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Weyl, projective and conformal semi-symmetric complex hypersurfaces in semi-Kaehler space forms

Volume 150 / 2017

Young Suk Choi, Young Jin Suh Colloquium Mathematicum 150 (2017), 39-61 MSC: Primary 53B30, 53B50; Secondary 53C80, 83C15. DOI: 10.4064/cm6847s-3-2017 Published online: 4 August 2017


The purpose of this paper is to introduce the notions of Weyl semi-symmetric, projective semi-symmetric and conformal semi-symmetric curvature tensor defined on semi-Kaehler manifolds. Moreover, by using a new version of E. Cartan’s complex exterior derivative method we give a complete classification of complex hypersurfaces $M$ in semi-Kaehler space forms $M_{s+t}^{n+1}(c)$ with Weyl semi-symmetric, projective semi-symmetric or conformal semi-symmetric curvature tensor, respectively.


  • Young Suk ChoiCollege of IT Engineering
    Kyungpook National University
    Daegu 41566, Korea
  • Young Jin SuhDepartment of Mathematics
    Kyungpook National University
    Daegu 41566, Korea

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