June 19, 2024
Gerd Schmalz (University of New England, Australia):
Einstein manifolds with optical geometries of Kerr type
ABSTRACT: We classify the Ricci flat Lorentzian space times with shearfree congruences of null
geodesics lifted as R^2-bundles from Riemann surfaces in a special way.
We use an ansatz that is motivated by the Kerr and TaubNUT solutions.
We obtain two series of solutions related to Kähler Riemann surfaces with positive or negative Gaussian curvature.
The positive curvature series contains the rotating Kerr black hole solution.
This is joint work with Masoud Ganji, Cristina Giannotti and Andrea Spiro.
June 12, 2024
Prim Plansangkate (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand):
Anti-self-dual Equations and Related Differential Equations
ABSTRACT: I will present two results in connection with anti-self-dual equations in four dimensions.
Firstly, an affine sphere equation is shown to be a symmetry reduction of the anti-self-dual Yang-Mills equation,
which confirms its integrability by twistor method.
Secondly, a generalization of the dKP equation which determines a family of Einstein-Weyl structures
in an arbitrary dimension will be discussed. The dKP equation itself is integrable,
and can be realised as a reduction of the anti-self-dual conformal equation.
Although, the generalised equation is not integrable in a dimension greater than three,
an extended version of the quadric ansatz method will be presented as an attempt to find solutions of the equation.
May 29, 2024
Tymon Frelik (University of Warsaw):
The geometry of planar robots and the three-edge snake
ABSTRACT: One of the primary objectives of the GRIEG research project
SCREAM: Symmetry, Curvature Reduction, and EquivAlence Methods was to investigate
interesting geometric structures (Cartan, contact, (para-)CR, etc.) originating from simple mechanical systems.
The simplest of these are the so-called "planar robots." Around a decade ago, Paweł Nurowski and Gil Bor
established some general results and formulated the key questions related to these systems.
In this talk, I will provide an overview of their geometry and will discuss in further detail
one of the more interesting examples: the three-edge snake robot.
This talk is based on an ongoing joint work with Paweł Nurowski.
May 15, 2024
Wojciech Kryński (IM PAN):
Lewy curves in para-CR geometry
ABSTRACT: I'll introduce a class of curves called Lewy curves in para-CR geometry, following H.Lewy's original definition in CR geometry.
I'll show that in dimension 3 the curves are always solutions to a 2nd order system of ODEs, meaning geometrically,
they define a path geometry on a manifold. This path geometry uniquely determines a para-CR structure,
allowing one to study para-CR structures in terms of naturally associated ordinary differential equations.
In higher dimensions, the Lewy curves define a path geometry if and only if the para-CR structure is flat.
In general they are described by a system of ODEs of higher order.
Finally, I'll present a characterization of path geometries of Lewy curves in the class of general path geometries;
I'll also discuss relations between the Lewy curves and chains — another class of curves canonically associated
to para-CR and CR structures.
The talk is based on a joint work with O.Makhmali.
April 24, 2024
Michal Jóźwikowski (University of Warsaw):
Can we derive the gravitational constant? Two surprising ideas regarding gravity
ABSTRACT: Theories of gravity, first Newtonian one, and later General Relativity, are definitely cornerstones of modern physics.
After triumphant verification of General Relativity it may seem pointless to further question our understanding of gravity.
However, there are some fundamental issues that we still lack to understand.
These include the origin of inertia and the value of the gravitational constant, which was pointed, among the others, by Schroedinger and Dirac.
In the talk I will present two preliminary attempts to fill in the gaps in our understanding of gravity by Sciama and by Dicke
(but actually originated by Mach and Einstein).
April 10, 2024
Robert Wolak (Jagiellonian University, Kraków):
Sasakian manifolds
ABSTRACT: Sasakian manifolds are considered by many as odd-dimensional counterparts of Kähler manifolds.
We start with basic definitions and then continue with the fundamental geometric and topological properties
of Sasakian manifolds. Some of these properties are obstructions to the existence of a Sasakian structure
on a contact or more general odd-dimensional manifold. These obstructions are the fundamental
tools in the proofs of the existence or non-existence results for given classes of odd-dimensional manifolds.
Sasakian manifolds can be also investigated as foliated manifolds. Some of the well-known results are,
in fact, true for a larger class of foliated manifolds, i.e., transversely Kähler isometric flows.
Finally, we will present some applications of Sasakian manifolds.
March 27, 2024
Arman Taghavi-Chabert (Łódź University of Technology):
Cauchy-Riemann geometry and Einstein Lorentzian metrics
ABSTRACT: This talk is concerned with two aspects of the interaction between Cauchy-Riemann geometry and Lorentzian conformal geometry.
On the one hand, it was realised, notably through the work of Sir Roger Penrose and his associates,
and that of the Warsaw group led by Andrzej Trautman, that CR three-manifolds underlie Einstein Lorentzian four-manifolds
that admit non-shearing congruences of null geodesics. These foliations play a fundamental rôle in mathematical relativity,
and constitute one of the original ingredients in the formulation of twistor theory.
On the other hand, motivated by his investigation of CR chains, Charles Fefferman in 1976 constructed,
in a canonical way, a Lorentzian conformal structure on a circle bundle over a given strictly
pseudoconvex Cauchy-Riemann (CR) manifolds of hypersurface type.
After reviewing these two independent developments, I will show how these can be related to each other,
by presenting modifications of Fefferman’s original construction, where the conformal structure is "perturbed"
by some semi-basic one-form, which encodes additional data on the CR three-manifold.
Our setup allows us to reinterpret previous works by Lewandowski, Nurowski, Tafel, Hill, and independently, by Mason.
Metrics in such a perturbed Fefferman conformal class whose Ricci tensor satisfies certain degeneracy conditions,
are only defined off sections of the Fefferman bundle, which may be viewed as "conformal infinity".
The prescriptions on the Ricci tensor can then be reduced to differential constraints on the CR three-manifold
in terms of a "complex density" and the CR data of the perturbation one-form. One such constraint turns out
to arise from a non-linear, or gauged, analogue of a second-order differential operator on densities.
A solution thereof provides a criterion for the existence of a CR function and, under certain conditions, for CR embeddability.
This talk is partly based on arxiv:2303.07328.
March 13, 2024
Tomasz Cieślak (IM PAN):
Triangular systems of wave equations occurring in AFG equations
ABSTRACT: I will review a starting stage of a common project with Wojtek Kamiński from
Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw related to his approach to Anderson-Fefferman-Graham
equation. One of the first steps of our interest is existence and propagation of regularity of the solutions to triangular
hyperbolic systems of PDEs appearing in AFG equations.
February 28, 2024
Jarosław Buczyński (IM PAN):
Three stories of Riemannian and holomorphic manifolds:
actions of several copies of the group of invertible complex numbers, holonomy groups, and distributions
As requested by the organisers, the talk is an advanced (more differential geometry oriented)
version of the talk I gave as a
in November, but I assume that some of the people have not been there,
and will talk from scratch, and the abstract is essentially the same
(but people who attended the colloquium will also hear new stuff).
On Wednesday morning you are going to hear a bunch of stories about manifolds, focusing on two main characters:
a compact holomorphic manifold and a Riemannian manifold. The talk consists of three seemingly independent parts.
In the first part, the main character is going to be a compact holomorphic manifold, and as in every story,
there will be some action going on. This time we act with the group of invertible complex numbers, or even better,
with several copies of those. The spirit of late Andrzej Białynicki-Birula until this day
helps us to understand what is going on. The second part is a tale of holonomies,
it begins with "a long time ago,..." and concludes with "... and the last missing piece of
this mystery is undiscovered til this day". The main character here is a quaternion-Kahler manifold,
but the legacy of Marcel Berger is in the background all the time. In the third part we meet legendary distributions,
which are subbundles in the tangent bundle of one of our main characters. Among others, distributions can be foliations,
or contact distributions, which like yin and yang live on the opposite sides of the world, yet they strongly interact with one another.
Ferdinand Georg Frobenius is supervising this third part. Finally, in the epilogue,
all the threads and characters so far connect in an exquisite theorem on classification of low dimensional complex contact manifolds.
In any dimension the analogous classification is conjectured by Claude LeBrun and Simon Salamon,
while in low dimensions it is proved by Jarosław Wiśniewski, Andrzej Weber, in a joint work with the narrator.
January 10, 2024
Aleksandra Borówka (Jagiellonian University, Kraków):
Quaternionic manifolds with rotating circle action
ABSTRACT: B. Feix (and D. Kaledin independently) showed that there exists a hyperkahler metric
on a neighbourhood of the zero section of the cotangent bundle of any real-analytic Kahler manifold.
B. Feix provided an explicit construction of its twistor space and showed that any hyperkahler manifold
admitting a rotating circle action near its maximal fixed point set arises locally in this way.
The construction have been further generalized to hypercomplex manifolds quaternionic manifolds
and quaternion-Kahler manifolds. In this talk we will discuss the cases of the construction.
Then we will show how to apply it, to obtain a local classification result for quaternionic manifolds
with rotating circle action near maximal fixed point set.
Finally we will mention connections with c-map.
December 13, 2023
Maciej Dunajski (University of Cambridge):
Quasi Einstein Metrics on Surfaces
ABSTRACT: We prove that the intrinsic Riemannian geometry of compact cross-sections
of any Einstein extremal horizon must admit a Killing vector field.
This extremal horizon is a special case of a quasi-Einstein structure.
We shall discuss another global example of such structures corresponding
to projective metrizability.
December 06, 2023
Benjamin Warhurst (University of Warsaw):
Moduli for sublaplacians on the second Heisenberg group
ABSTRACT: A general sublaplacian is an operator of the form div_H(M grad_H f) where div_H is a horizontal divergence,
M is a symmetric positive definite matrix acting on the horizontal bundle, and grad_H is a horizontal gradient.
In the Euclidean setting one can always find a change of coordinates that brings such an operator into the standard
form div(grad f) using the symmetric square root C of M, however this is not always possible on a stratified group
since C must also extend to an automorphism of the Lie algebra of the group.
If the group is free then extending C to an automorphism is not a problem and the symmetric square root works.
The second Heisenberg group is perhaps the simplest nonfree stratified group.
In this case we employ a recently developed theory of horizontal jets to reveal that the classes of
contact equivalent sublaplacians are uniquely determined by a positive real parameter.
November 22, 2023
Rouzbeh Mohseni (IM PAN):
Twistors spaces of foliated manifolds.
ABSTRACT: Let M be an even-dimensional Riemannian manifold, the twistor space Z(M)
is the parametrizing space for compatible almost complex structures on M.
We construct the twistor space of the normal bundle of a foliation.
It is demonstrated that the classical constructions of the twistor theory lead to foliated objects
and permit formulations and proofs of foliated versions of some well-known results on holomorphic mappings.
Since any orbifold can be understood as the leaf space of a suitably defined Riemannian foliation,
we obtain orbifold versions of the classical results as a simple consequence of the results on foliated mappings.
November 8, 2023
Fabio Di Cosmo (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid):
On the Categorical Foundations of Information Geometry
ABSTRACT: In this talk, I will review the categorical approach to Information Geometry started in the 70's by Chentsov.
Information geometry is a method of exploring the world of information by differential geometry, mainly Riemannian geometry.
In this setting, the notion of a statistical model is the departure one and many properties of statistical inference can
be interpreted as geometrical properties
of the associated manifolds. In particular, a distinguished role in this theory is played
by the Fisher-Rao metric tensor, which ubiquitously appears in estimation theory.
Chentsov interpreted this metric tensor using a categorical approach: The Fisher-Rao
metric tensor is the unique invariant tensor under a family of transformations
forming the morphisms of a category. This approach to information theory was also
extended to the quantum setting. In this case, however, the Riemannian metric tensors
which are monotone with respect to completely positive trace-preserving maps
are characterized by an operator-monotone function, and many different metric tensors
have been employed to address different quantum problems. In the last part of the talk,
I will present a different category, which is called the NCP category,
where one can deal at the same time with classical and quantum systems.
In this setting, one can consider a generalized version of a statistical model,
which is provided by Lie categories embedded into the NCP one. As a first consequence,
one can derive an analogous Cramer-Rao bound
for estimators of these models in terms of a symmetric form on the algebroid associated with the Lie category.
October 25, 2023
Giovanni Manno (Politecnico di Torino):
2-dimensional metrics admitting infinitesimal projective symmetries
ABSTRACT: A projective symmetry is a vector field whose local flow preserves
unparametrized geodesics. We shall give an overview of some methods for classifying
and obtaining normal forms of 2-dimensional metrics admitting a projective symmetry.
Of such metrics, we shall discuss the integrability of their geodesic flow.
May 24, 2023
Serhii Koval (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada):
Point symmetries of the heat equation revisited
ABSTRACT: We derive a nice representation for point symmetry transformations of
the (1+1)-dimensional linear heat equation and properly interpret
them. This allows us to prove that the pseudogroup of these
transformations has exactly two connected components. That is, the
heat equation admits a single independent discrete symmetry, which can
be chosen to be alternating the sign of the dependent variable. We
introduce the notion of pseudo-discrete elements of a Lie group and
show that alternating the sign of the space variable, which was for a
long time misinterpreted as a discrete symmetry of the heat equation,
is in fact a pseudo-discrete element of its essential point symmetry
group. The classification of subalgebras of the essentialLie
invariance algebra of the heat equation is enhanced. We also consider
the Burgers equation because of its relation to the heat equation and
prove that it admits no discrete point symmetries. The developed
approach to point-symmetry groups whose elements have components that
are linear fractional in some variables can directly be extended to
many other linear and nonlinear differential equations.
May 17, 2023
Stefano Baranzini (Universita degli Studi di Torino):
Spectral properties of the Second Variation
ABSTRACT: In this talk I will discuss some results concerning spectral properties of the
Second Variation of an optimal control problem.
The first topic I will discuss is a formula to compute how the Morse Index
changes under different boundary conditions. For instance, this result can be
used to produce a certain type of discretization formulae to reduce the Morse
Index computation to a nite dimensional problem. It can be specialized to the
case of periodic extremals to get iteration formulae. Moreover, it is useful when
dealing with Variational problems on graphs since it can be employed to reduce
the complexity of the domain.
The second topic I will discuss is a possible definition of the determinant
of the Second Variation for an optimal control problem with general smooth
boundary conditions.
One of the technical points is a precise understanding of the asymptotic
behaviour of the spectrum. It turns out that the second variation is not in
general a trace class operator and the standard approach using nite rank
approximations does not immediately apply. Instead of working with regularized
determinants, we provide a formalism to compute the determinant using the
symplectic structure of the problem.
This talk is based on joint works with A. Agrachev and I. Beschastnyi.
April 05, 2023
Irina Yegorchenko (IM PAN and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv):
Solving reduction conditions for the Schroedinger equations by contact
ABSTRACT: We consider a practical application of the direct method for finding
exact solutions of PDE that requires finding solutions of seemingly
more complicated overdetermined systems of PDE. We use some ansatzes
(most often it is a generalised symmetry ansatz), and then find
reduction conditions for the PDE to be reduced using this ansatz.
These conditions in most cases are not easy to solve. However, as they
are overdetermined systems, we often manage to find their parametric
general solutions. I will present an algorithm to find such solutions
using successive application of godograph and contact transformations.
For the case of the Schroedinger equation with a general nonlinearity
that is invariant under the Galilei transformations, we show that this
method does not produce anything more than solutions that can be
obtained using the classical Lie symmetry reduction. However, in some
special cases we can obtain new exact (parametric) solutions.
March 22, 2023
Maciej Dunajski (University of Cambridge):
Legacy of Eisenhart
March 21, 2023
Maciej Dunajski (University of Cambridge):
Four facets of geometry
ABSTRACT: The study of geometry is at least 2500 years old, and it is within this field
that the concept of mathematical proof - deductive reasoning from a set of axioms - first arose.
The lecture will present four areas of geometry: Euclidean, non-Euclidean,
projective geometry in Renaissance art, and geometry of space-time inside a black hole.
March 01, 2023
Artur Sergyeyev (Silesian Univarsity, Opava):
Multidimensional Integrable
Systems: New Insights from Contact Geometry
ABSTRACT: Contact geometry is well known to play a prominent role in the general
geometric theory of partial differential systems. In this talk we show
that it also has an important application in the study of partial
differential systems that are integrable in the sense of soliton
Namely, using a novel kind of Lax pairs involving three-dimensional
contact vector fields, we present an explicit effective construction
for a large new class of such systems in four independent variables,
thus dispelling a long-standing impression that the systems of this
sort are scarce.
As a byproduct of the construction in question, we also present a
first example of a nonisospectral Lax pair for an integrable partial
differential system in four independent variables with the property
that its Lax operators are algebraic, rather than rational, with
respect to the variable spectral parameter.
