a class of Newtonian systems
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 33, 169-178, 2009
Janeczko Stanisław i Jelonek Zbigniew Characterization of diffeomorphisms that are symplectomorphisms
Fundamenta Mathematicae 205, 147-160, 2009
Januszkiewcz Tadeusz (i J. Behrstock, W. Neumann) Commensurability and QI classification of free products of finitely generated abelian groups
Proceedings of The American Mathematical Society 137, 811-813, 2009
Jasiczak Michał Division on complex spaces with arbitrary singularities
Functiones et Approximatio 40.2, 327-339, 2009
Jaszuńska Joanna Króliki i szufladki w geometrii
Delta 2, strona 25, 2009
Jaszuńska Joanna Mała rzecz, a cieszy
Delta 1, strona 25, 2009
Jelonek Zbigniew Manifolds with a unique embedding
Colloquium Mathematicum 117, 299-317, 2009
Jelonek Zbigniew On the cancellation problem
Mathematische Annalen 344, 769-778, 2009
Jelonek Zbigniew i Lasoń Michał The set of fixed points of a unipotent group
Journal of Algebra 322, 2180-2185, 2009
Kamont Anna (i G. G. Gevorkyan) Uniqueness of series with respect to general Franklin systems
Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis 44 (5), 271-283, 2009
Kamont Anna (i G. G. Gevorkyan) On the trigonometric conjugate to the general Franklin system
Studia Mathematica 193 (3), 203 -- 239, 2009
Komorowski Tomasz i Peszat Szymon (i L. Ryzhik) Limit of fluctuations of solutions of Wigner equation
Communications in Mathematical Physics 292, 479-510, 2009
Królak Andrzej (i A. Błaut, M. Piętka) Grids for efficient all sky search of white dwarf binaries in Mock LISA Data Challenge
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Proc. 7th International LISA Symposium, 154, 012045, 5 stron, 2009
Królak Andrzej (i A. Błaut, S. Babak) Detecting white dwarf binaries in Mock LISA Data Challenge 3
Classical and Quantum Gravity 26, 204023, 9 stron, (2009
Królak Andrzej (i P. Jaranowski) Analysis of Gravitational-Wave Data Analysis. Formalism and Sample Applications: The Gaussian Case
Cambridge University Press pp. 270, Cambridge 2009
Kulczycki Tadeusz (i Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions for Stable Processes
Lecture Notes in Mathematics w "Potential Analysis of Stable Processes and its Extensions", Vol. 1980 , 2009
Kulczycki Tadeusz (i N. Kuznetsov) 'High spots' theorems for sloshing problems
Bulletin of The London Mathematical Society 41, 495--505, 2009
Kulczycki Tadeusz (i R. Bańuelos, B. Siudeja) Neumann Bessel Heat Kernel Monotonicity
Potential Analysis 30, 65--83, 2009
Kulczycki Tadeusz (i R. Bańuelos, B. Siudeja) On the trace of symmetric stable processes on Lipschitz domains
Journal of Functional Analysis 257, 3329--3352, 2009
Langer Adrian Moduli spaces of sheaves and principal G-bundles
Proc. of Symposia in Pure Mathematics Algebraic Geometry 80, 273-308, 2009
Langer Adrian (i T. Gomez, A. Schmitt, I. Sols) Moduli spaces for principal bundles in arbitrary characteristic
Ramanujan Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Teichmuller Theory and Moduli Problems, 281--371, 2009
Lassak Marek (i M. Nowicka) Minimum-area axially symmetric convex bodies containing a triangle and its measure of axial symmetry
Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie 50, 541-554, 2009
Latała Rafał On weak tail domination of random vectors
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics 57, 75--80, 2009
Lipecki Zbigniew Semivariations of an additive function on a Boolean ring
Colloquium Mathematicum 117, 267--279, 2009
Malicki Maciej (i S. Solecki) Isometry groups of separable metric spaces
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 146, 67--81, 2009
Mastyło Mieczysław Interpolation estimates for entropy numbers with applications to non-convex bodies
Journal of Approximation Theory 162, 10-23, 2010
Mastyło Mieczysław (i P. Mleczko) Absolutely summing multipliers on abstract Hardy spaces
Acta Mathematica Sinica-english Series 25, No 6, 883-902, 2009
Nowakowski Bernard i Zajączkowski Wojciech Global attractor for Navier-Stokes equations in cylindrical domains
Applicationes Mathematicae 36(2), 183-194, 2009
Nowakowski Bernard i Zajączkowski Wojciech Global existence of solutions to Navier-Stokes equations in cylindrical domain
Applicationes Mathematicae 36(2), 169-182, 2009
Obtułowicz Adam Approaching a question of biologically plausible applications of spiking neural P systems for an explanation of brain cognitive functions
Fenix Editora, Sevilla w "Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Membrane Computing", RGNC Report 3/2009, Curtea de Arges, August 24 - August 27, 461-463, 2009
Obtułowicz Adam Spiking neural P systems and modularization of complex networks from cortial network to social networks
Fenix Editora, Sevilla w "Seventh Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing", RGNC Report 02/2009, Sevilla, February 2 - February 6, Vol. II, 109-114, 2009
Piasecki Tomasz Steady compressible Navier-Stokes flow in a square
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 357, 447-467, 2009
Pragacz Piotr (M. Mikosz, A. Weber) Positivity of Thom polynomials II: the Lagrange singularities
Fundamenta Mathematicae 202, 65--79, 2009
Przeworska-Rolewicz Danuta Mój mistrz i promotor Witold Pogorzelski (1895-1963)
Studia Matematyczne Uniwersytetu Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczego Jana Kochanowskiego 11, 143-161, 2009
Przeworska-Rolewicz Danuta Spis publikacji Witolda Pogorzelskiego (1895-1963)
Biblioteka Cyfrowa Politechniki Warszawskiej 12 stron, 2009
Przytycki Piotr (i D. Osajda) Boundaries of systolic groups
Geometry & Topology 13, 2807-2880, 2009
Przytycki Piotr (i J. Świątkowski) Flag-no-square triangulations and Gro-mov boundaries in dimension 3
Groups Geometry and Dynamics 3, 453-468, 2009
Rams Michał (i E. Gutkin) Growth rates for geometric complexities and counting functions in polygonal billiards
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 29, 1163-1183, 2009
Rams Michał (i K. Gelfert) The Lyapunov spectrum of some parabolic systems
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 29, 919-940, 2009
Rams Michał i Gelfert Katrin Geometry of limit sets for expansive Markov systems
Transactions of The American Mathematical Society 361, 2001-2020, 2009
Regińska Teresa (i W. Arendt) An ill-posed boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation on Lipschitz domains
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 71, 7003-711, 2009
Rolewicz Stefan On smooth points of boundaries of convex sets
Studia Mathematica 191, 211-214, 2009
Rolewicz Stefan On uniform differentiability
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Matematyka 56, 231-239, 2008
Rosini Massimiliano (i R. M. Colombo, M. Mercier) Stability and Total Variation Estimates on General Scalar Balance Laws
Communications in Mathematical Sciences 7, 37-65, 2009
Rosini Massimiliano (i S.Benzoni-Gavage) Weakly nonlinear surface waves and subsonic phase boundaries
Computers & Mathematics With Applications 57, 1463-1484, 2009
Rudnicki Ryszard Models of population dynamics and their applications in genetics
World Scientific Publications w Genetics to Mathematics, M. Lachowicz and J. Miękisz (eds.), Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, v. 79, pp. 103-147, New Jersey 2009
Rudnicki Ryszard i Wieczorek Radosław Can mathematics solve biological riddles? The World in Equations
Academia 1 (21), 20-23, pp. 103-147, 2009
Rudnicki Ryszard i Wieczorek Radosław Mathematical models of phytoplankton dynamics
