Dynamical Systems
(smooth, holomorphic, topological dynamics,
iteration of maps of interval, ergodic theory, etc.)

The seminar on Dynamical Systems takes place on Mondays 11:15 - 12:45 at IM PAN, Warsaw, st. Śniadeckich 8, lecture room 06 (ground floor), and online

If you would like to be added to the mailing list of the Seminar or if you have suggestions for topics or speakers please contact Prof. Feliks Przytycki at F.Przytycki@impan.pl .

Topics of past seminars

2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019 2017/2018 2016/2017 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 2008/2009 2007/2008 2006/2007 2005/2006 2004/2005 2003/2004
You can see our past recorded seminars at https://www.youtube.com/@dynamicalsystemsimpan6776

Academic year 2024/2025

13.01.2025 Michał Rams Smoothness of the invariant measure for random iterated function systems
9.12.2024 Athanasios Batakis Continuity of the dimensions of harmonic measure of non-autonomous conformal IFS $\C$
2.12.2024 Jernej Činč From Lebesgue measure-preserving maps to surface homeomorphisms with pseudo-arc and pseudo-circle attractors
25.11.2024 Tattwamasi Amrutam Boomerang subalgebras of the group von Neumann algebra
18.11.2024 Lingrui Wang Asymptotic behaviors of Hausdorff dimensions of radial Julia sets of exponential and cosine functions
4.11.2024 Jacopo Bassi On some weak version of hyperbolicity
28.10.2024 Problem session
21.10.2024 Michael Levin Kolmogorov's covers and mean dimension
14.10.2024 Dimitris Gerontogiannis The log-Laplacian on Ahlfors regular spaces and noncommutative boundaries
7.10.2024 Anna Jove Campabadal Boundaries of Baker domains of entire functions

Academic year 2023/2024

26.06.2024 Yiwei Zhang Typically periodic optimization in ergodic optimization
17.06.2024 Jon Aaronson Inner Functions Revisited
10.06.2024 Konrad Deka The relation of topological conjugacy of Cantor minimal systems is not Borel
20.05.2024 Constantine Medynets Full Groups of Cantor Dynamical Systems - the interplay between group theory and Cantor dynamics
13.05.2024 Klaudiusz Czudek Random walks in quasiperiodic environment
29.04.2024 Błażej Wróbel Dimension-free estimates for discrete maximal functions
22.04.2024 Chunlin Liu Metric Mean Dimension via Preimage Structures
15.04.2024 Bogusława Karpińska On the local connectivity of boundaries of Fatou components of meromorphic functions
8.04.2024 Michał Rams On nonlinear iterated function systems with overlaps (B. Solomyak)
2.04.2024 Polina Vytnova Dimension function of the Lagrange and Markov spectra
25.03.2024 Piotr Oprocha On tracing properties, invariant measures, and entropy
18.03.2024 Yonatan Gutman The topological Takens theorem for finitely generated group actions
11.03.2024 Piotr Mormul From Engel and Cartan to monsters in differential and algebraic geometries
4.03.2024 Qiang Huo Representation of measurable flows by Lipschitz functions
26.02.2024 Tomasz Downarowicz Universality of K-shifts
19.02.2024 Ayreena Bakhtawar Uniform Diophantine approximation via continued fractions
12.02.2024 Mateusz Więcek Asymptotic pairs in topological actions of countable amenable groups
29.01.2024 Artem Dudko From invariant random subgroups to characters of branch groups
22.01.2024 Olena Karpel Invariant measures and dynamics for reducible generalized Bratteli diagrams
18.12.2023 Mykyta Vieprik Explicit rank-one constructions for irrational rotations
11.12.2023 Polina Vytnova Estimating the spectral radius of the transfer operator for an infinite IFS
4.12.2023 Borys Kuca Multiple ergodic averages along polynomials for systems of commuting transformations
27.11.2023 Ludwik Jaksztas On the directional derivative of the Hausdorff dimension of quadratic polynomial Julia sets at $-2$
20.11.2023 Adam Śpiewak Regularity of almost-surely injective projections in Euclidean spaces
13.11.2023 Sohail Farhangi Koopman representations for positive definite functions
6.11.2023 Philipp Kunde A Koopman-Takens theorem - Linear least squares prediction of nonlinear time series
30.10.2023 Dmytro Karvatskyi Fractal Analysis of the Guthrie-Nymann's set and its generalizations
23.10.2023 Przemysław Berk Rigidity of linearisation for piece-wise smooth circle maps
16.10.2023 Michał Lipiński and
Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska
Testing topological conjugacy of time series
9.10.2023 Krzysztof Barański Embeddings and predictability of dynamical systems by time-delayed measurements. Part II: Prediction of dynamical systems
2.10.2023 Michał Rams Loosely Bernoulli nonhyperbolic ergodic measures
25.09.2023 Chaitanya Gopalakrishna Iteration and iterative roots of continuous self-maps