February 22, 2023
Vladimir Matveev (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena):
Applications of Nijenhuis Geometry:
finite-dimensional reductions and integration in quadratures of certain non-diagonalizable systems of hydrodynamic type.
ABSTRACT: Nijenhuis Geometry is a recently initiated research program,
I will recall its philosophic motivation and fundamental results.
New part of my talk is related to applications of these results in the theory of
infinite-dimensional integrable systems and includes the following topics
(1) Construction of a large (the freedom is a number of functions of one variable)
family of integrable systems of hydrodynamic type.
Different from most previously known examples, the corresponding generators are not diagonalizable.
(2) Finite-dimensional reductions of such systems.
The commuting functions of the corresponding finite-dimensional integrable systems
are quadratic in momenta and can be viewed as a metric and its (commuting) Killing tensors.
(3) Integration of such systems in quadratures.
This is a work in progress in collaboration with Alexey Bolsinov and Andrey Konyaev.
February 08, 2023
Omid Makhmali (CFT PAN):
On a class of cone structures with an infinitesimal symmetry
ABSTRACT: We interpret the property of having an infinitesimal symmetry as a variational property
in certain geometric structures. This is achieved by establishing a one-to-one correspondence
between a class of cone structures with an infinitesimal symmetry and geometric
structures arising from certain systems of ODEs that are variational.
Such cone structures include conformal pseudo-Riemannian structures and distributions
of growth vectors (2,3,5) and (3,6). In this talk we will primarily focus on conformal structures.
The correspondence is obtained via symmetry reduction and quasi-contactification.
Subsequently, we provide examples of each class of cone structures with more specific properties,
such as having a null infinitesimal symmetry, being foliated by null submanifolds,
or having reduced holonomy to the appropriate contact parabolic subgroup.
As an application, we show that chains in integrable CR structures of hypersurface type are metrizable.
This is a joint work with Katja Sagerschnig.
January 25, 2023
Marcin Zubilewicz (Warsaw University of Technology):
On local invariants of divergence-free webs
ABSTRACT: The aim of the talk is to highlight some features of the theory of non-singular webs in the geometry
of volume-preserving transformations. The local structure of these "divergence-free webs"
is far richer than that of their classical counterparts due to the presence of an ambient
volume form which interacts with the web. This is reflected in the existence of several local
invariants which can be non-trivial even for webs which are parallelizable.
They range from curvature invariants derived from the canonical connection of a divergence-free web
(which was first defined by S. Tabachnikov in his work on Lagrangian and Legendrian 2-webs)
to purely geometric ones inspired by the results of W. Blaschke, G. Bol and G. Thomsen on planar 3-web holonomy.
We will construct and characterize these invariants, show how their triviality relates to
the triviality of the corresponding divergence-free web, and discuss potential applications of
the underlying theory in numerical relativity. Joint work with Wojciech Domitrz.
January 11, 2023
Benjamin Warhurst (University of Warsaw):
Energy and Contact maps on the Heisenberg Group
ABSTRACT: The talk will discuss notions of energy of contact mappings and the properties of critical points.
More specifically I will briefly mention the difficulties that arise using Korevaar-Schoen energy and in contrast,
what can be said if the energy is the L^2 norm of the horizontal gradient.
December 14, 2022
Marek Grochowski (UKSW, Warsaw):
On the dimension of the algebras of local infinitesimal
isometries of 3-dimensional special sub-Riemannian manifolds
ABSTRACT: Suppose that we are given a contact sub-Riemannian manifold (M,H,g)
of dimension 3 such that the Reeb vector field is an infinitesimal isometry
(such manifolds will be referred to as special). For a point q\in M denote by i(q)
the Lie algebra of germs at q of infinitesimal isometries of (M,H,g).
I will prove that for a generic point q in M, dim i(q) can only assume the values 1,2,4.
Moreover dim i(q) = 4 if and only if the curvature function determined by
the canonical sub-Riemannian connection is constant.
November 30, 2022
Witold Respondek (Lódź University of Technology and
INSA de Rouen Normandie):
Linearization of mechanical control systems
ABSTRACT: For mechanical control systems we present the problem of linearization
that preserves the mechanical structure of the system. We give necessary
and sufficient conditions for the mechanical state-space-linearization
and mechanical feedback-linearization using geometric tools, like
covariant derivatives, symmetric brackets, and the Riemann tensor, that
have an immediate mechanical interpretation. In contrast with
linearization of general nonlinear systems, conditions for their
mechanical counterpart can be given for both, controllable and
noncontrollable, cases. We illustrate our results by examples of
linearizable mechanical systems. The talk is based on joint research
with Marcin Nowicki (Politechnika Poznanska, Poland).
November 09, 2022
Taras Skrypnyk (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyiv):
Symmetric and asymmetric variable
separation in the Clebsch model: two solutions of the one hundred and fifty year problem
ABSTRACT: The Clebsch model is one of the few classical examples of the dynamics of rigid bodies in the liquid where
the equations of motion are integrable in the sense of Liouville.
The explicit solution of the problem of the Hamilton-Jacobi separation of variables
for this model is, however, particularly hard and has remained unsolved for more than a century.
We have managed to solve this problem in several different ways.
In this talk we will present two variable separations for the Clebsch model - symmetric and asymmetric ones.
The asymmetric variable separation is very unusual: it is characterized by the quadratures containing
differentials defined on two different curves of separation. In the case of symmetric SoV both curves of
separation are the same. This case has a bonus: on a zero level set of one of the Casimir functions
it yields the famous Weber-Neumann separated coordinates. We also find the explicit reconstruction formulae for
the both sets of the constructed separated variables and explicitly write the corresponding Abel-type equations,
completely resolving in such a way the long-standing problem of variable separation for the Clebsch model.
October 26, 2022
Daniel Ballesteros-Chavez (Silesian University of Technology):
On the Weyl problem in de Sitter space and a Weyl-type estimate
ABSTRACT: The problem of isometric embedding of a positively curved 2-sphere
in the Euclidean 3-space was considered by Hermann Weyl in 1916 and it's known as the classical Weyl problem.
In this talk we consider (spacelike) isometric embeddings of a metric
on the sphere into de Sitter space, with a suitable curvature restriction.
We show a bound for the mean curvature H of such spacelike hypersurfaces
in terms of the scalar curvature, its Laplacian, the dimension and a scaling factor of the ambient space.
The proof uses geometric identities, and the maximum principle
for a prescribed symmetric-curvature equation.
This is joint work with Ben Lambert and Wilhelm Klingenberg.
October 12, 2022
Organizational meeting & short communications:
10:15 - 11:00
Wojciech Kryński (IM PAN):
3D path geometries and the dancing construction
11:00 - 11:45
Michail Zhitomirski (Technion, Haifa):
On singular (3,5)-distributions
June 08, 2022
Andriy Panasyuk (University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn):
Webs, Nijenhuis operators, and heavenly equations
ABSTRACT: In 1989 Mason and Newman proved that there is a 1-1-correspondence between self-dual metrics
satisfying Einstein vacuum equation (in complex case or in neutral signature)
and pairs of commuting parameter depending vector fields $\lambda),Y(\lambda)$
which are divergence free with respect to some volume form.
Earlier (in 1975) Plebański showed instances of such vector fields depending of one function of four variables
satisfying the so-called I or II Plebański heavenly PDEs.
Other PDEs leading to Mason--Newman vector fields are also known in the literature: Husain--Park (1992--94),
Konopelchenko--Schief--Szereszewski (2021). In this talk I will discuss these matters
in the context of the web theory, i.e. theory of collections of foliations on a manifold,
understood from the point of view of Nijenhuis operators.
In particular I will show how to apply this theory for constructing new "heavenly" PDEs.
May 11, 2022
Prim Plansangkate (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand):
Einstein-Weyl structures and dispersionless equations
ABSTRACT: In this talk, it is shown that, under a symmetry assumption the equations governing
a generic anti-self-dual conformal structure in four dimensions can be explicitly
reduced to the Manakov-Santini system, which determines a generic three-dimensional
Lorentzian Einstein-Weyl structure, using a simple transformation.
Then, motivated by the dKP Einstein-Weyl structure, two generalisations of the dKP
(dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili) equation to higher dimensions are discussed.
For one generalisation, its (non)integrability is investigated by constructing solutions
constant on central quadrics. Another generalisation determines
a class of Einstein-Weyl structures in n+2 dimensions,
for which an explicit local expression for a subclass is obtained.
May 04, 2022
Mikołaj Rotkiewicz (University of Warsaw):
Linearization of supermanifolds
ABSTRACT: Transformations in Grassmann coordinates on a supermanifold are
non-linear, in general.
They can be 'linearized' giving rise to a series of k-fold vector
bundles Vb_k(M), k=1, 2, 3, 4...,
associated with a supermanifold M
which can be seen as linear approximations of M (up to order k).
On the other hand we construct the cover functor F_k which
takes a supermanifold M to a non-negatively
Z-graded supermanifold.
Both functors, Vb_k and F_k, are related by
means of the diagonalization functor studied before in [BGR].
If M is a Lie supergroup then the cover of M
is a Z-graded Lie supergroup the structure of which will
be discussed. This work was inspired by a cooperation with E.
[BGR] A. Bruce, J. Grabowski, M. Rotkiewicz, Polarisation of graded
bundles, SIGMA 12 (2016).
April 13, 2022
Maciej Dunajski (DAMTP, Cambridge):
Causal structures from path geometries
April 06, 2022
Ivan Beschastnyi (CIDMA, Aveiro):
Geometry and analysis on almost-Riemannian manifolds
ABSTRACT: In this talk I will give the definitions and some results concerning
the most simple non-equiregular sub-Riemannian manifolds which are called almost-Riemannian property.
We will some of the unusual behaviour of their geodesics as well as
some properties of the associated Laplace-Beltrami operator.
This is a joint work with Ugo Boscain and Eugenio Pozzoli.
March 23, 2022
Juan Carlos Marrero (La Laguna University):
Some aspects of contact dynamics
ABSTRACT: In this talk, I will introduce contact Hamiltonian and Lagrangian dynamics
and I will discuss some aspects which are related with this topic.
Particularly, I will consider the problem of the existence of an invariant measure for contact Hamiltonian dynamics
and, if I have time, I will describe contact dynamics in terms of Legendrian submanifolds.
March 09, 2022
Michał Jóźwikowski (University of Warsaw):
Degree-two optimality conditions for sub-Riemannian geodesics
ABSTRACT: In the talk I will present an enhancement of Agrachev-Sarychev theory which gives
a set of algebraic equations that each abnormal minimizing sub-Riemannian geodesic should satisfy.
The talk will be based on a preprint arXiv:2201.00041.
February 16, 2022
Alexey Podobryaev (Pereslavl-Zalesskiy,
Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of RAS):
Homogeneous geodesics in sub-Riemannian geometry
ABSTRACT: We consider homogeneous geodesics of sub-Riemannian manifolds, i.e.,
normal geodesics that are orbits of one-parametric subgroups of
isometries. Homogeneous geodesics are the simplest geodesics in some
sense. The natural questions are: how many homogeneous geodesics can
there be? can all normal geodesics be homogeneous?
We obtain a criterion for a geodesic to be homogeneous in terms of its
initial momentum. We get conditions for an existence of at least one
homogeneous geodesic.
We discuss some examples of geodesic orbit sub-Riemannian manifolds
(i.e., manifolds such that any geodesic is homogeneous) and prove that
Carnot groups of step more than 2 can not be geodesic orbit. We prove
that the geodesic flow for geodesic orbit sub-Riemannian manifold is
itegrable in non-commutative sense.
February 02, 2022
Andrew J. Bruce (Swansea University):
A hitchhiker's guide to supermanifolds
ABSTRACT: Supermanifolds, as first proposed by F. A. Berezin, D. A. Leites (1975), are 'manifold-like'
objects in which the coordinates are Z_2 graded commutative, also known as supercommutative.
We will present a pedagogical review of the basic theory of supermanifolds as a 'species'
of locally superringed space before describing the more familiar approach using local coordinates.
We will also examine vector fields on supermanifolds and highlight some of the key novelties as
compared with vector fields on manifolds.
January 19, 2022
Yannick Herfray (Université Libre de Bruxelles):
Gravitational radiations and their Cartan geometry
ABSTRACT: Asymptotically flat spacetimes form a class of solutions to Einsteins equations
which model isolated systems in General Relativity. In particular, gravitational radiations
leaking away from these spacetimes are encoded by geometrical data "at infinity".
These facts are technically well understood and form the conceptual bedrock for
gravitational waves prediction. Despite this, many results typically appear as technical
and seemingly coordinate dependent. However, as I will explain, conceptual clarity
can be obtained through the use of Cartan geometry methods and Tractor geometry.
From this perspective, gravitational characteristic data at null-infinity invariantly correspond
to a choice of 3-dimensional Cartan geometry while the presence of radiation corresponds to curvature.
The situation is in fact very similar to two dimensional conformal geometry where conformal
Cartan geometries are not uniquely associated to a conformal geometry (Möbius structure need to be introduced)
and one can draw an enlightening parallel, with holomorphic transformations playing the role of the BMS group.
This also gives a precise geometrical meaning to the typical statement that
"gravitational radiation is the obstruction to having a distinguished Poincaré group as asymptotic symmetries".
January 05, 2022
Vladimir Salnikov (CNRS, La Rochelle University):
Dirac dynamics in/for mechanics and numerics
ABSTRACT: I will start this talk by recalling various instances of Dirac structures in mechanics.
Motivated by them I will address the question of variational formulation of dynamics on Dirac structures, and
in particular obstructions to it. I will also comment on possible application of these results to design numerical
methods preserving Dirac structures, technical and conceptual difficulties that may appear in the process.
December 08, 2021
Madeleine Jotz Lean (University of Würzburg):
On the correspondence of VB-Courant algebroids with Lie 2-algebroids
ABSTRACT: This talk begins with an introduction to Courant algebroids and Dirac structures.
The direct sum of the tangent space and the cotangent space of a manifold carries the structure of
a ``standard Courant algebroid'', which naturally extends the Lie algebroid structure of the tangent space.
Linear connections are useful for describing the tangent spaces of vector bundles,
especially their Lie algebroid structure. Similarly, we introduce the notion of ``Dorfman connection'' and
explain how the standard Courant algebroid structure over a vector bundle is encoded
by a certain class of Dorfman connections. Then we explain how this is in fact a special case
of a more general equivalence between Lie 2-algebroids and VB-Courant algebroids (its existence is due to Li-Bland).
The correspondence of Courant algebroids with symplectic Lie 2-algebroids
is then explained as a special case of this result.
December 01, 2021
Wojciech Kryński (IM PAN):
Schwarzian derivative, conformal geodesics and the Euler-Lagrange equations
ABSTRACT: Conformal geodesics are distinguished curves in the conformal geometry. They generalize the notion of
geodesics well known in the Riemannian setting. However, unlike in the Riemannian case, the conformal geodesics
are solutions to a third order system
of equations which makes the variational approach problematic. I'll show a new
approach to the conformal geodesics resulting in their interpretation as critical points of a functional.
November 24, 2021
Jan Derezinski (University of Warsaw):
From Heun class to Painleve
ABSTRACT: Heun equations are 2nd order scalar linear equations with 4 regular-singular points,
one of them at infinity. Heun class equations are obtained from Heun equations by confluence.
Deformed Heun class equations have an additional non-logarithmic (apparent) singularity.
All types of Painleve equations can be derived by the method of isomonodromic
deformations from deformed Heun class equations. In my talk will try to describe
this derivation in a unified way. In particular, the "symbol" of the Heun equation turns
out to be essentially equal to the corresponding "Painleve Hamiltonian".
November 17, 2021
Sebastiano Golo (University of Jyväskylä):
Horizontal jet spaces on Carnot groups
ABSTRACT: Jet spaces are fiber bundles endowed with a contact structure.
They have been invented to treat high order derivatives on manifolds and to
apply Lie and Cartan methods to study PDEs. In addition, jet spaces on Rn
have been shown to have a natural structure of Carnot groups.
Starting from a Carnot group and working only with horizontal derivatives,
we construct a certain type of jet space which we may call a horizontal jet space.
We prove that horizontal jet spaces on abelian Carnot groups are the standard jet spaces,
and that horizontal jet spaces are themselves Carnot groups. We also prove
a Backlund type theorem regarding prolongation of
contact mappings of horizontal jet spaces. Other applications will also be presented.
November 10, 2021
Benjamin Warhurst (University of Warsaw):
Schwarzians on the Heisenberg group
ABSTRACT: In the conformal mapping theory of the complex plane, the
Schwarzian arises as the differential equation that characterises
Möbius transformations. In this talk I will discuss attempts to define
a Schwarzian on the Heisenberg group and the consequences of rigidity.
