Contents of Number 4
Volume 186 / 2018
Uniform bounds for rational points on complete intersections of two quadric surfaces Acta Arithmetica 186 (2018) , 301-318 MSC: 11D25, 11D45, 11G05, 14G05. DOI: 10.4064/aa170321-24-3
Calculating the density of solutions of equations related to the Pólya–Ostrowski group through Markov chains Acta Arithmetica 186 (2018) , 319-335 MSC: Primary 11B05; Secondary 11A07, 11A63, 13F05, 13F20. DOI: 10.4064/aa170605-6-3
On $p$-adic valuations of Stirling numbers Acta Arithmetica 186 (2018) , 337-348 MSC: Primary 11B73. DOI: 10.4064/aa170809-9-3
Hecke module structure on first and top pro-$p$-Iwahori cohomology Acta Arithmetica 186 (2018) , 349-376 MSC: Primary 20C08, 20J06; Secondary 16E30. DOI: 10.4064/aa170903-24-3
Minimal group determinants and the Lind–Lehmer problem for dihedral groups Acta Arithmetica 186 (2018) , 377-395 MSC: Primary 11R06, 15B36; Secondary 11B83, 11C08, 11C20, 11G50, 11R09, 11T22, 20C05, 43A40. DOI: 10.4064/aa180708-30-8