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Quantum hypergraph homomorphisms and non-local games

Volume 588 / 2023

Gage Hoefer, Ivan G. Todorov Dissertationes Mathematicae 588 (2023), 1-54 MSC: Primary 47L25; Secondary 46L07, 81R15. DOI: 10.4064/dm230309-14-11 Published online: 11 December 2023


Using the simulation paradigm in information theory, we define notions of quantum hypergraph homomorphisms and quantum hypergraph isomorphisms, and show that they constitute partial orders and equivalence relations, respectively. Specialising to the case where the underlying hypergraphs arise from non-local games, we define notions of quantum non-local game homomorphisms and quantum non-local game isomorphisms, and show that games, isomorphic with respect to a given correlation type, have equal values and asymptotic values relative to this type. We examine a new class of no-signalling correlations, which witness the existence of non-local game homomorphisms, and characterise them in terms of states on tensor products of canonical operator systems. We define jointly synchronous correlations and show that they correspond to traces on the tensor product of the canonical C*-algebras associated with the game parties.


  • Gage HoeferSchool of Mathematical Sciences
    University of Delaware
    Newark, DE 19716, USA
  • Ivan G. TodorovSchool of Mathematical Sciences
    University of Delaware
    Newark, DE 19716, USA

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