October 27, 2021
Enrico Le Donne (University of Friburg):
Carnot groups and their geodesics
ABSTRACT: Carnot groups are special metric spaces that are rich in
structure: they are those Lie groups equipped with a geodesic distance
function that is invariant by left-translation of the group and admit
automorphisms that are dilations with respect to the distance.
In the talk I will present the basic theory of Carnot groups equipped
with Carnot-Carathéodory distances and discuss some results on their
length-minimizing curves.
October 20, 2021
Ian Anderson (Utah State University):
What is the variational bicomplex and why is it useful?
ABSTRACT: In this talk I will use the simplest problem in the calculus
of variations to introduce the main ideas behind the formal mathematical
structure of the variational bicomplex. Some basic results on the
cohomology of the variational bicomplex to derive the global first
variational formula for a general Lagrangian. Other applications will
be briefly described.
April 07, 2021
Andrei Agrachev (SISSA, Trieste):
Control of Diffeomorphisms
ABSTRACT: Given a control system on a smooth manifold, any admissible control function generates a flow,
i.e. a one-parametric family of diffeomorphisms. We give a sufficient condition for the system that guarantees
the existence of an arbitrary good uniform approximation of any isotopic to the identity diffeomorphism
by an admissible diffeomorphism and provide simple examples of control systems that satisfy this condition.
This work is a joint work with A. Sarychev (Florence)
motivated by the deep learning of artificial neural networks treated as an interpolation technique.
March 24, 2021
Michal Jozwikowski (University of Warsaw):
New second-order optimality conditions in sub-Riemannian geometry
ABSTRACT: A sub-Riemannian geodesic problem is essentially a problem of minimizing a Riemannian distance
on a manifold when the velocities are subject to linear constraints.
Despite its simplicity, the question whether all sub-Riemannian geodesics are smooth/regular remains open for over 30 years.
In the talk I will discuss newly-obtained second-order optimality conditions.
In particular, I will prove that the class of minimizing abnormal geodesics splits into two subclasses:
2-normal, which are regular, and 2-abnormal, which require the analysis of order higher than two.
Familiar Goh conditions of Agrachev-Sarychev follow as a corollary.
March 10, 2021
Peter Olver (University of Minnesota):
Fractalization and Quantization in Dispersive Systems
ABSTRACT: The evolution, through spatially periodic linear dispersion, of rough initial data produces fractal,
non-differentiable profiles at irrational times and, for asymptotically polynomial dispersion relations,
quantized structures at rational times. Such phenomena have been observed in dispersive wave models, optics,
and quantum mechanics, and lead to intriguing connections with exponential sums arising in number theory.
Ramifications and recent progress on the analysis, numerics,
and extensions to nonlinear wave models, both integrable and non-integrable, will be presented.
February 24, 2021
Richard Montgomery (UCSC):
Four open questions in the N-body problem
ABSTRACT: The 333 year old classical N-body problem is alive and well. I begin with
a pictorial survey of a few of its solution curves. I then describe four
open questions within the problem and recent progress on these questions.
February 10, 2021
Włodzimierz Jelonek (Cracow University of Technology):
Generalized Calabi type Kahler surfaces
January 13, 2021
Gabriel Paternain (University of Cambridge):
The non-Abelian X-ray transform
ABSTRACT: I will discuss the problem of how to reconstruct a matrix-valued
potential from the knowledge of its scattering data along geodesics
on a compact non-trapping Riemannian manifold with boundary.
The problem arises in new experiments designed to measure magnetic
fields inside materials by shooting them with neutron beams from
different directions, like in a CT scan.
Towards the end of the lecture I will focus on the recent solution
of the injectivity question on simple surfaces for any matrix Lie group.
December 16, 2020
Zohreh Ravanpak (IM PAN):
Discrete mechanics on octonions
ABSTRACT: Discrete Lagrangian mechanics on Lie groups and Lie groupoids has been developed in many papers.
Nevertheless, the generalization of the discrete mechanics to non-associative objects is still lacking and
my talk is about that generalization. We will see the associativity assumption is not crucial for mechanics
and this opens new perspectives.
I will briefly review the discrete Lagrangian mechanics on Lie groups and then
I will show how the discrete mechanics can be constructed on non-associative objects, smooth loops.
I will explain the process of the formulation of the discrete Lagrangian mechanics on unitary octonions,
understood as an inverse loop in the algebra of octonions which as a manifold is the seven-sphere.
December 02, 2020
Thomas Mettler (Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt):
Deformations of the Veronese embedding and
Finsler 2-spheres of constant curvature
ABSTRACT: A path geometry on a surface M prescribes a path for each direction in every tangent space.
A path geometry may be encoded in terms of a line bundle P on the projectivised tangent bundle P(TM) of M.
Besides P, the projectivised tangent bundle is also equipped with the vertical bundle L of the base-point
projection P(TM) -> M. Interchanging the role of L and P leads to the notion of duality for path geometries.
In my talk I will discuss joint work with Christian Lange (Cologne), where we investigate global
aspects of the notion of duality for Finsler 2-spheres of constant curvature and with all geodesics closed.
In particular, we construct new examples of such Finsler 2-spheres from suitable deformations of the Veronese embedding.
November 18, 2020
Jean Petitot (CAMS, Paris):
Why and how sub-Riemannian geometry can
be operational for visual perception
ABSTRACT: Since the 1990s, new imaging methods have made it possible to visualize the
« functional architecture » of the primary areas of the visual cortex. These intracortical
very special connectivities explain how local cues can be integrated into geometrically well-structured global percepts.
In particular, we can access neural correlates of well known psychophysical phenomena studied
since Gestalt theory (illusory contours, etc). We have shown that the first visual area
implements the contact structure and the sub-Riemannian geometry of the 1-jet space of plane curves.
Illusory contours can then be interpreted as geodesics of the Heisenberg group or of the SE(2) group,
which specifies previous models of David Mumford using the theory of elastica.
These sub-Riemannian models have many applications, in particular for inpainting algorithms.
November 04, 2020,
Sergei Tabachnikov (Pennsylvania State University):
Flavors of bicycle mathematics
ABSTRACT: This talk concerns a naive model of bicycle motion: a bicycle is a segment
of fixed length that can move so that the velocity of the rear end is always aligned with the segment.
Surprisingly, this simple model is quite rich and has connections with several areas of research,
including completely integrable systems. Here is a sampler of problems that I hope to touch upon:
1) The trajectory of the front wheel and the initial position of the bicycle uniquely determine its
motion and its terminal position; the monodromy map sending the initial position to the terminal one arises.
This mapping is a Moebius transformation, a remarkable fact that has various geometrical and dynamical consequences.
2) The rear wheel track and a choice of the direction of motion uniquely determine the front wheel track;
changing the direction to the opposite, yields another front track. These two front tracks are related by the bicycle
(Backlund, Darboux) correspondence, which defines a discrete time dynamical system on the space of curves.
This system is completely integrable and it is closely related with another, well studied, completely
integrable dynamical system, the filament (a.k.a binormal, smoke ring, local induction) equation.
3) Given the rear and front tracks of a bicycle, can one tell which way the bicycle went? Usually,
one can, but sometimes one cannot. The description of these ambiguous tire tracks is an open problem,
intimately related with Ulam's problem in flotation theory (in dimension two): is the round ball the only
body that floats in equilibrium in all positions? This problem is also related to the motion of a charge
in a magnetic field of a special kind. It turns out that the known solutions are solitons of the planar
version of the filament equation.
October 21, 2020
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
Mathematics behind the Nobel Prize in Physics 2020
October 14, 2020
Dennis The (UiT The Arctic University of Norway):
Simply-transitive CR real hypersurfaces in C^3
ABSTRACT: Holomorphically (locally) homogeneous CR real hypersurfaces M^3 in C^2 were classified
by Elie Cartan in 1932. A folklore legend tells that an unpublished manuscript of Cartan
also treated the next dimension M^5 in C^3 (in conjunction with his study of
bounded homogeneous domains), but no paper or electronic document currently circulates.
Over the past 20 years, significant progress has been made on the 5-dimensional classification problem.
Recently, only the simply-transitive, Levi non-degenerate case remained. Kossovskiy-Loboda
settled the Levi definite case in 2019, and Loboda announced a recent solution to the Levi
indefinite case in June 2020, both implementing normal form methods.
In my talk, I will describe joint work with Doubrov and Merker in which we use
an independent approach to settle the simply-transitive, Levi non-degenerate classification.
June 10, 2020
Marek Demiański (University of Warsaw):
Brief history of black holes
ABSTRACT: Black holes are one of the most fascinating objects in the Universe.
In my talk I will discuss history of the concept of black holes from early
heuristic ideas to their observational discovery.
I will present basic properties of black holes
and results of recent observations of black holes with LIGO
and VIRGO gravitational wave detectors.
June 03, 2020
Bronisław Jakubczyk (IM PAN):
Solving geometric PDEs for mathematical Nobel of 2019
(and Fields Medal of 1986)
ABSTRACT: In 1954 C.N. Yang and R. Mills proposed a model for strong interactions
in atomic nuclei. The main role in the classical version of the model was played
by certain „physical fields” now called Yang-Mills fields. Mathematically,
these were connections on certain vector (or principal) bundles which
were supposed to satisfy a set of canonical PDEs (now Yang-Mills equations).
The equations were Euler-Lagrange equations for the energy functional defined
by the curvature of the connection. Almost three decades later mathematicians
started to study solutions to such PDEs and got unexpected results.
We will give a gentle overwiew of results of Karen Uhlenbeck (Abel Prize 2019).
These will include: existence and regularity of a connection given its curvature,
solutions to Yang-Mills equations and their singularities, regulartity and
singularities of harmonic maps. We will briefly mention how Uhlenbeck's results
helped S. Donaldson to obtain his revolutionary results in topology of 4-manifolds.
The gauge symmetry of the set of solutions to Yang-Mills PDEs was used
for defining invariants of differentiable manifolds.
May 27, 2020
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
Homogeneous 5-dimensional para-CR structures with nongeneric Levi form
May 20, 2020
Michael Eastwood (University of Adelaide):
Homogeneous hypersurfaces
screw and shells
ABSTRACT: What's so great about the Archimedean screw? Well, for one thing, it's affine homogeneous as a surface in R^3.
The Cayley surface is another classical example. Using a Lie algebraic approach, the affine homogeneous surfaces
in R^3 were classified in 1996 by Doubrov, Komrakov, and Rabinovich.
I shall describe a geometric approach of Vladimir Ezhov and myself,
which provides an alternative classification in R^3 and some further classifications in R^4 and C^4.
May 13, 2020
Maciej Dunajski (University of Cambridge):
Conformal geodesics, and integrability
ABSTRACT: I shall discuss the integrability of the conformal geodesic flow (also
known as the conformal circle flow) on some gravitational instantons, and
provide a first example of a completely integrable conf. geodesic flow on
a four-manifold which is not a symmetric space. This is joint work
with Paul Tod.
May 06, 2020
Adam Doliwa (UWM, Olsztyn):
Multidimensional consistency of (discrete) Hirota equation
ABSTRACT: The notion of multidimensional consistency is an important
element of the contemporary theory of integrable systems. It appeared
first in the context of discrete/difference equations, but recently it
has been applied to some geometrically meaningful PDEs, like the
heavenly Plebański equations or the dispersionless Hirota equation.
My goal is to present this notion on example of the non-commutative
version of the original Hirota discrete KP equation. In particular, I
will show how the multidimensional consistency of the system leads to
the corresponding solutions of the Zamolodchikov equation (a
multidimensional generalization of the Yang-Baxter equation). I will
point out the importance of geometric understanding of the non-
commutative Hirota system, which helps to construct the quantum version
of the Zamolodchikov map and its classical/Poisson reduction.
The talk is based on results obtained in collaboration with Sergyey
Sergeev and Rinat Kashaev.
March 11, 2020
Mikołaj Rotkiewicz (University of Warsaw):
Higher order algebroids and representations (up to homotopy) of Lie algebroids
ABSTRACT: Higher order algebroids are generalizations of higher order tangent
bundles and Lie algebroids at the same time. They appear naturally in
the context of geometric mechanics when higher order derivatives and
symmetry are in the game. In the approach of M. Jóźwikowski and M.
Rotkiewicz they are introduced by means of a vector bundle comorphism
of a special kind. Natural examples come from reductions of higher
order tangent bundles of groupoids. I will explain the algebraic
structure staying behind higher order Lie algebroids, at least in
order two. It turned out that they lead to representations up to
homotopy of Lie algebroids, a fundamental notion in the theory of
algebroids discovered by C. A. Abad and M. Crainic.
January 22, 2020
Anton Alexeev (University of Geneva):
Large toric charts on coadjoint orbits
ABSTRACT: A toric chart is a product U x T^n of an open subset U \subset R^n and a torus T^n endowed
with the standard symplectic structure. We consider toric charts on coadjoint orbits of compact Lie groups.
The standard example is given by Gelfand-Zeitlin integrable systems which provide dense toric charts on coadjoint orbits of U(n).
We suggest a new method of constructing large (covering the part of sympletic volume arbitrarily close
to 1) toric charts on coadjoint orbits. Our main tools are the theory of Poisson-Lie groups,
cluster algebra techniques, tropicalization and the Berenstein-Kazhdan potential.
As an application, we prove an exact bound on the Gromov width of coadjoint orbitrs in some new situations.
The talk is based on a joint work with B. Hoffman, J. Lane and Y. Li.
January 15, 2020
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
Another PDE system in 5 variables
January 08, 2020
Antoni Pierzchalski (University of Łódź):
Some natural differential operators: the ellipticity and the
ellipticity at the boundary
ABSTRACT: We will discuss some natural linear differential operators for different geometric structures.
For a Riemannian manifold of dimension n, an interesting family consist of operators of form S*S, where S* is the
operator formally adjoint to S and where S is the the gradient in the sense of Stein and Weiss,
i.e., S is an $O(n)$-irreducible summand of the covariant derivative.
We will discuss the ellipticity and the boundary properties such operators. In particular, we will discuss natural
boundary conditions for the elliptic operators and the ellipticity of these conditions at the boundary.
One of the consequences of such the ellipticity for a given boundary condition is the existence of a basis
for L^2 composed of smooth sections that are the eigenvectors of the operator and satisfy the boundary condition.
We will also discuss the Laplace type operators of form div grad acting in tensor bundles on a Riemannian or symplectic
manifold. Here the operator grad is a natural generalization of the classic gradient operator acting on vector fields.
The negative divergence -div is the operator formally adjoint to grad.
The second order operator –div grad relates to the Lichnerowicz Laplacian which acts on tensors (forms) of any symmetry.
The relation involves the curvature.
We will also mention the problem of restriction of differential operators (so the Stein-Weiss gradients in particular)
to submanifolds or to the leaves of a foliation.
December 18, 2019
Daniel Ballesteros-Chavez (University of Durham):
A C^2 estimate for the prescribed curvature problem in de Sitter space
We will introduce the setting of the prescribed k-curvature problem for compact spacelike
hypersurfaces in de Sitter space. Then we give an interior a priori curvature estimate for
the solution of the associated fully non-linear elliptic problem.
December 11, 2019
Giovanni Moreno (University of Warsaw):
Lagrangian Grassmanians, nonlinear
second order differential equations and chracteristics (part II)
I will introduce the framework for studying nonlinear second order differential equations
based on the concept of Lagrangian Grassmanian. Lagrangian Grassmanian is the manifold of
all n-dimensional vector subspaces of a 2n-dimensional symplectic space such that symplectic
form vanishes on them. In particular I will discuss the case n=2, especially
Monge-Ampere equation and its characteristics.
December 04, 2019
Katja Sagerschnig (CFT PAN):
Parabolic geometries and the exceptional group G_2
ABSTRACT: I will give an introduction to parabolic geometries: these are Cartan
geometries modelled on homogeneous spaces of the form G/P, where G
is a semisimple Lie group and P is a parabolic subgroup. As a main
example of a parabolic geometry, I will discuss the geometry of (2,3,5)
distributions, which is related to the exceptional simple Lie group
G=G_2. I will review some history, explain some of the key methods,
and discuss recent developments in the field.
November 27, 2019
Giovanni Moreno (University of Warsaw):
Lagrangian Grassmanians, nonlinear
second order differential equations and chracteristics
I will introduce the framework for studying nonlinear second order differential equations
based on the concept of Lagrangian Grassmanian. Lagrangian Grassmanian is the manifold of
all n-dimensional vector subspaces of a 2n-dimensional symplectic space such that symplectic
form vanishes on them. In particular I will discuss the case n=2, especially
Monge-Ampere equation and its characteristics.
November 13, 2019
Omid Makhmali (Masaryk University, Brno):
On integrability conditions for (2,3,5) distributions
ABSTRACT: Inspired by the classical Godlberg-Sachs theorem in general relativity, we find conditions
that guarantee the existence of a null surface foliation for a (2,3,5) disitribution with respect
to the Nurowski conformal structure and study path geometries that can be obtained from such foliation.