Dynamic Biochemistry, Process Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 2, 55-63, 2008
Rychlik Tomasz Bounds on expectations of small order statistics from decreasing density populations
Metrika 70, 369--381, 2009
Rychlik Tomasz Non-positive upper bounds on expectations of low rank order statistics from DFR populations
Statistics 43, 53--63, 2009
Rychlik Tomasz Tight evaluations for expectations of small order statistics from symmetric and symmetric unimodal populations
Statistics & Probability Letters 79, 1488-1493, 2009
Rychlik Tomasz (i A. Goroncy) Lower bounds on spacings based on with-replacement model
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 38, 1982-1988, 2009
Rychlik Tomasz (i K. Jasiński, J. Navarro) Bounds on variances of lifetimes of coherent and mixed systems
Journal of Applied Probability 46, 894--908, 2009
Rychlik Tomasz (i P. Jaworski) On distributions of order statistics for absolutely continuous copulas with applications to reliability problems
Kybernetika 44, 757--776, 2008
Schinzel Andrzej The Lvov years of Wacław Sierpiński
Banach Center Publications 87, 87-89, 2009
Schinzel Andrzej The number of solutions of a linear homogeneous congruence. II
Cambridge Univ. Press w "Analytic number theory", 402-413, Cambridge, 2009
Schinzel Andrzej The work of Wladyslaw Narkiewicz in number theory and related areas
Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 39, 7--18, 2008
Schinzel Andrzej Wspomnienia o Wacławie Sierpińskim
Studia Matematyczne Uniw. Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczego Jana Kochanowskiego 11, Kielce 2009
Schinzel Andrzej (i A. Paszkiewicz) Uwagi do artykułu J.Szejki "Ciąg, który lubi nierówności"
Delta 5 (420), 12-15, 2009
Schinzel Andrzej (i J. Browkin) Przypisy merytoryczne
Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN SA w książce W. Sierpińskiego "O rozwiązywaniu równań w liczbach całkowitych", Warszawa 2009
Schinzel Andrzej (i J. Hancl, J. Sustek) On expressible sets of geometric sequences
Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 39, 71-95, 2008
Schinzel Andrzej (i L. Hajdu, M. Skałba) Multiplicative properties of sets of positive integers
Archiv Der Mathematik 93, 269--276, 2009
Schinzel Andrzej (i U. Zannier) On the number of terms of a power of a polynomial
Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 20, 95-98, 2009
Schinzel Andrzej (i W. M. Schmidt) Powers of roots in linear spaces
Journal of Number Theory 129, 1090-1098, 2009
Stettner Łukasz Long time growth optimal portfolio with transaction costs
Springer w "Optimality and Risk, Modern trends in Mathematical Finance: The Kabanov Festschrift", ed. F. Delbaen, M. Rasonyi, C. Stricker, 237-250, 2009
Stettner Łukasz Problems of mathematical finance by stochastic control methods
Springer w "System Modeling and Optimization",23rd IFIP TC 7 Conference, ed. A. Korytkowski, K. Malanowski, W. Mitkowski, M. Szymkat, 129-143, 2009
Stettner Łukasz (i T. Duncan, B. Pasik-Duncan) Growth Optimal Portfolio under Proportional Transaction Costs with Obligatory Diversification
Proc. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 5582-5589, 2008
Stettner Łukasz (i T. Duncan, B. Pasik-Duncan) Parameter continuity of the ergodic cost for a growth optimal portfolio with proportional transaction costs
Proc. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 4275-4279, 2008
Strobin Filip A comparison of two notions of porosity
Commentationes Mathematicae 48, 209-219, 2008
Szemberg Tomasz (i Seshadri constants and the generation of jets
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 213, 2134-2140, 2009
Szemberg Tomasz (i Th. Bauer, A. Knutsen, W. Syzdek) Moving curves and Seshadri constants
Mathematical Research Letters 16, 711-719, 2009
Szemberg Tomasz (i Th. Bauer, S. Di Rocco, B. Harbourne, M. Kapustka, A. Knutsen, W. Syzdek) A primer on Seshadri constants
Contemporary Mathematics 496, 33-70, 2009
Tutaj-Gasińska Halszka (i C. de Volder) Higher order embeddings of certain blow-ups of P^2
Proceedings of The American Mathematical Society 137, 4089-4097, 2009
Valette Guillaume Bi-Lipschitz sufficiency of jets
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Wakulicz Andrzej (i W. Grzesikiewicz, A. Zbiciak) Model konstytutywny materiału SMA z lockingiem
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Wakulicz Andrzej (i W. Grzesikiewicz, A. Zbiciak) Succession of constraint imposed on time function
Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Koszalińskiej 7, Nr 40, 49-57, 2009
Wieczorek Radosław Modelling of plankton. Micro- and macroscopic description
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Zabczyk Jerzy Semilinear SPDEs driven by cylindrical stable processes
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Zabczyk Jerzy (i E. Priola) Densities for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with jumps
Bulletin of The London Mathematical Society 41, 41-50, 2009
Zajączkowski Wojciech Existence of solutions to the (rot,div)-system in L_2-weighted spaces
Applicationes Mathematicae 36(1), 3-10, 2009
Zajączkowski Wojciech Global regular solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in an axially symmetric domain
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 33, 233-274, 2009
Zajączkowski Wojciech Large time existence of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in axially symmetric domains with large inflow and outflow
Functiones et Approximatio 40(2), 209-250, 2009
Zajączkowski Wojciech Special global regular solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations
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Zajączkowski Wojciech (i I. Pawłow) Global regular solutions to Cahn-Hilliard system coupled with viscoelasticity
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Zajączkowski Wojciech (i I. Pawłow) Weak solutions to 3-D Cahn-Hilliard system in elastic solids
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Zajączkowski Wojciech (i I. Pawłow, S. Yoshikawa) A quasilinear thermoviscoelastic system for shape memory alloys with temperature dependent specific heat
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Zajączkowski Wojciech (i Z. Banach, W. Larecki) Stability analysis of phonon transport equation derived via the Chapman-Enskog method and transformation of variables
Physical Review E 80(4), 41114-41128, 2009
Zdanowski Konrad On the second order intuitionistic propositional logic without universal quantifier
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Zdanowski Konrad (i H. Kotlarski) On a question of Andreas Weiermann
Mathematical Logic Quarterly 5(2), 201-211, 2009
Zdanowski Konrad (i T. Colcombet) A Tight Lower Bound for Determinization of Transition Labeled Büchi Automata
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Proceedings of ICALP 2009, Volume 5556/2009, 151--162, 2009
Żelazko Wiesław Banach's School and topological algebras
Banach Center Publications 87, 45-51, 2009
Żelazko Wiesław Ideals in F-algebras
World Scientific Proceedings of the Third International School La Rábida, Spain, 3-7.09.2007, 184-194, 2008
Żelazko Wiesław On existence of hyperinvariant subspaces for linear maps
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis Proceedings of the Conference Analysis, Inequalities and Homogenization Theory, Lulea, 2009, Sweden, 3, 143-148, 2009
Żelazko Wiesław On hyperinvariant subspaces for linear maps of real vector spaces
Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 195, 287-291, 2009
Zieliński Ryszard Optimal nonparametric quantile estimators. Towards a general theory. A survey.
