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The ergodic decomposition defined by actions of amenable groups, part II: more about the role played by the ergodic invariant probability measures in the decomposition

Tom 69 / 2021

Radu Zaharopol Bulletin Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 69 (2021), 61-68 MSC: Primary 37A30; Secondary 22F10, 28A65, 28D05, 28D15, 37A15, 43A07, 47A35. DOI: 10.4064/ba210527-11-10 Opublikowany online: 25 October 2021


Our purpose here is to continue the study of the ergodic decomposition for actions defined by amenable groups, started in [R. Zaharopol, Colloq. Math. 165 (2021)]. We consider the set $\Gamma ^{(w)}_{\alpha \mathrm {cpie}}$ defined in the above-mentioned paper, and we prove that it is Borel measurable and of maximal probability.


  • Radu Zaharopol2062 Pauline Blvd., Apt. 2B
    Ann Arbor, MI 48103-5130, USA

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