We give an inverse construction that can be used for a larger class of Cartan geometries.
November 06, 2019
Andriy Panasyuk (UWM, Olsztyn):
On linear-quadratic Poisson pencils on central extensions of semisimple Lie algebras
ABSTRACT: In a recent paper Vladimir Sokolov introduces a three-parametric family
of quadratic Poisson structures on gl(3) each of which is compatible
with the canonical linear Poisson bracket. The complete involutive
family of polynomial functions related to these bi-Poisson structures
contains the hamiltonian
of the so-called elliptic Calogero-Moser system, the quantum version
of which is also discussed in the same paper.
We show that there exists a 10-parametric family of quadratic Poisson
structures on gl(3) compatible with the canonical linear Poisson bracket
and containing the Sokolov family. Possibilities of generalization to
other Lie algebras and quantization matters will be also touched in this
(The joint work with Vsevolod Shevchishin.)
October 30, 2019
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
Parabolic geometry of a car
ABSTRACT: We show that a car, viewed as a nonholonomic system, provides an example of a flat parabolic
geometry of type (SO(2; 3) P_12), where P_12 is a Borel parabolic subgroup in SO(2; 3). We discuss relations of
this geometry of a car with the geometry of circles in the plane (a low dimensional Lie sphere geometry), the
geometry of 3-dimensional conformal Minkowski spacetime, the geometry of 3-rd order ODEs, the projective
contact geometry in three dimensions, and the corresponding twistor fibrations. We indicate how all these
classical geometries can be interpreted in terms of nonholonomic movements of a car.
October 23, 2019
Vsevolod Shevchishin (UWM, Olsztyn):
Polynomially superintegrable surface metrics admitting a linear integral
ABSTRACT: In my talk I give a complete local classification of superintegrable metrics on
surfaces admitting two independent polynomial integrals one of which is linear.
I also describe the structure of the Poisson algebra of polynomial invariants of such a superintegrable metric:
a set of natural generators, polynomial relations between those generators, and expressions of Poisson brackets of the
generators as polynomials in the generators.
October 09, 2019
Zohreh Ravanpak (IM PAN):
Bi-Hamiltonian systems on Poisson-Lie groups and underlying geometric structures
ABSTRACT: In this talk, I will introduce the notion of a Nijenhuis-Lie bialgebra as a Nijenhuis endomorphism
$n: {\frak g} \to {\frak g}$ on a Lie algebra ${\frak g}$ which is compatible, in a suitable sense, with a
Lie bialgebra structure on ${\frak g}$. An interesting example (the Euler top) that motivates the previous
definition and some results on the algebraic structure of a Nijenhuis-Lie bialgebra will be presented.
I will also consider the Nijenhuis-Lie bialgebra in the case that Lie bialgebras are coboundary which turns
to the $r$-$n$ structures. The Nijenhuis-Lie bialgebra structures are a starting point to get a deeper insight
into the underlying geometric structures of the bi-Hamiltonian systems on Poisson-Lie groups.
October 02, 2019
Dmitri Alekseevsky (IITP, Moscow):
Non-compact Homogeneou Chern-Einstein Almost Kaehler Manifolds
of a Semisimple Lie Group
ABSTRACT: We proved that any homogeneous symplectic manifold (M = G/L,omega) of a semisimple group G
with compact stabilizer L admits a unique extension to a homogeneous almost Kaehler manifold (M = G/L,omega,J)
and we classify all invariant almost Kaehler structures on the regular adjoint orbits M=G/T of classical
semisimple group which satisfy the Chern-Einstein equation.
It is a joint work with Fabio Podesta.
August 28, 2019
Lenka Zalabova (University of South Bohemia):
Notes on conformal circles
ABSTRACT: We study circles in conformal geometry. We present a method to find equations
of conformal circles using tractor calculus and symmetry algebras. We ask when are conformal circles metric geodesics.
Finally we give a short discussion of examples. Joint work with M. Eastwood.
May 29, 2019
Barbara Opozda (Jagiellonian University, Cracow):
Statistical structures
ABSTRACT: A statistical structure on a manifold $M$ is a pair
$(g,\nabla)$, where $g$ is a metric tensor field and $\nabla$ is a
torsion-tree connection such that the cubic form $\nabla g$ is symmetric.
Some basic information will be provided and some problems, like
completeness, realization and rigidity will be discussed.
May 15, 2019
Katja Sagerschnig (CFT PAN):
Parabolic contactification
In a series of papers Andreas Cap and Tomas Salac introduced and
strudied a class of geometric structures that they called parabolic
almost conformally symplectic structures.
Any such structure determines a unique linear connection on the tangent
bundle whose torsion satisfies a certain normalization condition. Via
contactification, parabolic conformally symplectic structures can be
related to parabolic contact structures with a transversal infinitesimal
symmetry (and the authors use this relationship to descend sequences
of invariant differential operators).
In this talk we will review (some of) these results.
May 08, 2019
Marek Grochowski (UKSW, Warsaw):
Canonical connection in sub-pseudo-Riemannian geometry
ABSTRACT: Given a contact sub-pseudo-Riemannian manifold (M,H,g), I develop the
theory of connections on the bundle of horizontal frames associated with
it and construct a canonical covariant differentiation which is
compatible with the metric (H,g).
April 17, 2019
Asahi Tsuchida (IM PAN):
A generalized front and its generic singularities
ABSTRACT: As a intrinsic expression of wave fronts, a concept of coherent tangent
bundle was introduced by Saji, Umehara and Yamada in 2012. A coherent tangent
bundle is a bundle homomorphism from a tangent bundle to a vector bundle
of the same rank endowed with an inner product with certain properties.
A point on which the rank of the bundle homomorphism drops is called a singular point.
In the paper by Saji, Umehara and Yamada, differential geometric invariants of singularities
of bundle homomorphisms are defined and investigated. On the other hand, topological properties
of singular sets of bundle homomorphisms without metric are studied by them.
In this talk, we consider a generalization of coherent tangent bundle
by considering distribution instead of tangent bundle.
This talk is based on a joint work with Kentaro Saji.
April 10, 2019
Mikołaj Rotkiewicz (University of Warsaw):
On the structure of higher algebroids
ABSTRACT: In a recent paper with Michał Jóźwikowski we have introduced a concept
of a higher algebroid generalizing the notion of an algebroid and a
higher tangent bundle. Our ideas based on the description of a (Lie)
algebroid as a vector bundle comorphism - a relation of a special
kind. In a special case of a Lie algebroid of a Lie groupoid $G$ such
a relation is obtained as a natural reduction of the canonical
involution $\kappa_G: T T G \to T T G$. In our approach, a higher
algebroid is a vector bundle comorphism between certain graded-linear
bundles satisfying some natural axioms. An important example is given
by the reduction of a natural isomorphism $\kappa_G^k: T^k T G \to T
T^k G$.
In my talk I will describe the notion of a higher algebroid in terms
of some bracket operations and vector bundle morphisms.
April 03, 2019
Aleksandra Lelito (AGH, Cracow):
Symmetries, exact solutions and nonlocal conservation laws for PDEs
ABSTRACT: The objective of the talk is to give an overview of my results – obtained under the supervision
of Oleg I. Morozov – concerning geometrical structures associated to nonlinear partial differential
equations (pdes). On the example of the Gibbons-Tsarev equation it will be showed how to use a Lie
group of local symmetries of a pde to find its exact solutions. The procedure is a classical tool in
the theory of applications of Lie groups to differential equations. The Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya (KhZ)
equation was previously subjected to this procedure. In the talk it will be illustrated on the example
of the KhZ equation how the method can still yield new solutions, if coupled with a Miura-type
A distinguishing feature of integrable pdes is that they admit rich symmetry structures, but this
can be often revealed only after examining them in nonlocal setting. The framework of differential
coverings is particularly useful in this context. Within this framework, a Lie algebra of nonlocal
symmetries of the second heavenly equation will be discussed. Another example of the strength of
this framework will be presented in a review of the results concerning nonlocal conservation laws of
several pdes, related to each other via Backlund transformations. The presented results formed the
core of my Ph.D. thesis.
March 20, 2019
Omid Makhmali (IM PAN):
Half-flat causal structures and related geometries
ABSTRACT: Half-flat causal structures are defined as a field of ruled projective surfaces over a manifold
satisfying certain integrability condition. We extend conformal notions such as principal null planes and
ultra-half-flatness to the causal setting. After showing that the unique submaximal model that does not
descend to a conformal structure is Cayley-isotrivially flat,
we will focus on Cayley structures and explore several geometries arising from them.
Finally we formulate such structures in terms of a dispersionless Lax pair and study the resulting system of PDEs.
This work is partly joint with W. Kryński.
March 06, 2019
Szymon Pliś (Cracow University of Technology):
Monge-Ampere equation on complex and almost complex manifolds
ABSTRACT: First, I will survey the theory the complex Monge-Ampere
equation and applications to Kahler geometry.
In the second part of the talk, I will present some recent results about
plurisubharmonic function and the Monge-Ampere equation on almost complex
January 23, 2019
Marta Szumańska (University of Warsaw): Geodesic radius of curvature for horizontal curves in Heisenberg group
(based on work in progress with Katrin Faessler)
ABSTRACT: The intrinsic curvature of an Euclidean C^2 curve in Heisneberg group
was introduced by Balogh, Tyson and Vecchi (It was obtained in a
limiting process and is based on curvatures on Riemannian spaces
approximating the Heisenberg group). For horizontal curves this
curvature coincides with Euclidean curvature of its ortogonal
projection onto XY-plane.
We define a notion of "global" curvature that can be considered for
any horizontal curve (not necessarily C^2). The idea is based on the
following fact: the image of the ortogonal projection into XY-plane of
any geodesic in Heisenberg group is an arc of a circle. For any two
points in Heisenberg group we define a geodesic radius of curvature
which is the radius of the circle arc obtained by a the projection
from the unique geodesic connecting those two points.
The aim of the talk is to show the similarities between the role
played by the intrinsic curvature in Heisenberg group and "normal"
curvature, and between the geodesic radius of the curvature and the
Menger curvature in Euclidean space.
January 16, 2019
Michał Jóźwikowski (University of Warsaw):
A comparison of vakonomic and nonholonomic dynamics
for Chaplygin systems
ABSTRACT: Given a mechanical system with a linear set of constraints there are two basic methods
of generating the equations of motion: the nonholonomic dynamics obtained by means of the Chetaev-d'Alembert's
principle and the vakonomic dynamics obtained from the constrained variational principle.
It is well-known that these two methods give inconsistent results, and some researchers asked
the question when one of the above-mentioned dynamics is a subset of another one.
We show a simple method of adressing such a question based on the ideas of W. Tulczyjew.
We provide a detailed answer for a relatively big class of non-invariant Chaplygin systems.
The work is based on a joint paper with Witold Respondek to appear in J. Geom. Mech.
January 09, 2019
Arman Taghavi-Chabert (American University of Beirut):
Twisting shearfree congruences of
null geodesics in higher dimensions
ABSTRACT: On a conformal Lorentzian 4-manifold, there are certain foliations of null geodesics,
known as shearfree congruences of null geodesics (SCNG), which are of central importance in the
study of solutions of Einstein's equations.
It is well-known that their generators must be principal null directions of the Weyl tensor.
What is more, their leaf space is endowed with the structure of a CR manifold.
In this talk I will give the integrability condition for the existence of SCNGs in
dimension greater than four, and show that remarkably, in even dimension,
the connection between SCNGs and (almost) CR structures still subsist under
relatively mild curvature conditions on the Weyl tensor.
Finally, one can play a similar game in split signature: under suitable curvature prescriptions,
SCNGs induce Lagrange contact structures and projective structures.
December 19, 2018
Janusz Grabowski (IM PAN):
Remarks on contact geometry
ABSTRACT: We present an approach to contact (and Jacobi) geometry
that makes many facts, presented in the literature in an overcomplicated way,
much more natural and clear. The key role is played by homogeneous symplectic
(and Poisson) manifolds. The difference with the existing
literature is that the homogeneity of the Poisson structure is related to a principal
GL(1;R)-bundle structure on the manifold and not
just to a vector field. This allows for working with nontrivial line bundles
that drastically simplifies the picture.
Contact manifolds of degree 2 and contact analogs of Courant algebroids are studied as well.
Based on a joint work with A. J. Bruce and K. Grabowska.
December 12, 2018
Konrad Lompert (Warsaw University of Technology):
Invariant Nijenhuis tensors and integrable geodesic flows on homogeneous
ABSTRACT: We study invariant Nijenhuis (1,1)-tensors on a homogeneous space $G/K$
of a reductive Lie group $G$ from the point of view of integrability of
a hamiltonian system of differential equations with the $G$-invariant
hamitonian function on the cotangent bundle $T^*(G/K)$. Such a tensor
induces an invariant Poisson tensor $\Pi_1$ on $T^*(G/K)$, which is
Poisson compatible with the canonical Poisson tensor $\Pi_{T^*(G/K)}$.
This Poisson pair can be reduced to the space of $G$-invariant functions
on $T^*(G/K)$ and produces a family of Poisson commuting $G$-invariant
functions. We give, in Lie algebraic terms, necessary and sufficient
conditions of the completeness of this family. As an application we
prove Liouville integrability in the class of analytic integrals
polynomial in momenta of the geodesic flow on two series of homogeneous
spaces $G/K$ of compact Lie groups $G$ for two kinds of metrics: the
normal metric and new classes of metrics related to decomposition of $G$
to two subgroups $G=G_1\cdot G_2$, where $G/G_i$ are symmetric spaces,
$K=G_1\cap G_2$. (A joint work with Andriy Panasyuk.)
December 05, 2018
Paweł Goldstein (University of Warsaw):
Topologically nontrivial counterexamples to Sard's
theorem and approximation of $C^1$ mappings
ABSTRACT: If a $C^2$ mapping $f$ from an $(n+1)$-sphere to an $n$-sphere is surjective,
then its derivative must have rank $n$ on a set of positive measure. This follows easily
from Sard's theorem: the set of critical values of $f$ has measure zero in $S^n$,
thus the set of regular values is of full measure. Since $C^2$ mappings map sets of measure zero
to sets of measure zero, the set of regular points of $f$ in the $(n+1)$-sphere must have positive measure.
Sard's theorem does not apply to $C^1$ mappings, though, and one can construct a $C^1$
mapping $f$ from $S^{n+1}$ to $S^n$ with all points of $S^{n+1}$ critical for $f$;
the known examples are, however, homotopically trivial. This leads to a natural question, due to Larry Guth:
Assume $n\ge 2$ and $f\in C^1(S^{n+1},S^n)$ is not homotopic to a constant map.
Can it happen that all the points of $S^{n+1}$ are critical for $f$
(i.e. the rank of the derivative of $f$ is less than $n$ everywhere)?
The cases of $n=2$ and $n=3$ have been solved in the negative (the first by M. Gromov,
using estimates on the Hopf invariant, the second by L. Guth, using Steenrod squares).
Together with Piotr Hajłasz and Pekka Pankka, we answer the question *in the positive* for all $n>3$,
by constructing an explicite example. We also give a much simpler, direct proof of the case $n=3$,
using the ideas behind the proof of Freudenthal's theorem.
Recently, Jacek Gałęski conjectured that a $C^1$ mapping from $R^n$ to $R^n$, with rank
of the derivative less than $k < n$ everywhere, can be uniformly approximated by a smooth
function satisfying the same constraint on the rank of the derivative. We use our construction
to disprove this conjecture at least for some ranges of $n$ and $k$.
November 21, 2018
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
Hopf fibration 7 times in physics
November 14, 2018
Wojciech Kryński (IM PAN):
Invariants and isometries of contact sub-Riemannian structures
ABSTRACT: I will consider contact distributions endowed with sub-Riemannian (or sub-Lorentzian) metrics.
I'll discuss results on sub-Riemannian isometries of the structures and present a simple construction
of a canonical connection associated to the structures.
The talk is based on a joint work with Marek Grochowski.
November 07, 2018
Ben Warhurst (University of Warsaw):
A canonical connection in Subriemannian contact geometry
October 31, 2018
Omid Makhmali (IM PAN):
Causal structures from a microlocal viewpoint
ABSTRACT: In this talk, a causal structure will be defined as a field of tangentially
nondegenerate projective hypersurfaces over a manifold. Using Cartan's method,
we will solve the local equivalence problem of causal structures and give
a geometric interpretation of their fundamental invariants. We will mostly focus on special
classes of causal geometries in dimension four,
referred to as half-flat and locally isotrivial, and study several twistorial constructions arising from them.
October 24, 2018
Javier de Lucas Araujo (University of Warsaw):
Poisson-Hopf algebra deformations of a class of Hamiltonian systems
ABSTRACT: This talk is devoted to the use the theory of deformation of Hopf-algebras to construct
Hamiltonian systems on a symplectic manifold and to study their constants of the motion,
multi-dimensional generalisations, and physical applications.
