Product-type non-commutative polynomial states

Volume 89 / 2010

Michael Anshelevich Banach Center Publications 89 (2010), 45-59 MSC: Primary 46L53; Secondary 46L54, 05E35. DOI: 10.4064/bc89-0-2


In \cite{AnsMonic, AnsBoolean}, we investigated monic multivariate non-commutative orthogonal polynomials, their recursions, states of orthogonality, and corresponding continued fraction expansions. In this note, we collect a number of examples, demonstrating what these general results look like for the most important states on non-commutative polynomials, namely for various product states. In particular, we introduce a notion of a product-type state on polynomials, which covers all the non-commutative universal products and excludes some other familiar non-commutative products, and which guarantees a number of nice properties for the corresponding polynomials.


  • Michael AnshelevichDepartment of Mathematics
    Texas A&M University
    College Station
    TX 77843-3368, U.S.A.

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