How to get here

How to get to Poznań

By air:

Poznań Ławica International Airport

By train:

The timetables of Polish Railways (PKP) or German Railways (DB) which show all railway connections in Europe.

How to get from Poznań to Będlewo

Routes to Będlewo and More detailed map

Google maps

  1. By train to Mosina and then by taxi to the Conference Center at Będlewo (approx. 9 km, price 40-50 PLN)
    It is also possible to go by bus from Mosina (railway station) to Dymaczewo Nowe (3 km to the east of Będlewo).
  2. By train to Stęszew
    Then by bus to the stop "Będlewo Skrzyżowanie" (2.5 km to the west of the palace, on the crossing of the roads).

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