Regular vector lattices of continuous functions and Korovkin-type theorems—Part II

Volume 172 / 2006

Francesco Altomare, Mirella Cappelletti Montano Studia Mathematica 172 (2006), 69-90 MSC: 47B38, 47B65, 41A35, 46E05. DOI: 10.4064/sm172-1-4


By applying the results of the first part of the paper, we establish some Korovkin-type theorems for continuous positive linear operators in the setting of regular vector lattices of continuous functions. Moreover, we present simple methods to construct Korovkin subspaces for finitely defined operators and for the identity operator and we determine those classes of operators which admit finite-dimensional Korovkin subspaces. Finally, we give a Korovkin-type theorem for continuous positive projections.


  • Francesco AltomareDepartment of Mathematics
    University of Bari
    Campus Universitario
    Via E. Orabona, 4
    70125 Bari, Italy
  • Mirella Cappelletti MontanoDepartment of Mathematics
    University of Bari
    Campus Universitario
    Via E. Orabona, 4
    70125 Bari, Italy

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