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 38, 980--992, 2009
Zieliński Ryszard Przedział ufności dla frakcji
Matematyka Stosowana 10, 51--67, 2009
Adamczak Radoslaw A tail inequality for suprema of unbounded empirical processes with applications to Markov chains
Electronic Journal of Probability Vol. 13.34, 1000-1034, 2008
Adamczak Radosław (i R. Latała) The LIL for U-statistics in Hilbert spaces
Journal of Theoretical Probability 21, 704-744, 2008
Adamczak Radosław i Latała Rafał The LIL for canonical U-statistics
Annals of Probability 36, 1023-1058, 2008
Andrzej Wakulicz (i M. Makowski, W. Grzesikiewicz) Wyznaczanie optymalnych sił tarcia w amortyzatorach MR
Polioptymalizacja i Komputerowe Wspomaganie Projektowania, Mielno 2008 Tom VI, Koszalin 2008
Biecek Przemysław (i I. Gisterek, R. Matkowski, P. Sedlaczek, K. Szewczyk, U. Staszek, A. Laćko, M. Bębenek, M. Pudełko, J. Kornafel) Vascular endothelial growth factor C serum levels in patients with breast cancer
Radiotherapy and Oncology Journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, 88(S2), 207, 2008
Biecek Przemysław (i M. Zynek-Litwin, J. Kuźniar, Z. Marchewka, W. Kopeć, M. Kusztal, B. Szymańska, D. Patrzałek, M. Klinger) Neutrophils degranulation marker - leucocyte elastase-A1 protease inhibitor complex: a comparative study with classic (A1M, B2M) and novel (NGAL, IL-18) kidney graft injury markers
Transplantation 86(2S), 359, 2008
Biecek Przemysław (i R. Cheng, J. K. Ghosh, R.W. Doerge) Extending the modified Bayesian Information Criterion (mBIC) to dense markers and multiple interval mapping
Biometrics 64, 11621169, 2008
Bobrowski Adam Asymptotic behavior of a Feller evolution family involved in the Fisher-Wright model
Advances in Applied Probability 40, 734-758, 2008
Bobrowski Adam Correction to "Degenerate convergence of semigroups related to a model of stochastic gene expression"
Semigroup Forum 77, 520-521, 2008
Bobrowski Adam From convergence of operator semigroups to gene expression, and back again
Banach Center Publications 80, 83-99, 2008
Bobrowski Adam (i R. Bogucki) Semigroups generated by convex combinations of several Feller generators in models of mathematical biology
Studia Mathematica 189, 287-300, 2008
Bojarski Bogdan (i V. Gutlianski, V. Ryazanov) General Beltrami Equations and BMO
Browkin Jerzy Elements of small orders in K_2F, II
Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B Vol. 28, no.5, 507-520, 2008
Browkin Jerzy Hipoteza abc dla wielomianów
Delta 10 (413), 14-15, 2008
Cabrera Carlos On the classification of laminations associated to quadratic polynomials
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 18.1, 29-67, 2008
Dobbs Neil (i B. Skorulski) Non-existence of absolutely continuous invariant probabilities for exponential maps
Fundamenta Mathematicae 198.3, 283-287, 2008
Domański Paweł Artykuł Stefana Banacha o ``Prawie Najwyższym'' Józefa Hoene-Wrońskiego
Tom pokonferencyjny IM PAN w "HOENE-WROŃSKI: Życie, Matematyka i Filozofia" , 73-86, Warszawa 2008
Domański Paweł (i J. Bonet) The splitting of exact sequences of PLS-spaces and smooth dependence of solutions of linear partial differential equations
Advances in Mathematics 217, 561-585, 2008
Frączek Krzysztof (i L. Polterovich) Growth and mixing
Journal of Modern Dynamics 2, 315-338, 2008
Frączek Krzysztof (i M. Wysokińska) Note on isomorphism problem for weighted unitary operators associated with a nonsingular automorphism
Colloquium Mathematicum 110, 201-204, 2008
Frączek Krzysztof (i Y. Derriennic, M. Lemańczyk, F. Parreau) Ergodic automorphisms whose weak closure of off-diagonal measures consists of ergodic self-joinings
Colloquium Mathematicum 110, 81-115, 2008
Grabowski Janusz (i K. Grabowska) Variational calculus with constraints on general algebroids
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41, 175204, 25pp, 2008
Grabowski Janusz (i G. Marmo, M. Kuś) On the relation between states and maps in infinite dimensions
Open Systems & Information Dynamics 14, 355-370, 2007
Grabowski Janusz (i J. F. Carinena, G. Marmo) Superposition rules, Lie theorem and partial differential equations
Reports on Mathematical Physics 60, 237-258, 2007
Grabowski Janusz (i K. Grabowska, P. Urbański) The Schrodinger operator as a generalized Laplacian
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41, 145204, 20 pp, 2008
Janas Jan (i P. Cojuhari) Discreteness of the spectrum of some unbounded Jacobi matrices
Acta Scientarum Mathematica 73, 649-667, 2007
Janas Jan (i P. Cojuhari) Unbounded Jacobi matrices with empty absolutely continuous spectrum
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Mathematics 56, 39-51, 2008
Janeczko Stanisław (i G. Ichikawa) Bifurcations in symplectic space
Banach Center Publications 82, 111-124
Janeczko Stanisław (i D. Siersma, V. Zakalyukin) Geometry and Topology of Caustics - Caustics 06
Banach Center Publications 82, 225 str., 2008
Janeczko Stanisław (i T. Fukuda) On singularities of Hamiltonian mappings
Banach Center Publications 82, 55-69, 2008
Janeczko Stanisław (i W. Domitrz, M. Zhitomirskii) Symplectic singularities of varietes: the method of algebraic restrictions
Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 618, 197-235, 2008
Janeczko Stanisław i Jelonek Zbigniew On polynomial symplectomorphisms
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 40, 108-116, 2008
Jaśkiewicz Anna A note on negative dynamic programming for risk-sensitive control
Operations Research Letters 36, 531-534, 2008
Jelonek Zbigniew On the extension of regular embeddins
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 40, 801-806, 2008
Kamont Anna (i G. G. Gevorkyan) Orthonormal spline systems with arbitrary knots as bases in H_1[0,1]
East Journal of Approximations - 61. ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM), 14 no. 2, 161-182, 2008
Kałamajska Agnieszka Oscillation and concentration effects described by Young measures which control discontinuous functions
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 31.1, 111-138, 2008
Komorowski Tomasz (i E. Nieznaj) On superdiffusive behavior of a passive tracer in a random flow
Physica D 237, 3377-3381, 2008
Komorowski Tomasz (i M. Cudna) Regularity of the effective diffusivity of random diffusion with respect to anisotropy coefficient
Studia Mathematica 189, 269-286, 2008
Królak Andrzej (i wielu autorów) Report on the second Mock LISA Data Challenge
Classical and Quantum Gravity 25, 8 stron, 2008
Królak Andrzej (i wielu autorów) The Mock LISA Data Challenges: from Challenge 1B to Challenge 3
Classical and Quantum Gravity 25, 20 stron, 2008
Królak Andrzej i Kondracki Witold (i R. Budzyński) Applications of distance between probability distributions to gravitational wave data analysis
Classical and Quantum Gravity 25, 18 stron, 2008
Królak Andrzej i Kondracki Witold (i wielu autorów) All-sky search of NAUTILUS data
Classical and Quantum Gravity 25, 11 stron, 2008
Kryński Wojciech Równanie Bellmana
Delta 4 (407), 2008
Kucharski Rafał Convergence of optimal strategies under proportional transaction costs
Banach Center Publications 83, 183-193, 2008
Langer Adrian Lectures on torsion-free sheaves and their moduli
Trends in Mathematics w "Algebraic Cycles, Sheaves, Shtukas, and Moduli" (ed. P. Pragacz), Birkhauser, pp. 69-103, 2007
Langer Adrian Moduli spaces for principal bundles in arbitrary characteristic
Advances in Mathematics 219, 1177-1245, 2008
Ledwina Teresa (i J. Antoch, M. Huskova, A. Janic) Data driven rank test for the change point problem
Metrika 68, 1-15, 2008
Lipecki Zbigniew Characteristic properties of variation of a group-valued quasi-measure
Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged) 74, 107-120, 2008
