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On the maximal extension in the mixed ultradifferentiable weight sequence setting

Tom 263 / 2022

Gerhard Schindl Studia Mathematica 263 (2022), 209-240 MSC: Primary 26E10; Secondary 46A13, 46E10. DOI: 10.4064/sm200930-17-3 Opublikowany online: 3 January 2022


For the ultradifferentiable weight sequence setting it is known that the Borel map which assigns to each function the infinite jet of derivatives (at $0$) is surjective onto the corresponding weighted sequence class if and only if the sequence is strongly nonquasianalytic for both the Roumieu- and Beurling-type classes. Sequences which are nonquasianalytic but not strongly nonquasianalytic admit a controlled loss of regularity and we determine the maximal sequence for which such a mixed setting is possible for both types, hence get information on the controlled loss of surjectivity in this situation. Moreover, we compare the optimal sequences for both mixed strong nonquasianalyticity conditions arising in the literature.


  • Gerhard SchindlFakultät für Mathematik
    Universität Wien
    Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
    A-1090 Wien, Austria

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