First, I will survey the theory of deformation of Hopf algebras by introducing co-algebras,
bi-algebras, antipode mappings, Hopf and Poisson-Hopf algebras, the dual principle, and the deformation of Hopf algebras.
I will detail some classical examples of Hopf algebras: the universal enveloping algebra and their associated
quantum groups, or the Konstant-Kirillov-Souriau Poisson algebra and its quantum deformations.
In the second part of the talk, I will use representations of Poisson-Hopf algebras to construct Hamiltonian
systems on a symplectic manifold. The representation of a universal enveloping algebra will give rise
to a certain Hamiltonian system, a so-called Lie--Hamilton system, whereas its deformation will lead to
a one-parametric deformation of the Lie--Hamilton system.
The centers of Hopf algebras and their so-called antipodes will give rise to constants of motion of
the Lie--Hamilton system and its deformations; the coalgebra structure will lead to multi-dimensional
generalisations of the Lie--Hamilton system. As a final example, I will deform a t-dependent frequency
Smorodinsky--Winternitz oscillator to obtain and to analyse a t-dependent frequency oscillator with
a mass depending on the position and a Rosochatius-Winternitz potential term.
October 17, 2018
Jun-Muk Hwang (Korea Institute for Advanced Study):
Cone structures arising from varieties of minimal rational tangents
ABSTRACT: Varieties of minimal rational tangents are differential geometric
structures arising from the algebraic geometry of uniruled projective manifolds.
They are special cases of cone structures with conic connections.
We give an overview of the subject, emphasizing the interaction of
differential geometric methods and algebraic geometric methods.
October 03, 2018
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
Kerr's theorem revisited
ABSTRACT: There is an abundance of congruences of null geodesics without shear in
a conformally flat spacetime. In this talk I will try to describe how to
determine if two given ones are locally nonequivalent.
May 23, 2018
Giovanni Moreno (University of Warsaw):
Varieties of minimal rational tangents and second-order PDEs
ABSTRACT: In this talk I will explain the notion of the variety of minimal rational tangents (VMRT).
VMRT is a fundamental tool in the program of studying the varieties that are covered by rational curves.
The latter may be thought of as the closest analogoues to the notion of a line in the familiar Euclidean geometry,
playing a similar role as geodesics in Riemannian geometry.
I will focus on the case when the underlying variety is a (complex) contact manifold. More precisely,
when the contact manifold is homogeneous with respect to a Lie group G. In this case, the VMRT takes
a particularly simple form, known as the sub-adjoint variety of G.
Finally, I will show how to use the sub-adjoint variety of G to obtain G-invariant second-order PDEs.
The review part of this talk is based on the paper "Complex contact manifolds, varieties of minimal rational tangents,
and exterior differential systems" by J. Buczyński and the speaker, to appear on Banach Centre Publications.
The result about G-invariant PDEs is contained in the paper "Lowest degree invariant second-order PDEs over
rational homogeneous contact manifolds" by D. Alekseevky, J. Gutt, G. Manno and the speaker, recently accepted
by Communications in Contemporary Mathematics.
May 17, 2018
Ben Warhurst (University of Warsaw):
Puncture repair in metric measure spaces
ABSTRACT: The puncture repair theorem says that if M_1 and M_2 are
compact Riemannian or conformal manifolds of the same dimension, and
there exists a conformal map f of a punctured domain U-{p} in M_1 into
M_2, then f extends conformally to U.
The talk will outline how this theorem can be generalised in the
context of quasiconformal mappings in metric measure spaces, bringing
to the fore the significance of Loewner conditions. There are also
more general results by Balogh and Koskela concerning porous sets
which I will outline.
May 09, 2018
Bronisław Jakubczyk (IM PAN):
A Global Implicit Function Theorem
ABSTRACT: Given a system of equations F(x,y)=0, we will prove a local
version of IFT on existence of a solution y=\psi(x), without assuming that
the rank of D_yF(0,0) is maximal, thus allowing singularities of F.
We will also provide conditions which guarantee existence of a global
implicit function y=\psi(x), for x and y in compact manifolds.
April 25, 2018
Maciej Dunajski (University of Cambridge):
From Poncelet Porism to Twistor Theory
ABSTRACT: I will discuss a curious projection from a projective three--space to projective plane which takes lines to conics.
The range of this map is characterised by Calyey's description of pairs poristic conics inscribed and circumscribed in a triangle.
This is an example of a more general twistor construction, when the twistor space fibers holomorphicaly
over a projective plane. The resulting twistor correspondence provides a solution to a system of nonlinear
equations for an anti-self-dual conformal structure.
April 18, 2018
Marek Grochowski (UKSW, Warsaw):
Causality in the sub-Lorentzian geometry
ABSTRACT: There is a classical theorem proved by D.B. Malament stating that the class of continuous
timelike curves determines the topology of spacetime. The aim of my talk is to generalize this result
to a certain class of sub-Lorentzian manifolds, as well as to some control systems and differential inclusions.
April 11, 2018
Aleksandra Borówka (Jagiellonian University, Cracow):
C-projective symmetries
of submanifolds in quaternionic geometry
ABSTRACT: Using generalized Feix-Kaledin constructuion of quaternionic manifolds we will
discuss a relation between quaternionic symmetries of manifolds arising by
the construction from c-projective submanifold $S$, and c-projective symmetries of $S$.
We will see that any submaximally symmetric quaternionic manifold arises by the construction
and that the standard submaximally symmetric quaternionic model arises from the (unique)
submaximally symmetric c-projective model.
This suggests that the submaximally symmetric quaternionic structure should be also unique.
Finally we will discuss the dimension of quaternionic symmetries of the Calabi metric showing
that the dimension of the algebra of quaternionic symmetries is not fully determined by the
dimension of algebra of c-projective symmetries of the submanifold.
March 21, 2018
Omid Makhmali (IM PAN):
Geometries arising from rolling bodies (part II)
ABSTRACT: It is well-known that the mechanical system represented by the rolling of two Riemannian surfaces without
slipping or twisting can be formulated in terms of a rank 2 distribution on a 5-dimensional manifold.
In this talk, the notion of rolling is extended to a pair of Finsler surfaces which gives rise to
a rank 2 distribution on a 6-dimensional manifold. Special classes of rolling Finsler surfaces will be discussed.
Finally, a geometric formulation of rolling for a pair of Cartan geometries of the same type on manifolds
of equal dimensions will be given.
March 14, 2018
Michał Jóźwikowski (IM PAN):
Minimality in one-dimensional variational problems from
global geometric properties of the extremals
ABSTRACT: In the talk I will discuss the results of [Lessinness and Goriely, Nonlinearity 30 (2017)].
To determine if an extremal of a given variational problem is indeed minimal, one needs to study the definiteness
of the second variation. In general this is a difficult problem.
However, for one-dimensional problems of mechanical type a clever use of the Sturm-Liouville theory
allows to prove or exclude minimality from very simple global geometric properties of the extremal.
March 07, 2018
Piotr Kozarzewski (University of Warsaw):
On the condition of tetrahedral polyconvexity
ABSTRACT: I plan to discuss geometric conditions for integrand f to define lower semicontinuous functional I_f(u).
Of our particular interest is tetrahedral convexity condition introduced by Agnieszka Kałamajska in 2003,
which is the variant of maximum principle expressed on tetrahedrons, and the new condition which we call
tetrahedral polyconvexity. Those problems are strongly connected with open rank-one conjecture posed
by Morrey in 1952, known in the multidimensional calculus of variations.
The discussion will be based on joint work with Agnieszka Kałamajska.
February 28, 2018
Omid Makhmali (IM PAN):
Geometries arising from rolling bodies
ABSTRACT: It is well-known that the mechanical system represented by the rolling of two Riemannian surfaces without
slipping or twisting can be formulated in terms of a rank 2 distribution on a 5-dimensional manifold.
In this talk, the notion of rolling is extended to a pair of Finsler surfaces which gives rise to
a rank 2 distribution on a 6-dimensional manifold. Special classes of rolling Finsler surfaces will be discussed.
Finally, a geometric formulation of rolling for a pair of Cartan geometries of the same type on manifolds
of equal dimensions will be given.
February 21, 2018
Helene Frankowska (CNRS and Sorbonne Université):
Integral and Pointwise Second-order
Necessary Conditions in Deterministic Control Problems
ABSTRACT: The first order necessary optimality conditions in optimal control are fairly well understood and were extended
to nonsmooth, infinite dimensional and stochastic systems. This is still not the case of the second order conditions,
where usually very strong assumptions are imposed on optimal controls.
In this talk I will first discuss the second-order optimality conditions in the integral form.
In the difference with the main approaches of the existing literature, the second order tangents and
the second order linearization of control systems will be used to derive the second-order necessary conditions.
This framework allows to replace the control system at hand by a differential inclusion with convex right-hand side.
Such a relaxation of control system, and the differential calculus of derivatives of convex set-valued maps lead to fairly general statements.
When the end point constraints are absent, the pointwise second order conditions will be stated :
the second order maximum principle, the Goh and the Jacobson type necessary optimality conditions
for general control systems (similar results in the presence of end point constraints are still under investigation).
The talk is intended to be introductory and elements of calculus of set-valued maps will be discussed at the very beginning.
January 24, 2018
Bronisław Jakubczyk (IM PAN):
Division of differential forms: Koszul complex, Saito's theorem
and Cartan's lemma with singularities
ABSTRACT: Given two differential forms \alpha and \beta on a manifold M,
it is often useful to know if \alpha one divides \beta (locally or globally).
We will first answer the the question in the case when \alpha is a 1-form
having singularities. The local problem is related to exactness of a Koszul
complex. The global version uses H. Cartan Theorems A and B.
Another question related to the above is a global version of E. Cartan Lemma,
where the differential forms have singularities.
We will show that it can be solved using an algebrac Saito's theorem.
January 10, 2018
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
Kerr's Theorem
December 13, 2017
Wojciech Kryński (IM PAN):
(3,5,6)-distributions, bi-Hamiltonian systems and contact structures on 5-dimensional manifolds.
ABSTRACT: I'll discuss geometry of the (3,5,6)-distributions, which are very interesting, non-generic,
rank-3 distributions on 6-dimensional manifolds.
The class of distributions naturally arise in the context of special bi-Hamiltonian systems
and in the context of certain second order systems of PDEs.
I'll also show how the distributions are connected to the contact geometry in dimension 5.
December 06, 2017
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
On optical structures in space-time physics
ABSTRACT: I will elaborate on notions, motivations and results which were briefly
mentioned by A Trautman in his talk at IMPAN on 22nd November 2017.
November 08, 2017
Henrik Winther (University of Tromso):
Submaximally Symmetric Quaternionic Structures
ABSTRACT: The symmetry dimension of an almost quaternionic structure on
a manifold is the dimension of its full automorphism algebra. Let the
quaternionic dimension $n$ be fixed. The maximal possible symmetry
dimension is realized by the quaternionic projective space $mathbb{H}
P^n$, which has symmetry group $G=PGl(n+1,mathbb{H})$ of dimension
$dim(G)=4(n+1)^2-1$. An almost quaternionic structure is called
submaximally symmetric if it has maximal symmetry dimension amongst
those with lesser symmetry dimension than the maximal case. We show that
for $n>1$, the submaximal symmetry dimension is $4n^2-4n+9$. This is
realized both by a quaternionic structure (torsion free) and by an
almost quaternionic structure with vanishing Weyl curvature. Joint work
with Boris Kruglikov and Lenka Zalabova.
November 03, 2017
Omid Makhmali (McGill University):
Local aspects of causal structures and related geometries
ABSTRACT: In this talk the study of causal structures will be motivated,
which are defined as a field of tangentially non-degenerate projective
hypersurfaces in the projectivized tangent bundle of a manifold.
They can be realized as a generalization of conformal pseudo-Riemannian structures.
The solution of the local equivalence of causal structures on manifolds of dimension
at least four reveals that these geometries are parabolic and the harmonic curvature (which is torsion)
is given by the Fubini cubic forms of the null cones and a generalization of the sectional Weyl curvature.
Examples of such geometries will be presented.
In dimension four the notion of self-duality for indefinite conformal structures
will be extended to causal structures via the existence of a 3-parameter family of
surfaces whose tangent planes at each point rule the null cone.
Finally, it will be shown how certain four dimensional indefinite causal structures give rise to G2/P12
geometries and rolling of Finsler surfaces, following the work of An-Nurowski.
October 25, 2017
Lenka Zalabova (University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice):
On automorphisms with natural tangent action for Cartan geometries
ABSTRACT: We study automorphisms with natural tangent action on Cartan and parabolic geometries.
We introduce the concept of automorphisms with natural tangent action.
We study consequences of the existence of such morphisms for particular cases of morphisms
and Cartan/parabolic geometries (affine geometry, partially integrable almost CR structures)
October 18, 2017
Aleksandra Borówka (Jagiellonian University, Cracow):
Armstrong cones and generalized Feix--Kaledin construction
ABSTRACT: One can observe that a maximal totally complex submanifold of a quaternionic manifold is naturally equipped
with a real-analytic c-projective structure with type (1,1) Weyl curvature.
A Generalized Feix--Kaledin construction provides a way to invert this in a special case,
i.e. starting from any real-analytic c-projective 2n-manifold S with type (1,1) Weyl curvature,
additionally equipped with a holomorphic line bundle with a compatible connection with type (1,1) curvature
we get a twistor space of quaternionic 4n-manifold with quaternionic S^1 action such that S is
the fixed point set of the action. Moreover, locally in this way we can obtain a twistor space of
any quaternionic $4n$ manifold with S^1 action provided that it has a fixed point set of dimension 2n
with no triholomorphic points.
In this talk we will overview the construction and show how it is related to c-pojective and quaternionic
projective cones constructions by S. Armstrong (note that in quaternionic case the cone is called Swann bundle).
Finally we will discuss the role of the line bundle and investigate its relation with Haydys--Hitchin
quaternion-Kahler - hyperkahler correspondence.
October 11, 2017
Arman Taghavi-Chabert (University of Turin):
Twistor geometry of null foliations
ABSTRACT: We give a description of local null foliations on an odd-dimensional complex quadric Q in terms of
complex submanifolds of its twistor space defined to be the space of all linear subspaces of Q of maximal dimension.
October 4, 2017
Travis Willse (University of Vienna):
Curved orbit decompositions and the ambient metric construction
ABSTRACT: Given a geometric structure on encoded as a Cartan geometry
on a smooth manifold $M$, the curved orbit decomposition formalism
describes how a holonomy reduction of the Cartan connection determines
a partition of $M$ along with, on each of the constituent sets, a
geometric structure encoded as some "reduced" Cartan geometry. The
resulting descriptions can reveal new relationships among the involved
types of structure.
A simple but instructive example is an (oriented) projective manifold
$(M, p)$, $\dim M \geq 3$, whose normal Cartan connection is equipped
with a reduction $H$ of holonomy to the orthogonal group,
equivalently, a tractor metric parallel with respect to the normal
tractor connection. Such a reduction determines a partition of the
original manifold into three "curved orbits": Two are open
submanifolds, each equipped with a Einstein metric, which is
asymptotically equivalent to hyperbolic space in a way that can be
made precise. The third is a separating hypersurface, equipped with a
conformal structure $\mathbf{c}$; it can be regarded as a projective
infinity and hence a natural compactifying structure for each of those
Einstein metrics.
One can pose a natural Dirichlet problem for this situation: Given a
conformal structure $(M_0, \mathbf{c})$, find a collar equipped with a
projective structure and holonomy reduction for which the hypersurface
geometry is $(M_0, \mathbf{c})$ itself. The solution turns out to be
equivalent to the classical Fefferman-Graham ambient construction.
Applications of these ideas include new results in projective
geometry, special Riemannian geometries, and exceptional
pseudo-Riemannian holonomy.
Septembet 27, 2017
Christoph Harrach (University of Vienna):
Poisson transforms for differential forms adapted to homogeneous
parabolic geometries
ABSTRACT: We present a construction of Poisson transforms between
differential forms on homogeneous parabolic geometries and differential
forms on Riemannian symmetric spaces tailored to the exterior calculus.
Moreover, we show how their existence and compatibility with natural
differential operators can be reduced to invariant computations in
finite dimensional representations of reductive Lie groups.
Septembet 20, 2017
Shin-Young Kim (Masaryk University, Brno):
Geometric structures modeled on some horospherical varieties
ABSTRACT: To prove Hwang-Mok's deformation rigidity problems modeled on projective complex parabolic manifolds,
we studied geometric structures arising from varieties of minimal rational tangents.
To generalize these rigidity results to quasihomogeneous complex manifolds,
we study a smooth projective horospherical variety of Picard number one and their geometric structures.