Malicki Maciej Non-locally compact Polish groups and two-sided translates of open sets
Fundamenta Mathematicae 200, 279-295, 2008
Mańka Roman Generalized method of successive approximations
Fourth International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing (Ed. S. Nenov), 357-358, 2007
Mastyło Mieczysław Interpolation Banach lattices containing no isomorphic copies of c_0
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 341, 676-688, 2008
Maszczyk Tomasz O wyższosci Loi Supreme" Hoene-Wrońskiego nad wzorem Burmanna-Lagrange'a
Hoene-Wroński: życie, matematyka i filozofia Warszawa: IM PAN, 55-72, 2008
Maszczyk Tomasz (i G. Świrszcz) Some remarks on origami and its limitations
Demonstratio Mathematica 41, 474-480, 2008
Nowak Piotr W. Isoperimetry of group actions
Advances in Mathematics 219, 1-26, 2008
Obtułowicz Adam On modelling anatomical assembly, spatial features, and functional organization of cortex by application of hereditarily finite sets
Technical Report HW-MASC-TR 0061, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences w: "Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Membrane Computing, Edinburgh, July 28 - July 31, 2008", Heriot-Watt University,Edinburgh, UK, July 2008, 371-382
Obtułowicz Adam Ordinary Membrane Machines versus Other Mathematical Models of Systems Realizing Massively Parallel Computations
RGNC Report 01/2008 w: "Sixth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Sevilla, February 4 - February 8, 2008", Fenix Editora, Sevilla 2008, 237-240
Pragacz Piotr Algebraic Cycles, Sheaves, Shtukas, and Moduli
Birkhauser seria: Trends in Mathematics, VIII, 236 stron, 2008
Pragacz Piotr Jozef Marii Hoene-Wronski'nin Hayati ve Calismalari Uzerine Notlar
Oyun - the Journal of "Turk Zeka Vakfi" Turkish Ingenuity Foundation, June, pp. 4-7 i 52-58, 2008
Pragacz Piotr Thom polynomials and Schur functions: towards the singularities A_i(-)
Contemporary Mathematics w "Real and complex singularities - Sao Carlos 2006" 459, 165-178, 2008
Pragacz Piotr (i V. Srinivas and V. Pati) Diagonal subschemes and vector bundles
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics (S.T. Yau et al. eds.) vol. 4, no. 4, 1233-1278, 2008
Przytycki Feliks (i W. Marzantowicz) Entropy conjecture for continuous maps of nilmanifolds
Israel Journal of Mathematics 165, 349-379, 2008
Przytycki Feliks (i W. Marzantowicz) Estimates of the topological entropy from below for continuous self-maps on some compact manifolds
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series A 21.2, 501-512, 2008
Przytycki Piotr The fixed point theorem for simplicial nonpositive curvature
Mathematical Proceedings of The Cambridge Philosophical Society 144, 683-695, 2008
Przytycki Piotr (i M. P. Wojtkowski) Gaussian thermostats as geodesic flows of nonsymmetric linear connections
Communications in Mathematical Physics 277, 759-769, 2008
Płonka Jerzy Minimal generics from subvarieties of the clone extension of the variety of Boolean algebras
Colloquium Mathematicum 112, 131-145, 2008
Płonka Jerzy Subdirect product representations of some unary extensions of semilattices
Demonstratio Mathematica 41, 263-272, 2008
Rams Michał (i J. Jaroszewska) On the Hausdorff dimension of invariant measures of weakly contracting on average measureable IFS
Journal of Statistical Physics 132, 907-919, 2008
Regińska Teresa i Wakulicz Andrzej Wavelet moment method for Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 223, 218-229, 2009
Rempała Ryszarda Problem horyzontu prognozy w optymalizacji dynamicznej
Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN w "Badania Operacyjne i Systemowe: Decyzje, Gospodarka, Kapitał Ludzki i Jakość", 115-128, 2008
Rencławowicz Joanna i Zajączkowski Wojciech Large time regular solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in cylindrical domains
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 32, 69-87, 2008
Rencławowicz Joanna i Zajączkowski Wojciech Parabolic and Navier-Stokes equations
Banach Center Publications 81, 612 pp., 2008
Rolewicz Stefan (i J. H. Qiu) Ekeland's variational principle in locally p-convex spaces and related results
Studia Mathematica 186, 219-235, 2008
Rolewicz Stefan (i J. H. Qiu) Local completeness in locally complete pseudoconvex spaces and Borwein-Preiss variational principle
Studia Mathematica 183, 99-115, 2007
Rudnicki Ryszard (i J. Myjak) Reinforced walk on graphs and neural networks
Studia Mathematica 189, 255-268, 2008
Rychlik Tomasz Bounds on lifetimes of coherent systems with exchangeable components
Advances in Mathematical Modelling for Reliability IOS Press, Amsterdam, 111-118, 2008
Rychlik Tomasz Extreme variances of order statistics in dependent samples
Statistics & Probability Letters 78, 1577-1582, 2008
Rychlik Tomasz Sensitivity of spacings under violations of independence assumption
J. Iranian Statist. Assoc. 6, 141-154, 2007
Rychlik Tomasz (i A. Goroncy) Lower bounds on expectations of positive L-statistics from without replacement models
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 138, 3647-3659, 2008
Rychlik Tomasz (i Ch. A. Charalambides) Distributions and moments of record values in a sequence of maximally dependent random variables
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 138, 2253-2266, 2008
Rychlik Tomasz (i F. Lopez-Blazquez) Sharp upper bounds for the expected values of non-extreme order statistics from discrete distributions
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 138, 3635-3646, 2008
Schinzel Andrzej Andrzej Mąkowski - życiorys i prace naukowe
Wiadomości Matematyczne 93, 173-181, 2007
Schinzel Andrzej Around Polya's Theorem on the Set of Prime Divisors of a Linear Recurrence
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research w: "Diophantine Equations", 227-233, 2008
Schinzel Andrzej On rational points on quadrics
Voronoi's impact on modern science Book 4, vol. 1,Kijev, 97-99, 2008
Schinzel Andrzej Przyczyna i determinizm w pracach Jana Łukasiewicza
XIV Seminarium Nauka-Religia-Dzieje Kraków, 109-111, 2008
Schinzel Andrzej Teoria liczb w pracach Eulera
Antiquitates Mathematicae 2, 97-102, 2008
Schinzel Andrzej Teoria liczb w pracach Lejeune Dirichleta
Antiquitates Mathematicae 1, 229-233, 2007
Schinzel Andrzej The number of solutions of a linear homogeneous congruence
Tralle Aleksy (i J. Kędra, Y. Rudyak) Symplectically aspherical manifolds
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 3, 1-28, 2008
Tyran-Kamińska Marta (i M. C. Mackey) Dynamics and density evolution in piecewise deterministic growth processes
Annales Polonici Mathematici 94, 111-129, 2008
Walczak Paweł (i A. Bartoszek) Foliations by surfaces of a peculiar class
Annales Polonici Mathematici 94, 89-95, 2008
Wojdyłło Piotr Characterization of Wilson Systems for General Lattices
International Journal on Wavelet, Multiresolution and Information Processing 6/2,305-314, 2008
Zajączkowski Wojciech (i E. Zadrzyńska) Some linear parabolic system in Besov spaces
Banach Center Publications 81, 567-612, 2008
Zajączkowski Wojciech (i E. Zadrzyńska) The Cauchy-Dirichlet problem for the heat equation in Besov spaces
Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI 348, 40-97, 2007
Zajączkowski Wojciech (i I. Pawłow) Global existence and uniqueness of weak solutions to Cahn-Hilliard-Gurtin system in elastic solids
Banach Center Publications 81, 337-368, 2008
Zajączkowski Wojciech (i I. Pawłow) Measure valued solutions of a heteregeneous Cahn-Hilliard system in elastic solids
Colloquium Mathematicum 112, 313-334, 2008
Zajączkowski Wojciech (i I. Pawłow) Strong solvability of 3d Cahn-Hilliard system in elastic solids
