The duality theorem for twisted smash products of Hopf algebras and its applications
Tom 141 / 2015
Colloquium Mathematicum 141 (2015), 25-44
MSC: Primary 16T05, 16S30.
DOI: 10.4064/cm141-1-3
Let $A\mathbin {\#_T}H$ denote the twisted smash product of an arbitrary algebra $A$ and a Hopf algebra $H$ over a field. We present an analogue of the celebrated Blattner–Montgomery duality theorem for $A\mathbin {\#_T}H$, and as an application we establish the relationship between the homological dimensions of $A\mathbin {\#_T}H$ and $A$ if $H$ and its dual $H^*$ are both semisimple.