Academic year 2022/2023

14.08.2023 Volodymyr Nekrashevych Conformal dimension and Liouville property for groups
19.06.2023 Anima Nagar Almost periodic points and quasifactor
12.06.2023 Alexandre Eremenko An anti-holomorphic dynamical system on a torus, with applications
8.05.2023 Antti Kaenmaki Recent progress on dimension drop conjecture
17.04.2023 Piotr Oprocha On pseudoarc and dynamics
5.04.2023 Michel Zinsmeister Integral means spectrum - Some examples of exact computation
3.04.2023 Nikolai Prochorov Dynamical approximations of postsingularly finite entire maps
20.03.2023 Fabrizio Bianchi A Spectral Gap for the Transfer Operator on Complex Projective Spaces
13.03.2023 Jan Boroński The pruning front conjecture, wandering domains and a classification of Hénon maps in the presence of strange attractors
6.03.2023 Fabrizio Bianchi Dynamical stability and bifurcations from one to several complex variables
André de Carvalho Structures on 1-, 2- and 3-dimensional spaces dynamical systems - an impressionistic overview
27.02.2023 Juan Marshall Lyapunov exponents for the spectral cocycle on bijective binary substitutions
20.02.2023 Olena Karpel Dynamics on the path space of generalized Bratelli diagrams
13.02.2023 Adam Śpiewak Absolute continuity of self-similar measures on the plane
30.01.2023 Karoly Simon Some random self-similar sets on the line
23.01.2023 Michał Rams Multifractal formalism with unbounded potential
16.01.2023 Artem Dudko New estimates from below on the Hausdorff dimension of some Julia sets
9.01.2023 Ludwik Jaksztas On the directional derivative of the Hausdorff dimension of quadratic Julia sets at $-2$
19.12.2022 Yonatan Gutman Recent progress in the theory of topological real flows
12.12.2022 Qiang Huo A variational principle for weighted topological pressure under $Z^{d}$-actions
5.12.2022 Krzysztof Barański Embeddings and predictability of dynamical systems by time-delayed measurements. Part I. Probabilistic Takens delay-embedding theorem
28.11.2022 Dmytro Karvatskyi Properties of the set of subsums for the series of multigeneralized Fibonacci numbers
21.11.2022 Tomasz Downarowicz Rauzy's approach to determinism
Sylvain Crovisier Existence of physical measures for smooth surface diffeomorphisms
14.11.2022 Łukasz Pawelec Hausdorff dimension via recurrence
7.11.2022 Felipe Garcia Ramos Expansive algebraic actions and homoclinic points
24.10.2022 Tom Meyerovitch Embedding multidimensional subshifts
17.10.2022 Jonguk Yang A priori bounds for unimodal diffeomorphisms in dimension two
10.10.2022 Katrin Gelfert Contracting on average IFS
3.10.2022 Lorenzo Diaz Against (or about) the generation of (infinitely many) independent homoclinic classes at heterodimensional cycles