Zajączkowski Wojciech (i K. Pileckas) Global solvability for a large flux of a three-dimensional time-dependent Navier-Stokes problem in a straight cylinder
Mathematical Methods in The Applied Sciences 31, 1607-1633, 2008
Zajączkowski Wojciech (i K. Pileckas) Global solvability of the Cauchy problem for the Navier-Stokes equations in R3 for some class of initial data
Mathematische Zeitschrift 260, 305-327, 2008
Zdanowski Konrad (i A. Grzegorczyk) Undecidability and concatenation
IOS Press w "Andrzej Mostowski and Foundational Studies", Amsterdam, 2008
Żelazko Wiesław A conjecture concerning Williamson type algebras
Łysik Grzegorz (i S. Michalik) Formal solutions of semilinear heat equations
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 341, 372-385, 2008
Łysik Grzegorz (i T. Gramchev) Sharp analytic-Gevrey regularity estimates down to t=0 for solutions to semilinear heat equations
Differential and Integral Equations 21, 771-799, 2008
Łysik Grzegorz (i T. Gramchev) Uniform analytic-Gevrey regularity of solutions to semilinear heat equations
Banach Center Publications 81, 213-226, 2008
Adamczak Radosław Moment inequalities for U-statistics
Annals of Probability 34.6, 2288-2314, 2006
Adamowicz Zofia (i Kołodziejczyk L.) Partial Collapses of the Σ1 Complexity Hierarchy in Models for fragments of Bounded Arithmetic
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 145, 91-95, 2007,
Aminov Yuriy (i Witkowska J.) Generalization of the H. A. Schwarz Theorem on Stability of minimal Surfaces
Journal of Mathematical Physics Analysis Geometry 3, pp. 399-410, 2007
Barański Krzysztof Hausdorff dimension of the limit sets of some planar geometric constructions
Adv. Math. 210, 215-245, 2007,
Bieniek Mariusz Variation diminishing property of densities of uniform generalized order statistics
Metrika, 297-309, 2007,
Bobrowski Adam Degenerate convergence of semigroups related to a model of stochastic gene expression
Semigroup Forum 73, 345-366, 2006,
Bobrowski Adam On a semigroup generated by a convex combination of Feller generators
Journal of Evolution Equations 7, 555-565, 2007,
Bobrowski Adam On insufficiency and limitations of the Trotter-Kato theorem
Semigroup Forum 75, 317-336, 2007,
Bobrowski Adam i Rudnicki Ryszard (i Lipniacki T., Pichór K.) Asymptotic behavior of distributions of mRNA and protein levels in a model of stochastic gene expression
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 333, 753-769, 2007,
Bojarski Bogdan Whitney jets for Sobolev spaces
Ukrainian Math. Journal 59, , 2007
Bojarski Bogdan Geometry of the general Beltrami equations
Proc. Conf. w: "Complex Analysis and Potential Theory", World Scientific 2007
Bojarski Bogdan Primary solutions of general Beltrami equations
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae-mathematica 32, 549-557, 2007
Cieślak Tomasz Quasilinear nonuniformly parabolic system modelling chemotaxis
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 326, 1410-1426, 2007,
Cieślak Tomasz (i Morales-Rodrigo C.) Quasilinear non-uniformly parabolic-elliptic system modelling chemotaxis with volume filling effect. Existence and uniqueness of global-in-time solutions
Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 29, 361-381, 2007
Danielak Katarzyna On Sharp Upper Bounds for Expectations of kth Record Increments from Restricted Families
Nova Science Publishers, Inc w: Recent Developements in Ordered Random Variables, (M. Ahsanullah, M.Z. Raqab, red.), 19-37, 2007
Danielak Katarzyna (i Dembińska Anna) On characterizing discrete distributions via conditional expectations of weak record values
Metrika 66, 129-138, 2007,
Danielak Katarzyna (i Dembińska Anna) Some characterizations of discrete distributions based on weak records
Statistical Papers 48, 479-489, 2007,
Deriaz Erwan Shanon wavelets approximations of linear differential operators
Preprint IMPAN nr 676 January, 2007
Deriaz Erwan (i Perrier V.) Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulence using divergence-free wavelets
Preprint IMPAN nr 684 June, 2007
Deriaz Erwan (i Perrier V.) Orthogonal Helmholtz decomposition in arbitrary dimension using divergence-free and curl-free wavelets
Preprint IMPAN nr 680 May, 2007
Domański Paweł (i Bonet J.) The structure of spaces of quasianalytic functions of Roumieu type
Archiv Der Mathematik 89, 430-441, 2007,
Dryło Robert Non-uniruledness and the cancellation problem. II
Annales Polonici Mathematici 92, 41-48, 2007,
Dwilewicz, Roman (i Minac J.) The Hurwitz zeta function as a convergent series
Rocky Mountain J. Math. 36, 1191-1219, 2006,
Frączek Krzysztof (i Derriennic Y., Lemańczyk M., Parreau F.) Ergodic automorphisms whose weak closure of off-diagonal measures consists of ergodic self-joinings
Colloquium Mathematicum 110, 81-115, 2008,
Frączek Krzysztof (i Wysokińska M.) Note on the isomorphism problem for weighted unitary operators associated with a nonsingular automorphism
Colloquium Mathematicum 110, 201-204, 2008,
Grabowski Janusz Courant-Nijenhuis tensors and generalized geometries
Monograf. Real Acad. Cienc. Zaragoza 29, 101-112, 2006
Grabowski Janusz Local Lie algebra determines base manifold
Progress in Mathematics w "From Geometry to Quantum Mechanics, in Honor of Hideki Omori", Y.Maeda et al., eds., 252, 131-145, Birkhäuser, 2007
Grabowski Janusz (i Grabowska K., Urbański P.) AV-differential geometry: Euler-Lagrange equations
Journal of Geometry and Physics 57, 1984-1998, 2007,
Grabowski Janusz (i Iglesias D., Marrero J. C., Padron E., Urbański P.) Jacobi structures on affine bundles
Acta Mathematica Sinica-english Series 23, 769-788, 2007,
Grabowski Janusz (i Poncin N.) On quantum and classical Poisson algebras
Banach Center Publications w "Geometry and Topology of Manifolds", J. Kubarski et al. eds., 76, 313-324, Warszawa, 2007,
Głąb Szymon Descriptive properties related to porosity and density for compact sets on the real line
Acta Mathematica Hungarica 116, 61-71, 2007,
Janas Jan (i Malejki M.) Alternative approaches to asymptotic behaviour of iegenvalues of some unbounded Jacobi matrices
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 200, 342-356, 2007.,
Janeczko Stanisław i Jelonek Zbigniew Diffeomorphisms that are symplectomorphisms
Preprint IMPAN nr 678 March, 2007
Januszkiewicz Tadeusz (i J. Świątkowski) Filling invariants of systolic complexes and groups
Geometry and Topology 11, 727-759, 2007,
Januszkiewicz Tadeusz (i M. Davis, J. Dymara, B. Okun) Weighted L2-cohomology of Coxeter groups
Maszczyk Tomasz O wyższości ''loi supreme" Hoene-Wrońskiego nad wzorem Burmanna-Lagrange'a
Preprint IMPAN
Maszczyk Tomasz On special rational curves in Grassmannians
Archiv Der Mathematik 88 , 323-332, 2007,
Michalik Daria Embeddings of n-dimensional separable metric spaces into the product of Sierpiński curves
Proceedings of The American Mathematical Society 135, 2661-2664, 2007,
Miękisz Jacek On two fellows who wanted to make money on fluctuations
Mathematical Intelligencer 29, 8-10, 2007
Obtułowicz Adam Mathematical (Denotational) Semantics of Some Reducts of Ambient Calculus and Brane Calculi
Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology 10, 123-136, 2007
Obtułowicz Adam Some Mathematical Methods and Tools for an Analysis of Harmony Seeking Computations
Fifth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Sevilla, January 29 - February 2, 2007 pod redakcją M.A.Gutierrez-Naranio et al., RGNC Report 01/2007 Fenix Editora, 247-262 Sevilla 2007.
Obtułowicz Adam Multigraphical Membrane Systems: A visual Formalism for Modeling Complex Systems in Biology and Evolving Neural Networks
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Membrane Computing, Thessaloniki, June 25 - June 28, 2007 pod redakcj/a G. Elftherakisa et al., South-European Research Center, 509-512, 2007.
