On Hartman almost periodic functions
Tom 173 / 2006
Studia Mathematica 173 (2006), 81-101
MSC: Primary 42B35; Secondary 11K70, 42A75, 43A60.
DOI: 10.4064/sm173-1-6
We consider multi-dimensional Hartman almost periodic functions and sequences, defined with respect to different averaging sequences of subsets in $\mathbb R^d$ or $\mathbb Z^d$. We consider the behavior of their Fourier–Bohr coefficients and their spectrum, depending on the particular averaging sequence, and we demonstrate this dependence by several examples. Extensions to compactly generated, locally compact, abelian groups are considered. We define generalized Marcinkiewicz spaces based upon arbitrary measure spaces and general averaging sequences of subsets. We extend results of Urbanik to locally compact abelian groups.