Academic year 2021/2022

26.09.2022 Denis Gaidashev Renormalization for two-dimensional dissipative maps of an annulus
19.09.2022 Klaudiusz Czudek Simple symmetric random walks on the circle
30.05.2022 Genadi Levin Conditions on renormalizable maps yielding small moduli
23.05.2022 Peter Varju Exponential mixing of commuting nilmanifold automorphisms
16.05.2022 Artem Dudko From invariant ergodic measures to indecomposable characters on full groups
9.05.2022 Tomas Persson Recurrence
25.04.2022 Yonatan Gutman Strongly isomorphic symbolic extensions for expansive topological flows
11.04.2022 Bernhard Reinke Transcendental Dynamics and Iterated Monodromy Groups
4.04.2022 Xuan Hieu Ho Average generalized integral means spectrum of whole-plane SLE
28.03.2022 Minsung Kim Effective equidistribution of higher step nilflows
21.03.2022 Abdul Gaffar Khan Measure expansivity and specification in pointwise dynamics
14.03.2022 Tomasz Szarek Distortion in the group of circle homeomorphisms
7.03.2022 Paul Herstedt Mean cohomological independence dimension
28.02.2022 Nikolai Edeko Distal systems in topological dynamics and ergodic theory
21.02.2022 Krzysztof Frączek Deviation spectrum of ergodic integrals for locally Hamiltonian flows on surfaces
31.01.2022 Reza Mohammadpour SRB measures for partially hyperbolic systems
24.01.2022 Constantine Medynets On the stability of a self-propelled swarm system with linear coupling
17.01.2022 Artem Dudko On spectral properties of the Schreier graphs of the Thompson group F
10.01.2022 Konstantin Bogdanov Transcendental dynamics and iterations in infinite-dimensional Teichmüller spaces
20.12.2021 Robert Hough Random walk on a group and the cut-off phenomenon
13.12.2021 Balazs Bárány Typical absolute continuity for one-parameter families of dynamically defined measures
6.12.2021 Agnieszka Zelerowicz Lorentz gases on aperiodic tilings
29.11.2021 Yonatan Gutman Optimal representation of dynamical systems
22.11.2021 Jiahao Qiu Top-nilpotent enveloping semigroups and pro-nilsystems
15.11.2021 Michał Rams Shrinking target sets with path-dependent target size
8.11.2021 Fei Yang On the formulas of meromorphic functions with periodic Herman rings
25.10.2021 Paweł Dłotko From dynamics to topology and applications
18.10.2021 Artem Dudko New estimates on the Hausdorff dimension of the Feigenbaum Julia set
11.10.2021 Maciej Malicki Locally compact Polish groups and essentially countable orbit equivalence relations

Academic year 2020/2021

28.06.2021 Ruxi Shi Zero-dimensional and symbolic extensions of topological flows
21.06.2021 Nuria Fagella Wandering in complex dynamics
7.06.2021 Yonatan Gutman Maximal pronilfactors and a topological Wiener-Wintner theorem
31.05.2021 Or Shalom A structure theorem for Host-Kra-Gowers seminorms for non-finitely generated countable abelian groups of unbounded torsion
24.05.2021 Pierre Berger Coexistence of chaotic and elliptic behaviors among analytic, symplectic diffeomorphisms of any surface
17.05.2021 Lorenzo J. Díaz, Katrin Gelfert, Michał Rams Restricted variational principle for partially hyperbolic dynamics
10.05.2021 Konstantin Bogdanov Infinite-dimensional Thurston theory and transcendental dynamics
26.04.2021 Han Peters Using complex dynamical methods to describe the computational complexity of approximating the independence polynomial
12.04.2021 Magnus Aspenberg Slowly recurrent Collet-Eckmann maps on the Riemann sphere
29.03.2021 Jack Biurkart Transcendental Julia sets with Fractional Packing Dimension
29.03.2021 Jérôme Buzzi Continuity of Lyapunov exponents for surface diffeomorphisms
22.03.2021 Andrzej Biś Entropies, upper Carathéodory structures and fractal dimensions of semigroup actions
15.03.2021 Dimitrios Ntalampekos David homeomorphisms and applications in mating and removability
8.03.2021 Ivan Chio Chromatic zeros on hierarchical lattices and equidistribution on parameter space
1.03.2021 Jan P. Boroński Crovisier-Pujals-like 1-dimensional models for Lozi maps within the Misiurewicz parameter set
22.02.2021 Artem Dudko On computational complexity of Julia sets in the exponential family
15.02.2021 Antti Kaenmaki Super-exponential condensation without exact overlaps
8.02.2021 Kostiantyn Drach Dynamical Rigidity of Rational Maps - an Axiomatic Approach
1.02.2021 Krzysztof Barański Dynamical behaviour of points in the boundaries of Fatou components for transcendental maps
25.01.2021 Athanasios Tsantaris Julia sets of Zorich Maps
18.01.2021 Denis Gaidashev Renormalization for Henon-like maps
11.01.2021 Balázs Bárány On the Ahlfors regularity of planar self-affine sets
21.12.2020 Tomasz Downarowicz Pure strictly uniformly ergodic models for non-ergodic systems
7.12.2020 Till Hauser Entropy in the context of aperiodic order
30.11.2020 Klaudiusz Czudek Exponential decay of correlations for some iterated function systems on the interval
23.11.2020 Davoud Cheraghi Dimension paradox of irrationally indifferent attractors
16.11.2020 Leticia Pardo-Simon Criniferous entire functions and Cantor bouquet Julia sets
9.11.2020 Yonatan Gutman On the structure theory of cubespace fibrations
26.10.2020 Adam Śpiewak Singular stationary measures for random piecewise affine interval homeomorphisms
19.10.2020 Argyrios Christodoulou Uniformly hyperbolic cocycles and Möbius semigroups