Peszat Szymon i Zabczyk Jerzy Stochastic partial differential equations with Levy noise, evolution equation approach
Cambridge University Press XII + 419 pp, 2007
Pragacz Piotr (i Weber A.) Positivity of Schur function expansions of Thom polynomials
Fundamenta Mathematicae 195, 85-95, 2007,
Przeworska-Rolewicz Danuta Riemann-Hilbert type problems in Leibniz algebras with logarithms
Notices of ISMS str. 1 - 16, September, 2007
Przeworska-Rolewicz Danuta Some summations formulae in commutative Leibniz algebras with logarithhms
Control and Cybernetics 36, 841 - 857, 2007
Przeworska-Rolewicz Danuta Sylvester inertia law in commutative Leibniz algebras with logarithms
Demonstratio Mathematica 40, 659 - 669, 2007
Przytycki Feliks (i Rivera-Letelier J.) Statistical properties of Topological Collet-Eckmann maps
Annales Scientifiques De L'Ecole Normale Superieure t.40, 135-178, 2007
Przytycki Piotr Systolic groups acting on complexes with no flats are hyperbolic
Fundamenta Mathematicae 193, 277-283, 2007,
Płonka Jerzy Subvarieties of the clone extension of the variety of Boolean algebras
Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 31, 727-737, 2007
Płonka Jerzy (i Marczak A. W.) On nilpotent extensions of algebras
Algebra Colloquium 14, 593-604, 2007
Rams Michał Contracting-on-Average Baker Maps
Bulletin of the Polish Acad. Sci. Ser. Math. 54, 219-229, 2006,
Rams Michał (i Levy-Vehel J.) Results on the Dimension Spectrum for Self-conformal Measures
Nonlinearity 20, 965-973, 2007,
Regińska Teresa i Wakulicz Andrzej Wavelet moment metod for Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation
Proceedings of Waves 2007 University of Reading, pp.437-439, 2007
Rencławowicz Joanna (i Wonham M. J., Lewis M. A., vanden Driessche P.) Transmission assumptions generate conflicting predictions in host vector disease models: a case study in West Nile virus
Ecology Letters 9, 706-725, 2006,
Rolewicz Stefan Paraconvex analysis on CuE-manifolds
Optimization 56, 49 - 60, 2007,
Rudnicki Ryszard (i Myjak J.) On the information dimensions
Bollettino Della Unione Matematica Italiana (8)10-B, 357-364, 2007
Rudnicki Ryszard (i Pichór K.) Influence of stochastic perturbation on prey-predator systems
Mathematical Biosciences 206, 108-119, 2007,
Rudnicki Ryszard (i Tiuryn J., Wójtowicz, D.) A discrete model of evolution of small paralog families
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 17, 933-955, 2007,
Rudnicki Ryszard i Skórnik Krystyna Profesor Andrzej Lasota (1932-2006)
Matematyka Stosowana 8, 1-4, 2007
Rudnicki Ryszard i Wieczorek Radosław Phytoplankton dynamics: from the behaviour of cells to a transport equation
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 1, 83-100, 2006
Rupniewski Marek W. Local Bifurcations of Control-Affine Systems in the Plane
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 13, 135-159, 2007,
Rupniewski Marek W. (i Respondek W.) Generic families and generic bifurcations of control-affine systems
ISTE w "Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Embedded Control" (eds. F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, S. Laghrouche, A. Loria, E. Panteley), 645-671, London, 2007
Rychlik Tomasz Optimal bounds for linear functionals on monotone functions
Rychlik Tomasz (i Impert A.) Comparison of records and maxima
Communications in Statistics-theory and Methods 36, 1397-1408, 2007,
Rychlik Tomasz (i Navarro J., Shaked M.) Are the order statistics ordered? A survey of recent results
Communications in Statistics-theory and Methods 36, 1273-1290, 2007,
Schinzel Andrzej Jeszcze raz o pracach matematycznych Michała Kaleckiego
Wydawnictwo AE, Prace Naukowe w: "Twórczość naukowa Michała Kaleckiego i jej znaczenie w teorii ekonomii", Katowice, 2006, 379-382, 2006
Schinzel Andrzej On the reduced length of a polynomial with real coeeficients, II
Functiones et Approximatio 37, 445-459, 2007
Schinzel Andrzej On weak automorphs of a binary form over an arbitrary field
Diophantine Geometry Proceedings Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, 274-282, 2007
Schinzel Andrzej Reducibility of a special symmetric form
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis 14, 71-74, 2006
Schinzel Andrzej (i A. M. Kobos) Odkrycie czy konstrukcja. Dwa spojrzenia na matematykę
Prace Komisji Filozofii Nauk Przyrodniczych PAU w: "Po drogach uczonych, Z członkami Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności rozmawia Andrzej M. Kobos" 1, 17-23, 2007
Schinzel Andrzej (i Losonczi L.) Self-inverse polynomials of odd degree
Ramanujan Journal 14, 305-320, 2007,
Skórnik Krystyna Professor Jan Mikusiński - life and work
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae Notices from the ISMS July 2007
Skórnik Krystyna (i Dimovski I. H.) Operational calculi for the Euler operator
Fractional Calculus and Applied Mathematics 9, 89-100, 2006
Smoktunowicz Agata (i Lenagan T.H.) An infinite dimensional affine nil algebra with finite Gelfand-Kirillov dimension
Journal of The American Mathematical Society 20, 989-1001, 2007,
Spież Stanisław (i Segal J.) A cohomological characterization of shape dimension for some class of spaces
Stettner Łukasz Risk and the Market. Lowering the risk of financial investments
Academia 3(15), 28-31, 2007
Stettner Łukasz ( i Palczewski J.) Maximization of the portfolio growth rate under fixed and proportional transaction costs
Communications in Information and Systems 7, 31-58, 2007
Stettner Łukasz (i G.B. Di Masi) Infinite horizon risk sensitive control of discrete time Markov processes under minorization property
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 46, 231-252, 2007,
Stettner Łukasz (i Palczewski J.) Impulse control of portfolios
Applied Mathematics and Optimization 56, 67-103, 2007,
Styborski Marcin (i Janczewska J.) Degree of T-equivariant maps in Rn
Banach Center Publications 77, 147-159, 2007,
Tomilov Yuriy (i Chill R.) Stability of operator semigroups: ideas and results
Banach Center Publications 75, 71-109, 2007,
Tomilov Yuriy (i Gomilko A., Zwart H.) Inverse operator of the generator of a C0-semigroup
Sbornik Mathematics 198, 1095-1110, 2007,
Tomilov Yuriy (i Muller V.) Quasisimilarity of power bounded operators and Blum-Hanson property
Journal of Functional Analysis 246, 385-399, 2007,
Walczak Paweł (i Biś A., Nakayama H.) Modelling minimal foliated spaces with positive entropy
Hokkaido Mathematical Journal 36, 283-310, 2007
Wilczyński Bartosz (i Tiuryn J.) Reconstruction of Mammalian Cell Cycle Regulatory Network from Microarray Data using Stochastic Logical Networks
Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics Proceedings of CMSB 2007 4695, pp. 121-135, 2007
Wojdyłło Piotr Modified Wilson Orthonormal Bases
Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing 6, 223-235, 2007
Wojdyłło Piotr (i Mielniczuk J.) Decorrelation of wavelet coefficients for Long-range dependent processes
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53, 1879-1884, 2007,
Wojdyłło Piotr (i Mielniczuk J.) Hurst exponent estimation - revisited
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 51, 4510-4525, 2006,
Zabczyk Jerzy (i Jakubowski J.) Exponential moments for HJM models with jumps
Finance and Stochastics 11, 429-449, 2007,
Zajączkowski Wojciech Existence of solutions to nonstationary Stokes system in H2,1-μ, μ in (0,1) in a domain with a distinguished axis. Part 1. Existence near the axis in 2d
Applicationes Mathematicae 34, 121-141, 2007,
Zajączkowski Wojciech Existence of solutions to nonstationary Stokes system in H2,1-μ, μ in (0,1) in a domain with a distinguished axis. Part 2. Estimate in 3d case
Applicationes Mathematicae 34, 143-167, 2007,
Zajączkowski Wojciech Global axially symmetric solutions with large swirl to the Navier-Stokes equations
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 29, 295-331, 2007
Zajączkowski Wojciech (i Kubica A.) A parabolic system in a weighted Sobolev space
Zajączkowski Wojciech (i Pawłow I.) Regular weak solutions to 3d Cahn-Hilliard system in elastic solids
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Supplement 2007: Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Eds. B.Belinsky, K.Lan, X.Lu, A.Miranville, R.Shivaji, 826-833, 2007
Zajączkowski Wojciech (i Pawłow I., Yoshikawa S.) Quasilinear termoelasticity system arising in shape memory materials
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 38, 1733-1759, 2007,
Zajączkowski Wojciech (i Seregin G.) A sufficient condition of regularity for axially symmetric solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 39, 669-685, 2007,
Zdanowski Konrad (i Krynicki M., Mostowski M) Finite Arithmetics
Fundamenta Informaticae 81, 183-202, 2007.