Using Cartan geometry, we prove that a geometric structure modeled on a smooth projective horospherical
variety of Picard number one is locally equivalent to the standard geometric structure when the geometric structure
is defined on a Fano manifold of Picard number one.
In this seminar, we also briefly introduce the origin of this specific problem and horospherical
varieties which are completely different from horospheres.
Septembet 13, 2017
Sean Curry (University of California, San Diego):
Compact CR 3-manifolds, and obstruction flatness
ABSTRACT: We motivate and consider the problem of determining whether the vanishing of the Fefferman ambient metric obstruction
implies local flatness for compact CR 3-manifolds, possibly embedded in C^2.
June 7, 2017
Andriy Panasyuk (UWM, Olsztyn):
Bihamiltonian structures of KdV, C-H and H-S
ABSTRACT: I will recall the construction of bihamiltonian structures of the
equations mentioned in the title, belonging to B. Khesin and G. Misiołek
(2002). This construction consists in the argument shift method on the
Virasoro Lie algebra, in frames of which the three equations are
distinguished by the choice of the shift point. If time permits, I will
discuss also perspectives of generalizing to this case of some results
from the finite-dimensional argument shift method.
May 31, 2017
Antoni Kijowski (IM PAN):
On the Two-Radius Theorems and the Delsarte Conjecture
ABSTRACT: One of many properties of harmonic functions, proved by Gauss in 1840, is the mean value property (MVP).
It results from the converse theorem by Koebe, that functions having the MVP at every point with all admissable radii are harmonic.
Further results by Volterra and Kelogg, known as One-Radius Theorem, and by Hansen and Nadirashvili showed that in case of a bounded domain
it is enough to assume MVP with one radius at each point to assert harmonicity.
I will present examples showing that none of the assumptions of these theorems can be dropped.
As it occurs from Two-Radius Theorem by Delsarte, there is a significant difference when function has MVP with two radii r_1 and r_2,
asserting its harmonicity whenever certain relation between r_1 and r_2 is fulfilled.
The Delsarte conjectured (and proved in dimension 3) that in fact this relation is always true, so that MVP on any pair of distinct radii is sufficient.
I will present a recent proof of the Delsarte Conjecture in all dimensions and present a counterpart of the conjecture on harmonic manifolds.
The talk is based on joint work with T. Adamowicz.
May 24, 2017
Marek Izydorek (Gdańsk University of Technology):
Twierdzenie Mountain Pass - klasyczna metoda minimax
ABSTRACT: Wykład będzie dotyczył metody minimax na przykładzie
klasycznego twierdzenia Ambrozettiego - Rabinowitza.
Metody typu minimax wykorzystuje się do badania
istnienia punktów krytycznych funkcjonałów zdefiniowanych
na odpowiednich przestrzeniach funkcyjnych.
W typowej sytuacji punkty krytyczne odpowiadają rozwiązaniom
równań różniczkowych posiadających naturę wariacyjną.
May 17, 2017
Wojciech Kryński (IM PAN):
Camassa-Holm equation and geometry of multipeakons
ABSTRACT: Multipeakons are special solutions to the Camassa-Holm equation that are described by a very interesting integrable system.
We exploit a Riemannian metric that is associated to the system and construct dissipative prolongations of multipeakons near
the singular points of the underlying Hamiltonian system.
April 26, 2017
Jan Gutt (CFT PAN and Politecnico di Torino):
On the geometry of hypersurfaces in a Lagrangian Grassmannian
ABSTRACT: Hypersurfaces in a Lagrangian Grassmannian give a geometric representation
of a class of second order PDE (sometimes called 'Hirota type'). Hence it
is worthwhile to study the natural geometric structures they carry, and
the associated invariants. This approach had been used by A. D. Smith to
classify non-degenerate hydrodynamically integrable hyperbolic Hirota-type PDE in 3
independent variables. I will present some early results of a joint work
in progress with G. Manno, G. Moreno and A. D. Smith, extending the
underlying geometry to higher dimensions.
April 19, 2017
12:15 - 13:15
Dmitri Alekseevsky (University of Hull):
Neurogeometry of vision and conformal geometry of sphere
13:30 - 14:30
Andre Belotto (Universite de Toulouse III):
The Sard conjecture on Martinet surfaces
ABSTRACT: Given a totally nonholonomic distribution
of rank two on a three-dimensional manifold M, it is natural
to investigate the size of the set of points S(x)
that can be reached by singular horizontal paths starting
from a same point x in M. In this setting, the Sard conjecture
states that S(x) should be a subset of the so-called
Martinet surface of 2-dimensional Hausdorff measure zero.
In this seminar, I will present a recent work in collaboration
with Ludovic Rifford where we show that the conjecture holds
whenever the Martinet surface is smooth. Moreover, we address
the case of singular real-analytic Martinet surfaces and show
that the result holds true under an assumption of non-transversality
of the distribution on the singular set of the Martinet surface.
Our methods rely on the control of the divergence of vector
fields generating the trace of the distribution on the Martinet
surface and some techniques of resolution of singularities.
April 05, 2017
Elefterios Soultanis (IM PAN):
Energy minimizing maps and homotopy in Sobolev spaces
ABSTRACT: Solutions to a system of PDE's may be viewed as maps between manifolds (instead of real valued) minimizing an energy.
Adopting this viewpoint allows one to formulate existence of minimizers in much more generality, even when a PDE approach is not available.
I will focus on minimizing a p-energy among homotopy classes of maps between certain metric types of spaces.
In particular I will discuss the notion of homotopy in the (possibly discontinuous) case of Sobolev maps, and the proof of existence of a minimizer in this generality.
March 29, 2017
Katarzyna Karnas (CFT PAN):
Lie and Jorda algebras: dynamics of open systems
ABSTRACT: Effective dynamics of open systems can be described using an
anticommutator matrix differential equation. In this talk we present the
relations between Lie and Jordan algebras and give the conditions, for
which such an equation is reduced to a problem in the corresponding Jordan
algebra. The example model we study is an effective model of a three-level
atom interacting with an electric field.
March 22, 2017
Tomasz Cieślak (IM PAN):
Dynamics of multipeakons
ABSTRACT: Multipeakons are important and interesting class of
solutions to the Camassa-Holm equation. They correspond to
solitons, solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equations.
Multipeakons obey the system of Hamiltonian ODEs. However,
derivative of the Hamiltonian posseses discontinuity.
I will discuss several aspects related to the dynamics of multipeakons.
March 15, 2017
Jarosław Mederski (IM PAN):
Ground state and bound state solutions of nonlinear Schödinger equations
ABSTRACT: We look for nontrivial solitary wave solutions of nonlinear Schödinger equations.
Our problem is motivated by nonlinear optics and Bose-Einstein condensates.
For instance, in nonlinear optics, a nonlinearity is responsible for nonlinear polarization in a medium and by means of
the slowly varying envelope approximation we can study the (approximated) propagation of the electromagnetic field in the medium.
In this talk we present recent results and variational methods which allow to find ground and bound states of nonlinear Schödinger equations.
Moreover we discuss how to find the exact propagation of electromagnetic fields in nonlinear media.
March 08, 2017
Giovanni Moreno (IM PAN):
Geometry of hydrodynamic integrability
ABSTRACT: The name "hydrodynamic integrability" refers to a property which identifies a nontrivial class of (nonlinear) PDEs.
A PDE fulfills this property if it possesses "sufficiently many" hydrodynamic reductions.
Hydrodynamic reductions are special solutions which can be obtained in a formally analogous way as B. Riemann did in his classical paper
"The Propagation of Planar Air Waves of Finite Amplitude" (1860). Since that pioneering work, there has been a plethora of spin-offs,
where the method of hydrodynamic reductions has been studied, generalized and successfully used in many applications.
However, the geometry behind hydrodynamic integrability has been a mystery until 2010, when there appeared the back-to-back papers
"Integrable Equations of the Dispersionless Hirota type and Hypersurfaces in the Lagrangian Grassmannian" by E. Ferapontov et al. (IMRN, arXiv)
and "Integrable GL(2) geometry and hydrodynamic partial differential equations", by A. D. Smith (Comm. Anal. Geom., arXiv).
In this seminar I will review the milestones set by the aforementioned papers, framing them against an appropriate geometric background.
Even though I will not announce any new result, I will duly stress a conjecture formulated in Ferapontov paper, which is currently under study by A. D. Smith, G. Manno, J. Gutt and myself.
More details about the progress of our work will be given by J. Gutt in a forthcoming seminar within this series.
March 01, 2017
Aleksandra Borówka (Jagiellonian University, Cracow):
Projective geometry and quaternionic Feix-Kaledin
ABSTRACT: B. Feix and D. Kaledin independently showed that there exists a hyperkähler metric
on a neighbourhood of the zero section of the cotangent bundle of a real analytic Kähler
manifold. Moreover, they generalized this construction for hypercomplex manifolds,
where the hypercomplex structure is constructed on a neighbourhood of the zero section
of the tangent bundle of a complex manifold with a real analytic connection with curvature
of type (1,1).
In this talk we will discuss a generalization of this construction to quaternionic geometry.
Using twistor methods, starting from a 2n-manifold M equipped with a c-projective
structure with c-projective curvature of type (1,1) and a line bundle
L with a connection with curvature of type (1,1), we will construct a quaternionic structure on a neighbourhood
of the zero section of TM\otimes\mathcal{L}, where \mathcal{L} is some unitary line bundle obtained from
L. The obtained quaternionic manifolds abmit a compatible
S^1 action and we will prove that the quotient in the lowest dimensional case is an asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein-
Weyl space with a distingushed gauge. Finally, we will mention some further directions
concerning twisted Armstrong cones and Swann bundles.
The presented results are a joint work with D. Calderbank (University of Bath).
February 22, 2017
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
Punctured twisted cubic geometry
January 25, 2017
Maciej Nieszporski (University of Warsaw):
Integrable discretization of Bianchi surfaces
ABSTRACT: I will focus on example of Bianchi surfaces to explain what we
understand by integrable discretization of class of surfaces,
the class which is described by nonlinear integrable system
of differential equations.
January 18, 2017
Wojciech Domitrz (Warsaw University of Technology):
On local invariants of singular symplectic forms
ABSTRACT: We find a complete set of local invariants of singular
symplectic forms with the structurally stable Martinet hypersurface on a
$2n$-dimensional manifold. In the $\mathbb C$-analytic category this
set consists of the Martinet hypersurface $\Sigma _2$, the restriction
of the singular symplectic form $\omega$ to $T\Sigma_2$ and the kernel
of $\omega^{n-1}$ at the point $p\in \Sigma_2$. In the $\mathbb
R$-analytic and smooth categories this set contains one more invariant:
the canonical orientation of $\Sigma_2$. We find the conditions to
determine the kernel of $\omega^{n-1}$ at $p$ by the other invariants.
In dimension $4$ we find sufficient conditions to determine the
equivalence class of a singular symplectic form-germ with the
structurally smooth Martinet hypersurface by the Martinet hypersurface
and the restriction of the singular symplectic form to it.
We also study the singular symplectic forms with singular Martinet
hypersurfaces. We prove that the equivalence class of such singular
symplectic form-germ is determined by the Martinet hypersurface, the
canonical orientation of its regular part and the restriction of the
singular symplectic form to its regular part if the Martinet
hypersurface is a quasi-homogeneous hypersurface with an isolated
January 11, 2017
Gabriel Pietrzkowski (University of Warsaw):
Reduced path group as a subgroup of character (Lie) group of the shuffle Hopf algebra
ABSTRACT: I will recall the group of reduced path (in Chen-Humbly-Lyons sense) and its connection with the signature of the path.
Then I will discuss a recent article (2016) about a (infinite dimensional) Lie structure of a character group of a graded connected Hopf algebra.
Finally, I will show how the reduced path group is embeded in the character Lie group of the shuffle Hopf algebra and discuss some of its propoerties.
December 21, 2016
Witold Respondek (Normandie Universite, INSA de Rouen):
Flatness of minimal weight of multi-input control systems
ABSTRACT: We study flatness of multi-input control-affine systems. We give a geometric characterization of systems that become static feedback linearizable after an invertible one-fold prolongation of a suitably chosen control. They form a particular class of flat systems. Namely, they are of differential weight $ n + m+1$, where $n$ is the dimension of the state-space and $m$ is the number of controls.
Using the notion of Ellie Cartan, they are absolutely equivalent to a trivial system under 1-dimensional prolongation.
We propose conditions (verifiable by differentiation and algebraic operations) describing that class and provide a system of PDE's giving all minimal flat outputs.
The talk is based on a joint work with Florentina Nicolau.
December 14, 2016
Dariusz Pazderski (Poznań University of Technology):
Control of nonholonomic systems in robotics using transverse function method
ABSTRACT: We will present selected nonholonomic systems appearing in the theory of mobile robots
and their control using transverse function method.
Appearance of nonholonomic constraints reduces the kinematic freedom in the configuration space
so that the number of free for moving dimensions (number of controls) is smaller then the number of
configuration variables, even if all configurations are reachable.
The transverse function method proposed by Morin and Samson, to be presented at the seminar,
anables one to move, approximately, in the forbiden directions. For general systems on Lie groups
it proposes a method of control which moves the system, approximately, in the direction of Lie brackets
of the vector fields of the system. The method can be interpreted as decoupling control using smooth dynamic fedback.
December 07, 2016
Vincent Grandjean (IM PAN):
Geodesic on singular space: On the exponential map at a singular
ABSTRACT: A classical feature of any Riemannian manifold M is that each point admits
a neighbourhood over which exists polar-like coordinates, namely normal coordinates.
Assuming given a subset X of M which is not submanifold, we can nevertheless
equip its smooth part with the restriction of the ambient Riemmannian structure and try to understand the
behaviour of geodesics nearby any non smooth point. The most expected occurrence of
such situation is when M is an affine or projective space (real or complex) and X
is an affine or projective variety with non-empty singular locus.
In a joint work with D. Grieser (Univ. Oldenburg, Germany) we discuss
the problem of an exponential-like map at the singular point of a
class of isolated surface singularities of an Euclidean space, called cuspidal surface.
I will state the trichotomy of this class of surface regarding the existence and the injectivity
of an exponential-like mapping at the singular point of this class of surface...
and explain a bit if times allows.
November 30, 2016
Andrey Krutov (IM PAN):
Deformation of nonlocal structure over partial differential
ABSTRACT: Various important structure over integrable partial
differential equation, such that Lax pair, Lie algebra-valued
zero-curvature representations and Gardner's deformations, can be view
in the set-up of system of nonlocal variables (or differential
coverings). We will discuss interrelations of these structure on example
of the Korteweg-de Vries equation.
November 23, 2016
Michał Jóźwikowski (IM PAN):
Sub-Riemannian extremals via homotopy
ABSTRACT: In the talk I will formulate geometric characterization of extremals for the sub-Riemannian geodesic problem.
The conditions we get are equivalent to the ones derived by means of the Pontryagin Maximum Principle, yet the derivation is much simpler.
The idea is based on a natural concept of homotopy between sub-Riemannian trajectories. If time allows I will speak about second-order optimality conditions.
November 16, 2016
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
Conformal classes with linear Fefferman-Graham equations
November 09, 2016
Ben Warhurst (University of Warsaw):
sub-Laplacians continued
ABSTRACT: In previous talks we discussed mean value type properties
implying sub-Laplacian-harmonicity. In this talk we consider the converse.
October 26, 2016
Jarosław Buczyński (University of Warsaw):
Complex projective contact 7-folds
ABSTRACT: I will report on recent progress in classification of complex contact manifolds focusing on the case of dimension 7. This is related to the classification of 12-dimensional quaternion-Kaehler manifolds.
The tools we use include representation theory and actions of (complex) reductive groups, minimal rational curves, symplectic geometry.
This is a joint work with Jarosław Wiśniewski.
October 19, 2016
Alberto Bressan (Penn State University):
PDE models of controlled growth
ABSTRACT: Living tissues, such as stems, leaves and flowers in plants and bones in animals, grow into a great
variety of shapes. In some cases, Nature has found ways to control this growth with remarkable accuracy.
In this talk I shall discuss some free boundary problems modeling controlled growth, namely
(I) Growth of 1-dimensional curves in R^3 (plant stems), where stabilization
in the vertical direction is achieved by a feedback response to gravity.
The presence of obstacles (rocks, branches of other plants) yields additional unilateral constraints.
In this case, the evolution can be modeled by a differential inclusion in an infinite dimensional space.
(II) Growth of 2- or 3-dimensional domains, controlled by the concentration of a morphogen,
coupled with the minimization of an elastic deformation energy.
Some very recent existence, uniqueness, and stability results will be presented, together
with numerical simulations. Several research directions will be discussed.