Academic year 2019/2020

29.06.2020 Thomas Gauthier Parametric Lyapunov exponents
22.06.2020 Igor Gorbovickis Accumulation set of critical points of the multipliers in the quadratic family
15.06.2020 Anna Zdunik Hausdorff dimension of polynomial not totally disconnected Julia sets
8.06.2020 Anna Miriam Benini Singular values and nonrepelling cycles
1.06.2020 Bernhard Geiger On the Information Dimension for Stationary Stochastic Processes
25.05.2020 David Sixsmith Variations on a theme of Hardy concerning the maximum modulus
18.05.2020 Ruxi Shi Polynomial Sarnak's conjecture for minimal systems
11.05.2020 Martin Leguil Entropy rigidity for three-dimensional conservative Anosov flows
4.05.2020 Artem Dudko On Julia sets of real periodic points of Feigenbaum renormalization
27.04.2020 Dominik Kwietniak Topological models of zero entropy loosely Bernoulli systems
20.04.2020 Yuri Lima Markov partitions and adapted measures
6.04.2020 Davi Obata Uniqueness of the measure of maximal entropy for the standard map
9.03.2020 Michał Rams Weighted Birkhoff spectrum
2.03.2020 Reza Mohammadpour Zero temperature limits of equilibrium states for subadditive potentials
24.02.2020 Katrin Gelfert Some skew-products with concave fiber maps
17.02.2020 Weiwei Cui Hausdorff dimension of the escaping set of Speiser functions
10.02.2020 Lorenzo Diaz Stabilization of cycles - blender horseshoes, center-unstable Hénon-like families, and renormalization
3.02.2020 Welington Cordeiro Set-valued maps and topological entropy
27.01.2020 Adam Abrams Partitions and the dynamics of complex continued fractions
20.01.2020 Yonatan Gutman Universal minimal flows of homeomorphism groups of high-dimensional manifolds are not metrizable
13.01.2020 Klaudiusz Czudek Alseda-Misiurewicz systems with place-dependent probabilities
9.12.2019 Michał Rams Mass Transference Principle for general sets
2.12.2019 Ruxi Shi Symbolic extensions, uniform generators and small boundary property for topological regular flows after David Burguet
25.11.2019 Anna Zdunik Thermodynamic formalism for coarse expanding dynamical systems
18.11.2019 Artem Dudko On the asymptotic behavior of the moments of Brolin-Lyubich measures
4.11.2019 Adam Abrams Geodesic flow on compact surfaces of constant negative curvature
28.10.2019 Leticia Pardo-Simon Dynamics of transcendental entire functions with escaping singular orbits
21.10.2019 Matthew Jacques Semigroups of hyperbolic isometries and their parameter spaces
14.10.2019 Adam Śpiewak Probabilistic embedding theorems (2)
7.10.2019 Jonatan Gutman Probabilistic embedding theorems


Ostatnia modyfikacja: 8 stycznia 2025.