Żelazko Wiesław Continuous characters and joint topological spectrum
Control and Cybernetics 36, 859-864, 2007
Żelazko Wiesław Operator algebras on locally convex spaces
Contemporary Mathematics 427, 859-864, 2007
Żelazko Wiesław (i Abel M.) Topologically invertible elements and topological spectrum
Bulletin of the Polish Acad. Sci Math. 54, 257-271, 2006,
Zemánek Jaroslav Orbits in strips
Banach Center Publications w: Perspectives in Operator Theory, 75, p. 330, 2007,
Zemánek Jaroslav Powers of operators
Banach Center Publications w: Perspectives in Operator Theory, 75, 327-328, 2007,
Zemánek Jaroslav Qualitative properties of the peripheral spectrum
Banach Center Publications w: Perspectives in Operator Theory, 75, p. 329, 2007,
Zemanek Jaroslav (i Arendt W., Batty C.J.K., Mbekhta M., Tomilov Yu.) Perspectives in Operator Theory
Banach Center Publications 75, 330 pages, Warszawa, 2007,
Zemánek Jaroslav (i Gomilko A.M., Wróbel I.) O kriterii ravnomernoj ogranichennosti C0-polugruppy operatorov v gil'bertovom prostranstve
Ukrainian Mat. Zh. 59, 853-858, 2007
Zemánek Jaroslav (i Mbekhta M.) A spectral approach to the Kaplansky problem
Banach Center Publications w: Perspectives in Operator Theory, 75, 310-320, 2007,
Zemánek Jaroslav (i Mbekhta M.) Quasinilpotent and compact
Banach Center Publications w: Perspectives in Operator Theory, 75, p. 318, 2007,
Zieliński Ryszard A confidence interval for ARPR - "at-risk-of-powerty rate''
Statistics in Transition - new series 8, 217-222, 2007
Zieliński Ryszard (i Niemiro W.) Uniform asymptotic normality for the Bernoulli scheme
Applicationes Mathematicae 34, 215-221, 2007
Łysik Grzegorz Semilinear heat equations and combinatorial estimates
Ulmer Seminare fur Funktionalanalysis und Differentialgleichungen Heft 11, 239-245, 2006
Alster Kazimierz On the class of omega _1-metrizable spaces whose product with every paracompact space is paracompact
Topology and Its Applications, 151, 2508-2517, 2006
Bojarski (Bogdan (i A. Mishchenko, E. Troitsky, A. Weber) C*-Algebras and Elliptic Theory
Birkhäuser, Trends in Mathematics, 2006
Bojarski Bogdan Pointwise Characterization of Sobolev Classes
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, vol. 255, Moskwa, 65-81, 2006
Bojarski Bogdan (i A. Weber) Correspondences and Index
Trends in Mathematics, w tomie C*-Algebras and Elliptic Theory, eds. B. Bojarski, A. Mishchenko, E. Troitsky, A. Weber, pp. 1-21, Birkhäuser, 2006
Bojarski Bogdan (i L. d'Onofrio, T. Iwaniec, C. Sbordone) G-closed Classes of Elliptic Operators in the Complex Plane
Ricerche di Matematica, vol. LIV, fasc. 2, 403-432, 2005
Ciesielski Zbigniew (i M. Beka) Gebelian's inequalities and its consequences
Banach Center Publications, vol. 72, 11-23, 2006
Ciesielski Zbigniew (i M. Beka) On sequences of the White Noises
Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 6, 201-209, 2006
Domański Paweł (i J. Bonet) Parameter dependence of solutions of differential equations on spaces of distributions and the splitting of short exact sequences
Journal of Functional Analysis, 230, 329-381, 2006
Domański Paweł (i M. Langenbruch) Composition operators with closed image on spaces of real analytic functions
Bulletin of The London Mathematical Society, 38, 636-646, 2006
Dymara Jan (i M. W. Davis, T. Januszkiewicz, B. Okun) Cohomology of Coxeter groups with group ring coefficients: II
Lasota Andrzej (i J. Traple) Dimension of invariant sets for mappings with the squeezing property
Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 28, 1271-1280, 2006
Ledwina Teresa O pewnych testach statystycznych i ich porównywaniu
Wiadomoci Matematyczne, XLI, 81-106, 2005
Mankiewicz Piotr (i N. Tomczak--Jaegermann) Low dimensional sections versus projections of convex bodies
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 153, 45-60, 2006
Mastyło Mieczysław Interpolative construction and the generalized cotype of abstract Lorentz spaces
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 319, 460-474, 2006
Mastyło Mieczysław (i A. Defant, C. Michels) Summing norms of identities between unitary ideals
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 252, 863-882, 2006
Mastyło Mieczysław (i G. Sinnamon) A Calderón couple of down spaces
Journal of Functional Analysis, 240, 192-225, 2006
Maszczyk Tomasz One-dimensional infinitesimal-birational duality through differential operators
Fundamenta Mathematicae, 191, 23-43, 2006
Maszczyk Tomasz A pairing between Super Lie-Rinehart and Periodic Cyclic Homology
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 263, 737-747, 2006
Obtułowicz Adam Gandy's Principles for Mechanisms and Membrane Computing
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, vol. 17, No 1, strony 167-181, 2006
Obtułowicz Adam Relational Membrane Systems
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, w "6th Workshop on Membrane Computing, WMC6 Vienna, Austria, July 2005", ed. R. Freunda et al., Vol. 3850, 342-355, 2006
Obtułowicz Adam On an Idea of a (possibly) uniform Data Base for Life Sciences from Molecular Biology to Cognitive Psychology
Proceedings of Fourth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Sevilla 2006, RGNC Report 03/2006 Vol. II, ed. C. Graciani et al., 209-211, 2006
Pełczyński Aleksander Selected problems on the structre of complemented subspaces of Banach spaces
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Methods in Banach Spaces, edited by Jesus M. F. Castillo and William B. Johnson, No 337, Cambridge University Press , 341-354, 2006
Pełczyński Aleksander (i F. Sukochev) Some remarks on Toeplitz multipliers and Hankel operators
Studia Mathematica, 175,175-204, 2006
Pragacz Piotr The life and work of A. Grothendieck
American Mathematical Monthly, 113, 831-847, 2006
Pragacz Piotr Formulas for Q-functions: a survey for Brian
Proceedings of B. Wybourne Comm. Meeting, "Symmetry, Spectroscopy, and SCHUR", N. Copernicus Univ. Torun, 231-240, 2006
Przeworska-Rolewicz Danuta Powers and logarithms
Fractional Calculus and Applied Mathematics, 7, 283-293, 2004
Przytycki Feliks On the hyperbolic Hausdorff dimension of the boundary of a basin of attraction for a holomorphic map and of quasirepellers
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 54.1, 41-52, 2006
Przytycki Feliks An improvement of J. Rivera-Letelier result on weak hyperbolicity on periodic orbits for polynomials
Płonka Jerzy Subvarieties of the clone extension of the variety of distributive lattices
Algebra Universalis, 55, 175-186, 2006
Rams Michał Measures of maximal dimension for linear horseshoes
Real Analysis Exchange, 31, 55-62, 2005/06
Rams Michał (i S. Crovisier) IFS attractors and Cantor sets
Topology and Its Applications, 153, 1849-1859, 2006
Regińska Teresa (i K. Regiński) Approximate solution of a Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation
Inverse Problems, 22, 975-989, 2006
Regińska Teresa (i K. Regiński) A Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation: application to analysis of light propagation in solids