October 12, 2016
Wojciech Kryński (IM PAN):
Integrable GL(2)-structures
ABSTRACT: A GL(2)-structure is a natural generalisation of a conformal metric on a manifold.
The talk is based on our recent results with T. Mettler and on a paper by B. Kruglikov and E. Ferapontov (arxiv:1607.01966).
We shall present connections between the GL(2)-structures, complex geometry and integrable systems.
October 05, 2016
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
Gravitational waves: how the green light was given to their search
ABSTRACT: The recent detections of gravitational waves are impressive achievements
of experimental physics and another success of the theory of General Relativity.
The detections confirm the existence of black holes, show that they may collide
and that during the merging process gravitational waves are produced.
The existence of gravitational waves was predicted by Albert Einstein in 1916 after
linearizing his equations. However, later he changed his mind finding arguments
against the existence of nonlinear gravitational waves, which virtually stopped
development of the subject until the mid 1950s.
The theme was picked up again and studied vigorously by
various experts, mainly Herman Bondi, Felix Pirani, Ivor Robinson and Andrzej
Trautman, where the theoretical obstacles concerning gravitational wave existence
were successfully overcome, thus giving the Green Light for experimentalists to
start designing detectors, culminating in the recent LIGO/VIRGO discovery.
We will tell the story of this theoretical breakthrough.
June 01, 2016
Ben Warhurst (University of Warsaw):
Sub-Laplacians on Carnot groups (continued)
ABSTRACT: This talk will continue to discuss some elementary aspects of harmonic
analysis and sub-elliptic pde on Carnot groups.
May 25, 2016
Alina Dobrogowska (University of Białystok):
Multiparameter bi-Hamiltonian structures and related integrable
ABSTRACT: I will present the construction of families of Lie--Poisson
brackets depending on finite or infinite number of parameters and
investigate when those brackets are compatible. In this way I will
obtain classes of bi-Hamiltonian systems which can be in a natural way
interpreted as a deformation of systems known before in rigid body
mechanics or continuum mechanics. One of the interesting problems is to
find the answer to the questions if these systems are integrable, what
is the Lax form of describing equations and how they behave when we
contract some parameters.
May 18, 2016
Piotr Mormul (University of Warsaw):
Chitour-Jean-Long desingularization
compared with the Bellaiche (inachieved) one
ABSTRACT: Bellaiche was making his desingularization on the nilpotent
approximations' level, but settled for a homogeneous space
[of a Lie group] of reasonable dimension. Chitour-Jean-Long
have been making their desingularization purely Lie-algebraically,
in enormously many dimensions, with mainly applications to the
Motion Planning Problem in view. Now their construction is
being used by Hakavuori & Le Donne in their tackling of
isolated corners in the SR geometry.
In the talk some key points in both these approaches
will be indicated and discussed.
May 11, 2016
Wojciech Kryński (IM PAN):
On "Non-minimality of corners in subriemannian geometry" by E. Hakavuori and E. Le Donne
ABSTRACT: We will discuss a recent paper by Hakavuori and Le Donne on a long-standing problem of regurality of sub-Riemannian geodesics.
We will concentrate on a reduction procedure of the general case to the problem on the Carnot groups.
Next lecture on this topic will be given by P. Mormul (University of Warsaw) on May 18th.
May 04, 2016
Evgeny Ferapontov (Loughborough University):
On the integrability in Grassmann geometries: integrable systems associated with fourfolds in Gr(3, 5)
ABSTRACT: I will discuss a class of dispersionless integrable systems in 3D associated with fourfolds in the Grassmannian Gr(3, 5), revealing a remarkable correspondence with Einstein-Weyl geometry and the theory of $GL(2, R)$ structures. Generalisations to higher dimensions will also be discussed.
The talk is based on joint work with B Doubrov, B Kruglikov and V Novikov.
April 27, 2016
Piotr Polak (University of Szczecin):
On asymptotic growth of solutions of delay differential equations of neutral type
ABSTRACT: Consider some class of delay differential equations of neutral type and study asymptotic behaviour of its solutions. The main approach is to interpret delay equations as linear ordinary differential equations in a Hilbert space setting. There will be presented some growth estimations of the norm of the corresponding semigroup of operators and of individual solutions. Moreover the notion of polynomial stability will be presented and some criterion of polynomial stability of neutral systems will be derived in terms of location of the spectrum of the semigroup generator. As an application a control problem will be also considered, that is the asymptotic behaviour of diameters of reachable sets is shown.
April 20, 2016
Ben Warhurst (University of Warsaw):
Sub-Laplacians on Carnot groups
ABSTRACT: This talk will discuss some elementary aspects of harmonic
analysis and sub-elliptic pde on Carnot groups.
April 13, 2016
Krzysztof Szczygielski (University of Gdańsk):
Completely positive evolutions of periodically controlled open quantum systems
ABSTRACT: The basic model of open quantum system with time-periodic Hamiltonian will be presented. The general structure of appropriate quantum dynamical map and master equation derived in the Markovian regime and based on the Floquet theory will be shown. Finally, some examples of open systems with external periodic driving will be given, including the recently developed theory of Markovian Dynamical Decoupling.
April 06, 2016
Wojciech Kryński (IM PAN):
GL(2,R)-structures and complex geometry
ABSTRACT: We consider a GL(2,R)-structure on a manifold M of even dimension and present a construction of a canonical almost-complex structure on a bundle over M. The integrability of the almost-complex structure is characterised in terms of the torsion of a connection on M. We present some applications of the construction to the geometry of GL(2,R)-structures and the associated twistor spaces. This is a report on a joint work with Thomas Mettler.
March 30, 2016
Michał Jóźwikowski (IM PAN):
Local optimality of normal sub-Riemannian extremals
ABSTRACT: It is well-known that normal extremals in sub-Riemannian geometry are curves which locally minimize the energy functional. However, the known proofs of this fact are computational and the relation of the local optimality with the geometry of the problem remains unclear. In the talk I will provide a new proof of this result, which gives insight into the geometric reasons of local optimality. Also the the relation of the regularity of normal extremals with their optimality become apparent in our approach. The talk is based on a joint work with professor Witold Respondek.
March 16, 2016
Gabriel Pietrzkowski (University of Warsaw):
On controllability of the bilinear Schrödinger equation
ABSTRACT: I will discuss most important results from the articles:
U Boscain, M Caponigro, T Chambrion, M Sigalotti, "A Weak Spectral Condition for the Controllability of the Bilinear Schrödinger Equation with Application to the Control of a Rotating Planar Molecule",
T Chambrion, P Mason, M Sigalotti, U Boscain, "Controllability of the discrete-spectrum Schrödinger equation driven by an external field".
March 09, 2016
Michał Zwierzyński (Warsaw University of Technology):
The improved isoperimetric inequality and the Wigner caustic of planar
ABSTRACT: The classical isoperimetric inequality in the Euclidean plane
$\mathbb{R}^2$ states that for a simple closed curve $M$ of the length
$L$, enclosing a region of the area $A$, one gets $L^2\geqslant 4\pi A$
and the equality holds if and only if $M$ is a circle.
We will show that if $M$ is an oval, then $L^2\geqslant 4\pi A+8\pi
|A_{0.5}|$, where $A_{0.5}$ is an oriented area of the Wigner caustic of
$M$, and the equality holds if and only if $M$ is a curve of constant
March 02, 2016
Gabriel Pietrzkowski (University of Warsaw):
On the adjoint of the Eulerian idempotent in application to control systems
February 24, 2016
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
Czym są fale grawitacyjne
ABSTRACT: Wykład będzie okazją do dyskusji o ogłoszonym przed tygodniem
wydarzeniu pierwszej rejestracji fal grawitacyjnych spowodowanym
zderzeniem dwu czarnych dziur a także o wcześniejszych wynikach
teoretycznych na ten temat.
January 20, 2016
Jan Gutt (CFT PAN):
Cyber-snakes and curvature
ABSTRACT: The configuration space of a simple 3-segment snake-like robot carries a
natural structure of a principal bundle with non-integrable connection. I
will explain its origin, and its application to basic problems of control
(after M. Ishikawa). Volunteers get a hands-on experience driving a
virtual model of the robot. This will be an entertainment-oriented talk,
accessible to undergraduates.
January 13, 2016
Katarzyna Karnas (CFT PAN):
Tannakian approach to differential Galois theory and (non)integrable systems
ABSTRACT: I will present a short introduction to the Tannaka theory of
tensor categories, which turns out to be useful in computing a
differential Galois group of the equations describing a Hamiltonian
quantum system. This knowledge allows us to prove (non)integrability of
the system.
December 16, 2015
Ben Warhurst (University of Warsaw):
Prime ends in the Heisenberg group H_1
ABSTRACT: A joint work with Tomasz Adamowicz.
December 09, 2015
Andryi Panasyuk (UWM, Olsztyn):
Veronese webs and nonlinear PDEs
ABSTRACT: It is known that a geometric structure of a Veronese web is described by the Hirota dispersionless nonlinear equation. Seen as Lorentzian hyper-CR Einstein?Weyl space the same structure is given by the so-called hyper-CR equation. In this talk we propose a simple geometric procedure of generating different nonlinear PDEs describing Veronese webs and interpolating between two equations mentioned. Bäcklund transformations between different types will be also discussed.
A joint work with Boris Kruglikov.
December 02, 2015
Marek Grochowski (UKSW, Warsaw):
Local invariants for Riemannian metrics on Martinet distributions
November 25, 2015
Ben Warhurst (University of Warsaw):
3-Dimensional Left-Invariant Sub-Lorentzian Contact Structures
ABSTRACT: I will discuss a classification of "ts-invariant" sub-Lorentzian
structures on 3 dimensional contact Lie groups.
The approach is based on invariants arising form the construction of a
normal Cartan connection and the
classification of 3 dimensional Lie groups due to Snobl and Winternitz.
(Joint work with Alexandr Medvedev and Marek Grochowski.)
November 18, 2015
Jan Gutt (CFT PAN):
A gentle introduction to the BGG resolution (part II)
ABSTRACT: The BGG resolution, introduced in a seminal paper by
Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand, and generalised by Lepowsky, is an important
device in the representation theory of semi-simple Lie algebras. Its
differential-geometric interpretation provides a supply of invariant
differential operators between certain natural vector bundles on
generalised flag manifolds. The work of Baston and
\v{C}ap-Slov\'ak-Sou\v{c}ek leads to analogues of these operators for
parabolic Cartan geometries, with a very direct construction due to
Calderbank-Diemer. I will give an example-based introduction to these
November 04, 2015
Jan Gutt (CFT PAN):
A gentle introduction to the BGG resolution
ABSTRACT: The BGG resolution, introduced in a seminal paper by
Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand, and generalised by Lepowsky, is an important
device in the representation theory of semi-simple Lie algebras. Its
differential-geometric interpretation provides a supply of invariant
differential operators between certain natural vector bundles on
generalised flag manifolds. The work of Baston and
\v{C}ap-Slov\'ak-Sou\v{c}ek leads to analogues of these operators for
parabolic Cartan geometries, with a very direct construction due to
Calderbank-Diemer. I will give an example-based introduction to these
October 28, 2015
Piotr Mormul (University of Warsaw):
In search of a workable algorithm for computing the nilpotent
approximation of a completely nonholonomic distribution germ
ABSTRACT: It was Gianna Stefani who first started to look for something
simpler than canonical exponential coordinates of the 1st or
2nd kind - in her Bierutowice 1984 talk. Then she used that
to locally simplify the control systems linear in controls
- to define a prototype of the nilpotent approximation
(NA in short) of the initial system.
Agrachev & Sarychev joined in in 1987, Hermes & Kawski in 1991,
Risler in 1992, Bellaiche in 1996. That last contibutor proposed
an algorithm, of improving a given set of local coordinates
to privileged (or: adapted) ones, that was purely polynomial,
avoiding any exponentiation. In short (perhaps too short)
Bellaiche successfully debugged Stefani's original approach
of 1984. A little polished version of his procedure will be
reproduced during the talk.
The second part is aimed at showing that the Bellaiche proposal
is hardly a fully blown algorithm as in the title above. Since
it is general, it is also cumbersome and - potentially - extremely
memory-thirsty. It also leads sometimes to illisible visualisations
of NA's. (A given NA has, as a rule, a plethora of various
In concrete classes of distributions dynamic modifications
of `polynomial Bellaiche' are needed that would lead to much
simpler visualisations. This is particularly important in
the SR geometry when one reduces a local minimization problem
to a simpler one showing up in the NA of an SR structure.
Two instances of such `much simpler' visualisations will
be given.
October 21, 2015
Giovanni Moreno (IM PAN):
Hyperplane sections of the meta-symplectic Grassmannian L(2,5) and 3rd order Monge-Ampere equations (part II)
ABSTRACT: In this second part, I will provide a solid mathematical foundation to the statement that "the simplest nonlinear PDEs of order three (in two independent variables) are of Monge-Ampere type". Basically, I will mimic all the steps, explained in the first part, which allowed to "reconstruct" a classical (non-elliptic) Monge-Ampere equation out of its characteristics. As it will turn out, everything goes rather smoothly, except for the definition of the "third-order analog" of the Lagrangian Grassmannian, which I denote by L(2,5) and refer to as the "meta-symplectic Grassmannian". I will explain in detail how to define the four-dimensional space L(2,5), how to frame it in the jet-theoretic framework for nonlinear PDEs, and how to recognize in its hyperplane sections the natural third-order analogues of the Monge-Ampere equations. Finally, I will show how such a perspective on third-order Monge-Ampere equations can help in solving equivalence problems and in finding exact solutions.
October 14, 2015
Giovanni Moreno (IM PAN):
Hyperplane sections of the meta-symplectic Grassmannian L(2,5) and 3rd order Monge-Ampere equations (part I)
ABSTRACT: Multidimensional Monge-Ampere equations are, in a sense, the simplest nonlinear PDEs of order two, and to explain this point of view, I will briefly outline the ideas and the results contained in the paper "Contact geometry of multidimensional Monge-Ampere equations: characteristics, intermediate integrals and solutions" by D. Alekseevsky et al. (Ann. Inst. Fourier, 2012). In particular, I will stress the role of characteristics in the description of these equations: a characteristic is a direction in the manifold of independent variables along which the Cauchy-Kowalevskaya theorem fails in uniqueness, and for (non-elliptic, two-dimensional) Monge-Ampere equations, the knowledge of all the characteristics corresponds to the knowledge of the equation itself. This easy feature, which is usually overlooked, plays a key role here, and it can properly formulated in terms of the geometry of the three-dimensional Lagrangian (or "symplectic") Grassmannian L(2,4).
May 27, 2015
Jan Gutt (CFT PAN):
Classifying homogeneous models of certain parabolic geometries via
deformations of filtered Lie algebras (part II)
ABSTRACT: I will present a deformation-theoretic approach to the problem of
classifying multiply-transitive homogeneous models of parabolic geometries
determined by distributions (equivalently, of strongly regular
distributions whose symbol Tanaka-prolongs to a semisimple Lie algebra),
developed recently in collaboration with Ian Anderson.
(2,3,5)-distributions will serve as a toy example: we'll reproduce the
models from Cartan's 1910 paper, as well as the Doubrov-Govorov one.
May 20, 2015
Jan Gutt (CFT PAN):
Classifying homogeneous models of certain parabolic geometries via
deformations of filtered Lie algebras
ABSTRACT: I will present a deformation-theoretic approach to the problem of
classifying multiply-transitive homogeneous models of parabolic geometries
determined by distributions (equivalently, of strongly regular
distributions whose symbol Tanaka-prolongs to a semisimple Lie algebra),
developed recently in collaboration with Ian Anderson.
(2,3,5)-distributions will serve as a toy example: we'll reproduce the
models from Cartan's 1910 paper, as well as the Doubrov-Govorov one.
May 06, 2015
Michał Jóźwikowski (University of Warsaw):
Covariant aproach to the Pontryagin Maximum Principle
ABSTRACT: In the talk I will present an interpretation of the Pontryagin Maximum Principle in the language of contact (instead of symplectic) geometry.
I will show its applications to the study of abnormal geodesics in subriemannian geometry. The talk is based on a joint work with prof. Witold Respondek.
April 22, 2015
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
From newtonian to relativistic cosmology (part II)
April 16, 2015
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
From newtonian to relativistic cosmology
April 01, 2015
Wojciech Kryński (IM PAN):
Invariants of sub-Lorentzian structures on contact manifolds
ABSTRACT: We consider local geometry of sub-pseudo-Riemannian (in particular sub-Riemannian and sub-Lorentzian) structures on contact manifolds.
We construct fundamental invariants of the structures and show that the structures give rise to Einstein-Weyl geometries in dimension 3, provided that certain additional conditions are satisfied.