Preprint, Berichtsreihe des Mathematischen Seminars, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 06-4, 2006
Rempała Ryszarda (i S. Bylka) On a nonlinear production-inventory problem
Advanced Computer Systems, XIII International Multi-Conference ACS 2006, Proceedings, (J. Peja, I. E. Fray, K. Saeed, red.), Szczecin University of Technology, Vol. II, 271-281, 2006
Rencławowicz Joanna (i A. Lewis, J. P. van den Driessche) A comparison of continuous and discrete time West Nile virus models
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 68, 491-509, 2006
Rencławowicz Joanna (i A. Lewis, J. P. van den Driessche) Traveling waves and spread rates for a West Nile virus model
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 68, 3-23, 2006
Rencławowicz Joanna i Wojciech Zajšczkowski Weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in Y-shaped domain
Rolewicz Stefan An extension of Mazur Theorem about Gateaux differentiability
Studia Mathematica, 172, 243-248, 2006
Rolewicz Stefan Paraconvex Analysis
Control and Cybernetics, 34, 951-965, 2006
Rolewicz Stefan Phi^{gamma(. , .)}-subdifferentiable and [Phi+gamma]-subdifferentiable multifunctions
Bulletin of the Polish Acad. Sci., Ser. Math., 53, 273-279, 2005
Rolewicz Stefan On Rockafellar theorem for Phi^{gamma(. , .)}-monotone multifunctions
Studia Mathematica, 172, 197-202, 2006
Rudnicki Ryszard (i J. Tiuryn, D. Wójtowicz) A model for the evolution of paralog families in genomes
Journal of Mathematical Biology, 53, 759-770, 2006
Rudnicki Ryszard (i K. Nishimura, J. Stachurski) Stochastic Optimal Growth with Nonconvexities
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 42, 74-96, 2006
Rudnicki Ryszard i Radosław Wieczorek Fragmentation-coagulation models of phytoplankton
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 54, 175-191, 2006
Rychlik Tomasz Best bounds on expectations of L-statistics from bounded samples
Birkhäuser, w Advances in Distribution Theory, Order Statistics and Inference (N. Balakrishnan, E. Castillo i J.-M. Sarabia, red.), Boston, 253-263, 2006
Rychlik Tomasz (i A. Goroncy) Lower bounds on expectations of positive L-statistics based on samples drawn with replacement
Statistics, 40, 389-408, 2006
Rychlik Tomasz (i J. Navarro) Reliability and expectation bounds for coherent systems with exchangeable components
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 8, 102-113, 2007
Rychlik Tomasz (i N. Balakrishnan) Evaluating expectations of L-statistics by the Steffensen inequality
Metrika, 63, 371-384, 2006
Schinzel Andrzej On the reduced length of a polynomial
Functiones et Approximatio, 35, 271-306, 2006
Schinzel Andrzej Reducibility of symmetric polynomials
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 53, 251-258, 2005
Schinzel Andrzej (i M. Zakarczemny) On a linear homogeneous congruence
Colloquium Mathematicum, 106, 283-292, 2006
Schinzel Andrzej (i W. M. Schmidt) The mathematical work of Eduard Wirsing
Functiones et Approximatio, 35, 7-18, 2006
Skórnik Krystyna (i H.-J. Glaeske, A.P. Prudnikov) Operational Calculus and Related Topics
Chapman & Hall/CRC, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton - Londyn - New York, 403 strony, 2006
Smoktunowicz Agata There are no graded domains with GK dimension strictly between 2 and 3
Inventiones Mathematicae, 164, 635-640, 2006
Smoktunowicz Agata Some results in noncommutative ring theory
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid, Spain, August 22-30, Vol 2: Invited talks, 259-269, 2006
Stettner Łukasz Discrete time risk sensitive portfolio optimization with consumption and proportional transaction costs
Stettner Łukasz (i G.B. Di Masi) On Additive and Multiplicative (Controlled) Poisson Equations
Banach Center Publications, w Approximation and Probability Vol. 72, eds. T. Figiel and A. Kamont, 57-70, 2006
Stettner Łukasz (i G.B. Di Masi) Remarks on risk neutral and risk sensitive portfolio optimization
The Shiryaev Festschrift, Ed. Yu Kabanov, R. Liptser, J Stoyanov, 210-226, Springer 2006
Stettner Łukasz (i M. Rasonyi) On the existence of optimal portfolios for the utility maximization problem in discrete time financial market models
The Shiryaev Festschrift, Ed. Yu Kabanov, R. Liptser, J. Stoyanov, 589-608, Springer 2006
Wakulicz Andrzej (i W. Grzesikiewicz) Axiomatic formulation of thermodynamics ideal gas laws
KONES Journal of Powertrain and Transport, Vol.13, No.2, pp. 103-110, 2006
Walczak Rafał (i B.Hajduk) Symplectic forms invariant under free circle actions on 4-manifolds
Transactions of The American Mathematical Society, 358, 1953-1970 (electronic), 2006
Wilczyński Bartosz (i J. Tiuryn) Regulatory Network Reconstruction using Stochastic Logical Networks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4210, 145--157, 2006
Wilczyński Bartosz (i N. Dojer, A. Gambin, A. Mizera, J. Tiuryn) Applying Dynamic Bayesian Networks to Perturbed Gene Expression Data
Bioinformatics, 7:249, 2006
Wilczyński Bartosz (i TR. Hvidsten, A. Kryshtafovych, J. Komorowski, K. Fidelis, J. Tiuryn) Using local gene expression similarities to discover regulatory binding site modules
Bioinformatics, 7:505, 2006
Wojciech Zajšczkowski Global regular nonstationary flow for the Navier-Stokes equations in a cylindrical pipe
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 26, 221-286, 2005
Wojciech Zajšczkowski Global regular solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in a cylinder in Self-similar solutions of nonlinear pde
Banach Center Publications, ed. P.Biler, G.Karch, 74, 2006
Wojciech Zajšczkowski (i I. Pawłow) New existence result for 3d shape memory model
World Scientific, w Dissipative Phase Transition ed. P. Colli, N.Kenmochi, J.Sprekers, 201-224, New Jersey, 2006
Wojciech Zajšczkowski (i I. Pawłow) Classical solvability of 1d Cahn-Hilliard equation coupled with elasticity
Mathematical Methods in The Applied Sciences, 29, 853-876, 2006
Wojciechowski Michał (i M. Roginskaya) Singularity of vector valued measures in terms of Fourier transform
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, vol 12, 213 - 223, 2006
Wojdyłło Piotr (i J. Mielniczuk) Wavelets in time series analysis - survey and new results
Control and Cybernetics, 34, 1093-1126, 2005
Wojtaszczyk Przemysław (i F. Albiac) Characterisation of 1-greedy bases
Journal of Approximation Theory, 138, 65-86, 2006
Zabczyk Jerzy (i E. Priola) On bounded solutions to convolution equations
Proceedings of The American Mathematical Society, 134, 3275-3286, 2006
Zabczyk Jerzy (i G. Tessitore) Wong-Zakai approximations of stochastic evolution equations
Journal of Evolution Equations, 6, 2006
Żelazko Wiesław An m-convex B_0-algebra with all left but not all right ideals closed
Colloquium Mathematicum, 104, 317-324, 2006
Żelazko Wiesław Concerning continuity of inverse in quotients of topological algebras
Acta et Commentationes Univ. Tartuensis, 9, 9-12, 2005
Żelazko Wiesław When a unital F-algebra has all maximal left (right) ideals closed
Studia Mathematica, 175, 279-284, 2006
Zemánek Jaroslav (i A. Gomilko, I. Wróbel) Numerical ranges in a strip