March 25, 2015
Mikołaj Rotkiewicz (University of Warsaw):
Bundle-theoretic methods for higher-order variational calculus
ABSTRACT: I will present a geometric interpretation of the integration-by-parts formula. This will lead us to some geometrical constructions (a bundle of higher semiholonomic velocities) and canonical vector bundle morphisms used in our geometrical definition of force and momentum maps.
Based on a joint paper with Michał Jóźwikowski.
March 18, 2015
Paweł Goldstein (University of Warsaw):
Uhlenbeck-Riviere decomposition
ABSTRACT: The theory of elliptic systems with critical growth, i.e. such that the nonlinearity is a priori only in L^1, has been one of the most active areas in elliptic PDE's in the past 20 years.Examples of such systems include systems describing harmonic mappings between manifolds, surfaces with prescribed mean curvature and their higher-dimensional generalizations. Uhlenbeck-Riviere decomposition of antysymmetric matrices of differential forms, originating in the theory of Yang-Mills field theory and adapted to the more general PDE setting by Riviere is one of the most useful tools in that field.
March 11, 2015
Katarzyna Karnas (CFT PAN):
Approximate methods of solving a system of first order ODEs in
Jordan algebras
ABSTRACT: The Wei-Norman algorithm used for solving a system of
nonlinear time-varying ODEs bases on the Magnus expansion and Lie groups
and Lie algebras properties. In this talk it will be presented, whether
the analogous method may be formulated for Jordan algebras. At the end I
will present some physical applications, for instance the Jordan-GNS
March 04, 2015
Oleg Morozov (AGH, Cracow):
Lie Pseudo-Groups and Geometry of Differential Equations
ABSTRACT: The talk will discuss applications of Cartan's equivalence
method to geometry of differential equations. Examples will describe
the approach to the problems of finding zero-curvature
representations, recursion operators and B\"acklund transformations
for multi-dimensional PDEs based on Cartan's theory of Lie
February 25, 2015
Van Luong Nguyen (IM PAN):
Minimum time function for normal linear control systems
ABSTRACT: Consider the minimum time optimal control problem for the linear system x'=Ax+bu
with A and b satisfying the Kalman rank condition where for simplicity the control is assumed to be single-input, with u\in[-1,1]. Results stating
(i) the minimum time function T to reach the origi is Holder with exponent 1/N in the reachable
set (which contains a neighborhood of 0);
(ii) the optimal control is unique, bang-bang with an upper bound on the number of switchings;
(iii) the reachable sets at every time are strictly convex;
are classical from the early stages of control theory. Simple examples show
that T is never everywhere differentiable, and even Lipschitz, in any neighborhood of the origin.
The talk will be devoted to describing the following results
(1) T is differentiable in an open set with full measure;
(2) more precisely, T is analytic out of a closed set C which is countable union of Lipschitz
graphs of N-1 variables;
(3) some information on the exceptional set C can also be provided: in particular, the set where
T is not Lipschitz is fully described.
Methods of nonsmooth analysis and of geometric measure theory are used.
January 21, 2015
Piotr Mormul (University of Warsaw):
Tangential (that is: entirely critical) corner points
in the GMT do not locally minimize the SR distance
ABSTRACT: Goursat Monster Tower seems to be an ideal environment
for the search of possible non-smooth local SR minimizers.
It features, from level 3 on, singular (critical) submanifolds
of various codimensions, foliated by - smooth - abnormal
curves of the Goursat field of planes living in a given
level of the tower. At any moment one can spring out from
such submanifold along a vertical curve, smooth again,
retaining the abnormality of the concatenated curve.
The jump point is an isolated corner on such an extremal.
When it is tangential (or: entirely critical in the
Montgomery-Zhitomirskii terminology), then the extremal,
in the vicinity of that corner, is not an SR geodesic.
This extends to all levels in the GMT a 1997 observation
made in the level 3, when the corner point has been of
the Giaro-Kumpera-Ruiz (1978) original type.
January 14, 2015
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
O osobliwym ukladzie Pfaffa w wymiarze 6 (część 2)
December 17, 2014
Wojciech Kryński (IM PAN):
Sub-Lorenzian structures and Einstein-Weyl geometry on the Heisenberg group
ABSTRACT: We show that sub-Lorenzian structures of special type on the Heisenberg group can be extended to Einstein-Weyl structures.
December 10, 2014
Jan Gutt (CFT PAN):
Wei-Norman equations for classical groups via cominuscule induction
December 3, 2014
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
O osobliwym ukladzie Pfaffa w wymiarze 6
November 26, 2014
Andriy Panasyuk (UWM, Olsztyn):
On geometry of Nijenhuis (1,1)-tensors
ABSTRACT: In this talk I shall recall classical results of several authors generalizing the Newlander-Nierenberg theorem on integrability of complex structures to (1,1)-tensors with a more general Jordan decomposition. Also, I shall discuss some relations of these results to an approach of P. Nagy to canonical connections of 3-webs.
November 19, 2014
Jan Gutt (CFT PAN):
The formal path groupoid after M. Kapranov (part II)
ABSTRACT: In "Free Lie algebroids and the space of paths" M. Kapranov has introduced a formal algebraic model for the groupoid of paths on a manifold. The construction is related to K.T. Chen's iterated integrals and leads to an interesting interpretation of certain notions of differential geometry. I shall review the article in the context of G. Pietrzkowski's recent talks.
November 12, 2014
Jan Gutt (CFT PAN):
The formal path groupoid after M. Kapranov
ABSTRACT: In "Free Lie algebroids and the space of paths" M. Kapranov has introduced a formal algebraic model for the groupoid of paths on a manifold. The construction is related to K.T. Chen's iterated integrals and leads to an interesting interpretation of certain notions of differential geometry. I shall review the article in the context of G. Pietrzkowski's recent talks.
November 05, 2014
Gabriel Pietrzkowski (IM PAN):
Introduction to signature of a path (following T. Lyons) (part II)
ABSTRACT: An absolutely continuous path in R^n space can be represented as an element of the tensor algebra generated by R^n (equivalently, by a formal power series of n noncommuting variables). There is a remarkable subgroup of this tensor algebra, which has universal properties. We will discuss some of the problems concerning these topics considered by T. Lyons and coworkers, in particular recent results published in Ann. of Math.
October 29, 2014
Gabriel Pietrzkowski (IM PAN):
Introduction to signature of a path: representing paths by power series of noncommuting variables
(following T. Lyons)
ABSTRACT: An absolutely continuous path in R^n space can be represented as an element of the tensor algebra generated by R^n (equivalently, by a formal power series of n noncommuting variables). There is a remarkable subgroup of this tensor algebra, which has universal properties. We will discuss some of the problems concerning these topics considered by T. Lyons and coworkers, in particular recent results published in Ann. of Math.
October 22, 2014
Maciej Dunajski (University of Cambridge):
How to recognise a conformally Einstein metric
ABSTRACT: I shall discuss the necessary and sufficient conditions for a Riemannian four-dimensional manifold (M,g) with anti-self-dual Weyl tensor to be locally conformal to a Ricci--flat manifold. These conditions are expressed as the vanishing of scalar and tensor conformal invariants. The invariants obstruct the existence of parallel sections of a certain connection on a complex rank-four vector bundle over M. They provide a natural generalisation of the Bach tensor which vanishes identically for anti-self-dual conformal structures. This is joint work with Paul Tod.
October 15, 2014
Bronisław Jakubczyk (IM PAN):
A universal Lie group and its applications
ABSTRACT: We will introduce an interesting group having all features of a Lie group (topology, differential structure) which can also be called a noncommutative vector space. It has several universal properties: all finite dimensional manifolds, Lie groups, symplectic manifolds can be constructed as homogeneous manifolds of this group. A realization problem in control theory will be solved using this group.
October 08, 2014
Ben Warhurst (University of Warsaw):
Introduction to affine dimension
ABSTRACT: This talk will introduce the affine dimension of a set in Euclidean space.
It is a quantity similar to Hausdorff dimension which arises
in the theory of convolution operators.
May 28, 2014
Tomasz Adamowicz (IM PAN):
The Hadamard three-circles theorem and its generalizations
ABSTRACT: We will discuss the classical convexity result for planar subharmonic functions and its generalizations to the setting of elliptic PDEs and systems of PDEs in Euclidean domains.
May 21, 2014
Bronisław Jakubczyk (IM PAN):
A nonlinear local mapping theorem
ABSTRACT: A well known Lusternik theorem says that if X,Y are Banach spaces, $W\subset X$ and $F:W\to Y$ is a C^1 map such that its derivative dF(x_0) is submersive at an interior point $x_0\in int(W)$, then $F(0)\in int(F(W)).
We will extend this theorem to the cases where:
(a) x_0 is a boundary point of W;
(b) dF(x_0) is not submersive.
In case (b) we will assume F of class C^2 and use an additional condition on the Hessian of F.
May 14, 2014
Wojciech Kryński (IM PAN):
Webs and Plebanski equation
ABSTRACT: We exploit a correspondence between Kronecker webs and hyper-Hermitian metrics in split signature to derive Plebanski heavenly equation.
May 7, 2014
Michael Cowling (UNSW, Sydney):
Conformal and quasiconformal maps of Carnot groups
ABSTRACT: A Carnot group $G$ is a nilpotent Lie group with a geometric structure; these arise in modelling sub-elliptic operators, nonholonomic systems, and sub-Riemannian geometry. A coordinate change, that is, a bijective map $\phi: \Omega \to G$, where $\Omega$ is an open subset of $G$, may be described geometrically as contact, quasiconformal or conformal. We show that conformal mappings are affine, except in a few special cases, and that if the group $G$ is rigid, that is, the space of contact mappings is finite-dimensional, then so are quasiconformal maps. This is joint work with Alessandro Ottazzi.
April 30, 2014
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
Hunting for a G_2 snake
April 16, 2014
Marek Grochowski (UKSW, Warsaw):
Struktura zbiorów osiągalnych i postacie normalne
dla wybranych klas struktur sublorentzowskich (część II)
April 09, 2014
Marek Grochowski (UKSW, Warsaw):
Struktura zbiorów osiągalnych i postacie normalne
dla wybranych klas struktur sublorentzowskich
April 02, 2014
Jan Gutt (CFT PAN):
Contact parabolic geometries with examples
March 26, 2014
Katja Sagerschnig (ASU, Canberra):
Reductions of SO(4,3) contact geometries
March 19, 2014
Wojciech Kryński (IM PAN):
O nierównościach izoperymetrycznych
March 12, 2014
Marek Grochowski (UKSW, Warsaw):
Optimal synthesis on step 2, corank 2 nilpotent sub-Riemannian manifolds
ABSTRACT: First I will present a construction of normal forms for general sub-Riemannian metrics. Using these normal forms I will describe nilpotent approximation for step 2, corank 2 metrics. In this latter case I will compute the cut locus and prove that (in general) it does not coincide with the first conjugate locus.
March 05, 2014
Przemysław Zieliński (Łódź):
Rozwiązalność równań semi-liniowych w przestrzeniach Hilberta
February 26, 2014
Andrew Bruce (IM PAN):
A first look at N-manifolds
ABSTRACT: In this talk I will introduce the concept of an N-manifold as refinement of the notion of a supermanifold in which the structure sheaf carries an additional grading, called weight, that takes values in the natural numbers. I will provide several motivating examples which largely come for the theory of jets, before discussing some generalities.
February 19, 2014
Gabriel Pietrzkowski (University of Warsaw):
O algebrach Rota-Baxtera: od równań różniczkowych do wielomianów symetrycznych i q-tożsamości Eulera
January 29, 2014
Tomasz Adamowicz (IM PAN):
Analysis on metric measure spaces (part II)
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this talk is to give a brief introduction to the first order Calculus on metric measure spaces.
We discuss various approaches to define gradients and metric counterparts of Sobolev spaces. In particular, Hajłasz and Newtonian spaces will be presented and their connections to PDEs on metric measure spaces will be mentioned as well.
January 22, 2014
Tomasz Adamowicz (IM PAN):
Analysis on metric measure spaces
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this talk is to give a brief introduction to the first order Calculus on metric measure spaces.
We discuss various approaches to define gradients and metric counterparts of Sobolev spaces. In particular, Hajłasz and Newtonian spaces will be presented and their connections to PDEs on metric measure spaces will be mentioned as well.
December 18, 2013
Witold Respondek (INSA, Rouen):
Minimalna linearyzacja dynamiczna i subdystrybucje inwolutywne
December 18, 2013
Jan Gutt (CFT PAN):
Ice skating on a curved rink and geometry of type x--x
December 11, 2013
Paweł Nurowski (CFT PAN):
3-wymiarowe struktury paraCR (równanie różniczkowe 2-go rzędu
modulo transformacje punktowe)
December 04, 2013
Ben Warhurst (University of Warsaw):
Conformal symmetry of the sub-Lorentzian Heisenberg group
November 27, 2013
Marek Grochowski (IM PAN):
Invariants for contact sub-Lorentzian structures
on 3-dimensional manifolds
November 20, 2013
Alexander Zuyev (University of Doneck):
Stabilization of non-holonomic systems using fast oscillatig controls
November 13, 2013
Jan Gutt (CFT PAN):
Conformal and projective structures as examples of parabolic Cartan geometries (part III)
ABSTRACT: I will give an overview of Cartan's approach to the study of conformal and projective structures on
manifolds, and its extensions due to Kobayashi and Ochiai. The main motivation is to provide a gentle introduction to
the recent theory of parabolic geometries (Cap, Slovak et al.).
November 06, 2013
Jan Gutt (CFT PAN):
Conformal and projective structures as examples of parabolic Cartan geometries (part II)
ABSTRACT: I will give an overview of Cartan's approach to the study of conformal and projective structures on
manifolds, and its extensions due to Kobayashi and Ochiai. The main motivation is to provide a gentle introduction to
the recent theory of parabolic geometries (Cap, Slovak et al.).
October 30, 2013
Jan Gutt (CFT PAN):
Conformal and projective structures as examples of parabolic Cartan geometries
ABSTRACT: I will give an overview of Cartan's approach to the study of conformal and projective structures on
manifolds, and its extensions due to Kobayashi and Ochiai. The main motivation is to provide a gentle introduction to
the recent theory of parabolic geometries (Cap, Slovak et al.).
October 23, 2013
Maciej Bochenski (UWM, Olsztyn):
Konstrukcja k-symetrycznych rozmaitości symplektycznych
ABSTRACT: W czasie seminarium postaram się przybliyć metodę konstrukcji
symplektycznych przestrzeni k-symetrycznych typu niezwartego. W przypadku
zwartym struktura symplektyczna jest indukowana poprzez niezmienniczą
formą kaehlerowską, ktrej istnienie - przy grupie izotropii o
nietrywialnym centrum - udowodnił A. Borel w latach 50' ubiegłego
stulecia. Poprzez odpowiednią dualność między zwartymi i
niezwartymi przestrzeniami k-symetrycznymi, pokażę jak uzyskać
analogiczny rezultat dla form symplektycznych na niezwartej przestrzeni
October 16, 2013
Andriy Panasyuk (UWM, Olsztyn):
Osobliwosci ukladow bihamiltonowskich (wg. A. Bolsinova i A. Izosimova) (cz. II)
ABSTRACT: Rozwijana przez wspomnianych autorow teoria jest spektakularnym zastosowaniem struktur bihamiltonowskich (czyli par zgodnych struktur Poissona) do jakosciowej analizy ukladow calkowalnych w sensie Liouville'a. W pierwszym z dwoch wykladow postaram sie przedstawic zarys teorii osobliwosci ukladow calkowalnych, ktora zawiera m.in. kwestie polozen rownowagi, stabilnosci, i t.p. W drugim opowiem o tym, jak przeklada sie na te kwestie
(w istocie algebraiczna) teoria osobliwosci struktur bihamiltonowskich.
October 9, 2013
Andriy Panasyuk (UWM, Olsztyn):
Osobliwosci ukladow bihamiltonowskich (wg. A. Bolsinova i A. Izosimova)
ABSTRACT: Rozwijana przez wspomnianych autorow teoria jest spektakularnym zastosowaniem struktur bihamiltonowskich (czyli par zgodnych struktur Poissona) do jakosciowej analizy ukladow calkowalnych w sensie Liouville'a. W pierwszym z dwoch wykladow postaram sie przedstawic zarys teorii osobliwosci ukladow calkowalnych, ktora zawiera m.in. kwestie polozen rownowagi, stabilnosci, i t.p. W drugim opowiem o tym, jak przeklada sie na te kwestie
(w istocie algebraiczna) teoria osobliwosci struktur bihamiltonowskich.
October 2, 2013
Wojciech Kryński (IM PAN):
Differential equations and totally geodesic manifolds
ABSTRACT: We construct point invariants of ordinary differential equations and generalise Cartan's invariants in the case of order two and three. If the invariants vanish then the solution space of an equation is equipped with a paraconformal structure, an adapted connection and two-parameter family of totally geodesic hypersurfaces.